Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

I will make sure today confirm kluar..wakakka...Goin out ltr to have breakfast with Irfan at Toa Payoh den meet up with my ibu & cousin.
Morning2,MIL dah masak bubur daging..So,ltr i nak tapoa murtabak for dinner..Makin hari makin malas aku nak masak..ntah lah..hubby aku sebab understanding..

Smlm weather so nice,smp malam my plc hujan seh..Nak on fan pun tak larat,too sejuk!!So mummies,wats up??Masak ape nari??
Selamat morning to everyone! Nari sesungguhnya tak masak... wakakakka... best nyer dapat murtabak tiap2 hari!


Well-Known Member
Morning mummies,

I will make sure today confirm kluar..wakakka...Goin out ltr to have breakfast with Irfan at Toa Payoh den meet up with my ibu & cousin.
Morning2,MIL dah masak bubur daging..So,ltr i nak tapoa murtabak for dinner..Makin hari makin malas aku nak masak..ntah lah..hubby aku sebab understanding..

Smlm weather so nice,smp malam my plc hujan seh..Nak on fan pun tak larat,too sejuk!!So mummies,wats up??Masak ape nari??
Morning all....I pun malas nak masak kalo hub outstation. If masak pun ciput jek for the three tekak. Abis i slalu bedal only my wholemeal sandwich or just cereal.

So today, we plan to lunch out again. Let office lunch hour reda baru kita blah gi White Sands. So Nur, YO YO NUR, now, u know the reason y my stove BLING BLING...This rapper Enflor No No cooking :)

Yest...with cik cili padi, we checked out NEX, a new mall in North East. Betulnya, melayankan bujang besar dia ada mood swing. But bila nak balik, dia cuddled me sekuat-kuatnya. Awwww so sweet lahh that boy. Then, puas betul carried bb kecik tu. Baik, diam aje and my kids kept asking me to squat down coz they wanna see bb's face.


Well-Known Member
I have been like so 'pampered' coz ari tu hub many many days in SG. I have like an adult to chat with at home. So now bila dia takda, mood lemau sikit. Ni confirm he kena out more often kena dera before he goes for his leave soon.

Yest, he called home...terus i said, don't expect me to stay home all day. I will bring kids out, kasi my otak tak serabut kat rumah, ngan kerenah dorang and cleaning up job. Now, kids kena buat worksheets b4 we can blah.


Well-Known Member
by the way, was there anything wrong with the forum yest. Coz, i cld not log in from 3pm onwards till late night tau.:err:


Well-Known Member
Hey u my favourite ladies, where r u, yooo hooo. Entertain me with all your posts :Dancing_wub:

A mountain of clean clothes staring at me, waiting for the LIPATion (lipat action) and books, papers, colouring materials at every corner of my home. I think i am gonna start my TARZAN character vellli soon. Biar kasi dorang kelam kabut mcm tikus angkat harta karun dorang nih and keep properly.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
heart prob...well, thatz serious. Hope your adik angkat will be up and about again. But patient cam ni recovery period kena slow and steady. Can't put too much stress on his heart and his head (nanti dia pikiran plak)
Yah, the doc says after the operation he need to stay in the hospital for 10days at least so dorang boleh observe him more.. This saturday planning to bring him along to wonderland melaka then nampak SAH he can't join us.. At 1st he say never mind he still wana follow but his gal bising2.. So we pikirkan heart problem kan tak boleh main2 so we tell him u stay there tiam-tiam, next time dah baik we bring him along.. :001_302:


Active Member
Today bapak taking half day leave.. Happy ada unhappy pun ada.. Happy as he is not around but unhappy tatut ada shipment2 ni smua ku tak tahu.. If he around aku boleh pass je pat dia.. Hmmmm...

I tout taking halfday too cos nak visit my adik angkat who had just finished his operation yesterday.. Masih muda ada problem with his heart.. Heard latest update, semalam lepas operation he look fragile and still in coma in ICU.. Sedih sehh dengar.. He is such a nice young innocent guy.. I get to know him tru my youngest brother.. He and my bro very rapat since they are in Secondary School.. Last time mana2 kita pegi we will bring him along.. Dah macam adik sendiri tau.. Then he attached to my dear cousins.. So happy dorang get together and alhamdulillah till now they are together.. Hoping dorang naik pelamin soon.. And also hoping and pray hard that he recovered soon and be healthy again..
mintak2 dier cepat sembuh.. kesian noh.. muda2 dah kena operate coz of heart prob..

