EDD May 2012 Mummies!


How about if on formula milk? Need to feed water? Or same as breastmilk, no need? Cos I am feeding my baby formula milk these few days until i recover.


mine is abt 50-60ml these day. unless I skip pumping, my next pump will goes to 100 - 120 ml (usually in the morning cos I'm too tired to pump at 6am)

not sure abt the rest..

All mummies who bf, does your supply decrease during the day? I can usually pump about 60-100ml first thing in the morn now, next pump about 60ml then following one about 40-50ml and night pump about 40-50ml as well. Is this normal? Or sld it be more consistent? Like i sld be getting consistently 60-100ml each time regardless of thw time of day?


Think maybe I should pump out to see how much I have. After 2 hr feed he still hungry I super tired. Ball carry position he dun like, I can't carry him too long also, carry him front both ok but I scare of my wound. Hubby want to feed him FM now. I just pump out or maybe feed him awhile, cos of my wound.

Hear from my MIL, my FIL is so happy n proud of baby! Keeps telling ppl ard abt him n his size! just now I went nursing ward, mine is really big there.


My MIL is telling me the nurse who help her yday w/ her kidney problem told her dun feed baby BM now 2 week later then feed cos of the medi I taking now! I told her my PD say can so I feed! She keeps tell me dun better! I know she kanchiong cos 1st grandchild but he is my baby also mah! Anyway I dun care! Lol
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I tried massaging her cheek which the LC taught me, tickle her, hold her hand... She just ignore n zzz....
Haha, at times my gal wil also ignore me n juz 'kun' ... Stay positive k. I also find tt at times I will put her down on my bed n after few mins, she will wake up n I continue my feeding again. Dats y bf-Ing very Siong on mummies. Per feed abt 1.5 hours time n very soon, we repeat the whole process again. I m deprived of sleep but I dare not sleep too soundly.


I wake up very easily at the slightest sound that baby makes. The other day I was napping in the room n I thought I heard baby cry but it was the tv showing a baby crying instead -__-


Googled if Bb shd drink water n below article refers

Should I give my newborn water or sugar water? | BabyCenter

Juz for sharing. When my Bb had jaundice thenn reading was high, my CL actually told me to stop bf for almost 1 day n during this while, she boiled certain water for my gal to drink instead. Bcos my instincts trust her, I allow her to do so. My Bb's jaundice now ok.

I find myself now more open to acknowledging those do called 'old wives tales n practices' now tt I m a mummy. Previously I will laugh such practices off but recently whenever ppl commented infront of my gal if she is easy to look after, if she crys frequently etc, we tend to hv gal throwing a tantrum within the same day. Dunno if coincidences but too many such incidents. Now I will remind my frens not to ask qns of such nature when they visit me.

Last nite after my sister in law commented tt My gal never cry, later the same night she cried so loud n long, first time like this n I dunno why but ended up crying wif her cos heartpain to see her crying so. My CL said she has tummy wind so discomfort n pain. I checked her buttock also redness due to nappy rash. Feeling so sad when see my gal like this. Luckily this morning better.

As my CL leaving soon, nowadays I kept thinking if I can tk good care of my gal. So many possible scenarios can happen n will I be able to know how to handle. Mind in a mess now.

I m still thinking if to hv 2nd child. Put aside the financial commitment, dunno if I hv the energy to go thru the whole process again.
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Omg omg... I'm finally going in tonight! Although not strictly a may mummy, but I glad I'll be seeing my boy soon.

Just now Gynae say we going in tonight, baby kick and kick! Seems he also very excited


mine is abt 50-60ml these day. unless I skip pumping, my next pump will goes to 100 - 120 ml (usually in the morning cos I'm too tired to pump at 6am)

not sure abt the rest..
My gal latched on most of time. Only time bottle feed ard 3 plus in the morning if I m too tired to wake up. Nowadays pump only once per day. Ard 60 to 90ml output.
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Omg omg... I'm finally going in tonight! Although not strictly a may mummy, but I glad I'll be seeing my boy soon.

Just now Gynae say we going in tonight, baby kick and kick! Seems he also very excited
Congrats! Long wait is almost over. Jia you k. Keep us posted ya..


Omg omg... I'm finally going in tonight! Although not strictly a may mummy, but I glad I'll be seeing my boy soon.

Just now Gynae say we going in tonight, baby kick and kick! Seems he also very excited

Jia u jia!! Remember Wat we mention to u hor!! Keeps us update!! All the best! Mummies r the best! Always remember tat!! Haha


My boy has d same problem some times but not due to dripping cos I onli leak one side. Try clean the breast if it leaks? In your case since u can pump out 5 ounce why not feed ebm first. Btw how many weeks is ur boy?
Ok thanks..will try. He's 10 days old today. Yup have also given him EBM but also want to mix some direct latch on feeds so as to boost milk supply n establish some bonding with him. Today i tried using the nipple shield again and it seems to work. He only detached himself about 2-3 times during the 45mins feed. Maybe my nipple too short?


Jiayou gracecwz!
Regardless the birthdate, we've shared so much in this forum that there's an amazing sense of acquaintance between all of us already! ;)
I'm sure all other mummies here will agree.

All the best tonight!!

Omg omg... I'm finally going in tonight! Although not strictly a may mummy, but I glad I'll be seeing my boy soon.

Just now Gynae say we going in tonight, baby kick and kick! Seems he also very excited


Wanna ask now my boy is 3 day. Should I feed on demand?? He was BF for 2 hr but still hungry , 1 hr later FM. Now going to 5hr already still sleep! Nurse ask me to feed him 1.5hr ago but he dun wanna wake up!