EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

wow! Congrats Felicity! All the walking and climbing up n down the stairs paid off! I'm nervously waiting for the popping day now. I'm not sure how my reaction and pain tolerance level will be :(


New Member
Congrats Felicity! I'm also on the waiting game now. :)
Btw, do u all haf a FB page? It will be nice if we can see each other baby's photo after delivery. :)


OMG congrats felicity!!!!
Wow u r so fast!!!! We r same EDD but u r e first among all of us Le!! Super envious of u.. Hope I also dun need to take epi.

Now then read e forum otherwise cld hv gone to visit u!!! Haha cos today went for my gynae chk up.. Told my gynae that my stomach has been feelin hard like a rock on n off n then got the blood rushin to my head feeling... Then she says THAT'S e contraction..ohhhh. So that's how it feels.. Haha... So me now on waitin game cos baby can pop up anytime n my next appt is next wed. Doc asked me to time my contractions.

Its like so near now n although I m anticipating n hoping that baby will pop out soon... I m havin butterflies in my stomach alrdy!!!
Baby's head is engaged n thank god gynae says water level is Gd again.. (been tryin to drink lotsa water) now baby is close to3kg!

So u felt only e contractions? Or was it water bag burst first? So nervous!!! Sorry for askin so many qns... Update us ya?


piglim, is that how your doctor said contractions would be? oh....i have felt few times that my stomach is like hard rock...and few times that my legs would feel abit like cramps and no energy to walk suddenly.....i dont know what is that...LOL....
my next app is next tues...hopefully i can get to know my baby's weight by then and also how much i have dilated.... super kan cheong now.....


wow! Congrats Felicity! All the walking and climbing up n down the stairs paid off! I'm nervously waiting for the popping day now. I'm not sure how my reaction and pain tolerance level will be :(
I thought you've already given birth and moonjellie :D the first batch mummies here!


By the way, just a heads up. Has any mummies started planning for their baby's Full Month yet? I was recommended these two which I think are quite cute and affordable for the gift packages. :) Sweetest Moments - Baby's Full Month Packages
cotton candy bakeshop

I recently tried their sampe products, not bad at all! But then again idk if it's cheaper than others or good value as i havent tried the others. Planning to have full month too but western style as im not chinese.. :)


piglim, is that how your doctor said contractions would be? oh....i have felt few times that my stomach is like hard rock...and few times that my legs would feel abit like cramps and no energy to walk suddenly.....i dont know what is that...LOL....
my next app is next tues...hopefully i can get to know my baby's weight by then and also how much i have dilated.... super kan cheong now.....

nlipeng, ya thats what she said.. and I was still asking her, "but i thought contractions are painful... how come i dont feel the pain" then she replied "that means you can handle the contractions well".... hmmm.... i also complain that i have sudden sharp pain at my groin few times in a day.. but the pain only last like 1 sec... so she said thats becos my baby's head has gone further down and is now engaged... If i didnt remember wrongly your EDD is 1st sept right? hahhah... mine is 2nd Sep... so.... lets see who's the next one... haha...


Congrats new mummy felicity!!! so envious of u tat ur wait is finally over and short labour!!

Lingz... dun fret n stress.... as long as baby is healthy its alrite to b small...

Regards to hubbies... they may seem to be bochap but deep down they care, just that they dunno how to express themselves... dun b too sensitive over it as it will affect our emotions.... pregnancy blues will lead to depression... so do take care of our feelings mummies... relax whenever we can... dun think too much or stress urselves... deep breathing n clear mind will help.....


Piglim, those contractions that u don't feel pain should be Braxton hicks right? Weird also leh... Haha... I'm also feeling a sharp pain down there and connecting to my thighs...

Hopefully your doc is right!!! Then both of us should be able to handle the contractions!!! Hahahahahhahaha

Yea, my EDD is on 1st Sept, just one day before yours.... Now let's just wait.... Haha


Hi ladies, would like to knw hav u all done ur vaginal swab test and is it a compulsory test ?

do you mean the swab and testing for GBS? yes I've done it. did it at 35+ weeks, and got the results yesterday that it was all fine.

