EDD in July?

will u be calculating a date or just any date gvn by gynae?
i wan calculate but if we chose the time too, there will be extra changer... so can only chose date lor... have ask cousin to help me see a date... she given me 8th, 10th or 11th Jul... so tonight ask my hubby again...

haha me so fast changing the date liao hmmmm....


i wan calculate but if we chose the time too, there will be extra changer... so can only chose date lor... have ask cousin to help me see a date... she given me 8th, 10th or 11th Jul... so tonight ask my hubby again...

haha me so fast changing the date liao hmmmm....
we shld be a few days different only or even same date if u choose 8th...hehe

i think for time will be a range de like between 9am to 11am, or etc
yes yes...hahaha...tats why i say i can be same date as u...wahaha
u have confirm the date??? haha maybe we will be in same room after tat hahah... my cousin did give me the time too ... 0500-0700 (best) 1100-1300 (better) 1500-1700 (better) 1700-1900 (best)


u have confirm the date??? haha maybe we will be in same room after tat hahah... my cousin did give me the time too ... 0500-0700 (best) 1100-1300 (better) 1500-1700 (better) 1700-1900 (best)
no lei...havent confirm the date, cos mine edd is ard 13/15 july, so 10 days before that will be ard 1-10 july...haha...i hope to be jul lar...same bday mth as me


Hi all!
tdy is my 19th week today! happy happy and feel blessed that i have managed to come to this far! and i am looking forward to July for my bb to come into this world! kekeke.
by the way, my EDD is 19th July 2011.

who have went for their detail scanning? i havent le.. will be doing so in 21st Week cos hubby not free during these coming 2 weeks.. sigh.
Hi all!
tdy is my 19th week today! happy happy and feel blessed that i have managed to come to this far! and i am looking forward to July for my bb to come into this world! kekeke.
by the way, my EDD is 19th July 2011.

who have went for their detail scanning? i havent le.. will be doing so in 21st Week cos hubby not free during these coming 2 weeks.. sigh.
welcome 26JMC to our group here, hope to see u more here. tomorrow was my 19 wk too and will be going for my detail scanning this coming fri, so excited kekek ^_^


Hi all!
tdy is my 19th week today! happy happy and feel blessed that i have managed to come to this far! and i am looking forward to July for my bb to come into this world! kekeke.
by the way, my EDD is 19th July 2011.

who have went for their detail scanning? i havent le.. will be doing so in 21st Week cos hubby not free during these coming 2 weeks.. sigh.
My scan is on thurs! So excited!


Hi all!
tdy is my 19th week today! happy happy and feel blessed that i have managed to come to this far! and i am looking forward to July for my baby to come into this world! kekeke.
by the way, my EDD is 19th July 2011.

who have went for their detail scanning? i havent .. will be doing so in 21st Week cos hubby not free during these coming 2 weeks.. sigh.
Welcome to our jul 2011 family, hope to see u here frequently


Not yet buy... window shopping on the price and brand first. So when got BB fair or so I can just get it straight then. Will be travelling to HK and things are cheaper there even more :p so window shopping is part of the "market price research":001_302:


Not yet buy... window shopping on the price and brand first. So when got baby fair or so I can just get it straight then. Will be travelling to HK and things are cheaper there even more :p so window shopping is part of the "market price research":001_302:
Taka bb fair will be fm 9-28 mar

When u gg to Hk? Me also feel like gg but nw so last min duno can get cheap tixs or not


Morning....yes...its mid week.....2 more days to go before weekend is here...hehe....

Nickname_EDD Date_Baby #_Gender_Hospital_ Staying_Age

1. Newbie2009_8-Jul-11_#2_Most likely boy_Kandang Kerbau Hospital_North-East
2. Pommesfrites_8-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Ger_Mount Alvernia_West_28
3. Tiggee_12-Jul-11_ #1_Mt A/TMC_21
4. Mixue84_15-Jul-11_#1_Secret Gender_Raffles Hospital_27
5. Usagibb_15-Jul-11_#2_Most likely Ger_Thomson Medical Center_West_32
6. Boredmtb_18-Jul-11_#1_Boy
7. Intrick_18-Jul-11_#2_Secret Gender_TMC_Central_34
8. 26JMC_19-Jul-11_#1
9. Jennifer Kee_20-Jul-11_#3_Thomson Medical Center_31
10. Raindrop_23-Jul-11_#1_Most likely Boy_ Thomson Medical Center_West_32
11. Crankywomen_24-Jul-11_31
12. Kuromi_25-Jul-11_#1_Boy_Gleneagles Hospital_North East_29
13. UKSportgal_28-Jul-11_#1_Boy_PEH_East_30
14. Boys_30-Jul-11_#4_Boy_ Gleneagles Hospital_Central_37