Thread Kami Bahasa Melayu 2

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Good morning all and far away friend Nur. Thursday is gonna Friday and then weekends soon. And that means I am gonna meet Hub...Hip hip hurray!!!

Not planning to go anywhere today. Gonna stick around at hm.
Morning, morning..

Huuuhuuuhuuuu.. U all kan ada rasa tak nowadays the times moves so quickly.. Hmmmm... Tup tup tup dah nearly friday sehh.. :nah:

Hooorraayyy!!! Happy for enflor.. Njoy ur weekends wit ur hub, bebz.. Yeah!!:Dancing_wub:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Today i very good gal wakeup late wakeup at 7am+.. Hahahahha.. Semalam malam lepas gi hospital kita singgah JB noh then smuggle burger ramly.. Aku cekik 2burger cos kebulur.. Tidur at 2am.. Trus amek ko! kalang kabut dibuatnye.. Hahahahhahahhaaa.. Nasib baik KJE no JAM today.. Very good!! Lambat pun abt 15mins aje.. Takpe aku kan dah keje keras tuk company ni so tell them tiam-tiam uhk.. hahahahaha.. Cukup time ada je aku tiam-tiam pat umah sehh.. :tlaugh:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

Ni lahh hospital yang pertama buat aku kekek macam nak gila noh.. Sampai at block 5 then saw a long queue then pat lift sana ada polis jaga.. Tak terpranjat aku dibuatnye..? Tak penah2 aku kena lalui begini.. Bila kita Q tu kan trus masing2 teringat zaman2 clubbing.. Hahahahaahhhaa.. When i reach the counter, i pass her my IC then lepas tu she really give us chop on the hand noh.. Dah betol ni macam nak club.. Trus ku kacau itu minah, "Wah, like clubbing lahh.. So open bottle, how much?" Itu minah ketawa ehk? hahahahahhaa.. Nak naik lift kena passby polis minah so aku gi pat dia tunjuk chop pat tangan aku tu lahh.. Hahahahahhahaaa... Itu polis macam malas nak layan org gila macam kita trus angguk tunjuk direction naik lift... Macam gerek gitu kan.. Hahahahahha

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
The story part in the ward.. Visiting my god-bro.. So sad nohh.. I know he is suffering..! Yesterday he aledy transfered to normal ward but under HIGH DEPENDENCY ward.. We reach, nurse tengah cucuk antibiotic dekat tengkok sana.. My cousin says he kena cucuk sini cucuk sana so terok.. Bila kita sampai he can't open his eyes maybe due to the ubat.. Seram tau..! He so young noh and get this kind of illness.. Hopefully this illness will fully recovered..:embarrassed: Aku biasa ar ada jugak amek picture dia tapi takan post ar pat facebook cos can't bear.. The more i looked at him the saddest i am.. Maybe few days later gona visit him again..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaaa... The end of my story telling.. Since no one here biarlah aku pergi exercise dulu.. Now at colleague's desk.. Her comp boleh masok kedai kopi arr.. Tak fair sehh!! Ni email2 kip coming in aje buat menyibuk.. Lagi 2hari she coming back, hopefully they can wait for her to come back to do the job.. hehehehhehehe.. :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Morning, morning..

Huuuhuuuhuuuu.. U all kan ada rasa tak nowadays the times moves so quickly.. Hmmmm... Tup tup tup dah nearly friday sehh.. :nah:

Hooorraayyy!!! Happy for enflor.. Njoy ur weekends wit ur hub, bebz.. Yeah!!:Dancing_wub:
R u feeling better Ina ? Howz work, dahh boleh cope with the load ?? Shud be ok lahh, u must be good tu sbb bapak trusts that u cud do the job.

Time flies fast....i ya ke ? Sama jek. Rasa mcm tua cepat ada lahh kot...hahaha. Ina xcited nak date Upin Ipin kan ?? Nanti, amik pictures banyak2 eh dua budak botak tu. I wanna show to my kids.

My holiday plans with Xtended families finally dahh set. PHEWWWW...what a 'ping-pong' plan. Although, we managed to have onyl 2 days to be together while the remaining days free and easy. Hope there won't be any hiccups and takda yg bermasam-muka but all happy together for the sake of all the little ones. And must remind my darl to ringan mulut.


