EDD Sep 2010


I'm using Ergo Sport - very comfortable for the mummy/daddy but may be slightly warmer compared to baby bjorn. A friend told me she used it til her kid was 3-4 yrs old, can walk around whole day in Disneyland without feeling any backache, haha.

Mrs_eg, I also have a Pupsik sling! Baby seems to like it when snuggled inside - but I think she won't be able to fit in that position for too long, will have to carry her upright when she's older I think?
where did you buy ergo sport? how much does it cost?
btw, when going out is it a must to bring both baby carrier & pram or just need one of them will do? :err: i am still thinking what to get...&
i have heard that my fren's baby does not like to sit in his pram...is it too warm or he just don't like to sit down or want to carry??


I tried pupsik... but I find baby is like lying down in a wierd position... maybe have to wait till she is bigger...
material feels hot... but cloth have to be thick enuf to sustain the weight...

I tried baby bjorn synergy too... I like it... baby well supported.. my back well supported too... plus I wear around at home.. dont really feel extra hot...
how much does the baby bjorn synergy cost?
Really!!! It could be the diet that caused her not to poo, what you take = what she takes. there is once my gal did not poo for a few days, i called my CL to check, she told me that if we ate too heaty stuff will coz the baby not to poo. Its true coz there a period of time i kept eating fried chicken wings, plus been drinking milo to boost breast milk. In the end she cannot poo, I stop eating fried chicken wing and everything is fine. hahaha

Meanwhile, you can try to feed her abit of water to loosen her tools.
lekdao, thank you for your advise. Geez, I better watch what I eat then. Yah, I do give her water but not very much.
Has any mummy dealt with colic in your baby? My girl has been crying quite a bit and some phlegm in her throat so we brought her to the ped - she has been diagnosed with colic. Ped prescribed some medication (Dentinox) and also suggested changing formula to Nan1 HA or Enfalac HA (I was feeding her with Similac). Any experience with this? If I want to apply Ru Yi Oil to my baby's belly, can i apply it directly? So far I have been applying on my own palms, then rubbing them til warm before pressing gently on her belly - confinement lady said in case it is too 'spicy' for her.
Oh dear Nightingale,
You mean the milk powder causes your daughter to have colic? I thought colic is due to too much trapped air in the body? I will apply the oil and rub till very warm then press on the belly. Yah, the oil might be too strong for the baby so better not apply on her belly directly.


how much does the baby bjorn synergy cost?
Just to share I'm using BabySafe Sling which costs me about $40++. I bought it online but think it's also avail in retail outlets. My lil one loves it n can even sleep inside for long time cos it's so snuggly n also due to the very cooling material which is so nice to touch :) Not only did I use outside, also at home...good to coax my baby to sleep after her feed n at same time handsfree, then when she fall into deep sleep, then transfer her to bouncer or bed.

Love the new shimmering colours they now came in...still thinking if to buy a second one...as they have it in shimmering lilac (my fav colour)  n can b used from birth to 3 yr old so value for $$ haha...

You can find out more at BabySafe if you are interested.


Anyone faced cranky baby after 2-3 weeks BCG injection? Noticed a raised bump in baby's buttocks this morn n was wondering if this was the cause of her unusual self these 2 days. Or is it due to growth spurt??

She will sleep for really short time, wake n cry really loudly n only calm down when being carried. But then sometimes even when carry, also cannot make her stop crying. Normally she can sleep 2-3 hours throughout n only wake up for her feed.

If really due to BCG, any remedies to make baby feel better n how long will this behaviour continue? Getting really not enough sleep 


Anyone faced cranky baby after 2-3 weeks BCG injection? Noticed a raised bump in baby's buttocks this morn n was wondering if this was the cause of her unusual self these 2 days. Or is it due to growth spurt??

She will sleep for really short time, wake n cry really loudly n only calm down when being carried. But then sometimes even when carry, also cannot make her stop crying. Normally she can sleep 2-3 hours throughout n only wake up for her feed.

If really due to BCG, any remedies to make baby feel better n how long will this behaviour continue? Getting really not enough sleep 
Sounds like what my girl is going through now~ cranky and seems to cry whenever she is awake. Also she has been sleeping for shorter durations - she just seems uncomfortable, can soothe her only when we pick her up but not all the time. That was why we brought her to the pediatrician who diagnosed colic, but after 3 days of administering colic medication she doesnt seem to have improved anyway.

