EDD April Mummies


I add u ... La Hehe mine privated !!! Your email wrong leh cannot add ....
Wa u all so open leh.. Email address all put here.. Later got "pervert man" here anyhow add u !!! Better pm lor!! Huafen & jofeny better edit ur post take out the email address !!
Hmm... Got wrong meh.. Looks right to me.. Hmm

Ok I go remove

Haha.. I so smart.. I go huafen wall n look for u cos jus befriend ma.. Then add u.. :)
Last edited:


Huh... Very interesting name ...mahjong pong !!! Hahhahahhaha
Haha.. Ya my frens always call me mahjong queen.. In fact I know how to play since primary 1...

But I think I'm a bit sian of it already.. Already never touch for the last 2 years.. Even 3 legs lack 1 leg I also dun play.. Haha..


Active Member
Hmm... Got wrong meh.. Looks right to me.. Hmm

Ok I go remove

Haha.. I so smart.. I go huafen wall n look for u cos jus befriend ma.. Then add u.. :)
Hey .. Pretty jofeny..
I accept u Liao!!

U & huafen remove ur email here .. Later got Prevert uncle anyhow add u!!! This mummy forum got these kind of "uncles" okie they act as if they are "daddies" come n chat then later talk dirty to mummies in this forum....


Ok ok. I also already removed. Really got such pian tai ppl de ar. I tot they really very gd hubby come online n chat wif mummies to know more stuff. Never in my mind will think they got other motive!


Active Member
Ok ok. I also already removed. Really got such pian tai ppl de ar. I tot they really very gd hubby come online n chat wif mummies to know more stuff. Never in my mind will think they got other motive!
Ya i was surprised too there when there are a few mum here who pm about how these men cheating around. They usually will go n make friends with those "lonely" mummies here then try to chat to them..trying to be nice lent a listening ear.. Then ask the mummies out for meet up then " ask for hanky panky"! So have to be careful ...


Active Member
Haha okok can add me on facebook.

my real name is Huafen :)
Huafen dear,

Did I told u about my good news..... My baby"s kidney finally at the normal range.... Omg I m so happy u know.. Thank goddness !!! It's smaller already... Doc mention that after come out will ask pd to check again maybe sure than its even smaller after birth... Woooh ....


Tats very gd diliys! My no.1 also maintain his size. Slightly smaller too. Now can drag his check up. Was also glad abt it :)

Mandy I already accepted u :)


1+am I still can't get to sleep..came in here n it's more than 10 pages since I last logged in! Haha
i also attended mount A prenatal class. But I think I'm one class ahead of u all. Next sat is my last class le. I'm going into my 35th week soon.. Excited yet scared and unsure Wat to expect!! I every morning 1st thing check water bag got burst or not. Lol
im hoping bebe can come early..but that would mean I might become March Mummy. Lol I prefer to be in here :p
anyway, hope all of u r coping fine :)
jia you!!


Active Member
1+am I still can't get to sleep..came in here n it's more than 10 pages since I last logged in! Haha
i also attended mount A prenatal class. But I think I'm one class ahead of u all. Next sat is my last class le. I'm going into my 35th week soon.. Excited yet scared and unsure Wat to expect!! I every morning 1st thing check water bag got burst or not. Lol
im hoping bebe can come early..but that would mean I might become March Mummy. Lol I prefer to be in here :p
anyway, hope all of u r coping fine :)
jia you!!
Hi littlepea,

Oh you are still attending your prenatal class.. ? I finish mine in mid feb. haha u have attended the classes u shouldn't be scared la! Personally I find the classes quite useful to first time mum. No need to keep checking if your water bag burst... Haha relax & positive...anyway even if water bag burst u don't have to rush immediately to hospital... ( 3 stages of labour) I will take you a few h hours to dilate! Wherther baby come out in march or April doesn't matter la hahaa...as long as both of u r healthy. Relax!! Pant pant blow !!! Haha

Today I m 33wk ...yeah!!! I am happy... For me I never scared water bag burst.. Just the everyday aching from the body.. Every night exploring a new right comfortable position to sleep. Hahahah

Jia you!!!! Jiayou!!! U got only 1 mth to go... Have u pack ur bag already ??


Morning ladies,

The body aches and the sleeping position is really such a nightmare to me too right now! Feel like crying everytime i turn from right to left or vice versa!! Hubby says i groan in my sleep with each turn.... and sometimes i wish he will let me have the whole bed! so mean i know :D

i've got 6 weeks to go, packed my bag almost 3/4 just to be on the safe side cuz my hubby is completely blur. dun think he will have any idea where to find my stuff in case of emergency! yet to wash baby clothes though, maybe in the next 2-3 weeks :D

do u ladies have swollen feets yet?
Hi ladies,

Have anyone start to research on what vaccination to give to your baby? Heard some of the vaccination is not necessary and the ingredients do contain some risk to the health of baby... anyone heard of that?


1+am I still can't get to sleep..came in here n it's more than 10 pages since I last logged in! Haha
i also attended mount A prenatal class. But I think I'm one class ahead of u all. Next sat is my last class le. I'm going into my 35th week soon.. Excited yet scared and unsure Wat to expect!! I every morning 1st thing check water bag got burst or not. Lol
im hoping bebe can come early..but that would mean I might become March Mummy. Lol I prefer to be in here :p
anyway, hope all of u r coping fine :)
jia you!!
wa.. seems like you will b the first here!! jia you!!! me also only week 33 only...

waterbag burst should know de.. dun worry too much..

coping.. ya.. i think im floating thru... v emo recently... keep wanting to tear.. i think cos feeling the discomfort.. really feel so angry inside but what to do...