EDD July 2012


I am normal weight, my bb is normal weight. Bt at wk 20, I have gained abt 8-9 kg. Doc asked me watch my weight, like take carbo stuff like rice, noodles. so Sad. My fren at mth 3-4 still look slim. Massuer say I have water retention.


Congrats! Mine is a boy too, going for my detailed scan tomorrow..

btw, I'll like to check with everyone here, is it ok to take 洋参 or 花旗参 now? because i got abit heaty & my back got alot acne pop out, my mum went to those traditional chinese medicine shop & ask the uncle, the uncle recomment those 洋参 with hot water to drink.
Try not to take Red Ginseng or 红参。 They are supposed to be 活血。 American ginseng 花旗参 is milder so it is ok.


Well, I just had a follow-up scan - turn out that baby's nuchal fold is thicker than expected so that increases the risk of Down's Syndrome to 1 in 150. We're not doing any further test. Just trust that things will be alright. Baby now looks more like me - can see quite clearly from 3D scan. Can't wait for July! :)
Well, I just had a follow-up scan - turn out that baby's nuchal fold is thicker than expected so that increases the risk of Down's Syndrome to 1 in 150. We're not doing any further test. Just trust that things will be alright. Baby now looks more like me - can see quite clearly from 3D scan. Can't wait for July! :)
Wah!!! S0 faSt can g0 3d? I requeSted mine t00.. but my gynae SayS i g0tta wait 28weekS-32weekS... S0 Sad... im excited t00... im w0ndering wh0 She l00k like... =)


Morning Mummys,

Anyone like me very easily get angry and fan? I can get angry over small things and feeling very fan. This is my first time i encounter this, my first 2 pregnancy i am ok but now get angry over small things, have try to control myself as don wan to effect baby but jus can't control. My cousic told me is Pre-natal blues...


Congrats! Mine is a boy too, going for my detailed scan tmr..

btw, I'll like to check wif everyone here, is it ok to take 洋参 or 花旗参 now? because i got abit heaty & my back got alot acne pop out, my mum went to those tcm shop & ask the uncle, the uncle recomment those 洋参 with hot water to drink.

my hubby say 洋参 is too heaty.. 花旗参 better..


Morning Mummys,

Anyone like me very easily get angry and fan? I can get angry over small things and feeling very fan. This is my first time i encounter this, my first 2 pregnancy i am ok but now get angry over small things, have try to control myself as don wan to effect baby but jus can't control. My cousic told me is Pre-natal blues...
I am also getting angried very easily during week 16-19 and always shout at my hubby for over small things. I don't know why but now I feel ok. I don't feel so upset or angry these few days :D . Not sure it's becoz my hubby knows how to calm me down or it's just my mood swing.. :D
If something upsets me, I tend to eat sweets/ chocolates and listen some musice to make myself cool down .....


back from my FA scan, everything is ok, phew!

btw, anyone is going to this workshop -My Healthy Pregnancy Workshop, organized by cordlife this sat?
My Healthy Pregnancy Workshop - Uncategorised - Cordlife Cord Blood Bank

I see that registration fees is Free entry with your gynae appointment card (meaning we just show our appointmet card that day & will have free entry?) so do we still get the goodies bag? haha...
The registration is free if you bring along your gynae appointment. Doesn't matter who is your gynae. :)
Are you planning to do cord blood saving for your baby?
The registration is free if you bring along your gynae appointment. Doesn't matter who is your gynae. :)
Are you planning to do cord blood saving for your baby?
emm..i'm not sure..is it free? am I oblige to do cord blood saving if i'm goin to attend the seminar? haha..


Does anyone feel irritated at work ? Duno is it lack of sleep but I kinda feel irritated by my colleagues questions. Seems impatient nowsadays.


emm..i'm not sure..is it free? am I oblige to do cord blood saving if i'm goin to attend the seminar? haha..
I'm not sure also.. Browing through their website and found that yearly fees is $250 and Upfront payment is $1950 which is not bad if cord blood is really required in future treatments.


