EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Today is a bad day for me too. Having consipation n went to see GP and got some medication... Had forced some stool out n bleed... Now I am not sure if the bleed is from the piles or virginal... Called my gynae but she was on half day leave... Asked the nurse n she told me to monitor, if bleed stop thn shld be ok... But am still worries...
Don't worry dear. I found that vitagen/yakult helped me too and so far constipation hasnt visited me.. so why not try that? And don't force if you can't ok??


Thanks mummies, so far no more bleeding but still can't help worrying. WIsh I hv transparent tummy where I can c if bb is alright .


Today is a bad day for me too. Having consipation n went to see GP and got some medication... Had forced some stool out n bleed... Now I am not sure if the bleed is from the piles or virginal... Called my gynae but she was on half day leave... Asked the nurse n she told me to monitor, if bleed stop thn shld be ok... But am still worries...
hi, i got problem w/ piles also. mine is outside. my pile bleeding cos of rough toilet paper(from office) not constipation. if can use wet tissue or water. more clean also. i am clean freak when come to cleaning my body. drink more water n eat more veg.anyway is best to see gynea, if u not sure wat causes bleeding. take care!!

u dare to see baby inside if transparent tummy?? think i will faint everyday!! hahaha


erm my gynae actually advised me not to take the bottle type of chicken essence. coz it contains stimulants so you will be prone to keloids. quite surprised actually but just to be safe i'm listening to her. she says those double boiled chicken soup is fine though, abotu once a week is ok.
i just finish my 6 bottles of brands, yday bought another 2 box from euyanseng. now dun know to take anot. my collg take everyday last time, tat why i also take. maybe stop 1st, next week ask my gynea.

thank for the infor


Yap my piles oso on the outside, so far manage to avoid consIpation...but recently maybe too heaty...

Ha ha, good to c what Is the little fella doing rather then only feel her movement.


hi all mummies,
need some advises, having white yellowish discharges since last nite. getting more watery now. abit pain on n off at virginal area. keep pee also. having braxton hicks contraction last nite also. is tat normal?? abit worried now.


hi all mummies,
need some advises, having white yellowish discharges since last nite. getting more watery now. abit pain on n off at virginal area. keep pee also. having braxton hicks contraction last nite also. is tat normal?? abit worried now.
Hey Climsp! I think you better give a ring to your gynae because my gynae told me to call whenever there was bloody discharge or water break. Since your is whitish yellow, i dont know if it will fall under the discharge catergory.. Better to be safe than sorry eh. Is your contractions getting stronger or does it go away when you change positions etc?


no contraction now, just abit pain at virginal area. i put a pad now, in case. at office now. abit kanchiong. think will see how in 1 or 2 hr. if still pain then go see gynea. cos now onli 29 week+. baby still active inside.


I will get some yellowish discharge at times and similar sharp pains at times at the virginal area. I'm kinda used to it but if it bothers you, just give gynae a call ba.


no contraction now, just abit pain at virginal area. i put a pad now, in case. at office now. abit kanchiong. think will see how in 1 or 2 hr. if still pain then go see gynea. cos now onli 29 week+. baby still active inside.
Oh, i think its normal la.. and i heard yellowish whitish discharge is normal also cause i used to get it.. Supposed to be good it seems. So, dont think u hv to wory la.


i guess the whitish yellowish discharge is normal n will get even more as we are further along our pregnancy. i get them thruout my pregnancy and it seems to be getting alot more now. from what i read, as long as there's no foul smell it's still safe. i also did a swap test w my gynae when i first got them bt they came out alright. no sign of infection. so dont worry unless it smells really bad and has traces of blood in it. i have to agree it is uber disgusting n i wear pantyliner all the time now n still is disgusted by it..

hang in there ladies.. its the home stretch now. =))


Active Member
hi all mummies,
need some advises, having white yellowish discharges since last nite. getting more watery now. abit pain on n off at virginal area. keep pee also. having braxton hicks contraction last nite also. is that normal?? abit worried now.
Hi climsp,

your gynae dr Chen lin Han right? you need to call the clinic & let him know. Maybe due to infection that's why you having pain on & off . U at 29 wks too early to have any contractions. Most probably he will give u utrogeston


Hi climsp,

your gynae dr Chen lin Han right? you need to call the clinic & let him know. Maybe due to infection that's why you having pain on & off . U at 29 wks too early to have any contractions. Most probably he will give u utrogeston
Also depending on how many contractions you experience within the hour. Mine's definitely early contractions cos I had like 4 within an hour. Was given Salbutamol + propanolol to relax the uterus.


does anyone know if every day a bowl of mix fruits after lunch (about 30 mins later) is too much or too little? nowadays I've been getting a bowl of mix fruits ($3) from Sun Moon which includes strawberry, kiwi, rock melon, honeydew, dragon fruit, mango, apple, peach, pear, grape, orange (1-2 bite size of each).. sometimes when I got home at night, I will try to eat 1 whole apple.. jus afraid I am eating too much fruits per day...


Doesn't sound like too much. Remember the fruits in the bowl are all sliced, so actually it's not a lot. I should actually learn from u. I'm always too full after breakfast or lunch to have any fruits. After dinner, I might have a banana or apple only. So bad. Must eat more!!! >


Wanna check with other mummies regarding Braxton hicks.

How does it feel like?

Since last week, I can feel a muscle tightening sensation just under my boobs area where my tummy starts to bulge. Happen about 3 to 5 times already. It's quite uncomfortable and a little pain. I thought it could be the baby kicking me so my hubby actually scolded her haha!

Pls share your experience thank u! :)


Also depending on how many contractions you experience within the hour. Mine's definitely early contractions cos I had like 4 within an hour. Was given Salbutamol + propanolol to relax the uterus.
dun think is contraction. cos the pain is at virginal area. but bump seem harden now, no pain. baby still moving happily inside:eek:15: