EDD May 2011


Active Member
Me started already on healthy times brown rice cereal diluted with breast milk.. my boy totally loves it.. lot of them suggested i wait till 6m, but somehow
he seemed so ready.. doubled his birth weight, almost good neck support and used to smack his tongue when he saw us eat..
hope its ok!
still breastfeed rest of the times...
My cousin also suggest Healthy Times. But whats the difference between that and Happy Bellies?


Me started already on healthy times brown rice cereal diluted with breast milk.. my boy totally loves it.. lot of them suggested i wait till 6m, but somehow
he seemed so ready.. doubled his birth weight, almost good neck support and used to smack his tongue when he saw us eat..
hope its ok!
still breastfeed rest of the times...
How heavy is your boy now? U mean after taking it, she gained lots of weight?


New Member
How heavy is your boy now? U mean after taking it, she gained lots of weight?
He was born 3.2, at 4 months he was about 6.3.. hence started with cereals wen he was almost 4.5..
its been just couple of weeks now, havent weighed him.. but he doesnt look like he has gained any exceptional weight.. looks just normal..


New Member
My cousin also suggest Healthy Times. But whats the difference between that and Happy Bellies?
well for one - healthy times is available in neighborhood NTUC.. its organic safe and not so expensive.. no added salts and sugars..
i was confused between healthy times, happy bellies and earths best..

my sister in US swears by earths best.. but in singapore the problem is its available only in selected organic stores.. however as my boy touches 6m mark i plan to introduce earths best oats cereal.

coming to happy bellies, again availibility was the issue, also it has added probiotics DHA etc.. as i was introducing at 4.5m, i dint want any added nutrients.. i personally think its better that babies get their share of DHA and probiotics through mothers diet..
Me new to this thread! my baby boy is may 2011 born!
its so nice to see you all discussing babies of same age!
Any of you thinking on solids yet?

Welcome! M thinking of solid at 5th month ;) but have to check w doctor first.. my boy is still crying almost every evening.. He will cry for an hr den doZed off.. Give him gripe water den he stop.. Was thinking might b the wind in his tummy.. Sigh.. So I scared if I were to start solid, it ll b worse for his digestion.. :(


Active Member
He was born 3.2, at 4 months he was about 6.3.. hence started with cereals wen he was almost 4.5..
its been just couple of weeks now, havent weighed him.. but he doesnt look like he has gained any exceptional weight.. looks just normal..
My girl is bout 3.3 and has not double her weight till now. Partly due to slow flow teat last time and rejecting bottle. Now down with cold. Dunno if she can catch up in another 2 weeks. But I think she is very active and burns most of her fats too. She is more like banana high percentile in length but lower percentile in weight. was thinking to start after 5th month jab and seek PD green light as well. She can sit with support d. Her neck muscle is very strong that she can lift up her chest for more than 5mins. Recently lifting up upper body with support from her palms too.


New Member
My girl is bout 3.3 and has not double her weight till now. Partly due to slow flow teat last time and rejecting bottle. Now down with cold. Dunno if she can catch up in another 2 weeks. But I think she is very active and burns most of her fats too. She is more like banana high percentile in length but lower percentile in weight. was thinking to start after 5th month jab and seek PD green light as well. She can sit with support d. Her neck muscle is very strong that she can lift up her chest for more than 5mins. Recently lifting up upper body with support from her palms too.
Hi Isy!
You have one super active girl out there! my boy very low on weight percentile.. 20 - 25.. height 50-75.. i keep worrying about his weight gain.. but like you said may be the activities burn calories.. he rolls in almost all the direction and moves forward in super fast speed.. can lift up his chest for about 3 to 4 minutes..
I moved to singapore last month.. done with all the jabs in india.. the paed here as well as in india gave me a go for solids as he turned 4.5.. hence i did.. I am sure your paed will guide you on whether ur girl is ready..


New Member
My cousin also suggest Healthy Times. But whats the difference between that and Happy Bellies?
sorry whomovedmycheese!
happy bellies available in NTUC too.. there are couple more organic brands.. just saw yesterday..
wil let my baby try other brands when a little older.. for now very happy with healthy times brown rice..


I take very long to pump at work. Maybe coz of my supply. It's also getting harder to pump. Don't know is it my pump is no longer powerful enough for me.
Same here. After few weeks, my supply dropped. I think it s expected cos half of the day we pumped using artificial expressing. Best is still stimulation from our babies :) dun stress relax ok :)


Hi all,

thx for all your replies! Initially I prepared to take leave and bring bb to clinic already.

The night I went back, my sister called me to use a little soap inserted into bb anus, after 2 hours, she had huge amt of poo on and out of diaper.. :) but these 2 days, no more poo again.. hope she won't depend on this method anymore.

just came back from 5 in 1 jab today, nurse told me that can feed bb with a small spoon of water b4 and after milk each time. This is for clean up bb's mouth only, she also mentioned no prob if no poo for 1 week if bb is fully on bm.

azzzima, u can pump that fast! I usually takes 20-30 mins, but I will be away from my seat for almost 50 mins each time. scared will got complaint sooner or later.

