EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
Thanks eeneyminey!! Wooo I didn't know abt mrs Wong but Im watching the mrs Wong channel on tv... Playing the parentcraft DVD on bathing, breastfeeding, bb massage etc :)

i think too many ppl delivering? so not enough double room to convert to single room too? not sure... seems busy over here... i like it that i get many visitors and no one will complain :p cos it's advised to hv max 2 visitors at a time in shared rooms. but hubby and i hv many visitors already ^^

Oh the milo is during tea breaks n breakfast, just had lunch, no milo :p I'm not sure what alternatives they serve, maybe u can ask for other drinks?

They do serve cold fruit juice or cut fruits though...

edit~~~>> okay hubby went out for lunch and i got outta bed and grabbed my macbook... haha~ here's a link to the pic of my bb, around 40+ min after she was delivered :D
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Piglim, those contractions that u don't feel pain should be Braxton hicks right? Weird also leh... Haha... I'm also feeling a sharp pain down there and connecting to my thighs...

Hopefully your doc is right!!! Then both of us should be able to handle the contractions!!! Hahahahahhahaha

Yea, my EDD is on 1st Sept, just one day before yours.... Now let's just wait.... Haha
i will be 37 weeks tomorrow, edd 15 sept and i started experiencing the sharp pains few weeks back. it seems to be getting more frequent this week and my gynae confirmed that the sharp pain is the cervix dilating as the body prepares for labor.


felicity....awwww....sooooo cute la your bb..... sooo wan to cuddle yr baby.... you can walk now already? wow..i cant wait.....

uttmama, oh...cervix dilating? wow...that means my check up next tues, doc might tell me that i have dilated few cms? hahahaaha
good good...i cant wait to see my baby... hihi, thanks for the great information!!


Active Member
Yup I can walk.. Just v awkwardly cos v sore down there.. Been to the washroom several times already.. I'm madly in love with my bb! She's so precious~

When I reached hospital at 9+ i was 2cm dilated and within half hour of waiting I was 8cm dilated and sent straight to delivery ward. Hubby came back to the delivery waiting room after registration and was like "my wife leh?!" haha...


hahahahaha....yr hubby must be kan cheong ade, not seeing you there suddenly....LOL...... wow, yours are really very fast delivery for first baby eh..... i also want like this.... hahahahahaahaah

yea, your baby is a gem.... feels wanna hug hug her also... hahahaahahah.... now u make me really cant wait for mine... lol...
you get more rest yeaaaa.....that's very important to increase breast milk supply...btw, when are you going to be discharged?
Yup I can walk.. Just v awkwardly cos v sore down there.. Been to the washroom several times already.. I'm madly in love with my bb! She's so precious~

When I reached hospital at 9+ i was 2cm dilated and within half hour of waiting I was 8cm dilated and sent straight to delivery ward. Hubby came back to the delivery waiting room after registration and was like "my wife leh?!" haha...
u dilate 6cm in half an hr!?!?!? that's like super fast!!! was it super painful in that half an hr? i read that it's the most painful from 8cm to 10cm... >.<

i just came back from gynae appt... wk 35 already! baby is 2.5kg - gynae said good weight good size... she said that if baby reaches more than 3.2kg, it'll be slightly more difficult to deliver... told me to cut down on sugar and fattening foods... but i've been eating mooncakes like crazy! haha... coz once deliver, cannot eat mooncakes already... =\ oh, and gynae said i'm 1cm dilated already... hoping for a quick and smooth labour! :)


mamadinosaur, yea...bb's weight is just nice...bt i dont think need to cut down eh...you're already week 35, 5 more weeks to go..em, still ok laaa....hahaha, bt mooncake is sweet stuff...after deliver really cannot eat mooncake???? i was thinking of eating that after my delivery..... waaaaa
Yup I can walk.. Just v awkwardly cos v sore down there.. Been to the washroom several times already.. I'm madly in love with my bb! She's so precious~

When I reached hospital at 9+ i was 2cm dilated and within half hour of waiting I was 8cm dilated and sent straight to delivery ward. Hubby came back to the delivery waiting room after registration and was like "my wife leh?!" haha...

wahh super fast!!! u're like "the flash mummy" lolz.. so ur total birth is like less than 2 hours?! goodness me.. i think ur future kids might be able to delivery within half n hour.. hehhehehe..

