EDD May 2011


FYI my baby weight only gained 200g from 3rd-4th mth. Partly due to her drinking on scheduled feed and also initial stage getting into bottle I think. Coz back then she hardly drink more than 60ml each feed. Now better consistently 100ml every 3 hr.can hit 700ml per 24hr.Sometimes during cluster feed is 1.5-2hourly. I suspect she doesn't want to latch now coz lazy to suck hard. But I think I'm ok with exclusive pumping. Still able to meet her daily intake.*as of now*
Will intro solid probably at 5.5mth.
PD never mention bout her growth though just say oh dear drinking 500-600ml in 24hrs seems to be too little.
Hi mummies,
are you feeding your baby with water? pediatrician & dr said no need if take breast milk exclusively, as water only makes stomach full and no other benefit. However, bb did not pass motion for 6 days, mil and my sister all said need to give water. what to do?

I have widen the M size teat hole as per isy suggested. they are still struggling with feeding my baby using bottle in the daytime. now I ask them to put 140ml in bottle, becos after each feed, bib and 5-6 tissue paper are wet. so I guess she takes about 90 -110 ml per session. haizzz... i need to latch on another 4 times * 110ml to meet up her intake requirement...

isy, I'm thinking of learning from u, no longer latch on at night. but scared bb will cry and wake up the entire family. btw, u feed ebm and pump at midnight, able to cope?
Hi Bbana, i feed my baby gripe water and plain water by using spoon, few sip each time after feeding. I think you need to let your baby taste of water , if not next time on solid they won't want to drink it.
My baby now wanna to lie on our pillow to drink milk, doesn't want us to carry anymore. She was also drink less last time , about 90-100ml, now she is able to increase her in take.


Hi mummies,
are you feeding your baby with water? pediatrician & dr said no need if take breast milk exclusively, as water only makes stomach full and no other benefit. However, bb did not pass motion for 6 days, mil and my sister all said need to give water. what to do?

I have widen the M size teat hole as per isy suggested. they are still struggling with feeding my baby using bottle in the daytime. now I ask them to put 140ml in bottle, becos after each feed, bib and 5-6 tissue paper are wet. so I guess she takes about 90 -110 ml per session. haizzz... i need to latch on another 4 times * 110ml to meet up her intake requirement...

isy, I'm thinking of learning from u, no longer latch on at night. but scared bb will cry and wake up the entire family. btw, u feed ebm and pump at midnight, able to cope?
Hi bbanna

I used to feed my baby with water when she was before 4 mths old. I ended up calling a lactation consultant from kkh and was advised to stop it as what you have explained. Bm consist of enough fluid as it is. If your baby is on fbm then 6 days is ok. My baby didnt poo for roughly a week or more. Do not do anything to help your baby poo or else she or he will be dependent on it. I read it somewhere in the internet. Hope it helps to assure u. Tc


Active Member
Hi mummies,
are you feeding your baby with water? pediatrician & dr said no need if take breast milk exclusively, as water only makes stomach full and no other benefit. However, bb did not pass motion for 6 days, mil and my sister all said need to give water. what to do?

I have widen the M size teat hole as per isy suggested. they are still struggling with feeding my baby using bottle in the daytime. now I ask them to put 140ml in bottle, becos after each feed, bib and 5-6 tissue paper are wet. so I guess she takes about 90 -110 ml per session. haizzz... i need to latch on another 4 times * 110ml to meet up her intake requirement...

isy, I'm thinking of learning from u, no longer latch on at night. but scared bb will cry and wake up the entire family. btw, u feed ebm and pump at midnight, able to cope?
My girl start to sleep fix pattern bout 8:30-3 or 9-4. So I will pump at 10-11 before sleep. Then pump nearing time shw wake up or at times she wake me up when I'm engorged n after feeding her and burp I will pump. Waking up to do washing and gotta go work is more tiring. At work feel sleepy too. But I have milk in freezer for her to drink and I will be sad if she didn't finish them. I think it is important to drink more now for the first 6 months before they start to wean. I uses pacifier while I warm up milk for her. Sometimes will fill up the bottle n pop in fridge standby. Sleepy mode easiest is take n warm rather than pour here n there. She usually give me signal she wants milk by mumbling like talking in her sleep like that.
My girl pass motion every 5-6 days once too. PD say irregular poo are normal.


