EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Mummies.. are you babies very very active even at 36 weeks? Mine is super active... always squirming about inside, especially when i feel hungry and sometimes it can be quite intense!!!


tummy contracted 2 and a half hours after inducing by drip. 12:53pm i gave birth with my premmature baby (36 weeks) weighing 2.852 :) he's healthy and so stunning! one mord plus to thank, i didnt hv episiotomy :p
No Episiotomy!! That's so good!!! I am afraid of needing that.... ='(
Mummies.. are you babies very very active even at 36 weeks? Mine is super active... always squirming about inside, especially when i feel hungry and sometimes it can be quite intense!!!

i'm not 36wks yet, 35wks 3d now, but baby is very active.. just this morning she stretched like nobody's business until my round tummy shaped like squarish!! she stretched from bottom left to upper right i dunno with what.. my hubby saw it also surprised lolz..
Haha ok, I'm a gourmet kitchen, churning out many more than 3 meals a day for bb :D

I think the weight still ok, don't worry abt it so much... Many ppl r born at 2+ kg but grow up strong n healthy, like my hubby n his 2 siblings :)

kary and felicity, thanks..

gynae said normal weight and i know i should be happy coz it's better chance for me to deliver naturally if my baby is small, coz i'm very very petite size. but deep down my heart, i really want a chubby bear like felicity's.. lolz..

anyway.. i just keep telling myself, whatever number in the weighing machine is, as long as baby no need to stay in NICU can alrd.. hahhaha


Lizzy, do u use epidural? Wow.. So happy for u....

Eeneyminey, no.. I didn't call my Gynae and tell him this... My fren said its normal to have some red discharge after the dilation checking procedure though... No contraction yet so far... I'll keep u guys updated.. Heheheh
Lizzy, do u use epidural? Wow.. So happy for u....

Eeneyminey, no.. I didn't call my Gynae and tell him this... My fren said its normal to have some red discharge after the dilation checking procedure though... No contraction yet so far... I'll keep u guys updated.. Heheheh

ehh i thought the discharge after VE check is brownish?


Lizzy, gambate!!!!

Folks, I went for my check up today.. Doctor said i'm 1cm dilated... And man, it's quite pain and uncomfortable when he checked the dilation... And he said he can feel baby's head already!! And it's anytime now... Right now I'm at home, and I have bloody discharge... And I have the urge to poo!!! But no contraction feelings yet!!! Kan cheong ade
Hey nlipeng, we are in the same situation!!! I am 37 weeks going 38 and my gynae did the check up for me and said I am 1cm dilated, with effaced cervix. And yes, it is painful and i feel like pooing too. my gynae said the bloody discharge is due to the procedure and should go away in a day. She seem pretty sure that bb is arriving within a week, and ssid if I want to induce, it can even be done today. Gosh! I was too excited then when the doc break the news but once I got out of the hospital, so many questions just came drowning me.

do mummies/mummies-to-be out there know how long on average do you go into labour if you are found to be 1-cm dilated?

are we supposed to sit and wait now??? or can i still be going to work? doing things like normal?

doc also arranged for me to be induced on the 3rd, if i dont go into labour before that. i wonder why is it necessary (forgot to ask the gynae when i was with her, too shocked by the news!)?


Lizzy, wow!!! That's good!!! I'm going to hold on and be strong too!!!

Eeneyminey, it's reddish though.... But my fren said it's normal...

Uttmama, wow... We're similar.... Haha, can't wait ya....


Anybody experience swollen feets and fingers until couldn't bend? and also numbness on both thigh?

I am in week 37 now and my fingers starts to swell like nobody business, some say it's means labour soon. When the swollen subsides, it's time for labour, is it true?
Anybody experience swollen feets and fingers until couldn't bend? and also numbness on both thigh?

I am in week 37 now and my fingers starts to swell like nobody business, some say it's means labour soon. When the swollen subsides, it's time for labour, is it true?

wahh i think so.. few of my gfs are like that, but they have water retention during pregnancy, i dunno if those no water retention one will be swollen also or not..


Nlipeng congrat to u! Short labour time! Rest well!
Eeneyminey, I'm also on my 37 weeks. Also feeling swollen on my hand and feet. ESP at nite! Recently also feeling cramp on my tummy can last quite long but aft which was ok! Keep wanting to poo but when enter the toilet, nth comes out. Also dunno y? By the way when is ur edd. Mine is 16 sept?
Nlipeng congrat to u! Short labour time! Rest well!
Eeneyminey, I'm also on my 37 weeks. Also feeling swollen on my hand and feet. ESP at nite! Recently also feeling cramp on my tummy can last quite long but aft which was ok! Keep wanting to poo but when enter the toilet, nth comes out. Also dunno y? By the way when is ur edd. Mine is 16 sept?

ehz.. i'm still on my 35wks.. edd 29 sept.. hehehe


New Member
Just to check with mummies here. Do you all Sign up package for Post Natal Massage? Search for it in some other forum but looks like a lot of company / massage lady post review themselves. So now still confusing who is good. Any recommendation here?


Anybody experience swollen feets and fingers until couldn't bend? and also numbness on both thigh?

I am in week 37 now and my fingers starts to swell like nobody business, some say it's means labour soon. When the swollen subsides, it's time for labour, is it true?
I'm also on my 37 weeks. Also feeling swollen on my hand and feet. ESP at nite! Recently also feeling cramp on my tummy can last quite long but after which was ok! Keep wanting to poo but when enter the toilet, nth comes out. Also dont know y? By the way when is your edd. Mine is 16 sept?


wow how exciting. congrats to yet another new mum! you all should be joining the August club!

I'm into 37 weeks and swelling a few days ago was very bad, but I think it's just my diet the past few days. lack of water etc.


mummies i know you can do it without epi, so try and just think it's best for you and baby, if cannot tahan the pain then no choice but at least try ;) i hv short labour and not much damage but this is already my 3rd pregnancy.. still painful i tell u so dont be pressure and set expectation! you guys can do it!!! (hugs to all)


hi everyone. my edd is 21st sep and this is my 2nd baby, wil be deliver in kk. Into 37weeks, start to feel swell on fingers every morning when wake up....not sure why.