I got stunk in a adhoc meeting yesterday and I was like sitting on a hot pot after my pumping time passed for 1 and a half hours ( I pump 2 times about 4 hr++apart at work). sometimes I really do hope I can stay home. I will enjoy the coming weekend very much.

whomovedmycheess, what a wastage u thrown all your ebm! can we drink the ebm ourselves? i know it sounds awful, but these are liquid gold and good 4 health ahaha! my stock going to expiring soon. so far my bb still drink fresher milk which i pumped the day b4. I will mix them from tomoro onwards..
actually I limit myself to 20mins cos I dun want my colleagues to think that I am skiving. I used to be able to pump close to 100ml each session but now only able to pump 120ml in total. Thus I have to pump when I am at home to compensate the remaining balance. So far so good able to maintain my stock and able to get a bottle during weekend. :)


Me new to this thread! my baby boy is may 2011 born!
its so nice to see you all discussing babies of same age!
Any of you thinking on solids yet?
Hi welcome. I ve been giving her cereal mixed with my ebm for the first feed of the day. I am waiting few more weeks so she can start eating porridge and etc... :)


Hi Isy!
You have one super active girl out there! my boy very low on weight percentile.. 20 - 25.. height 50-75.. i keep worrying about his weight gain.. but like you said may be the activities burn calories.. he rolls in almost all the direction and moves forward in super fast speed.. can lift up his chest for about 3 to 4 minutes..
I moved to singapore last month.. done with all the jabs in india.. the paed here as well as in india gave me a go for solids as he turned 4.5.. hence i did.. I am sure your paed will guide you on whether ur girl is ready..

My baby is also low on weight percentile.. 20 - 25 and height 50-75.. She is barely 6kg at mth 4. but during 3rd mth visit, dr mentioned should be abt 6kg at mth 3 already. I wondered whether the current booklet standard is more coming from FM feed babies? still lots of worries for her weight, intake...she is so persistance, till now still not accepting bottle easily, every feed is abt 45 mins. bib, clothe around neck area are all wet.. :(

regarding to add solid, theory saying bf exclusively for 6mth is the best . so i want to introduce at mth 5.5. however I always receive comment from my sister/mil saying that i'm stubbon, why follow theory, should have added solid, water etc long time ago... heard these comment too much, sometimes I also question myself, as 1st time mum don't know which way is best for my bb.


actually I limit myself to 20mins cos I dun want my colleagues to think that I am skiving. I used to be able to pump close to 100ml each session but now only able to pump 120ml in total. Thus I have to pump when I am at home to compensate the remaining balance. So far so good able to maintain my stock and able to get a bottle during weekend. :)
yup take it easy, your baby approaching to 6th mth soon, can relax a bit after that.. now after going back work for 4 weeks, my output drops, becos I don't pump at night anymore. felt too tired to pump after latch on. my girl usually finish 1 side then don't want anymore...


New Member
My baby is also low on weight percentile.. 20 - 25 and height 50-75.. She is barely 6kg at mth 4. but during 3rd mth visit, dr mentioned should be abt 6kg at mth 3 already. I wondered whether the current booklet standard is more coming from FM feed babies? still lots of worries for her weight, intake...she is so persistance, till now still not accepting bottle easily, every feed is abt 45 mins. bib, clothe around neck area are all wet.. :(

regarding to add solid, theory saying bf exclusively for 6mth is the best . so i want to introduce at mth 5.5. however I always receive comment from my sister/mil saying that i'm stubbon, why follow theory, should have added solid, water etc long time ago... heard these comment too much, sometimes I also question myself, as 1st time mum don't know which way is best for my bb.
A very reliable source says that babies double their birth weight anytime between 4 to 6 months.. so lots of time to catch up.. and mum says girls gain slower than boys..
I really appreciate your decision on not starting solids until 5.5 or 6.. wish i was a bit stubborn too.. came under my mums pressure and started.. i dont repent however as like i said, he seemed so ready.. please stick to your decision of exclusively bf'ing till 5.5 or 6..
me decided not to worry much on the weight gain issue.. my boy too fusses a lot during feed.. yday and day before he wudnt latch for more than 5 mins! so frustrating!! cant wait him to weigh next week wen he turns 5!


