EDD May 2012 Mummies!


I lost about 5kg on day 4. But since i put on a total of 22kg over my pregnancy...it's still a long way to go.

Yes, I also get very hungry now that I'm breastfeeding. Other than the normal meals, must eat late morning snack, tea break and supper.

I'm using Avent single electric breast pump.

Climsp, Fanger n the rest who are still waiting, should be quite fast liao... I also had a slight drop in weight few days before i popped. :)

Haha... Answering a few pple's questions in one reply.

I have a question...any of your babies' jaundice reading is going by hundreds instead of tens?
I brought my baby back on day 5 to do jaundice test and the result was 274.


So fast! Congrats Fanger..... :)))
Rest well now...

Hi, I delivered already this morning 4am+. The epidural doesn't help much. Cox in end they will want u to feel the contraction pain to push bb out and side effect was vomiting and fever. But everything is ok.


Hi, I delivered already this morning 4am+. The epidural doesn't help much. Cox in end they will want u to feel the contraction pain to push bb out and side effect was vomiting and fever. But everything is ok.
Congrats babe! Its normal. I had fever too. It will go away. Rest well while u can before u discharge ya.


I am also feeding my girl BM... Does it really worsen the jaundice? Now I am almost total breast feed...
Your girl having jaundice too? My gynae told me BF will be more prone to jaundice but its alright to BF. PD says make sure we hv enough BM. I think the purpose is to have more fluid to flush out.
I still have a little pain from the ditches, yet from discharge till be haven taken any pain killer, in laws and Cl discourage me to eat.pain killer even I want to...... is just thanks. I feel skin itchy around the ditches, do any mummies experience this?
Not really itchy. Did u use wound wash? It was prescribed by the gynae during my stay in hosp.


Hi mummies,
I just discharged from hospital today. Total stay in hospital for 5 days. However my little fella having jaundice and he not allowed to go home. Sigh the earliest he can go home is on mon provided his jaundice is ok. Is it true that by feeding formula milk will flush out the jaundice? The nurses keep ask me to breast feed my baby and i know is not enough for him cos too little. I can stuck in the nursery for 2 hours with him. After that, when I went back to room to rest, less than 1 hour they will asked me go back again cos baby crying. Even midnight also same. In the end I din really really rest, most of the time in nursery. I'm quite tired and stress when my baby keep on crying and knowing that he doesn't have enough to feel full. Once I can't take it, I just cry with him. Lucky there r some nice nurses who
Suggest to feed him with formula milk so that he will feel full and I can rest. While some of them keep asking me to latch him, keep ask me to
Go back to nursery when my boy cry. I was quite pissed off with them. Then u know when baby having jaundice they need to be naked and under the phototherapy. Imagine the room is so cold, they din even warm my baby first and just on the blue light for the therapy. My baby is shivering and my husband told them baby is shivering ok. Can warm him first. We were
So pissed with the two nurses. Unlike the nicer nurses, they will warm him up first before he undergo phototherapy. Now I understand y they keep ask me go back to nursery to feed/pacify my boy!! I told my gynae what happen cos he mentioned I look very tired. After listening, my gynae said nursery to handle the baby, I should rest.

For mummies who through c sect, how long did you wait before u go for post natal massage??
Don't stress red devil. When stress your milk will take longer to come out. Always remain positive.

For massage. It's been 3 weeks plus since baby was born n doc told me nt to go massage cos of my csect. Maybe after I see him in 2 weeks he may change his mind


Hi, I delivered already this morning 4am+. The epidural doesn't help much. Cox in end they will want u to feel the contraction pain to push bb out and side effect was vomiting and fever. But everything is ok.
Congrats! The long wait is finally over ;)

Update us when u much better k. Enjoy the time spent wif ur baby. Tk good care.


Congratz fanger!! U take care!!

Gracecwz, I still waiting for my naughty boy to be natural!! Think no hope le! He going to induce out!! He show no sign of coming! My hubby got 3 friend giving birth this mth also! Our boy will be didi now, he is the last one to pop!!


Dear Red Devil

Try to be positive k. Guess the nurses simply wanted your baby to be well fed but their way of conveying so backfired.

When I was staying at the hospital, the doctor n nurses also wanted me to bf my gal often to flush out the jaundice. It was only subsequently after discharge they mentioned tt if jaundice is too high, to stop bf for a day or so. When I googled, conflicting stories whereby some sources said no need stop Bf some said to. Luckily my gal's jaundice under ctrl so I continue wif my bf-Ing.

At the hospital, I din managed to get any rest too. I bf or tried to bf my gal every 2, 3 hours but milk supply nil or very low. Resort to pumping out but took me 1, 2 hours to pump out 10ml. Only managed to get some rest after I went home n CL took over. Now tt u are home doing ur confinement juz make sure u rest while u can.

As for postnatal massage, my gynae not in favor of me starting any earlier than 4 weeks so I hv arranged to start the massage 5 weeks after delivery.


