EDD in July?

have u'll decide when start taking ML??? today my manager ask me... cos need to get part time to come in 1 month or early b4 i go ML...


i am in week 18.. the smallest among you all leh...
our difference is only 1/2 days. big and small tummy also can be quite subjective right? I think mine is small cuz I have seen big big ones! Maybe to you, mine oredi is big, like yours! =) I take pictures every week to keep track of the growth! =P


not yet lar...i think the 4th session also selling fast de...haha...but then i think of the breastfeeding part, not easy if i want to go wor
i bought on the 1st day it's launched! 1st session, wonder if it would be like dressed rehearsal for the rest of the sessions.... haha...


i tink i will ask my gynae to gv me MC 1-2 weeks before my due date...haha...and rest at home...
wah...I haven't thought that far. I think I would probably work till delivery unless I can't cuz too heavy, too tired, or gynae advise to rest? What about other mummies? considered this?

Is there a norm?


New Member
My colleagues suspect but dun dare say I'm preggy. No MS, no vomit, eat as usual and still as

I m going to get Jacky Cheung's ticket, dun care even hubby thinks I'm crazy! I shd be still in confinement unless BB comes early :p


My colleagues suspect but dun dare say I'm preggy. No MS, no vomit, eat as usual and still as

I m going to get Jacky Cheung's ticket, dun care even hubby thinks I'm crazy! I shd be still in confinement unless BB comes early :p
then you going?? I think my mom will nag sia.. hm....
i tink i will ask my gynae to gv me MC 1-2 weeks before my due date...haha...and rest at home...
for me have call the clinic juz now... cos need to let manager know ASAP... due to c-sect n 3rd kid... have to do at around 38 wks mean after July 5 any date.. so still think... and might only be taking 2 months cos new colleauge can't cope my work... but manager say at the mean time we fix at 3 months...


wah...I haven't thought that far. I think I would probably work till delivery unless I can't cuz too heavy, too tired, or gynae advise to rest? What about other mummies? considered this?

Is there a norm?
my lst one i also work till delivery lei....in fact very tired lor, cos basically not much rest during confinement time cos busy with breastmilk...haha...i would suggest u to rest before that and kip urself relax and enjoy the last freedom before u will be super busy...keke


for me have call the clinic juz now... cos need to let manager know ASAP... due to c-sect n 3rd kid... have to do at around 38 wks mean after July 5 any date.. so still think... and might only be taking 2 months cos new colleauge can't cope my work... but manager say at the mean time we fix at 3 months...
not bad lei, ur manager....hehe
so early, gynae will cfm anything with you?
when i visit her at my first appointment she already told me she might be on leave on jul... n will confirm wif me again... so hope she can let me know early lor... cos i don't wan other gynae help me deliver hahaha... i use to her liao


when i visit her at my first appointment she already told me she might be on leave on jul... n will confirm wif me again... so hope she can let me know early lor... cos i don't wan other gynae help me deliver hahaha... i use to her liao
oh so u want to confirm which date she be on leave is it? anyway 10days before ur due date can c-sect...