Hi mummies

Are your babies more cranky when they sees you or knows you re around? Apparently my baby is too attached to me or should I say that I pampered her. When she knows I am home or the moment she sees me, she ll cry till tears flow down and scream like she is being bitten or pinched. Sigh. I am having a hard time coping with her "pamperedness" attitude. I wouldnt mind if I am a stay home mum. :S


Active Member
My girl start to sleep fix pattern bout 8:30-3 or 9-4. So I will pump at 10-11 before sleep. Then pump nearing time shw wake up or at times she wake me up when I'm engorged n after feeding her and burp I will pump. Waking up to do washing and gotta go work is more tiring. At work feel sleepy too. But I have milk in freezer for her to drink and I will be sad if she didn't finish them. I think it is important to drink more now for the first 6 months before they start to wean. I uses pacifier while I warm up milk for her. Sometimes will fill up the bottle n pop in fridge standby. Sleepy mode easiest is take n warm rather than pour here n there. She usually give me signal she wants milk by mumbling like talking in her sleep like that.
My girl pass motion every 5-6 days once too. PD say irregular poo are normal.
High 5! I am so tired at work that I don't have any energy or mood to work. I got lots to do but I have no mood to do. After lunch I usually get a headache and very sleepy. As I am pumping at 5-11-5-11, the waking up part at 5 plus or even at 7 plus when I am supposed to get ready to go to work is bad. My girl has been sleeping thru from 9 plus 10 to 7 plus in the morning, with last feed at 12 plus. I hope it stays this way. So far, she has been pooing every day at 5 plus 6pm and a lot each time.


Active Member
Hi mummies

Are your babies more cranky when they sees you or knows you re around? Apparently my baby is too attached to me or should I say that I pampered her. When she knows I am home or the moment she sees me, she ll cry till tears flow down and scream like she is being bitten or pinched. Sigh. I am having a hard time coping with her "pamperedness" attitude. I wouldnt mind if I am a stay home mum. :S
I think latch on baby will be more "sticky". My girl sticks to me too last month but since she started infant care she is much better now. Can put her down in rocker n play. Not much carrying. But down side, easily get infected. She's now down with cold. Feverish, runny nose, cough and vomiting just now. I'm on ccl to take care of her.


I think latch on baby will be more "sticky". My girl sticks to me too last month but since she started infant care she is much better now. Can put her down in rocker n play. Not much carrying. But down side, easily get infected. She's now down with cold. Feverish, runny nose, cough and vomiting just now. I'm on ccl to take care of her.
Yes quite sticky. I m taking ccl tomorrow. Just to have some rest. If not so grumpy at work haha. Hope ur baby recovers soon. Take care :) I ll have to endure for few more weeks till she turns 6 mths. After which it ll be so much easier. She s taking 110ml now as the usual 100ml is not enough. Mil said she ll cry for more after each feed. So mummy must keep pumping sigh :s


Active Member
Yes quite sticky. I m taking ccl tomorrow. Just to have some rest. If not so grumpy at work haha. Hope ur baby recovers soon. Take care :) I ll have to endure for few more weeks till she turns 6 mths. After which it ll be so much easier. She s taking 110ml now as the usual 100ml is not enough. Mil said she ll cry for more after each feed. So mummy must keep pumping sigh :s
U mean u gonna stop pumping after 6m? I think I'll continue to pump as it feels terrible to be engorged. Thanks I hope she recover fast otherwise my ccl all gone resorting to AL. How's ur girl taking solid now? One meal per day?


U mean u gonna stop pumping after 6m? I think I'll continue to pump as it feels terrible to be engorged. Thanks I hope she recover fast otherwise my ccl all gone resorting to AL. How's ur girl taking solid now? One meal per day?
What I know from other mums is after 6 mths more relaxed. Cos the babies will be full after eating solid food so their milk intake will get lesser. I hope it will! Haha! I m still giving her half tbs of cereal mixed with my ebm. Once in the morning. My target is still 2 yrs old. My colleague is very pro bf so if she can do it till 2 yrs I believe I can too. :)


Active Member
What I know from other mums is after 6 mths more relaxed. Cos the babies will be full after eating solid food so their milk intake will get lesser. I hope it will! Haha! I m still giving her half tbs of cereal mixed with my ebm. Once in the morning. My target is still 2 yrs old. My colleague is very pro bf so if she can do it till 2 yrs I believe I can too. :)
Wow... kudos to your colleague! How long do you take to pump each time?