I don't think it is the BCG. My girl has the bump on her buttocks too, also started to be visible around 3 weeks - should be normal.


Sounds like what my girl is going through now~ cranky and seems to cry whenever she is awake. Also she has been sleeping for shorter durations - she just seems uncomfortable, can soothe her only when we pick her up but not all the time. That was why we brought her to the pediatrician who diagnosed colic, but after 3 days of administering colic medication she doesnt seem to have improved anyway.

I dont't think it is the BCG. My girl has the bump on her buttocks too, also started to be visible around 3 weeks - should be normal.
Mm...looks like our babies may just want our attention!! Haha

Think we gave her too much attention n would carry her whenever she cry so she knows n want carry all the time. Even carry must change many positions before settling for a position she like sigh...

So your pedi diagnosed it's colic. Does she puke out milk after her feed?

Btw hv booked with Manna Pot n took the $12/pax package :) hope everything will go smoothly. Thks for ur recommendation!!


My boy is driving me crazy...

need to confirm if this is normal:

My boy cries then i feed him, he will doze off while bf then i did not burp him. He will wake up half an hr later and cry again and i feed him for about 15mins and he doze off again and the cycle repeats!

If i burp him, he will be wide awake then i need to continue to feed. he never seems to be full when he is awake, ony when he doze off then i can stop feeding him.

he does not seem to be able to sleep for long and he vomits milk when he wakes up and cry for milk...

i am so busy everyday...did i do something wrong?


Active Member
My boy is driving me crazy...

need to confirm if this is normal:

My boy cries then i feed him, he will doze off while bf then i did not burp him. He will wake up half an hr later and cry again and i feed him for about 15mins and he doze off again and the cycle repeats!

If i burp him, he will be wide awake then i need to continue to feed. he never seems to be full when he is awake, ony when he doze off then i can stop feeding him.

he does not seem to be able to sleep for long and he vomits milk when he wakes up and cry for milk...

i am so busy everyday...did i do something wrong?

Its very normal that they will doze off while breastfeeding coz we carry them felt secure like when they are in our stomach.You hv to wake him up continue to bf/drink, this is what the LC taught me.

I personally feels that its better to burp the baby after feed, let the milk goes down, less chance to vomits milks.


where did you buy ergo sport? how much does it cost?
btw, when going out is it a must to bring both baby carrier & pram or just need one of them will do? :err: i am still thinking what to get...&
i have heard that my friend's baby does not like to sit in his pram...is it too warm or he just dont't like to sit down or want to carry??
I ordered my Ergo Sport from MummysMilk - Natural Parenting Products and Information. Cost is around $160.

The last time I brought baby out, I had her in the stroller but I also brought the carrier (just dump everything in the car). Depending on where you go I guess - e.g. if you are grocery shopping and need to push a trolley, and if you are alone, then it will probably be easier to carry her in a carrier instead of having to push a trolley AND a stroller.

You'll need to try it with your little one - like you said some babies just prefer one mode of transport over another! Bring everything on your first trips out just in case. If all else fails, at most just carry lor. :)

Mm...looks like our babies may just want our attention!! Haha
Think we gave her too much attention n would carry her whenever she cry so she knows n want carry all the time. Even carry must change many positions before settling for a position she like sigh...
So your pedi diagnosed it's colic. Does she puke out milk after her feed?
Btw have booked with Manna Pot n took the $12/pax package
hope everything will go smoothly. Thks for your recommendation!!
Yeah nowadays I just pick her up whenever she starts fussing beyond a minute - sometimes if you wait a while she might settle down on her own. I'll carry and rock her until she starts to fall asleep again, then put her down once she drifts off. Sometimes she wakes and cries again, I would repeat until she sleeps. Tiring~ but what to do? I think there's nothing wrong with our babies, in fact I think most babies behave in a similar way?

We're quite skeptical about the colic medicine because it was making her stools muddy.. so we have stopped administering the meds and now her stools are back to normal colour. Anyway the meds didn't seem to make any difference to her behaviour (thought she was crying from discomfort) - will monitor and see.

Great~ hope the food suits your palate! :) Really love the honey wings!
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Its very normal that they will doze off while breastfeeding coz we carry them felt secure like when they are in our stomach.You have to wake him up continue to bf/drink, this is what the LC taught me.

