EDD April Mummies


Active Member
Evening mummies , something to share on =)

RE : Excersise

for mummies who have spotting , better start on 2nd trim onwards and ask gynae to ensure its safe to move ard .. =)

RE : Food

to me , as long everything taken in moderate , i feel its ok , however for more kiasi mummies , if wanna avoid is ok =)

i'm still eating salmon , tuna , swordfish sashimi once a while , sometimes cravings cant be helped lol

Hi Cristae

pantang ppl might buy only at 3rd trim or when gynae cfm baby is stable .. but i start once i know the gender of baby , cos unisex clothes are not very nice haha

for stroller , baby cot , toys is rather early now cos it will just collect dust and when its near to ur due date ,u gonna waste time to clean it up

for clothes , u can just buy and keep and wash it maybe 2wks before ur due date ..

for 2nd hand items can see forum as they will be alot

enrichment program n educational materials - u mean for mummy ?

if ur a first time mom , its nvr too early to start .. =) just goggle and they will be lots of class u could attend and usually they prepare the daddies for fatherhood too =)

Hi Dilys

some pre-natal massage can start in 3rd trim

tummy cream for stretchmarks?

there are quite a few good brands

Elancyl , Clarins but u could try the samples before buying to see if your able to tahan the smell not

some mummies might feel sick by certain smell =)

have a great wkend everyone !
WOW.. Thanks xiaodaisy... :)


Hahaha the prob is my menses is not back to it's normal cycle yet. After give birth to my no.1 in end of mar 2011, my menses onli resume in June. N onli come 2 times n I strike again. If I based on my last menses I should be in 7 weeks now. But bb size too small to be week 7. So Gynae says may be my menses cycle not back on track yet. So 3 weeks later go back see him again n see how
Yalor after birth menses not accurate wan. Same like u, after birth after April, my next menses is June. After that no menses anymore. Strike Liao Lo....


Hi Cristae,

wah.. envy ... How I wish I can eat Veg/ Mushroom ... Used to be my fav..
Yeah used to be my Fav too.. Now I only eat Xiao bai Cai.. The rest no no... Dunno if my baby will love veg next time.. Hehez


Hi Mummies ,

I wonder in which trimester can we try Pre-natal Massage? Anyone tried before??
Oh ya ... what brand is the best for tummy cream??

I haven try the massage before, when I am pregnant with my no 1 I very lazy to go for massage and exercise wan... Hehez. For the cream I using mothercare wan


cannot!! raw meat and fish is definitely a no no for pregnant women coz they carry bacteria. mummy can take it but it will affect baby!

see this website for more info


Active Member
cannot!! raw meat and fish is definitely a no no for pregnant women coz they carry bacteria. mummy can take it but it will affect baby!

see this website for more info
i'm very 'bai wu jing ji' type of mummy .. lol =) so i'm ok with once a while in moderate portion !


New Member
Yalor after birth menses not accurate wan. Same like u, after birth after April, my next menses is June. After that no menses anymore. Strike Liao Lo....
My bestie say best is dun do! Lol. Then again, breastfeed mean no birth control pills. Then how? Must use protection ah!? Withdrawal also will ganna? Are we that fertile after birth? Faint!


Active Member
My bestie say best is dun do! Lol. Then again, breastfeed mean no birth control pills. Then how? Must use protection ah!? Withdrawal also will ganna? Are we that fertile after birth? Faint!

I always believe it's "God's will". If its meant to be yours you will get it no matter what type of protection you used. :) I've got a friend immediately after her No.1, she opt of some kind of Barrier or device methods of contraceptives ( A ring tied to the fallopean tubes) designed to stop sperm from entering a woman's uterus. You can take out this device if you intend to conceieve again & in order to remove the ring you have to go tru a operation to get it out .

Best part .. Shockingly .. after a few mths .. she found out that she was pregnant with No.2 . After some checks, doctor confirmed that the ring had drop out already...the doctor was shock himself as usually the cases are rarely seen.

This case was exactly silmiar like my own mum, after giving birth to me she wants to stop at one .... so she also tried the ring method. It drop out..also don't know why ... then follow she got No.2, No.3, No.4, & No.5 . Hahaha .... Now lucky me I've got 4 Sisters :)

It's a blessing from God... Accept it .. don't stop it ... :) Sometimes some people they want many kids after No.1 ... no matter how hard they try they only have one ...


Active Member
Hi mummies ....

Something to share.... Finally today I just managed to finish a bowl of mixed mushroom. Stired Fried Mixed Mushroom with butter. Delicious... Surprisingly ... didn't feel any MS today.

Breakfast I had 2 slices of bread with peanut butter & guess what .... 4 sip of coke.... I am craving for coke so so much .....

Actually I don't know if I am normal. Ever since I got preggie till now I think I vomited twice cos' of eating the food that i dislike.. so far .. feel nausea at times... but no vomiting ...


