EDD Sept 2012 mummies!

Wow... Few days never login so many updates!! Piglim, congrats!!!!! Wow... You're a tough lady... And brave to push through the start... Now I'm also thinking if I should take epi... I guess like you, I will try to see what is my pain threshold like..

Lizzy, gambate to you too ya.... Keep us posted.....

And lingz, add me up in fb can? My email is nlipeng@gmail.com

WAH, anyway, I'm already starting my maternity leave today... My due date suppose to be on 09/01... Both felicity and Piglim has already given birth, I'm now waiting for mine!!! And yet I don't feel any contractions, and my MIL said my tummy is not as down as it should be.... Worry worry.. When my baby's coming out...

wow.. congrats on ur ML!! So jealous of people already starting their leave, mine still long way to go. Planned to take on 24th sept (edd 29 sept), but i think i will deliver before that.. haihh

anyway, is ur baby alrd engaged? enjoy ur last moments with ur baby still inside of you, the next thing you know, u'll have many things to deal with already.. keep a positive mind and just relax..


Todae whole day tummy feels rock hard.. I think e Braxton hicks are getting worse.. and I'm supposed to be monitoring little one's movement per gynae's instructions.. tummy so hard, so difficult to monitor her movements.. :(


Jiayou lizzy! You're up next!!

My FB email account : meltie84@yahoo.com.sg .. Add me!

Gosh my tummy is super itchy... been resistng to scratch like mad.. last night i remember i was scratching in my sleep! :/

Tomorrow is my gynae appt! Excited to see how my bb girl is doing inside! Still giving me powerful kicks and knocks... stomach tightening too... feel that maybe it's braxton hicks' !


Huh I m not a fan of Facebook Le.... Can we still keep this forum active?

Felicity... Can u handle e bb? 1st day baby was so guai... Din cry at all.. Then 2nd day baby starts to cry.. Got e nurse to give some formula cos baby lips like so dry... Hubby n I totally clueless.. Also dunno if baby is hungry or not. Totally dunno how to handle n carry my boy.. Like So fragile !!

My milk still dun hv... Attended their class just now. was helpful but still baby cry also dunno if he's hungry or wat.. N my hands r starting to ache.... Hubby also back n hands achin cos when I breastfeed he'll help to either carry e baby or manuerve my breast to his mouth! Goose I'm such a lousy mother! :( Tml chking out... Soooo worried :( baby cry my heart aches..

Lizzy Jiayou!!!

Nlipeng don't worry ur turn will come very soon! Talk to e baby!!! ;)


is the fb group up yet? keep me updated! bleeding stops now but need to wait 9 hours more for booster, then inducing time tom :-D


eeneyminey, haha.....my MIL is here already...she's been cooking all the damn good food....i'm scared my baby will be overweight even more!!

i'll let you know tomorrow once i'm finished my check up..i think baby already engaged though...always felt the sharp pain down there...and also baby's jabs down there near the groin.......


Hi mummies! my first time posting here. currently in my 37th going to 38th week. just wanna know any mummies experience sudden itching around stomach area? and also i havent felt any contractions pain before, is it normal? went to scan last wk at 36 weeks baby was healthy and doing well.
hello mrsliaw! welcome! you joined us when we're in the midst of some very exciting pregnancies, hence most of us might have missed your post.

I haven't had any contractions either - I'm fine that way! I don't want my baby to be delivered just yet.. if your baby is healthy, then all is well :)

what is the facebook page called? I'd like to join, but don't really want to post my email etc here in the open. thanks.


Active Member
Haha ya, while bb still inside, enjoy it! I miss that feeling!!

Piglim I'm ok with bb cos I hv some experience w newborns.. Last time help my mum when she babysit n helped my neighbor sometimes her elder daughter not well she just throw her newborn w me n trust me to take care, cos she saw me take care of her elder b4 when she came to my place... She say I v pro, that time lower sec only!!

I carry n bfeed bb myself, hubby nv helped me wor in hospital, he just sit there n say encouraging words only lol... Now on my own at my parents place.. So I do all the feeding, pumping, bathing n carrying myself, unless I bathing or gg toilet, let my parents carry.