I am also getting angried very easily during week 16-19 and always shout at my hubby for over small things. I don't know why but now I feel ok. I don't feel so upset or angry these few days :D . Not sure it's becoz my hubby knows how to calm me down or it's just my mood swing.. :D
If something upsets me, I tend to eat sweets/ chocolates and listen some musice to make myself cool down .....
For me, too bad my hubby donno how to calm me down but making me more worst, try to talk to him but no use, My 1st pregnancy, he very gd coz is the 1st 1, 2nd pregnancy so so, now 3rd pregnancy don bother... Makes me so stress and tired as i need to work in the morning then go back need to look after my 2 gers without any help...

At work very easily get irritated by my colleagues, my colleagues feels that too... I can't control my mood and temper, very easily get irritated... A simple Question or a small things makes me angry and irritated... Everyday can't slp well, rest well, having bad headache... Really don't know what should i do to get away this kind of feeling... 1 of my cousin say she is now seeing psy as she have a same problem as me...


For me, too bad my hubby donno how to calm me down but making me more worst, try to talk to him but no use, My 1st pregnancy, he very gd coz is the 1st 1, 2nd pregnancy so so, now 3rd pregnancy don bother... Makes me so stress and tired as i need to work in the morning then go back need to look after my 2 gers without any help...

At work very easily get irritated by my colleagues, my colleagues feels that too... I can't control my mood and temper, very easily get irritated... A simple Question or a small things makes me angry and irritated... Everyday can't slp well, rest well, having bad headache... Really don't know what should i do to get away this kind of feeling... 1 of my cousin say she is now seeing psy as she have a same problem as me...
I understand how you feel. Previously, My hubby also doesn't knw how to talk well when I was angry for something. The more he talks, the more I get upset.. haha..So now, If I get upset for something, I try not to talk to him and try to watch TV, listen music or read book. Then he knows I tried my best to calm myself.. Lately, thank God he tries to say some funny things if I feel agitated for some situation.

When I was so upset and depressed, i talked to my sister and share the feeling how upset I was. Then she will listen and after that I feel better.. :D
So I think it's good for you to talk to someone who can understand you. Because husband or guys will not be easily how we women think. Also you need some break as you've not been sleeping well, busy with your girls and tried from office work too... So rest well, during the weekends. for example, let your husband take care of your girls and you go out with some friends or cousins to open up your feeling. At least that will make you feel like you have some rest. Take care dear.


I understand how you feel. Previously, My hubby also doesn't knw how to talk well when I was angry for something. The more he talks, the more I get upset.. haha..So now, If I get upset for something, I try not to talk to him and try to watch TV, listen music or read book. Then he knows I tried my best to calm myself.. Lately, thank God he tries to say some funny things if I feel agitated for some situation.

When I was so upset and depressed, i talked to my sister and share the feeling how upset I was. Then she will listen and after that I feel better.. :D
So I think it's good for you to talk to someone who can understand you. Because husband or guys will not be easily how we women think. Also you need some break as you've not been sleeping well, busy with your girls and tried from office work too... So rest well, during the weekends. for example, let your husband take care of your girls and you go out with some friends or cousins to open up your feeling. At least that will make you feel like you have some rest. Take care dear.
For my hubby he will not bother abt how i feels now, he can keep saying things to make me angry which he knows that i will be very angry... Don't know is it he think this is the 3rd one le, so don need to bother so much abt me... My siblings is all brother, i don't have sister to talk to... I can't talk to my mum if not if she go and talk to my hubby, my hubby will dislike her and stop going over to my mum's place which happen before and i am stuck in between...

For weekends, most of the time my hubby will be working, even if he is not working, he will not allow me to go have some break with my frens and sad is that my frens all busy with their kids or not in singapore... Only he can have breaks and not me... I have no one to help me and no one to listen to me... Maybe he think i am a wonder mummy haha...


heys, have any of you started shopping for ur baby??

I am having trouble deciding between moo moo now cloth diaper and bum wear..
any gd advices??


New Member
I hv started to buy few baby shirt n mitten only as i hv some baby old shirt.. Baby playpen my frinz gv it to me..