Wow... kudos to your colleague! How long do you take to pump each time?
If dual pump, 10 mins. If single, then twice of that. I have dual pump but I pump twice thus I actually take up 40mins just to pump daily at work. Very rushing at times but so far manageable. :)

Anyway she has more than one kid. But she takes npl after the 4mths leave. Like till they turned 6mths. I can see she s very worn out but I guess a mother s sacrifice for her child and wants the best for the kids. :) it s up to individual actually. :) no offense to mummies who give fm to their babies.
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Active Member
If dual pump, 10 mins. If single, then twice of that. I have dual pump but I pump twice thus I actually take up 40mins just to pump daily at work. Very rushing at times but so far manageable. :)

Anyway she has more than one kid. But she takes npl after the 4mths leave. Like till they turned 6mths. I can see she s very worn out but I guess a mother s sacrifice for her child and wants the best for the kids. :) it s up to individual actually. :) no offense to mummies who give fm to their babies.
I take very long to pump at work. Maybe coz of my supply. It's also getting harder to pump. Don't know is it my pump is no longer powerful enough for me.


Hi all,

thx for all your replies! Initially I prepared to take leave and bring bb to clinic already.

The night I went back, my sister called me to use a little soap inserted into bb anus, after 2 hours, she had huge amt of poo on and out of diaper.. :) but these 2 days, no more poo again.. hope she won't depend on this method anymore.

just came back from 5 in 1 jab today, nurse told me that can feed bb with a small spoon of water b4 and after milk each time. This is for clean up bb's mouth only, she also mentioned no prob if no poo for 1 week if bb is fully on bm.

azzzima, u can pump that fast! I usually takes 20-30 mins, but I will be away from my seat for almost 50 mins each time. scared will got complaint sooner or later.

I got stunk in a adhoc meeting yesterday and I was like sitting on a hot pot after my pumping time passed for 1 and a half hours ( I pump 2 times about 4 hr++apart at work). sometimes I really do hope I can stay home. I will enjoy the coming weekend very much.

whomovedmycheess, what a wastage u thrown all your ebm! can we drink the ebm ourselves? i know it sounds awful, but these are liquid gold and good 4 health ahaha! my stock going to expiring soon. so far my bb still drink fresher milk which i pumped the day b4. I will mix them from tomoro onwards..


New Member
Me new to this thread! my baby boy is may 2011 born!
its so nice to see you all discussing babies of same age!
Any of you thinking on solids yet?


Me new to this thread! my baby boy is may 2011 born!
its so nice to see you all discussing babies of same age!
Any of you thinking on solids yet?

Hi Welcome to may baby forum !
I'm thinking of introducing cereal to Bb close to her 6th mth, but haven't done research on which brand to buy now.


Active Member
Hi all,

thx for all your replies! Initially I prepared to take leave and bring bb to clinic already.

The night I went back, my sister called me to use a little soap inserted into bb anus, after 2 hours, she had huge amt of poo on and out of diaper.. :) but these 2 days, no more poo again.. hope she won't depend on this method anymore.

just came back from 5 in 1 jab today, nurse told me that can feed bb with a small spoon of water b4 and after milk each time. This is for clean up bb's mouth only, she also mentioned no prob if no poo for 1 week if bb is fully on bm.

azzzima, u can pump that fast! I usually takes 20-30 mins, but I will be away from my seat for almost 50 mins each time. scared will got complaint sooner or later.

I got stunk in a adhoc meeting yesterday and I was like sitting on a hot pot after my pumping time passed for 1 and a half hours ( I pump 2 times about 4 hr++apart at work). sometimes I really do hope I can stay home. I will enjoy the coming weekend very much.

whomovedmycheess, what a wastage u thrown all your ebm! can we drink the ebm ourselves? i know it sounds awful, but these are liquid gold and good 4 health ahaha! my stock going to expiring soon. so far my bb still drink fresher milk which i pumped the day b4. I will mix them from tomoro onwards..
Emm.. BM is quite fattening, don't want to end up like a fat pig. Now continuing to store again. My baby has been drinking both fresh and ebm 50-50 % of the time. And I still have many packs of frozen ebm.


New Member
Welcome! probably at 5.5 mths
Me started already on healthy times brown rice cereal diluted with breast milk.. my boy totally loves it.. lot of them suggested i wait till 6m, but somehow
he seemed so ready.. doubled his birth weight, almost good neck support and used to smack his tongue when he saw us eat..
hope its ok!
still breastfeed rest of the times...