Shld i induce??


dont worry so much juz17, just take things as it comes...i also dont know how is it like to have water bag burst naturally or to 'show' since my first boy, i had to be induced. I keep asking my hubby what if cte jam on that day then how?? ahhahaha No matter under what circumstances, we still have to get baby out, well lets just look forward to the arrival of our bundle of joy!!!:)

Heee yeah true! Too bad my gynae say my bb nt engaged...i dunoe when he will come oso...sigh...hope he come next week...wish me luck!!


Well-Known Member
I seriously wonder what they provide there....western food?? Heee
they provide confinement food, malay food (iirc) and western foods. u can choose the menu daily, there will be a lady coming daily to show u next day menu and let u choose. but i only choose confinement foods cos all looks appetising!!!! and the 1st night, they served me fish porridge, though is just plain fish porridge, but it tasted very yummy!!!! and they will served papaya fish soup twice a day, tt one is a MUST-DRINK soup!!!! very yummy!!!!! OMG i'm drooling alrdy!! :tlaugh:


they provide confinement food, malay food (iirc) and western foods. you can choose the menu daily, there will be a lady coming daily to show you next day menu and let you choose. but i only choose confinement foods cos all looks appetising!!!! and the 1st night, they served me fish porridge, though is just plain fish porridge, but it tasted very yummy!!!! and they will served papaya fish soup twice a day, that one is a MUST-DRINK soup!!!! very yummy!!!!! OMG i'm drooling alrdy!! :tlaugh:
Wah really got western food ah? LOL but we are only staying for 2 days ma...wont get to eat all their food in the menu rite? LOL...ok i will definitely try the fish porridge...anyway I think everyone comment that TMC's food very


Active Member
i ever thought of going w/o epidural for number 2, but abit worried i may have low threshold for such pain ahahha....dont want to make it an unpleasant birthing experience also. Shall c how. I rem during my recent visit to the gynae, he seemed to put it across to me in a matter of factly manner that most would opt for epidural ahahha. My gynae is a male .... but i guess ultimately if opt not to have epidural, just pray hard that it won't be too long a labour....cos the moment dilate 6cm i thk, if ask for epidural also cannot laio

You still can ask for epidural if dilated 6cm. I was 6.5cm dilated when i admitted, the nurse asked me wanna go for epidural. i declined and see how far i can go. In the end i managed to pull thru with laughing gas and normal pain killer jab, w/o epidural.


Oh yes!!! Their papaya soup is superb...really good...definitely must must drink!!! So nice I crave for it after discharge from hospital n when know the cafeteria at level 1 sells the same soup, I always go makan there when visit clinic...but so sad always no more when I order...sigh...

A piece of advice: If you deliver already but they have not't push you to ward (Thomson Medical Center always have no room situation so may delay pushing you to ward), n you see it's close to lunch or dinner time, make sure you tell the nurse to reserve confinement food (or western/malay/normal Chinese food if you prefer) in the menu for you so you get the food when you go to your ward.

Otherwise may end up like me, waited 2 hours in delivery ward cos no room n by the time go ward, most dinners are served and left with choices that no one wants 