EDD May 2011


Active Member
Isy, hope your girl has fully recovered from flu. don't be sad, u give baby the best food already. Although smallest, she is stronger than the rest in infant care. My blk also has another two baby. 1 girl is 1 mth smaller than ours, but already close to 8kg by fm. Another 1 is boy also by fm, 1 mth older and much heavier, but still cannot carry in sitting position, cos neck is not strong enough..
I think I will start solid from cereal abt 4 wks later..sMH got some1 sale organic baby food, not yet looked into it, maybe will try if suitable.
Baby cold is really a torture. The other night all of a sudden the blocked nose came back. Thought she was recovering as runny nose became lesser. Again another high fever at 38.7 struck , I suspect is room too warm or humid for her. Her temperature went down to 37.7 an hour later after doing all the cooling work. Hubby even ask me to follow PD advise to give antibiotic which we had for standby. But my instinct told me she is fine n playful in the morning. This sudden high temp could be caused by blocked nose n room humidity. I didn't even give paracetamol this time round. Indeed when she woke up she is drinking n playing as usual. PD only ask to start antibiotic if baby in distress n fever more than 38.
Now she is still having blocked nose n slight cough. Applying baby vicks n steam bath method so far to try ease her congestion. Sleeping on tilt up pillow too. Any mummies here care to share any traditional n effective method to reduce phlegm?


Active Member
Isy, hope your girl has fully recovered from flu. don't be sad, u give baby the best food already. Although smallest, she is stronger than the rest in infant care. My blk also has another two baby. 1 girl is 1 mth smaller than ours, but already close to 8kg by fm. Another 1 is boy also by fm, 1 mth older and much heavier, but still cannot carry in sitting position, cos neck is not strong enough..
I think I will start solid from cereal abt 4 wks later..sMH got some1 sale organic baby food, not yet looked into it, maybe will try if suitable.
Wow! 8kg is really heavy. My hubby don't want to start my baby on solid, coz he is afraid she will stop drinking milk. Going to continue with milk till 5.5-6months. Hehe.


Baby cold is really a torture. The other night all of a sudden the blocked nose came back. Thought she was recovering as runny nose became lesser. Again another high fever at 38.7 struck , I suspect is room too warm or humid for her. Her temperature went down to 37.7 an hour later after doing all the cooling work. Hubby even ask me to follow PD advise to give antibiotic which we had for standby. But my instinct told me she is fine n playful in the morning. This sudden high temp could be caused by blocked nose n room humidity. I didn't even give paracetamol this time round. Indeed when she woke up she is drinking n playing as usual. PD only ask to start antibiotic if baby in distress n fever more than 38.
Now she is still having blocked nose n slight cough. Applying baby vicks n steam bath method so far to try ease her congestion. Sleeping on tilt up pillow too. Any mummies here care to share any traditional n effective method to reduce phlegm?
Have you tried massage/pat on your baby's back? let baby lie down on her one side 1st, you pat on her back from top to down, from outer to inner, do the same for the other side. pat for 3 - 5 min each side, 2 to 3 times daily to promote blood circulation in the lung, also can help to expel the phlegm.


Wow! 8kg is really heavy. My hubby don't want to start my baby on solid, coz he is afraid she will stop drinking milk. Going to continue with milk till 5.5-6months. Hehe.
your baby has a chubby face, so cute... remembered her weight is always on the right track base on the booklet, right? how heavy is she now? do you train her to poo everyday at specific timing? my baby poo once a week and a lot on the poppy day, a bit worried. It happened for the past 3 weeks, though I don't want to link it to since mil came in and cook fried and spicy food always despite my objection..


Active Member
your baby has a chubby face, so cute... remembered her weight is always on the right track base on the booklet, right? how heavy is she now? do you train her to poo everyday at specific timing? my baby poo once a week and a lot on the poppy day, a bit worried. It happened for the past 3 weeks, though I don't want to link it to since mil came in and cook fried and spicy food always despite my objection..
She is about 7kg now. Recently she never poo as often. She used to poo every day. My MIL very worried about it.


Active Member
Have you tried massage/pat on your baby's back? let baby lie down on her one side 1st, you pat on her back from top to down, from outer to inner, do the same for the other side. pat for 3 - 5 min each side, 2 to 3 times daily to promote blood circulation in the lung, also can help to expel the phlegm.
I always pat her chest n back whenever I carry her. Never did the side lying one. My girl poo once a week ranges from 5-9 days once. If up to 9th day she actually poo for 2 days in a row.


are our babies all keep their food inside stomach... so only poo once a few days.. ?

btw.. my baby started to have lot of saliva coming out of mouth, any baby is like this? the clothe get wet by her saliva only in a while..