Morning mummies,

I will make sure today confirm kluar..wakakka...Goin out ltr to have breakfast with Irfan at Toa Payoh then meet up with my ibu & cousin.
Morning2,mother in law dah masak bubur daging..So,ltr i nak tapoa murtabak for dinner..Makin hari makin malas aku nak masak..ntah ..hubby aku sebab understanding..

Smlm weather so nice,smp malam my plc hujan seh..Nak on fan pun tak larat,too sejuk!!So mummies,wats up??Masak ape nari??
hahaha.. betol2.. sejuk sekali.. dah seronok tido sekali abang bayu tu ajak bobal kol 4 am.. sekarang dah pandai panggil n tepok2 saper2 to get our attention.. sumbatkan dier susu pastu tepok dier kasi tido balik n i can't sleep after tat.. haiz..

best eh dapat kluar jalan2.. everytime kat keja tengok korang celoteh mana nak pegi trus teringat nak plan for weekends.. but now asyik hujan jer takut nak bawak bayu kluar.. jalan2 kat pasar jer lah dier nanti.. heheh

Morning all....I pun malas nak masak kalo hub outstation. If masak pun ciput jek for the three tekak. Abis i slalu bedal only my wholemeal sandwich or just cereal.

So today, we plan to lunch out again. Let office lunch hour reda baru kita blah gi White Sands. So Nur, YO YO NUR, now, you know the reason y my stove BLING BLING...This rapper Enflor No No cooking :)

Yest...with cik cili padi, we checked out NEX, a new mall in North East. Betulnya, melayankan bujang besar dia ada mood swing. But bila nak balik, dia cuddled me sekuat-kuatnya. Awwww so sweet lahh that boy. Then, puas betul carried baby kecik tu. Baik, diam aje and my kids kept asking me to squat down coz they wanna see baby's face.

best nyer.. dapat cuddle baby cute.. bayu dah lemas kalau orang cuddle gituk unless nak tido nyer time.. bila nie dapat jumpa.. ?? my fren was talking abt nex oso.. nak check it out lah.. dah dekat kan.. hehehe..

Baru sekarang dapat masuk n jengok2 all ur posts.. tadik takder time langsung.. abih tadik kena complaint from our property side.. mcm2 ah dorang.. tapi wa lilek jer.. memang dorang slalu nak carik pasal ngan hotel nyer side.. keja berlambak.. now just maintain cool (kalau boleh) n siapkan my report.. waaaaaaa.... :bcool:


Active Member
Hey u my favourite ladies, where r u, yooo hooo. Entertain me with all your posts :Dancing_wub:

A mountain of clean clothes staring at me, waiting for the LIPATion (lipat action) and books, papers, colouring materials at every corner of my home. I think i am gonna start my TARZAN character vellli soon. Biar kasi dorang kelam kabut mcm tikus angkat harta karun dorang nih and keep properly.
hahahaa.. habis ah nanti budak2 tu jadi mcm tikus ketakutan lari lintang pukang.. hahaha.. my gerls lak suka chuck their books one corner.. kalau berserak.. berserak lah tat corner.. hehehhee... i paling tak suka lipat baju. kalau dulu i will just throw my unfolded baju dalam almari.. ahahha.. den bila my mum dari malaysia datang dgn mengejut.. kita yg kelam kabut.. pernah dier datang wen im not at home.. trus kena beleter dari my mum da whole nite.. hahahaha.. after dat dier yg lipatkan all my baju.. hahahhaha... now dah rajin sikit. my baju kadang i tak terbalikkan .. i just lipat jer.. coz i know i will iron tat baju later on kan.. ahhaha.. pat lipa2 nie jgn lah kasi mummy bayu.. hancur.. takleh harap.. ahhaha


Well-Known Member
keje rumah dah beres, budak2 pun dah abis their study session. Now, waiting for their tummies to growl baru kita blah. Juz now, we had late breakfast coz brought them out ard neighbourhood to cycle n played badminton so kira tu perut masih boleh kekenyangan. Nak wait for afternoon nanti heavy downpour, abis trap at home.


Well-Known Member
keje rumah dah beres, budak2 pun dah abis their study session. Now, waiting for their tummies to growl baru kita blah. Juz now, we had late breakfast coz brought them out ard neighbourhood to cycle n played badminton so kira tu perut masih boleh kekenyangan. Nak wait for afternoon nanti heavy downpour, abis trap at home.
miss punggol... huhuhu


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Well-Known Member
Good morning all and far away friend Nur. Thursday is gonna Friday and then weekends soon. And that means I am gonna meet Hub...Hip hip hurray!!!

Not planning to go anywhere today. Gonna stick ard at hm.