Well-Known Member
Today i very good gal wakeup late wakeup at 7am+.. Hahahahha.. Semalam malam lepas gi hospital kita singgah JB noh then smuggle burger ramly.. Aku cekik 2burger cos kebulur.. Tidur at 2am.. Trus amek ko! kalang kabut dibuatnye.. Hahahahhahahhaaa.. Nasib baik KJE no JAM today.. Very good!! Lambat pun abt 15mins aje.. Takpe aku kan dah keje keras tuk company ni so tell them tiam-tiam uhk.. hahahahaha.. Cukup time ada je aku tiam-tiam pat umah sehh.. :tlaugh:

2 thumbs up :)


Well-Known Member

Ni lahh hospital yang pertama buat aku kekek macam nak gila noh.. Sampai at block 5 then saw a long queue then pat lift sana ada polis jaga.. Tak terpranjat aku dibuatnye..? Tak penah2 aku kena lalui begini.. Bila kita Q tu kan trus masing2 teringat zaman2 clubbing.. Hahahahaahhhaa.. When i reach the counter, i pass her my IC then lepas tu she really give us chop on the hand noh.. Dah betol ni macam nak club.. Trus ku kacau itu minah, "Wah, like clubbing lahh.. So open bottle, how much?" Itu minah ketawa ehk? hahahahahhaa.. Nak naik lift kena passby polis minah so aku gi pat dia tunjuk chop pat tangan aku tu lahh.. Hahahahahhahaaa... Itu polis macam malas nak layan org gila macam kita trus angguk tunjuk direction naik lift... Macam gerek gitu kan.. Hahahahahha
oh..iya ke ? Y that procedure ?? Apa hal ahhh kat sana ? Plan to go SGH either bsok or lusa to see my MIL. Think she shud have finished her op then.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaaa... The end of my story telling.. Since no one here biarlah aku pergi exercise dulu.. Now at colleague's desk.. Her comp boleh masok kedai kopi arr.. Tak fair sehh!! Ni email2 kip coming in aje buat menyibuk.. Lagi 2hari she coming back, hopefully they can wait for her to come back to do the job.. hehehehhehehe.. :001_302:

Apalagi waiting. Go and switch the computer lah, angkat tu CPU, wires, monitor, mouse gi chuck kat ur table lerr. Kata keje keras pe


Well-Known Member
The story part in the ward.. Visiting my god-bro.. So sad nohh.. I know he is suffering..! Yesterday he aledy transfered to normal ward but under HIGH DEPENDENCY ward.. We reach, nurse tengah cucuk antibiotic dekat tengkok sana.. My cousin says he kena cucuk sini cucuk sana so terok.. Bila kita sampai he can't open his eyes maybe due to the ubat.. Seram tau..! He so young noh and get this kind of illness.. Hopefully this illness will fully recovered..:embarrassed: Aku biasa ar ada jugak amek picture dia tapi takan post ar pat facebook cos can't bear.. The more i looked at him the saddest i am.. Maybe few days later gona visit him again..
how old is he ?? Does he smoke ? If he does, advise him to stop and pple ard him oso, ehem ehem...'oxygen mask' tu kalo sedut jauh-jauh dari patient cam tu bila dia dahh recover nanti. Ok Ina, anda paham :)


Active Member
Selamat pagi.. heeh.. dah nak tengahari dah eh.. jap lagik makan time..

waahh.. so everybody had a good time eh.. me stuck at home jer.. bosan.. dah rasa bingit ah dgn hubby nyer hobby memancing.. haiz.. keja lah ngah piling up.. hahaha.. bleh gila... saper nak follow me go Kumar show on 10th dec nie.. i booked but all my buddies mcm bz gituk. need 4 pax to book but kalau 2 org jer turn up .. i have to pay for the other 2 pax..min 4 pax.. saper saper???

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
R you feeling better Ina ? Howz work, dahh boleh cope with the load ?? Shud be ok lahh, you must be good tu sbb bapak trusts that you cud do the job.

Time flies fast....i ya ke ? Sama jek. Rasa mcm tua cepat ada lahh kot...hahaha. Ina xcited nak date Upin Ipin kan ?? Nanti, amik pictures banyak2 eh dua budak botak tu. I wanna show to my kids.

My holiday plans with Xtended families finally dahh set. PHEWWWW...what a 'ping-pong' plan. Although, we managed to have onyl 2 days to be together while the remaining days free and easy. Hope there won't be any hiccups and takda yg bermasam-muka but all happy together for the sake of all the little ones. And must remind my darl to ringan mulut.
Alhamdulillah... Wat i just told my hubby dat day, "I duno why this time around i dun feel any migraine at all. Cos normali kalau kena word SHIPPING je kan auto ar tu sakit kepala.. :001_302:"
Cos penah one of my manager ada complain to hubby saying i so terok cos kena shipping je rambut ronyok habis and kip shouting migraine in the ofis.. Wahahahahahahaa....