Active Member
My baby is also low on weight percentile.. 20 - 25 and height 50-75.. She is barely 6kg at mth 4. but during 3rd mth visit, dr mentioned should be abt 6kg at mth 3 already. I wondered whether the current booklet standard is more coming from FM feed babies? still lots of worries for her weight, intake...she is so persistance, till now still not accepting bottle easily, every feed is abt 45 mins. bib, clothe around neck area are all wet.. :(

regarding to add solid, theory saying bf exclusively for 6mth is the best . so i want to introduce at mth 5.5. however I always receive comment from my sister/mil saying that i'm stubbon, why follow theory, should have added solid, water etc long time ago... heard these comment too much, sometimes I also question myself, as 1st time mum don't know which way is best for my bb.
Bbanna , it's true not to follow theory too much. If I didnot increase teat hole size I think my girl will not even drink from bottle. Nipple got so many milk ducts bottle only got 1. But I will go in between theory n traditional approach. So I will intro solid 5m onwards not daily but every weekend and see how.
Saw that website bout 4-6m double birth weight too. But there are website saying 3-4m for breastfed babies.
My girl only gained 100g in 2 weeks. Now 6.1kg.
FYI I'm gonna let teacher try soft spout coz seems like she isn't interested in bottle again. Probably gonna teeth soon


Bbanna , it's true not to follow theory too much. If I didnot increase teat hole size I think my girl will not even drink from bottle. Nipple got so many milk ducts bottle only got 1. But I will go in between theory n traditional approach. So I will intro solid 5m onwards not daily but every weekend and see how.
Saw that website bout 4-6m double birth weight too. But there are website saying 3-4m for breastfed babies.
My girl only gained 100g in 2 weeks. Now 6.1kg.
FYI I'm gonna let teacher try soft spout coz seems like she isn't interested in bottle again. Probably gonna teeth soon
my baby just doubled her birth weight these 2 days at 4 mth 1 week++. her birth weight is lower than yours. 2.97kg. Don't worry, perhaps your baby burn lot of kals becos she is a super active baby, and u r going to introduce solid in 1-2 weeks, she surely can double her birth weight soon. she is bored with bottle, isn't it? soft spout for 6m+ baby, u use philips?

Any smaller babies like ours in your infrant care? what's kind of solid food their parents bring for them? home cooked or outside ready to eat one? my mum say they used to give me pork bone/fish soup porridge, also with squeezed vege juice.. think need to start to learn from each other the combination & variation of solid food 1st


Active Member
my baby just doubled her birth weight these 2 days at 4 mth 1 week++. her birth weight is lower than yours. 2.97kg. Don't worry, perhaps your baby burn lot of kals becos she is a super active baby, and u r going to introduce solid in 1-2 weeks, she surely can double her birth weight soon. she is bored with bottle, isn't it? soft spout for 6m+ baby, u use philips?

Any smaller babies like ours in your infrant care? what's kind of solid food their parents bring for them? home cooked or outside ready to eat one? my mum say they used to give me pork bone/fish soup porridge, also with squeezed vege juice.. think need to start to learn from each other the combination & variation of solid food 1st
Yes I think she satisfy her hunger n not drinking to full nowadays except when before sleep she needs to drink more.I tested her using pigeon soft spout those training mug for 5m plus so far no leakage provided she dun play with the teat. When she doesn't drink she just bite n let go then milk in her mouth she just let it leak out.
Hopefully she will have more interest in food and gain weight from there onwards. Looking forward to her full recovery from flu n cough.


Active Member
My colleague told me her daughter last time by 7-8m all 3 meals all solid. Like spaghetti n purees. Not much milk coz her dd dun favor or hunger for milk


Active Member
my baby just doubled her birth weight these 2 days at 4 mth 1 week++. her birth weight is lower than yours. 2.97kg. Don't worry, perhaps your baby burn lot of kals becos she is a super active baby, and u r going to introduce solid in 1-2 weeks, she surely can double her birth weight soon. she is bored with bottle, isn't it? soft spout for 6m+ baby, u use philips?

Any smaller babies like ours in your infrant care? what's kind of solid food their parents bring for them? home cooked or outside ready to eat one? my mum say they used to give me pork bone/fish soup porridge, also with squeezed vege juice.. think need to start to learn from each other the combination & variation of solid food 1st
Other babies there on fm or mix fm n bm. My girl drink the least even when compared to fm which is full for longer. So sad.
She is smallest size there but motor skill n strength stronger than than those of same month or a month older than her.
They have their own menu mainly serving nestle cerelac. Only serve 6m onwards.
Think the parents there only bring milk powder or some teething biscuits I guess for those older babies.


Isy, hope your girl has fully recovered from flu. don't be sad, u give baby the best food already. Although smallest, she is stronger than the rest in infant care. My blk also has another two baby. 1 girl is 1 mth smaller than ours, but already close to 8kg by fm. Another 1 is boy also by fm, 1 mth older and much heavier, but still cannot carry in sitting position, cos neck is not strong enough..
I think I will start solid from cereal abt 4 wks later..sMH got some1 sale organic baby food, not yet looked into it, maybe will try if suitable.