EDD April Mummies


Morning ladies,

The body aches and the sleeping position is really such a nightmare to me too right now! Feel like crying everytime i turn from right to left or vice versa!! Hubby says i groan in my sleep with each turn.... and sometimes i wish he will let me have the whole bed! so mean i know :D

i've got 6 weeks to go, packed my bag almost 3/4 just to be on the safe side cuz my hubby is completely blur. dun think he will have any idea where to find my stuff in case of emergency! yet to wash baby clothes though, maybe in the next 2-3 weeks :D

do u ladies have swollen feets yet?
hello girl..

ya.. sleeping position is like so hard to find.. and when u found the right one, wa... strike 4d, quickly sleep.. hee hee..

i also keep whining... turning i will make the Lorry "reverse" sound.. haha.. cos i really feel like elephant leh..

i finished packing already.. all hubbies are the same.. mine also sure duno where to find the things one.. im thinking whether shd jus put the luggage in the car.. cos im shuffling (staying) in 2 places now... luggage at my own place.. imagine wait anything happen when im at my in law place.. the luggage is not with me.. haha...

i can feel my feets are unlike mine... i think its starting to store water.. cos cramp more easily now.. but i wun use the term "swell"...


Hi ladies,

Have anyone start to research on what vaccination to give to your baby? Heard some of the vaccination is not necessary and the ingredients do contain some risk to the health of baby... anyone heard of that?
oh i tot vaccination is quite standard one.. no research yet.. but most prob my bb vaccination will be done at the polyclinics cos they say its cheaper there..


Hi littlepea,

Oh you are still attending your prenatal class.. ? I finish mine in mid feb. haha you have attended the classes you shouldn't be scared ! Personally I find the classes quite useful to first time mum. No need to keep checking if your water bag burst... Haha relax & positive...anyway even if water bag burst you dont't have to rush immediately to hospital... ( 3 stages of labour) I will take you a few h hours to dilate! Wherther baby come out in march or April doesn't matter hahaa...as long as both of you r healthy. Relax!! Pant pant blow !!! Haha

Today I m 33wk ...yeah!!! I am happy... For me I never scared water bag burst.. Just the everyday aching from the body.. Every night exploring a new right comfortable position to sleep. Hahahah

Jia you!!!! Jiayou!!! you got only 1 month to go... Have you pack your bag already ??
ya i still attending.. haha i registered late.. wanted to join the Feb class but they told me fully booked. haha so i joined the march one. imagine if i give birth pre-term..haha haven finish class deliver already :p

I also body ache all over.. its taking me much longer to fall asleep.. have to adjust until bebe stop struggling inside.. haha

and NO!! i have not packed my hospital bag yet!!!!
i still haven buy baby bottles etc!!
just got playpen, stroller, preloved clothes and preloved sterilizer etc. i also haven buy nursing clothes, etc.. O_O""
abit gan jiong already..


wa.. seems like you will b the first here!! jia you!!! me also only week 33 only...

waterbag burst should know de.. dun worry too much..

coping.. ya.. i think im floating thru... v emo recently... keep wanting to tear.. i think cos feeling the discomfort.. really feel so angry inside but what to do...
ya i MIGHT be the first :p

i also very emo... every little bit of thing can make me cry... my hubby just need to raise his voice alittle and i might just tear already..even for the smallest thing :(

plus my work environment..make me very upset every now and then.

I don't have swollen feet. But I ever got swollen palms! Haha I Duno how that happened. So weird. It came suddenly and disappeared very fast. Haha


ya i still attending.. haha i registered late.. wanted to join the Feb class but they told me fully booked. haha so i joined the march one. imagine if i give birth pre-term..haha haven finish class deliver already :p

I also body ache all over.. its taking me much longer to fall asleep.. have to adjust until bebe stop struggling inside.. haha

and NO!! i have not packed my hospital bag yet!!!!
i still haven buy baby bottles etc!!
just got playpen, stroller, preloved clothes and preloved sterilizer etc. i also haven buy nursing clothes, etc.. O_O""
abit gan jiong already..
Mummy Littlepea,

Wahhh mummy littlepea your almost 35weeks. . .Congratulations. . . I already finished packing my hospital with the help of my sister in law :)


Hello mummies..

i just see gynae today.. bebe is 35 weeks today. her head is near bottom legs towards my chest.. like a downward slope. haha
think i will start my maternity leave on 19th :p

btw, on the note about vaccinations.. do you all know when to take vaccinations? or roughly must take how many?
Im thinking of taking 4 months maternity straight.. but if the vaccinations happen after the 4 months, then i worried not enough leave to take..