I personally feels that its better to burp the baby after feed, let the milk goes down, less chance to vomits milks.
if i wake him up, he will keep drinking and nvr seem to stop :( so i also in dilemma...


Active Member
if i wake him up, he will keep drinking and never seem to stop :( so i also in dilemma...
Let me summarised wat I read from a book called "the better way to breastfeed." on sleepy babies

Reasons y ur baby may sleepy:
1. Sometimes bcos of jaundice
2. Smtimes bcos of the painkillers u r having (if u are taking any)
3. Baby still very young, tired frm all the hard work of sucking n swallowing.
4. Bb bcom too comfy
5. Maybe bcos nt enuf milk

"waking a baby so that he can nurse is impt not only will it help to initiate more nursing sessions, bt ur baby will also be more likely to nurse well when he is awake"

"....these first few wks being awake is a key to nursing success"

"this sleepy phase will pass. After a while u'll find ur baby has learned to mutitask and can eat while falling asleep and even while sleeping"

Be patient w urself n ur baby as u both learn abt each other.. Jia you!!!!!
I ordered my Ergo Sport from MummysMilk - Natural Parenting Products and Information. Cost is around $160.

The last time I brought baby out, I had her in the stroller but I also brought the carrier (just dump everything in the car). Depending on where you go I guess - e.g. if you are grocery shopping and need to push a trolley, and if you are alone, then it will probably be easier to carry her in a carrier instead of having to push a trolley AND a stroller.

what are your reviews on the Ergo Sport? did you purchase it with the insert? besides getting online, where else can i get it?

i was just wondering maybe your daughter do not have colic. it's just their behaviour. coz my daughter also love to be picked up if not she will cry. sleeping pattern also same, need to be carried then put down cry then start all over again...haha. guess they are trying to adapt. my daughter too has the BCG bump...so i guess it's normal...:wong19:


what are your reviews on the Ergo Sport? did you purchase it with the insert? besides getting online, where else can i get it?

i was just wondering maybe your daughter do not have colic. it's just their behaviour. coz my daughter also love to be picked up if not she will cry. sleeping pattern also same, need to be carried then put down cry then start all over again...haha. guess they are trying to adapt. my daughter too has the BCG bump...so i guess it's normal...:wong19:
Hi LittleLady,
We have a Baby Bjorn as well so I'll make a quick comparison here. I prefer the Ergo Sport to the Baby Bjorn because it allows baby to sit in the pouch rather than dangle by the crotch. Another reason we prefer the Ergo is because both my hubby and I are on the larger side, and the Ergo has an extended waistband and straps that allow us to wear it more comfortably than the Baby Bjorn. Also the shoulder straps are wider so it feels very comfortable - a friend of mine recommended the Ergo because she used it for her 2 toddlers til they were 4-5 years old - at that weight she was still able to carry the younger one around while overseas, without feeling the strain on the back.

Then again I've only put baby in it once at a shopping mall - she seemed to like it, fell asleep in it. Haven't tried it outdoors in non aircon environment yet - may be a bit warm I suspect. We didnt buy the insert for newborn because we thought it would not last us very long, and also because it already has a neck support so we didn't think it was necessary. I am not sure where else to get it, was looking around for it for a long time too. Maybe at United Square? I think there's a shop that sells all kinds of baby carriers there, not sure if the other mummies know it?

About the colic - yeah I think you are right, in fact just read a good article on what colic may actually be: just a series of behavioral traits that babies exhibit from time to time during the initial months. She seems easier to manage now - either she is getting better at adapting to her surroundings, or we parents are getting better at handling her! hehe~
We tried some of the recommended strategies on how to prevent colic - i.e. switched formula to Enfalac A+ (my pediatrician's recommendation), reduced stimulation near bedtime (dim lights, no TV), music and swaddling and pressure to the tummy (bean bag). Seem to be working okay.
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Active Member
Toking abt bedtime, Anyone care to share how you differentiate daytime naps to nightime bedtimes? And wat is the sleeping pattern so far?