what's ur chubby bear's name?? do u have the loschia discharge alrd? is it alot?
mamadinosaur, yea...bb's weight is just nice...bt i dont think need to cut down eh...you're already week 35, 5 more weeks to go..em, still ok laaa....hahaha, bt mooncake is sweet stuff...after deliver really cannot eat mooncake???? i was thinking of eating that after my delivery..... waaaaa
i have a feeling i'll deliver in mid Sept... EDD is 28 Sept... haaa... after delivery can only eat confinement food right? strictly speaking la... haaaa...


u dilate 6cm in half an hr!?!?!? that's like super fast!!! was it super painful in that half an hr? i read that it's the most painful from 8cm to 10cm... >.<

i just came back from gynae appt... wk 35 already! baby is 2.5kg - gynae said good weight good size... she said that if baby reaches more than 3.2kg, it'll be slightly more difficult to deliver... told me to cut down on sugar and fattening foods... but i've been eating mooncakes like crazy! haha... coz once deliver, cannot eat mooncakes already... =\ oh, and gynae said i'm 1cm dilated already... hoping for a quick and smooth labour! :)
Hi mamadinosaur... u are already 1cm dilated? That's fast!! Geesh.. Me wk 35 also, and baby is already est. 3kg!! Yet doc says its quite alright........ After reading that all your babies are not even 3kg by wk 37 makes me worried.................. is he gng to be overweight???? Doc din ask me to cut back on anything leh...... geesh... and i m always feeling hungry.. how how how........
Hi mamadinosaur... u are already 1cm dilated? That's fast!! Geesh.. Me wk 35 also, and baby is already est. 3kg!! Yet doc says its quite alright........ After reading that all your babies are not even 3kg by wk 37 makes me worried.................. is he gng to be overweight???? Doc din ask me to cut back on anything leh...... geesh... and i m always feeling hungry.. how how how........
ya... these few days got pain like menses' cramps... got BH contractions also... even though i'm still on hospitalisation leave and didn't even move around much... back to work next monday though!

hmmm, ask ur gynae if baby weight is ok? u drink a lot of milk ah?

i keep having heartburn and acid reflux... so end up can't eat much also... can't sleep well at night also... sometimes will get nauseous...


sapphire, dont worry...my baby is already 3kg during week 36...doc said is abit overweight...bt still okay...just need to watch my food intake...less fried stuff, less sweet stuff.....

eat more veggies and fruits ba....this will help in curing your hunger
Wahh most of you like having such a gud weight for baby.. i really wanted a big and chubby baby too, but keep telling myself that the smaller the better for me coz of my size.. haihh.. i hope after pop out, she can faster gain weight and be chubby chubby by full month.. lol..


i have a feeling i'll deliver in mid Sept... EDD is 28 Sept... haaa... after delivery can only eat confinement food right? strictly speaking la... haaaa...
Mama we almost hv the same edd, sept 27 mine but doc said 37-42 weeks consider full term so as much as possible i wanna give birth after 37 weeks... My partner caucasian for sure baby is big, at 33 weeks my baby weigh 2.2 kg lol! Tomorrow next appointment and im 35 weeks 5 days so let's see how much i gain and baby :p btw im 16.5 kg when i weigh at 33 weeks lol!


eeneyminey, dont worry...your baby would do just fine... :) just enjoy yr pregnancy and be happy....
bb will automatically be happy and better too geh...
eeneyminey, dont worry...your baby would do just fine... :) just enjoy yr pregnancy and be happy....
bb will automatically be happy and better too geh...
yep yep.. hubby keep reassuring me that at least baby got 2kg good enough, as long as no need to stay in ICU is good enough alrd.. later slowly plump her up after birth.. hahahha


yup yup.. it's true.... u can pump her up with yr breast milk... hehehe

bt i'm sure her weight will increase during the last few weeks


Hi Mummies... funny thing is doc says baby is in average weight when i asked him if baby is overweight!!! normal wor........ <*bish*>
I took a lot of carb during lunch, only cut down on carb during dinner... had bread n drank milk before i sleep though, but only half a glass leh... but the load in front of me is indeed getting heavier by the day... and i always feel the urge to go toilet everytime i walk, even when i have just come out of the toilet!! hahahah.. it is indeed a funny feeling... hubby asks me to stay in the toilet or borrow my nephew's baby potty!!! can u believe??!!