I am not sure if it's compulsory, but it's good to get it done. I believe it only costs $20 or less.

Can't wait to see Felicity's baby girl pictures!


I did the swab test too yesterday during gynae appt at week 35+. The nurse told me the result will be available within next 2-3 days.


I did the swap test on wed at 36+ weeks.. Results will be ready in 1 week according to gynae..

Purpur, I am not sure if it is compulsory.. But I tink if u are looking at normal delivery, it is good to take this test.. wouldn't want ur little one to be infected with bacteria (if any, but CHOY) as they move down the birth canal.. I was told we will be prescribed anti-biotics if test positive for bacteria..
Havent done mine yet, but my gynae said she will do it for me around 36-37 wks.. according to her, the test not actually compulsory but she made it compulsory to take for all her patients.. so other gynae might not ask u to do the test, u have to ask ur gynae to perform it for you..

if you are positive, then u will be given antibiotics and during labour, they will also put u on drip with antibiotics. if your baby got it during birth, then ur baby will have to be on antibiotics as well (around 1 week if i not mistaken). the risk is very high for your baby if infected and not detected early, so better to do the test..


Active Member
I think maybe i slept through the contractions? *shrugs* when i woke up already contraction was every 10-15 mins..

I had a swap too, doc says recommend to do... everything is fine for me so no need take antibiotics :)

I post pics later :) hubby just now using my MacBook to play diablo >< haha now it's flat and charging... Then the TMC computer super laggg... Using iPhone app.

Tried latching, but nipples a bit short n first 2 times bb suckle like 3-4 times will stop... Nurse says she's v smart, realized no milk so stopped to conserve energy.. Haha.. Subsequently she doesn't even want to suckle >< too smart, lactation consultant later will let me use the supplementary system, put tube on the nipples with fm for bb to suckle first b4 my supply kicks in... Sigh, no supply yet.

Everything's fine for me now except down there super duper sore... Thanks everyone for the excitement n well wishes!! :D
I think maybe i slept through the contractions? *shrugs* when i woke up already contraction was every 10-15 mins..

I had a swap too, doc says recommend to do... everything is fine for me so no need take antibiotics :)

I post pics later :) hubby just now using my MacBook to play diablo >< haha now it's flat and charging... Then the TMC computer super laggg... Using iPhone app.

Tried latching, but nipples a bit short n first 2 times bb suckle like 3-4 times will stop... Nurse says she's v smart, realized no milk so stopped to conserve energy.. Haha.. Subsequently she doesn't even want to suckle >< too smart, lactation consultant later will let me use the supplementary system, put tube on the nipples with fm for bb to suckle first b4 my supply kicks in... Sigh, no supply yet.

Everything's fine for me now except down there super duper sore... Thanks everyone for the excitement n well wishes!! :D

felicity, didnt the nurse give u milo to drink? i was told that they will give u hot milo to drink before u feed the baby, it can help for milk stimulation as well.

btw which ward are you staying? how's the nurses there? all good?


Active Member
Yup I had hot milo for every meal and tea break :) just now morning tea break was papaya soup n hot milo :) we booked single ward but was full so hubby upgraded to premium ward, service so far so good. Have a topical spray for the episiotomy wound also.
Yup I had hot milo for every meal and tea break :) just now morning tea break was papaya soup n hot milo :) we booked single ward but was full so hubby upgraded to premium ward, service so far so good. Have a topical spray for the episiotomy wound also.

I was told that if single ward is full, they can arrange for the 2 bedder room to be converted into single room. meaning ur hubby can sleep on the other bed.

i wanted to get single room too, but i dun wanna upgrade if dun have.. my budget sort of stuck at single ward only.. huhuhuh..

perharps mrs wong will come and visit you, i was told that mrs wong might come and visit if she have time. did u attend her class? if u did, maybe can highlight to the nurse, they perhaps can pass the info to mrs wong. she can help you on bf issues..

all the best felicity!!