Active Member
Morning ladies,

The body aches and the sleeping position is really such a nightmare to me too right now! Feel like crying everytime i turn from right to left or vice versa!! Hubby says i groan in my sleep with each turn.... and sometimes i wish he will let me have the whole bed! so mean i know :D

i've got 6 weeks to go, packed my bag almost 3/4 just to be on the safe side cuz my hubby is completely blur. dun think he will have any idea where to find my stuff in case of emergency! yet to wash baby clothes though, maybe in the next 2-3 weeks :D

do u ladies have swollen feets yet?

Same here... Everyday trying a Gd pose to sleep.my hubby almost fall over the bed sometimes as he is sleeping at the edge trying hard not to turn n knock or kick on me. (*he got the habit of doing kungfu moves in his dreams. Hahaha

Swollen feet... Hmm no .. Mine more to leg cramps .. But i realized that it happens when I eat something which is salty that particular day or that day. My knees & ankles I feel the aching I think it's normal cos" my legs didn't put on weight at all sustaining the baby"s weight now is horrible. Sometimes the legs are so tired & stiff that anytime someone were to use something to hit it ... It will just crack man !! Hahaah...

Wow .. U got 6 more weeks better faster pack ur bag. I got 7 more weeks my bag all ready to go !!!


Active Member
Hi ladies,

Have anyone start to research on what vaccination to give to your baby? Heard some of the vaccination is not necessary and the ingredients do contain some risk to the health of baby... anyone heard of that?

Dont worry so much. Personally I think vaccination are very standard. Pd or doc wouldnt risk them by giving baby harmful jabs to babies. Don't read too much... The vaccination may have a combination of some healthy ingredient & some "risk" ingredients .... After the chemical reactions, it will be become a safe vaccination for baby.

Just think of some food that r actually turn bad already why r people still using it as a edible food?
Etc.. Yeast... Smelly beancurd... Fermented stuff ..


Active Member
Hello mummies..

i just see gynae today.. bebe is 35 weeks today. her head is near bottom legs towards my chest.. like a downward slope. haha
think i will start my maternity leave on 19th :p

btw, on the note about vaccinations.. do you all know when to take vaccinations? or roughly must take how many?
Im thinking of taking 4 months maternity straight.. but if the vaccinations happen after the 4 months, then i worried not enough leave to take..
Hi littlepea,

If I m not wrong should be once every mth or every 2mths. Don't have to worry. I think after giving birth your pd will advice u on that. If you used up your ml you still have your childcare leave what?? Don't worry so much .... Wait till u give birth already then think la. Anyway if u apply 4 mths ml now ... After giving birth u think u can go back earlier n want to save your leave for future use... I am sure your company is okie..

Now baby is not out, you also don't know hows the condition so can't judge total how many vaccinations.. Jia you !!


Active Member
ya i still attending.. haha i registered late.. wanted to join the Feb class but they told me fully booked. haha so i joined the march one. imagine if i give birth pre-term..haha haven finish class deliver already :p

I also body ache all over.. its taking me much longer to fall asleep.. have to adjust until bebe stop struggling inside.. haha

and NO!! i have not packed my hospital bag yet!!!!
i still haven buy baby bottles etc!!
just got playpen, stroller, preloved clothes and preloved sterilizer etc. i also haven buy nursing clothes, etc.. O_O""
abit gan jiong already..
Hi littlepea...

Oh u r the march intake. Hehe not surprisingly ..some of my frens just after attending the exercise technique they deliver Liao even before the labour process class. So end up they wasn't prepared... Waste $$ lor ! But this is unpredictable one. But u having ur last class soon okie la should be the marriage enrichment or bathing the baby topic?

U should start packing already or else later last min u panick also don't know what to pack.


Active Member
hello girl..

ya.. sleeping position is like so hard to find.. and when u found the right one, wa... strike 4d, quickly sleep.. hee hee..

i also keep whining... turning i will make the Lorry "reverse" sound.. haha.. cos i really feel like elephant leh..

i finished packing already.. all hubbies are the same.. mine also sure duno where to find the things one.. im thinking whether shd jus put the luggage in the car.. cos im shuffling (staying) in 2 places now... luggage at my own place.. imagine wait anything happen when im at my in law place.. the luggage is not with me.. haha...

i can feel my feets are unlike mine... i think its starting to store water.. cos cramp more easily now.. but i wun use the term "swell"...

Dont make me laugh !! Elephant .... Hahaha u should be the baby ones. Haha lorry "reverse" sound haha I can't imagine
Hi all,

@ littlepea - dont worry so much abt the vaccination, you will have 6 days of child care leave so can use that to bring the baby for vaccination.
@ chrio - how are u coping chrio?


