EDD in July?


Morning mommies!! After you all go for detailed scan.. can you all tell me what exactly they scanning.. cause my gynae say no need go wor....:tconfused:


Morning mommies!! After you all go for detailed scan.. can you all tell me what exactly they scanning.. cause my gynae say no need go wor....:tconfused:
so funny? dun need to go?

basically its to scan thru all the parts of bb and see if its growing well or not...so any cleft part u can somehow see from the scan de, also to see the organs and heartbeat....and of cos the gender if u want to noes...hehe


so funny? dun need to go?

basically its to scan thru all the parts of bb and see if its growing well or not...so any cleft part u can somehow see from the scan de, also to see the organs and heartbeat....and of cos the gender if u want to noes...hehe
hm... cause my gynae did check on my bb himself.. that day he check the lips, eyes, hands, legs, umbilical cord, heart, brain etc.. is this call the detailed scan??

is the detailed scan done by your own gynae??


hm... cause my gynae did check on my bb himself.. that day he check the lips, eyes, hands, legs, umbilical cord, heart, brain etc.. is this call the detailed scan??

is the detailed scan done by your own gynae??
oic...yes, some detailed scan are done by the gynae himself/herself becos they got the euipped in their clinic, so dun need to go TMC or whichever hospital to do....


wow.. thanks for filling up for me.. i shall fill in the rest of it myself..kekeke

Nickname_EDD Date_Baby #_Gender_Hospital_ Staying_Age

1. Newbie2009_8-Jul-11_#2_Most likely boy_Kandang Kerbau Hospital_North-East
2. Pommesfrites_8-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Ger_Mount Alvernia_West_28
3. Tiggee_12-Jul-11_ #1_Mt A/TMC_21
4. Mixue84_15-Jul-11_#1_Secret Gender_Raffles Hospital_27
5. Usagibb_15-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Ger_Thomson Medical Center_West_32
6. Boredmtb_18-Jul-11_#1_Boy
7. Intrick_18-Jul-11_#2_Secret Gender_TMC_Central_34
8. 26JMC_19-Jul-11_#1_Ger_most likely Mount A_Tiong Bahru_29
9. Jennifer Kee_20-Jul-11_#3_Thomson Medical Center_31
10. Raindrop_23-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Boy_ Thomson Medical Center_West_32
11. Crankywomen_24-Jul-11_31
12. Kuromi_25-Jul-11_#1_Boy_Gleneagles Hospital_North East_29
13. UKSportgal_28-Jul-11_#1_Boy_PEH_East_30
14. Boys_30-Jul-11_#4_Boy_ Gleneagles Hospital_Central_37


do u'll can't slp well at night??? Either go toilet many time or juz can't really slp.... but in the day time juz feel very sleepy....
*touchwood*....me will wake up few times too, and then i will faster close my eyes to sleep back, if not i can be wide awake for at least 3hrs before falling aslp again


wow.. thanks for filling up for me.. i shall fill in the rest of it myself..kekeke

Nickname_EDD Date_Baby #_Gender_Hospital_ Staying_Age

1. Newbie2009_8-Jul-11_#2_Most likely boy_Kandang Kerbau Hospital_North-East
2. Pommesfrites_8-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Ger_Mount Alvernia_West_28
3. Tiggee_12-Jul-11_ #1_Mt A/TMC_21
4. Mixue84_15-Jul-11_#1_Secret Gender_Raffles Hospital_27
5. Usagibb_15-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Ger_Thomson Medical Center_West_32
6. Boredmtb_18-Jul-11_#1_Boy
7. Intrick_18-Jul-11_#2_Secret Gender_TMC_Central_34
8. 26JMC_19-Jul-11_#1_Ger_most likely Mount A_Tiong Bahru_29
9. Jennifer Kee_20-Jul-11_#3_Thomson Medical Center_31
10. Raindrop_23-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Boy_ Thomson Medical Center_West_32
11. Crankywomen_24-Jul-11_31
12. Kuromi_25-Jul-11_#1_Boy_Gleneagles Hospital_North East_29
13. UKSportgal_28-Jul-11_#1_Boy_PEH_East_30
14. Boys_30-Jul-11_#4_Boy_ Gleneagles Hospital_Central_37
hey, no problem...u so fast confirm your gender?