Hello mrsliaw! Welcome~ ^^

My fb also private.. Maybe later I add some of u then help me add into the grp... Thanks! My profile pic is my new family photo of 3 ^^


But no I won't turn back time, madly in love w my precious one although she turned me into nothing more than a feeding machine.. Haha...
Felicity - Don't think of yourself as a feeding machine.. Think of yourself as a gourmet kitchen ;) hahaha I read this somewhere recently on some breastfeeding forum.

waw.. you guys really have a good baby weight.. mine only 2.1kg on 33wks 6d.. doc still say normal, now i'm quite worried she will be too small...
eeneyminey - My baby was 2.01 kgs at 33 wks and 6 days and then 2.3 kgs at 35 weeks... I feel baby is very tiny, but the doctor is always saying its normal :| bahhh i'm eating soo much nowadays hoping she gains enough weight and comes out only when she's chubbier :D

Hi meltie.. my edd 26 sept.. i hav some feeling of tightness at my lower ab n sometimes stretched to my pelvis area.. maybe its just our body getting ready?
Sapphire - Same here, having soo much tightness in my stomach today from the start of the day and horrible back pain... But I know the contractions will come and go, this has been constant..

im in waiting game but need to cos baby still premature at 36 weeks :p need to wait for the booster to works so afyer 8am tomorrow i can hv force labour :) but they cannot discharge me anymore cos 5cm dilated :p will update u guys tom, add me in facebook liezelfernandez21@gmail.com
Wow Lizzy !!! Your baby must be wating to meet you and your 1st two... Wishing you a safe and smooth delivery.. will be thinking about you..
Alrighty.. I will create FB group.. tink I need to add u all first.. pls approve my fren request k? :D
Lingz - Please add me too on FB.. My email id is karenaking@gmail.com


Active Member
But no I won't turn back time, madly in love w my precious one although she turned me into nothing more than a feeding machine.. Haha...
Felicity - Don't think of yourself as a feeding machine.. Think of yourself as a gourmet kitchen ;) hahaha I read this somewhere recently on some breastfeeding forum.

waw.. you guys really have a good baby weight.. mine only 2.1kg on 33wks 6d.. doc still say normal, now i'm quite worried she will be too small...
eeneyminey - My baby was 2.01 kgs at 33 wks and 6 days and then 2.3 kgs at 35 weeks... I feel baby is very tiny, but the doctor is always saying its normal :| bahhh i'm eating soo much nowadays hoping she gains enough weight and comes out only when she's chubbier :D
Haha ok, I'm a gourmet kitchen, churning out many more than 3 meals a day for bb :D

I think the weight still ok, don't worry abt it so much... Many ppl r born at 2+ kg but grow up strong n healthy, like my hubby n his 2 siblings :)


waiting game is over, they gonna put drip on me soon, so far no contraction so hope the thing will help me! will keep u guys posted :)


Hi Reiann, no problem! i am waiting patiently for my babygirl to be born :)

hello mrsliaw! welcome! you joined us when we're in the midst of some very exciting pregnancies, hence most of us might have missed your post.

I haven't had any contractions either - I'm fine that way! I don't want my baby to be delivered just yet.. if your baby is healthy, then all is well :)

what is the facebook page called? I'd like to join, but don't really want to post my email etc here in the open. thanks.


Hi felicity. congrats on your new born :)!

Haha ya, while bb still inside, enjoy it! I miss that feeling!!

Piglim I'm ok with bb cos I hv some experience w newborns.. Last time help my mum when she babysit n helped my neighbor sometimes her elder daughter not well she just throw her newborn w me n trust me to take care, cos she saw me take care of her elder b4 when she came to my place... She say I v pro, that time lower sec only!!

I carry n bfeed bb myself, hubby nv helped me wor in hospital, he just sit there n say encouraging words only lol... Now on my own at my parents place.. So I do all the feeding, pumping, bathing n carrying myself, unless I bathing or gg toilet, let my parents carry.

Hello mrsliaw! Welcome~ ^^

My fb also private.. Maybe later I add some of u then help me add into the grp... Thanks! My profile pic is my new family photo of 3 ^^


lizzy2101:685922 said:
waiting game is over, they gonna put drip on me soon, so far no contraction so hope the thing will help me! will keep u guys posted :)
So exciting! Wishing u a smooth delivery!