Hi chrio

How r u ???
Hi Amm mummies, dilys,

Baby and i doing fine :) Thanks God . . ,
later 4pm is my review with my gynae and will suggest if he can remove my stitch on my 36weeks to make it full term. . .
What else gonna ask, nothing comes in my mind. . .will update you mummies when i come back. . .


Hi all,

@ littlepea - dont worry so much abt the vaccination, you will have 6 days of child care leave so can use that to bring the baby for vaccination.
@ chrio - how are u coping chrio?
2ndtimemum dear,

Baby and i doing fine. . .Thanks God . . .:) How about you? :) when is your review ? Update us dear. . .
2ndtimemum dear,

Baby and i doing fine. . .Thanks God . . .:) How about you? :) when is your review ? Update us dear. . .
Hi Chrio,

I'm ok, still working from home, had an extension from the office.. will work till mid april then go on annual leave n follow by 16 weeks of maternity leave.
Baby is growing fine, slightly bigger, and according to the gynae is healthy n good cos I will be removing the stitch on week 36.
My next review is 23 March when I'm about 33 weeks. :)


Thanks mummies!

Ya I also got leg cramp few times. The last one was quite severe.. My hubby sleeping soundly so he wasn't able to wake up to help me stretch. I use my left leg to stretch my right leg. Hahha. But the small leg muscle was painful for 2 days man.. Haha

Actually hospital bag need to bring what stuff? I haven received the notes frm the parent craft.
Roughly is it need:
Marriage cert
admission letter and misc letters from gynae
Nursing bra
front button pyjamas
maternity pad
disposable underwear
baby's receiving blanket?
Baby's going home clothes?
hmmmm did I miss anything major?


Hi Dilys and Jofeny!
Ive forgotten my log in but I hv been reading your interesting conversations and updates! Until now, I try again and at the last and 5th try I got in! Bad memory has really gotten to me.
Oh, last time I was here talking abt baby's gender...All the old wives' talesigns point to boy but Im expecting a girl! Am happy as well, as this is my first child. And oh, the girls' clothings, cot sheets and stuff r so pretty esp there's more in Perth, where im residing now.
Everything's good and well. In week 33 and baby was 1.8kg at week 32.
Gained 5kg so far.
Tiredness start creeping in on me since week 32 as the tummy grew at such a fast rate! Belly button fully popped out now! Was down with a very bad cold yesterday but luckily recovered fast. So tired!
Currently dolling up the nursery...abt 80% done with shopping for myself and baby. Even got a diaper bag!
Only 50% completed my Hospital and Diaper bags tho.
Last check at week 32, baby's in a good position for natural delivery. Im gg for natural w/o epidural, if everything's good.
Great to be reading on all April mummies' posts that your pregnancies r going smoothly and all the funny stories and comments really made me laughed hard!
Jia you jia you!


Hi Dilys and Jofeny!
Ive forgotten my log in but I hv been reading your interesting conversations and updates! Until now, I try again and at the last and 5th try I got in! Bad memory has really gotten to me.
Oh, last time I was here talking abt baby's gender...All the old wives' talesigns point to boy but Im expecting a girl! Am happy as well, as this is my first child. And oh, the girls' clothings, cot sheets and stuff r so pretty esp there's more in Perth, where im residing now.
Everything's good and well. In week 33 and baby was 1.8kg at week 32.
Gained 5kg so far.
Tiredness start creeping in on me since week 32 as the tummy grew at such a fast rate! Belly button fully popped out now! Was down with a very bad cold yesterday but luckily recovered fast. So tired!
Currently dolling up the nursery...abt 80% done with shopping for myself and baby. Even got a diaper bag!
Only 50% completed my Hospital and Diaper bags tho.
Last check at week 32, baby's in a good position for natural delivery. Im gg for natural w/o epidural, if everything's good.
Great to be reading on all April mummies' posts that your pregnancies r going smoothly and all the funny stories and comments really made me laughed hard!
Jia you jia you!
hi anxious mummy.. miss u leh.. so long never login!! must beat backside!! haha.... was waiting for your update then suddenly mia for sooo long!!!

oh u r at Perth now!! so u have been going to the Woman's hospital at Subiaco for scan? Ya, Aussie got a lot of v nice and cheap maternity wear too.. baby clothes are also v cheap and nice...

i went for my scan yesterday.. bb is 2.265kg yesterday at 33 weeks! my gynae say my bb sudden growth.. even the legs, stomach all suddenly grow v fast.. she even retook the measurements to ensure its correct readings.. im going for c sect at week 37.. so bb better quickly gain weight..

:) great to see you ard!!