For me, my really sensitive gal is no longer fooled by my folded worn clothes besides her. Though she can slp like a log while being carried.... Once being placed down in wherever the place is.... She will still know....n wake up crying in less than 5mins... Our yaolan or sarong doesnt really works because we need to constantly jiggle it...(didnt by the auto one)... Sometimes she wont buy the 'artificial' snug feeling of yaolan and will still cry to being carried. And she ONLY LIKE ONE WAY OF CARRYING!!! Hahaha... Faints.... Which is chest to chest or shoulder.... To the extend i have to prepare dinner wearing her in a carrier!!!! N with all the noise she can still slp thru...!!!

Luckily this is only for day time... Night time though she still likes to be coaxed in the way she likes... Sleeps relatively well n She tend to be less sensitive and only wake up for feedings... "phew!!!!"

Her knock out time though is still quite late though... Usually between 12-1.30am... But she wakes up (as in becomes alert) really late... Almost noon!!! I wanted to make it a habit to bathe her earlier but was nt very successful though....... Anyone hav similar experience??
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talking about bedtime, Anyone care to share how you differentiate daytime naps to nightime bedtimes? And what is the sleeping pattern so far?

For me, my really sensitive gal is no longer fooled by my folded worn clothes besides her. Though she can sleep like a log while being carried.... Once being placed down in wherever the place is.... She will still know....n wake up crying in less than 5mins... Our yaolan or sarong doesnt really works because we need to constantly jiggle it...(didnt by the auto one)... Sometimes she wont buy the 'artificial' snug feeling of yaolan and will still cry to being carried. And she ONLY LIKE ONE WAY OF CARRYING!!! Hahaha... Faints.... Which is chest to chest or shoulder.... To the extend i have to prepare dinner wearing her in a carrier!!!! N with all the noise she can still sleep thru...!!!

Luckily this is only for day time... Night time though she still likes to be coaxed in the way she likes... Sleeps relatively well n She tend to be less sensitive and only wake up for feedings... "phew!!!!"

Her knock out time though is still quite late though... Usually between 12-1.30am... But she wakes up (as in becomes alert) really late... Almost noon!!! I wanted to make it a habit to bathe her earlier but was not very successful though....... Anyone hav similar experience??
my girl sleeps very late too. she is usually very tired by 7pm but then will finally fall asleep like abt 10plus to 11plus at night...sigh. and i notice she has eye bags due to sleeping late...
afternoon she will sleep for abt 4 hours which I think like very little for an infant.
Hi LittleLady,
We have a Baby Bjorn as well so I'll make a quick comparison here. I prefer the Ergo Sport to the Baby Bjorn because it allows baby to sit in the pouch rather than dangle by the crotch. Another reason we prefer the Ergo is because both my hubby and I are on the larger side, and the Ergo has an extended waistband and straps that allow us to wear it more comfortably than the Baby Bjorn. Also the shoulder straps are wider so it feels very comfortable - a friend of mine recommended the Ergo because she used it for her 2 toddlers til they were 4-5 years old - at that weight she was still able to carry the younger one around while overseas, without feeling the strain on the back.

Then again I've only put baby in it once at a shopping mall - she seemed to like it, fell asleep in it. have not't tried it outdoors in non aircon environment yet - may be a bit warm I suspect. We didnt buy the insert for newborn because we thought it would not last us very long, and also because it already has a neck support so we didn't think it was necessary. I am not sure where else to get it, was looking around for it for a long time too. Maybe at United Square? I think there's a shop that sells all kinds of baby carriers there, not sure if the other mummies know it?

About the colic - yeah I think you are right, in fact just read a good article on what colic may actually be: just a series of behavioral traits that babies exhibit from time to time during the initial months. She seems easier to manage now - either she is getting better at adapting to her surroundings, or we parents are getting better at handling her! hehe~
Possible Causes of Colic -- Colic -- WhatToExpect.com
We tried some of the recommended strategies on how to prevent colic - i.e. switched formula to Enfalac A+ (doesnt contain cow's milk), reduced stimulation near bedtime (dim lights, no TV), music and swaddling and pressure to the tummy (bean bag). Seem to be working okay.
thank you for your valuable information. i am still considering if i should get the ergo sport, tempting though but afraid that if my daughter do not like it then it will be a white elephant. haha! the online store u got from still available? my son is 3 years old but he is rather big for his age, if i am not wrong he is about 20kg, do you think the ergo can take his weight? hmmmm
how is your daughter sleep pattern now? i somehow think that my daughter is not getting sufficient sleep for an infant but it's so difficult to get her to sleep. sigh.