New Member
are our babies all keep their food inside stomach... so only poo once a few days.. ?

btw.. my baby started to have lot of saliva coming out of mouth, any baby is like this? the clothe get wet by her saliva only in a while..
hey my baby too started drooling a loooot.. been 3 to 4 days nw.. never salivated so much before.. also keep putting toys in his mouth.. bites my finger too.. they are all teething symptoms.. but isnt it bit early for the pearlies? my sis says that symptoms appear much before the actual arrival of teeth..


Active Member
are our babies all keep their food inside stomach... so only poo once a few days.. ?

btw.. my baby started to have lot of saliva coming out of mouth, any baby is like this? the clothe get wet by her saliva only in a while..
They say nutrients all easily absorbed for bm. So it is normal for bf babies to poo less frequently. But for fm baby they should poo once a day.
Symptoms for teething comes as early as 1-2months. Get more bibs ready lol


hey my baby too started drooling a loooot.. been 3 to 4 days nw.. never salivated so much before.. also keep putting toys in his mouth.. bites my finger too.. they are all teething symptoms.. but isnt it bit early for the pearlies? my sis says that symptoms appear much before the actual arrival of teeth..
any teether toy recommend for him/her to bite? I bought sophie the giraffe, but seems still a little bigger for her to hold, always drop, her saliva all over the toy, need to wash from time to time..


last night my baby never wake up in middle of night for milk for the 1st time... don't know if good or not, worry her intake not enough if don't eat at mid night. but we suppose to feed base on baby's demand, right? So, any babies sleep throughout the night now?

Finished her last feed at 10.15pm, then she sleep until 5.15am still not wake up. until I can't stand the engorgement and start to pump at 5.30am. she then woke up by the noise. Just latch on her for a little while (not more than 50ml, i think) and she sleep again until 8.15am when my mil came in & talk to me. she woke up by our voice..


New Member
any teether toy recommend for him/her to bite? I bought sophie the giraffe, but seems still a little bigger for her to hold, always drop, her saliva all over the toy, need to wash from time to time..
got him teething rings.. he loves them.. gona try chilling them in freezer and then let him use it.. supposedly thats very soothing for gums..


Active Member
last night my baby never wake up in middle of night for milk for the 1st time... dont't know if good or not, worry her intake not enough if dont't eat at mid night. but we suppose to feed base on baby's demand, right? So, any babies sleep throughout the night now?

Finished her last feed at 10.15pm, then she sleep until 5.15am still not wake up. until I can't stand the engorgement and start to pump at 5.30am. she then woke up by the noise. Just latch on her for a little while (not more than 50ml, i think) and she sleep again until 8.15am when my mother in law came in & talk to me. she woke up by our voice..
Actually my baby hasn't woken up for night feed since I went back to work? Or slightly before that. Her last feed is usually from 11 plus to 12, after that, she will only wake up for feed in the morning when my hb brings her to the living room for my MIL to look after her when we get ready for work. Like yesterday we were on leave and we did not bring her down so early, she woke up at nearly 9am? She's drinking 110-150ml. I think should be enough.


Actually my baby hasn't woken up for night feed since I went back to work? Or slightly before that. Her last feed is usually from 11 plus to 12, after that, she will only wake up for feed in the morning when my hb brings her to the living room for my MIL to look after her when we get ready for work. Like yesterday we were on leave and we did not bring her down so early, she woke up at nearly 9am? She's drinking 110-150ml. I think should be enough.
oh.. your baby already sleep throughout the night... good for you, can go to work with more engergy, your baby if not wrong only 1 day older than mine, she can drink 150ml already? quite good hor.. how many feeds within one day?


Active Member
last night my baby never wake up in middle of night for milk for the 1st time... dont't know if good or not, worry her intake not enough if dont't eat at mid night. but we suppose to feed base on baby's demand, right? So, any babies sleep throughout the night now?

Finished her last feed at 10.15pm, then she sleep until 5.15am still not wake up. until I can't stand the engorgement and start to pump at 5.30am. she then woke up by the noise. Just latch on her for a little while (not more than 50ml, i think) and she sleep again until 8.15am when my mother in law came in & talk to me. she woke up by our voice..
So far my girl always sleep at 8:30pm. Last feed at 7:30-8pm. She will wake up between 6-8hrs later for feed. But not really awake type. Just drink then sleep soundly again. Weekend can sleep until 8:30-9 but weekday I wake her up for skool.