New Member
Firstly, my congrats to all mums who have just delivered their bundle of joy. I am here to share my experience in breastfeeding. Yes, breastfeeding is laborious, having to wake up at odd hours to breastfeed and throughout the day, latch or pumping breastmilk are all we could do :) We get frustrated and helpless when see our babies cries, demanding milk and attention, can really get into you. But with support, we are quick to learn how to manage our babies. No one is born to know motherhood. It is the through the process and experience, we become better in what we do. My advice, dont't be stress if our breast milk are not enough to cater to baby's need. Speaking from experience, the more we are stress, breast milk production will be affected. Just relax, watch your fluid intake, eat plenty of fish and naturally the supplies will kick in. The key to breastfeeding is perseverance!! And the joy and the bonding process supersede all the hard work, the tiredness and lack of sleep. It is really magical and unimaginable!!

Secondly, get a good pump and reliable milk storage bags, I have tried many brands, some good but expensive, some dirt cheap but unreliable. Recently, in New Age Parenting a question was asked 'which brand of milk bags are the most economical and good?" Nanny Breast milk come in top with 85%. The following is my 2-cent worth of advice :

Shyme Tay I was initially using Nanny milk bags, liked the milk bags a lot but was persuaded by a friend to try Baby One milk bags which claimed it is cheaper. However, I was so disappointed with the milk bags. When I used Baby One, I had to used 2 milk bags to store the breast milk unlike 1 for Nanny milk bags. So my cost is actually higher.. Sometimes I can't even store up to 200ml so claimed as the milk will squish out when I close the bags. The markings of the bags are also inaccurate and the bags are also very plastic. I wrote to them about my displeasure and they offered me a refund to buy another of their product. I have plenty more reasons why I will not recommend this brand.. Sorry for the long post, but really disappointed and frustrated with Baby One milk bags.. My vote is to Nanny milk bags... ordered another 6 boxes from Elaine yesterday. Foodfortotz Elaine | Facebook
May 6 at 4:13pm · Like · 5

Lastly, to all mummies out there, dont't fret. First few days could be overwhelming but take my words, everything will work out well. Be positive and most important happy :) Enjoy the bonding process ....when you can breasfeed for first 3 days, nothing else can be daunting :)


New Member
Hi tataro,

My baby also had a juandice level of 24 and I'm still on total breastfeeding. Just feed her more often. There is actually no need to use formula to flush out the juandice as juandice on it's own is harmless to the baby. It is the worry that the juandice is due to liver problems that is more worrying. However, it is normally for Asian babies and ESP breastfed babies to have prolonged juandice. Just monitor, if the juandice shows signs of leveling or dropping, it is fine.

Arghhhh, I still feed my gal EBM, her jaundice level is 24 on wed, pd said let her sunbathe first


New Member
Not really itchy. Did u use wound wash? It was prescribed by the gynae during my stay in hosp.
I wash not given anything to wash my wound as on the day of discharge fumarole change my dressing will be seeing him tomorrow to change the dressing..I did ask fumarole any the itched, say probably is the plastic that is irritating my skin


Your girl having jaundice too? My gynae told me BF will be more prone to jaundice but its alright to BF. PD says make sure we hv enough BM. I think the purpose is to have more fluid to flush out.
Yes, her jaundice is 12.9 thou no need to go thru phototharphy but nearly there, has to sun bathe her.
my mum keep asking me to feed her plain water ...


New Member
I lost about 5kg on day 4. But since i put on a total of 22kg over my pregnancy...it's still a long way to go.

Yes, I also get very hungry now that I'm breastfeeding. Other than the normal meals, must eat late morning snack, tea break and supper.

I'm using Avent single electric breast pump.

Climsp, Fanger n the rest who are still waiting, should be quite fast liao... I also had a slight drop in weight few days before i popped. :)

Haha... Answering a few pple's questions in one reply.

I have a question...any of your babies' jaundice reading is going by hundreds instead of tens?
I brought my baby back on day 5 to do jaundice test and the result was 274.

Hi rzena,

I am also using the avent single electrionic breast pump but it kind of hurt my nipple while pumping so have to result in manual hand expressing.


wana ask, if bb is taking in abt 80ml per feeding, & ur ebm per pump is abt 100-150ml, wat do u do? do u seperate them (eg. warm up only 80ml & balance leave it for d next feeding)?


Wanna ask mummies who have normal delivery!! Where ur hubby stand?? Beside & hug u while face the gynea or stand beside gynea facing ur VJJ n massage ur legs?? My hubby scare if he see any blood will faint!! Haha! Cos his friend who use the same gynea was ask to massage his wife legs n face the VJJ. His face is kind of scared also.


Hi, I delivered already this morning 4am+. The epidural doesn't help much. Cox in end they will want u to feel the contraction pain to push bb out and side effect was vomiting and fever. But everything is ok.
Congrates Fanger! Have a good rest!