Insyaallah will do so.. :001_302: About ur trip tu, u jgn risau2 noh.. Hopefully everything will go as plan.. And hopefully dari watever problem they ever had kan, will line clear and back to normal like before lahh.. Mana tahu miracle kan wen u on the trip everyone will be so close and happy again wit one another.. :001_302:

oh..iya ke ? Y that procedure ?? Apa hal ahhh kat sana ? Plan to go singapore general hospital either bsok or lusa to see my mother in law. Think she shud have finished her op then.
Can't bring kids tau.. Pat poster sana ada letak.. Tapi ada nampak jgk bdk2 daerah bwh ar.. Tak salah pasal takut infection ke apa tahh.. You see when u get there.. Got big poster on the wall.. hahahahaha.. Happy Q-ing..:001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Selamat pagi.. heeh.. dah nak tengahari dah eh.. jap lagik makan time..

waahh.. so everybody had a good time eh.. me stuck at home jer.. bosan.. dah rasa bingit dgn hubby nyer hobby memancing.. sigh.. keja ngah piling up.. hahaha.. bleh gila... saper nak follow me go Kumar show on 10th dec nie.. i booked but all my buddies mcm bz gituk. need 4 pax to book but kalau 2 org jer turn up .. i have to pay for the other 2 pax..min 4 pax.. saper saper???
Hmmmm... U bayar kan ke?? :001_302:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Apalagi waiting. Go and switch the computer , angkat tu CPU, wires, monitor, mouse gi chuck kat your table lerr. Kata keje keras pe
Itu dah mintak kena leswung, leswing, leswong tu... Hahahahahahaa...

how old is he ?? Does he smoke ? If he does, advise him to stop and pple around him also, ehem ehem...'oxygen mask' tu kalo sedut jauh-jauh dari patient cam tu bila dia dahh recover nanti. Ok Ina, anda paham :)
Paham, paham, paham.. hehehehehee :001_302:

Sorry to say this.. He is a smoker.. But alhamdulillah he is not one of those who is heavy smoker.. For now i told him to take a stick or 2 at least not more than that lahhh if he can so that he can try to quit totally.. Cos for smoker i don't advise them to stop on the spot which may lead to death.. Seriously tau.. hehehhe.. (chey! ina macam paham) hahahahha.. Lagipun smlm doctor ada ckp his heart problem tak kena mengena dengan smoke cos he dari kecik jantung berlobang.. But still ni after his recovery we all will try to help him quit it.. If talking about me kan.. Hehehehehhee... Aku stop bertambah bulat ina jadinye.. Lagipun all this terserah padal maha kuasa.. When the time is up, we can't run bebz.. :tlaugh: Sorry ehk, cos i ada survey sedikit sebanyak pasal ni smua.. Siapa tak takut kan..? hahahahahah Maaf kan daku if i ada tersalah ckp and my comment sungguh mepek ke.. Maaf kan daku noh..:001_302:


Well-Known Member
Itu dah mintak kena leswung, leswing, leswong tu... Hahahahahahaa...

Paham, paham, paham.. hehehehehee :001_302:

Sorry to say this.. He is a smoker.. But alhamdulillah he is not one of those who is heavy smoker.. For now i told him to take a stick or 2 at least not more than that lahhh if he can so that he can try to quit totally.. Cos for smoker i don't advise them to stop on the spot which may lead to death.. Seriously tau.. hehehhe.. (chey! ina macam paham) hahahahha.. Lagipun smlm doctor ada ckp his heart problem tak kena mengena dengan smoke cos he dari kecik jantung berlobang.. But still ni after his recovery we all will try to help him quit it.. If talking about me kan.. Hehehehehhee... Aku stop bertambah bulat ina jadinye.. Lagipun all this terserah padal maha kuasa.. When the time is up, we can't run bebz.. :tlaugh: Sorry ehk, cos i ada survey sedikit sebanyak pasal ni smua.. Siapa tak takut kan..? hahahahahah Maaf kan daku if i ada tersalah ckp and my comment sungguh mepek ke.. Maaf kan daku noh..:001_302:

btul tu, someone closed to me said, kalo stop, badan makin empuk. Why eh ??? Mulut cari makan jek ke ? But my dad, when he stopped at 40yo, his mood mcm gunung berapi. Tak leh kena sikit, nak amok ajek. Went on for a couple of months lahh but after that cold turkey stage, his mood got better, nak cium tangan dia or hugged him then, sedap aje bau badan dia.

