EDD April Mummies


Active Member
:) so happy for u!! Bb is ok..

So sweet hor.. Same hotel same room.. We asked for anniversary night but my hotel dun wan give me that time. :( but wedding day we stayed 2 nights already.. No wonder Dilys so quiet yesterday too! Hee

My bb no longer kick as much but he is rolling more.. Sometimes drilling mode.. I happen to take my tummy photo last week n this week... Omg!! The difference is so much!!! No wonder I totally no energy.. feel that my tummy is rubbed with chilli like that.. V sensitive n hot... N pain
Jofeny dear..

Thanks.. My anniversary stay was a one night stay.. Told my hubby I want to come back home & sleep on my bed. Haha today I come online late cos" after my checkup this morning I sleep from 10am plus to 3pm plus to have my lunch haha.. Shiok.. Last night can't sleep well..baby moving & moving.

Baby is now sleeping head directly on top of my cervix. Legs directly on below my both breast. The movements are actually his hands.. His fist will pop out left and right side of tummy. Haha usually if my tummy is hot.. Baby will move agressively , usually I will put a cold towel on my tummy after awhile baby won't move. :)

* thank god .. Thanks to all mummies here for all the encouragement.. I tear again today 5 mins with joy !!! :)

At the clinic.. I saw a mummy drinking the glucose .. She was drinking very slowly then.. She left abit more only she can't tahan keep saying she want to vomit. Then I ask her.. U taking the glucose test today huh.. U must well just finish drinking. End up so give up.. So her test will be postpone next week... Imagine she got to drink the whole bottle all over again.


Active Member
Ya Dilys, me too. My weight has been stagnant since 3 weeks ago. Till date is 8kg gain. My Gynae sure to ask me to eat more again. Last week when I go, my weight was 49.5... But the nurse wrote 47.5.. N my Gynae asked me y lose weight? Then she look a bit worried.. Then I say I gained.. Not lOst.. Then she happy again..
:) so far gynae say I m having a good weight :) I don't have to gain alot cos" my height & bodybuilt is good enough for a natural delivery. Oh ya today detailed scan.. Bb got very long legs (*i really hope he grow up having my height). Now bb about 27cm in length.

*happy so happy !!!

I never worried I never gain any weight.. As long as baby is gaining.. At least we will regain back weight very fast after delivery. :) hehe
Hi mummies ....

Wa.. Last night had my Wedding anniversary night stay at the hotel (* the same hotel,same suite room) as my actual wedding night.

Haa... Hmm.. it was a nice stay..to recap the whole actual wedding night again... But very uncomfortable sleeping on the cosy bed. Maybe baby not used to sleeping on different bed. Whole night keep kicking.. the bed is too hard for baby.. have to put soft towel below my tummy..for support.

Had nice dinner last night & good breakfast this morning.. (*buffet).

* Went for my gynae review today ... Good news... My baby's kidneys are at the normal range.. smaller liao... *Thank god. bb is now 2kg. I haven't gain any weight. So now total pregnancy weight for me is 6kg.

Confirmed I am having a natural delivery. Placenta ok, baby size good for natural, no premature baby, baby's head down, amnio level gd . Oh ya .. Gynae did the swap test ... oh ..."so embrassing" I have to take off my understand separate legs n he do it. Not painful one... Gynae used a long cotton butt & just swap 3 times down there to get the discharge.

So happy !!:Dancing_wub:
No wonder our Dilys went MIA.. keke.. so glad that u had a good time..

Congrats dear, so happy that all went well for u!! little one is growing well!!!! :)


Active Member
No wonder our Dilys went MIA.. keke.. so glad that u had a good time..

Congrats dear, so happy that all went well for u!! little one is growing well!!!! :)
Haha.. Didn't enjoy that much.. Yesterday cos" with a big tummy haha.. Not like a year ago hopping around the room in the bath robe.. Haha I look like a humpy dumpy yesterday putting on the bath robe..

The bed wasn't that comfortable as my own bed.. I don't even know how to place my tummy.. Hehe.. Time flies omg... My tummy like suddenly look so big.. N pointed.. I feel the pulling effect while eating.. Sleeping nowadays.. So uncomfortable.

Thanks dear ... I m very happy no words to describe.. I really pray everyone here have smooth delivery... We really been till here so far.. Endure...


