EDD May 2012 Mummies!


Good to be home! If ur breast is hard, try massage before feeding or expressing to avoid engorged breast... No joke...


I massage n express just now! Think after dinner I express again!! My baby just feed him BM 30ml n FM 20 ml he still cry! I give up give him pacifier! He stop! He like to suck for comfort! My nipples too pain to let him suck now, express by pump I still ok! Bottle feed or direct breast feeding he is ok! But when I put on nipple shield he reject! How? hubby say just express n feed him will do!


back home!! i tried pump out milk i got 30ml for 1hr. breast still very hard and nipples pain, maybe try again later for evening feed. think drink more soup really help. i got soup mostly every lunch n dinner during the hospital stay, drink alot of water, dates tea n milo also.

Btw there a lot of bubbles in milk, how?? Need to warm up 1st b4 give baby drink?
Yah for mine, also had a lot of bubbles for the first week. It's ok, just feed him the liquid part of the EBM. My EBM slowly became more liquid n less bubbles by the 2nd week. Remember to burp baby after bottle feed though. :)

Need to warm if u keep the EBM in fridge. I put the bottle in a bowl of hot water to do that.


Burp over shoulder better, but I tend to carry baby too low sometime, close his nose n mouth instead.

Btw how long can I pump for each side of the breast? Think I got quite a lot. Super hard now.


does anyone knw when our menses will come back? now is my 1 mth 1 wk aft birth & my blood flow for d past 2 days was as much as my usual menses on d 1st 2 days.. not sure if it's menses or bleeding frm d stitches.. but I do feel abit 腰酸.
If bf i think it wont come back so soon. My postpartum bleeding is ending soon i think. Now just staining. Finally after almost one month.

But i realized every time i pump my milk, the bleeding will increase?
Essentially Breastfeeding will cause uterus to contract so bleeding will increase.
actually I hav stop pumping & breastfeeding for few days oredi as I find no time to sit down & pump for 1 hr.. in between feeds if bb dun wan to slp I wld hav to pacify him to slp & sometimes it'll b until d next feed. if not then I'll b too tired bb slp I also slp, tats why I find no time to pump. As bb still didnt latch on smoothly & I didnt hav enough nutritious food (during confinement) my mum suggest I giv bb better milk powder instead. Now, I tink I sprained my left waist, it has been in pain for few days everytime I bend down to carry bb. Tinking to see a sinseh tomolo.

so I dun tink its breastfeeding tat cause d heavy blood flow, most lilrly its menses.. will monitor again..
Mummies, does your BB poo poo very strongly while u are Breastfeeding him/her?? My BB tend to be like that. I dunno if he is colicky or what so a bit worried ....


How often do u all change bb diaper? I changed 4 hr interval, but bb still developed diaper rash. Prior to that, applied cream but still get rashes. Thou she's not crying but kinda heart pain to see her butt cover with rash.


I change every time diaper is wet/soiled ... Even if it's just a little bit. I tried changing at certain intervals but my baby developed bad rash so I just kept changing. I also bought a different diaper rash cream as the one given by TMC made the rash worst (pureen diaper rash cream). My CL recommended mustela brand and no rash so far


Same! Find that pureen didn't work as good. I changed to Avent Balm, it helps but was wondering if the diaper has an issue. I'm using Huggies at the moment thou.

I change every time diaper is wet/soiled ... Even if it's just a little bit. I tried changing at certain intervals but my baby developed bad rash so I just kept changing. I also bought a different diaper rash cream as the one given by TMC made the rash worst (pureen diaper rash cream). My CL recommended mustela brand and no rash so far


Miracle25, my left wrist hurts too!! Too much holding of BB for feeding etc. you take care!
Me three! Left wrist hurts, especially cant use my thumb properly. Hurts like i got an injury. Also thinking of seeing a sinseh soon....
my mum say its bcos I didnt rest & eat well during confinement so nw all d pains come. I somehow agree wif her but also tink its bcos we hav to bend to bath & carry bb often.


Same! Find that pureen didn't work as good. I changed to Avent Balm, it helps but was wondering if the diaper has an issue. I'm using Huggies at the moment thou.

I change every time diaper is wet/soiled ... Even if it's just a little bit. I tried changing at certain intervals but my baby developed bad rash so I just kept changing. I also bought a different diaper rash cream as the one given by TMC made the rash worst (pureen diaper rash cream). My CL recommended mustela brand and no rash so far
so far for me I'm still using Pureen cream frm TMC, initially thers some reddish rash at d buttock cheeks but 1-2 wks later all's fine & we r still using d cream. For diapers, we r using Huggies NB & Mamypoko size S (given by relative) for night use. So far so gd. I heard it cld b d brand of diaper not suitable for baby, mayb can consider change brand of diaper?


I need help! Breast super hard now, how? I pump again for 1hr at 12 just now. Can't just keeps pump rite? My nipple got bruised now!

Btw if breast milk been warmed. How long can it be keeps at room temperature??


I need help! Breast super hard now, how? I pump again for 1hr at 12 just now. Can't just keeps pump rite? My nipple got bruised now!

Btw if breast milk been warmed. How long can it be keeps at room temperature??
Got to massage your breast till soft..