New Member
Hi mummies ....

Something to share.... Finally today I just managed to finish a bowl of mixed mushroom. Stired Fried Mixed Mushroom with butter. Delicious... Surprisingly ... didn't feel any MS today.

Breakfast I had 2 slices of bread with peanut butter & guess what .... 4 sip of coke.... I am craving for coke so so much .....

Actually I don't know if I am normal. Ever since I got preggie till now I think I vomited twice cos' of eating the food that i dislike.. so far .. feel nausea at times... but no vomiting ...
That's great... eat more veg but go easy on Coke coz it is very high in sugar plus a little of caffeine.. I try my best to stay away from junk food most of the time but we can give ourselves some treats once a while... :) I'm craving for potato chips today so hubby went out to buy... N we're eating steamboat at home tonight.. Yeah.. Let's cheer for good appetite... :)


Yup heard tat we r very fertile within 6 mths after birth. Withdrawal can still kanna as during the process some sperms already ejected out unknowingly.
Since I already got plan for no.2 next yr so it's ok. Juz tat abit shocked tat it's too fast. N luckily our families r quite supportive. So I am glad :)
my appetite had got worst :( think onli 1/4 of my normal intake. Dun feel like eating anything. Think of food makes me disgusted. I now also find meat smelly! My fav roasted duck I find it smelly! My poor hubby again have to eat my share again wahahas but sweet n sour food can open my appetite abit :)


Active Member
Yup heard that we r very fertile within 6 mths after birth. Withdrawal can still kanna as during the process some sperms already ejected out unknowingly.
Since I already got plan for no.2 next yr so it's ok. just that abit shocked that it's too fast. N luckily our families r quite supportive. So I am glad :)
my appetite had got worst :( think onli 1/4 of my normal intake. dont feel like eating anything. Think of food makes me disgusted. I now also find meat smelly! My fav roasted duck I find it smelly! My poor hubby again have to eat my share again wahahas but sweet n sour food can open my appetite abit :)
Hi Huafen .... Jiayou !! I know how it feels like. I hated roasted duck now also which is always my fav. Sad right !:thissyfit: Lucky for me today ... Finally I make it to finish a bowl of mushroom without any puking... Wa.. This feeling is really heaven!:tlaugh:At least I feel abit normal.... :wewub:Keep my finger cross 1st ! Maybe I might hate mushroom tomorrow.... My mood & eating habit changes everyday .... One day I can be energetic just like normal ... maybe next day I get up with headache ... Each & everyday now its unpredictable.....


Same as u Dilys. Everyday feels diff. Imagine juz now I had cravings for kfc my hubby went to buy for mi. After I eat I felt so disgusted! Now like abit regret to eat it. Really sick of food now haiz. No choice still have to eat abit. So now everynite b4 sleep I will drink one glass of milk. Sacred middle of the nite hungry.


Active Member
Same as u Dilys. Everyday feels diff. Imagine juz now I had cravings for kfc my hubby went to buy for mi. After I eat I felt so disgusted! Now like abit regret to eat it. Really sick of food now haiz. No choice still have to eat abit. So now everynite b4 sleep I will drink one glass of milk. Sacred middle of the nite hungry.
Hi Huafen ,

Hope you are feeling better now. I totally understand ... Sometimes I crave for the food .. after hubby came back ... I look @ the food blankly & tell him.... I don't feel like eating already ... haha at first my hubby was like ... giving me the "What!" Look .... haha...... this happen quite a few time so ... feel so bad ... You know what I end up eating... those Instant Bee Hoon... which my bb love it so much ..(so far without failed). Luckily my hubby is quite patience with me ...

You drink milk before you sleep ... you can tahan till next morning?? My hunger timing ... its quite silmiar to baby milk feeding timing ... Lets say I drink Milo @ 10pm.. I will wake up again @ 1am, then 3am+ then 6am+ to drink Milo or cereal .... Imagine... I've been doing this for 2 weeks... I am so sick of the Milo & Cereal taste... Yucks....

I am really looking forward to the confinement dishes after delivery... wa... those confinement catering website their food looks so delicious & tempting ....


New Member
Haha ya I can tahan coz now is more tired than ever. I miss confinement food but I dun like the weather! Very hot!
Wow u ladies already looking forward to confinement meals? That's so fast! I'm looking forward to oscar test results...knowing the gender, shopping for the lil one... And.... Ok last is confinement. Can't imagine 1 month not touching water! Just kill me!!!


My bestie say best is dun do! Lol. Then again, breastfeed mean no birth control pills. Then how? Must use protection ah!? Withdrawal also will ganna? Are we that fertile after birth? Faint!
Haha!! Yalor that's why very hard right? But it's really true that after birth, we super fertile. And yes, strictly no birth control pills while breast feeding. Harmful to infant