EDD Sep 2010

my boy also drink friso gold. he cry when drinking too but still he finish all the milk. does your boy finish all the milk after crying??? btw...my boy face got milk spots does it mean the FM not suitable for him?
My boy cry n do not want to drink so I bf him n threw the rest of the milk . Most prob the milk I made is quite diluted cos I give him lesser powder as recommended incase it is too thick for him. But his poo still looks ok.
What is milk spot?


Active Member
Thanks littlelady and lekdao. i shall try BF and pumping while i still can! :)
But since i started work( i separated the 4 mths leave into few parts. just for incase) i can only BF & pump when i'm home. >.<
lekdao. where can i get the scared tea? and for the goat's milk is big tin? so far i only can get the small tin at kk and its 29 bucks ! :eek:

Hi Ranie,

Go Guardian to check out the goat's milk price. Its seem cheaper then in KK.
Hi mummies, did u all buy those baby sling to carry your babies when going out. Any recommendations which brand is good and has cooling material.


Has any mummy dealt with colic in your baby? My girl has been crying quite a bit and some phlegm in her throat so we brought her to the ped - she has been diagnosed with colic. Ped prescribed some medication (Dentinox) and also suggested changing formula to Nan1 HA or Enfalac HA (I was feeding her with Similac). Any experience with this? If I want to apply Ru Yi Oil to my baby's belly, can i apply it directly? So far I have been applying on my own palms, then rubbing them til warm before pressing gently on her belly - confinement lady said in case it is too 'spicy' for her.
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Active Member
Hi mummies, did you all buy those baby sling to carry your babies when going out. Any recommendations which brand is good and has cooling material.

I tried pupsik... but I find baby is like lying down in a wierd position... maybe have to wait till she is bigger...
material feels hot... but cloth have to be thick enuf to sustain the weight...

I tried baby bjorn synergy too... I like it... baby well supported.. my back well supported too... plus I wear ard at home.. dun really feel extra hot...


I tried pupsik... but I find baby is like lying down in a wierd position... maybe have to wait till she is bigger...
material feels hot... but cloth have to be thick enuf to sustain the weight...

I tried baby bjorn synergy too... I like it... baby well supported.. my back well supported too... plus I wear around at home.. dont really feel extra hot...
I'm using Ergo Sport - very comfortable for the mummy/daddy but may be slightly warmer compared to baby bjorn. A friend told me she used it til her kid was 3-4 yrs old, can walk around whole day in Disneyland without feeling any backache, haha.

Mrs_eg, I also have a Pupsik sling! Baby seems to like it when snuggled inside - but I think she won't be able to fit in that position for too long, will have to carry her upright when she's older I think?
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Active Member
Has any mummy dealt with colic in your baby? My girl has been crying quite a bit and some phlegm in her throat so we brought her to the ped - she has been diagnosed with colic. Ped prescribed some medication (Dentinox) and also suggested changing formula to Nan1 HA or Enfalac HA (I was feeding her with Similac). Any experience with this? If I want to apply Ru Yi Oil to my baby's belly, can i apply it directly? So far I have been applying on my own palms, then rubbing them til warm before pressing gently on her belly - confinement lady said in case it is too 'spicy' for her.
I never apply directly..
i myself find that it can be a little spicy when it contact in btween my fingers (which are more delicate)... baby skin even more delicate so I dun think it is advisable...


How do you mummies mix formula powder in the bottles? I was told to dissolve it in room temperature water, then add some warm water. Is this the correct way? Somehow my Enfalac milk powder doesn't seem to dissolve very well - how to do it without swirling the water too much and getting bubbles in the milk?


New Member
How do you mummies mix formula powder in the bottles? I was told to dissolve it in room temperature water, then add some warm water. Is this the correct way? Somehow my Enfalac milk powder doesn't seem to dissolve very well - how to do it without swirling the water too much and getting bubbles in the milk?
Not sure abt the room temperature water thingy as I will make it with warm water..

Alternative to swirling, you can use a long metal spoon to dissolve the powder.. a fren taught me this method so that there wont be bubbles forming.. maybe you can give it a try.


Active Member
How do you mummies mix formula powder in the bottles? I was told to dissolve it in room temperature water, then add some warm water. Is this the correct way? Somehow my Enfalac milk powder doesn't seem to dissolve very well - how to do it without swirling the water too much and getting bubbles in the milk?
Hav u tried? I feel room temp first then warm water it dissolve better... I was taught to try this method (when i was complaining my anmum milk very hard to dissolve) by someone who apply tis method on her kid's milk powder.......


Active Member
I never apply directly..
i myself find that it can be a little spicy when it contact in btween my fingers (which are more delicate)... baby skin even more delicate so I dont think it is advisable...

What type of ru yi oil did u ladies get? There is a kind of ru yi oil is less spicy (mild) specially for new born baby. You can get it from chinese medical hall/store, cost is abt $1 - $1.20


Active Member
What type of ru yi oil did you ladies get? There is a kind of ru yi oil is less spicy (mild) specially for new born baby. You can get it from chinese medical hall/store, cost is about $1 - $1.20
Ya... Im using tat ... The grey n red paper packaging... Small rectangular glass bottle... :)


What type of ru yi oil did you ladies get? There is a kind of ru yi oil is less spicy (mild) specially for new born baby. You can get it from chinese medical hall/store, cost is about $1 - $1.20
Ooh I'm using the one with the red packaging (red rounded bottle, red oil). Didn't realise there was another type - okay will try and get a bottle of this instead. So it's okay to apply this directly to baby's belly?

Hav you tried? I feel room temp first then warm water it dissolve better... I was taught to try this method (when i was complaining my anmum milk very hard to dissolve) by someone who apply tis method on her kid's milk powder.......
Yeah I tried dissolving milk powder in hot/warm water, not as good.
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Active Member
Ooh I'm using the one with the red packaging (red rounded bottle, red oil). Didn't realise there was another type - okay will try and get a bottle of this instead. So it's okay to apply this directly to baby's belly?

I still put on my palm rub abit then apply on baby tummy.
BTW, why do you want to apply directly on baby's belly?


Active Member
Ooh I'm using the one with the red packaging (red rounded bottle, red oil). Didn't realise there was another type - okay will try and get a bottle of this instead. So it's okay to apply this directly to baby's belly?

I still put on my palm rub abit then apply on baby tummy.
BTW, why do you want to apply directly on baby's belly?
I'm using Ergo Sport - very comfortable for the mummy/daddy but may be slightly warmer compared to baby bjorn. A friend told me she used it til her kid was 3-4 yrs old, can walk around whole day in Disneyland without feeling any backache, haha.

Mrs_eg, I also have a Pupsik sling! Baby seems to like it when snuggled inside - but I think she won't be able to fit in that position for too long, will have to carry her upright when she's older I think?
Thanks I go kiddy palace to check it out cos they sell this lucky baby sling not very sure if the brand is good. Will try to look for the pursik