Jofeny dear..

Thanks.. My anniversary stay was a one night stay.. Told my hubby I want to come back home & sleep on my bed. Haha today I come online late cos" after my checkup this morning I sleep from 10am plus to 3pm plus to have my lunch haha.. Shiok.. Last night can't sleep well..baby moving & moving.

Baby is now sleeping head directly on top of my cervix. Legs directly on below my both breast. The movements are actually his hands.. His fist will pop out left and right side of tummy. Haha usually if my tummy is hot.. Baby will move agressively , usually I will put a cold towel on my tummy after awhile baby won't move. :)

* thank god .. Thanks to all mummies here for all the encouragement.. I tear again today 5 mins with joy !!! :)

At the clinic.. I saw a mummy drinking the glucose .. She was drinking very slowly then.. She left abit more only she can't tahan keep saying she want to vomit. Then I ask her.. U taking the glucose test today huh.. U must well just finish drinking. End up so give up.. So her test will be postpone next week... Imagine she got to drink the whole bottle all over again.
Hee.. At the end I dun do glucose test.. I tell my Gynae it's too yucky for me.. If it's not a must take test then I skip. Then she say my dip test are ok, then jus ask me not to take too much artificial sugar..


Active Member
Hee.. At the end I dun do glucose test.. I tell my Gynae it's too yucky for me.. If it's not a must take test then I skip. Then she say my dip test are ok, then jus ask me not to take too much artificial sugar..
Wah.. The lady still quite lucky.. was given a orange glucose drink. That time mine was totally white like normal water. When I saw her drinking I was like in my hard.. Thank god man !! I can't imagine how I able to drink the bottle down...


Wah.. The lady still quite lucky.. was given a orange glucose drink. That time mine was totally white like normal water. When I saw her drinking I was like in my hard.. Thank god man !! I can't imagine how I able to drink the bottle down...
Eee... Sounds really yucky.. Haha..

Ya u girls contented to just stay here in the forum? Will we b sharing photo of our newborn? I think load photo here is a bit difficult... Hmm.. Shd we add each other in fb? Or everyone prefers to just know each other by our nick?

What's your take?
Eee... Sounds really yucky.. Haha..

Ya u girls contented to just stay here in the forum? Will we b sharing photo of our newborn? I think load photo here is a bit difficult... Hmm.. Shd we add each other in fb? Or everyone prefers to just know each other by our nick?

What's your take?
I m for Facebook or even msn.. Haha
Good idea jofeny dear... I think we can move to the next level of knowing each other by our name.. Haha


Active Member
Eee... Sounds really yucky.. Haha..

Ya u girls contented to just stay here in the forum? Will we b sharing photo of our newborn? I think load photo here is a bit difficult... Hmm.. Shd we add each other in fb? Or everyone prefers to just know each other by our nick?

What's your take?
Haha.. I am in too.... My real name is Dilys .. Hahahaha .. I am going to create a blog... Hahahha


:) so cool. All of you using real names.. Haha

My Facebook nick is: Xiao pong
But recently seldom on msn already.

My real name.. Too many already!: Peifen / Jane / Pong

I have added Huafen already! :)
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HAhaa ... Xiao pong .... Hahahahahaha u make me laugh...
Dun play play ok.. Pong is the name My grandma gives me de. Cos I too small size, needs to "Pong" bigger. Sounds like mahjong pong! My family all call me pong.

Dilys what's your email for Facebook?


Active Member
Dun play play ok.. Pong is the name My grandma gives me de. Cos I too small size, needs to "Pong" bigger. Sounds like mahjong pong! My family all call me pong.

Dilys what's your email for Facebook?
I add u ... La Hehe mine privated !!! Your email wrong leh cannot add ....
Wa u all so open leh.. Email address all put here.. Later got "pervert man" here anyhow add u !!! Better pm lor!! Huafen & jofeny better edit ur post take out the email address !!
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Active Member
Dun play play ok.. Pong is the name My grandma gives me de. Cos I too small size, needs to "Pong" bigger. Sounds like mahjong pong! My family all call me pong.

Dilys what's your email for Facebook?
Huh... Very interesting name ...mahjong pong !!! Hahhahahhaha