usagibb, no teapot wor.. and my bb quite obedient. gynae ask her open leg, she really open... my last scan is 18week+


Nickname_EDD Date_Baby #_Gender_Hospital_ Staying_Age

1. Newbie2009_8-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Prince_Kandang Kerbau Hospital_North-East
2. Pommesfrites_8-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Princess_Mount Alvernia_West_28
3. Tiggee_12-Jul-11_ #1_Mt A/TMC_21
4. Mixue84_15-Jul-11_#1_Secret Gender_Raffles Hospital_27
5. Usagibb_15-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Princess_Thomson Medical Center_West_32
6. Boredmtb_18-Jul-11_#1_Prince
7. Intrick_18-Jul-11_#2_Secret Gender_TMC_Central_34
8. 26JMC_19-Jul-11_#1_Princess_Most likely Mount A_Tiong Bahru_29
9. Jennifer Kee_20-Jul-11_#3_Wish for Princess_Thomson Medical Center_31
10. Raindrop_23-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Prince_ Thomson Medical Center_West_32
11. Crankywomen_24-Jul-11_31
12. Kuromi_25-Jul-11_#1_Prince_Gleneagles Hospital_North East_29
13. UKSportgal_28-Jul-11_#1_Prince_PEH_East_30
14. Boys_30-Jul-11_#4_Prince_ Gleneagles Hospital_Central_37


usagibb, no teapot wor.. and my bb quite obedient. gynae ask her open leg, she really open... my last scan is 18week+
most of u all will be going for DS by early march>? i will be going DS on 14th March.. still v long .. :(

wow....for ger, not easy can be detected at 18 weeks...haha...mine is 80% ger...haha....

some of us are gg either tml or fri for detailed scan...hehe...urs really abit long


i thought the teapot is easier to detect? kekeke.
my gynae had a check on 14th week and then 18 week.. no teapot.. so shd be girl girl lor.. kekeke.. anyway, both also ok. i dun mind so long bb is healthy and pass all the health check n screening!

so good.. i want to do it end of this month but all fully book..hubby wun be free till 2nd week of March..so bo bian.. i have to wait v long.

wow....for ger, not easy can be detected at 18 weeks...haha...mine is 80% ger...haha....

some of us are gg either tml or fri for detailed scan...hehe...urs really abit long


i thought the teapot is easier to detect? kekeke.
my gynae had a check on 14th week and then 18 week.. no teapot.. so shd be girl girl lor.. kekeke.. anyway, both also ok. i dun mind so long bb is healthy and pass all the health check n screening!

so good.. i want to do it end of this month but all fully book..hubby wun be free till 2nd week of March..so bo bian.. i have to wait v long.
ya, usually boy will be easier to detect, my cousin can detect bth her sons ard lst trim...very early lor...for ger, will take longer...haha....for me, always wait for detailed scan to confirm...my lst one, my gynae dun want to fnd out, say wait for detailed scan, but this #2, duno why he will want to check for me ard 16weeks...hehe....but not very clear, block by the cord...and he check very long and say it seems to be ger...haha...so i mite hv 2 gers at home...haha....
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wow! 2nd child liao! so envy..kekeke..
anxious mah? for tomorrow scanning? i am v look forward to seeing my bb especially it will be almost 1 month apart from my last scan!


wow! 2nd child liao! so envy..kekeke..
anxious mah? for tomorrow scanning? i am v look forward to seeing my bb especially it will be almost 1 month apart from my last scan!
envy arh...u can hv #2 after 1 yr arh...haha.....can hv dragon or snake bb....hahaha....

yes lor...me also 1 mth lei....i just hope bb is healthy, boy or ger doesnt matter...thou my mom will be sad cos she hope for a boy...something different for her...haha


envy arh...u can hv #2 after 1 yr arh...haha.....can hv dragon or snake bb....hahaha....

yes lor...me also 1 mth lei....i just hope bb is healthy, boy or ger doesnt matter...thou my mom will be sad cos she hope for a boy...something different for her...haha
Actually i do tot of Dragon year having another BB.. LOL!!