Cuba jgn tak cuba kawan frens we want the best for u lahh ok


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... U bayar kan ke?? :001_302:
Hmmmm....U bayar kan ke....CIK BAYU ???

I went to the Monkey's cafe yg dulu tu...zaman dulu-dulu lahh masa tu. Sekiranya Enflor masuk tempat gitu lagi, pesen apakahh yg patut Enflor pakai ??? :)

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
btul tu, someone closed to me said, kalo stop, badan makin empuk. Why eh ??? Mulut cari makan jek ke ? But my dad, when he stopped at 40yo, his mood mcm gunung berapi. Tak kena sikit, nak amok ajek. Went on for a couple of months lahh but after that cold turkey stage, his mood got better, nak cium tangan dia or hugged him then, sedap aje bau badan dia.

Cuba jgn tak cuba kawan friends we want the best for you lahh ok
Insyaallah.. Hahahahaha.. Betol cakap cos if u stop u become lembek, panas baran pun depend on the person, and mulut tu gatal.. Hahahahahah... For me if takde i be like that too tau.. Insyaallah i will sis.. :001_302:


Well-Known Member

Ni lahh hospital yang pertama buat aku kekek macam nak gila noh.. Sampai at block 5 then saw a long queue then pat lift sana ada polis jaga.. Tak terpranjat aku dibuatnye..? Tak penah2 aku kena lalui begini.. Bila kita Q tu kan trus masing2 teringat zaman2 clubbing.. Hahahahaahhhaa.. When i reach the counter, i pass her my IC then lepas tu she really give us chop on the hand noh.. Dah betol ni macam nak club.. Trus ku kacau itu minah, "Wah, like clubbing lahh.. So open bottle, how much?" Itu minah ketawa ehk? hahahahahhaa.. Nak naik lift kena passby polis minah so aku gi pat dia tunjuk chop pat tangan aku tu lahh.. Hahahahahhahaaa... Itu polis macam malas nak layan org gila macam kita trus angguk tunjuk direction naik lift... Macam gerek gitu kan.. Hahahahahha
hahahaa.... yup there still on with the procedure.... da lama lahh yg kena Q-ing tu... masa wen i wanna visit my arwah aunty kat sana pun sama... but i was at other blk... they even ask who we related to and hv to produce our IC... tapi kids bole naik skali masa tu...

situ kan majority our gamen nye olang klu sakit masok sana.... maybe security reason jugak ar tu....


Active Member
btul tu, someone closed to me said, kalo stop, badan makin empuk. Why eh ??? Mulut cari makan jek ke ? But my dad, when he stopped at 40yo, his mood mcm gunung berapi. Tak leh kena sikit, nak amok ajek. Went on for a couple of months lahh but after that cold turkey stage, his mood got better, nak cium tangan dia or hugged him then, sedap aje bau badan dia.

Cuba jgn tak cuba kawan frens we want the best for u lahh ok
memang gatal mulut tu.. and we really have to fight.. a few months sebelom kawin i dah stop..den before kawin we went clubbing sekali.. den he allow me to smoke. apa lagik.. aku smoke mcm nak gila.. hahah.. pastu balik umah sempot.. nasib baik tak melarat...hahah.. actually before tat i pernah stop for a year or so ah...bleh tahan ah nak mengunyah.. but i change it to sleep.. so bila takder benda nak makan.. i will sleep.. hahah.. memang kuat tidor aku nie.. but dulu single.. i stay alone wif my adik.. so slalu dapor tak berasap.. kadang2 wen ada off day n tak penat i will cook for me n bro.. n i jarang simpan tidbits kat umah... so umah clean jer.. hahaha.. kosong ada lah.. but its true ah.. mulut asyik nak kunyah something so that we can forget abt smoking.. now dah tak smoke lagik.. ders one time .. i ngandung.. itold hubby yg i mengidam nak hisap rokok.. hahahah.. i dapat tau... dapat kena tengking ngan my hubby.. hahahah.. so i trus buat bodoh.. hahahah.. kekek...
insha Allah.. ina can do it.. tengok jer keja dier tu.. sekejap jer stress.. now everything goes smoothly kan.. hehehe