EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


My usual discharge is more mucous like but the leaking from water bag is less mucous n more watery?

Actually I was quite clueless... My colleague told me hers gush out like when flushing toilet... But for me, I rem was i keep gg toilet each time there's contraction when I was still at home... When it get more frequent, I wipe w toilet paper will see pink... I think is the show? Or the starting if the show coming out... Then my final time go toilet b4 leaving for TMC, there's watery discharge on my panytliner with some bloodiness... Think that's probably the discharge of the show n water bag broke... When I reached hospital no sign of water flowing out though, so the midwives attending to me to check my dilations were trying to feel for the waterbag... Then deduced should be broken cos couldnt feel it... And by then I was in too much pain to respond to them :p
I think everyone differs, my sis water bag broke a lot... its like water gushing out... whole floor wet with pinkish water.. as for my #1 labour, coz its induced, i'm pretty clueless... dr broke the water bag then can feel e water gushing out... then will continue to flow for a while when i'm in the labour ward


Have any of you mommies experienced / experiencing pain in your lower stomach?? I've been having this dull pain in my lower stomach since yesterday evening... I can actually feel the pressure there too, plus my groin muscles hurt like I have done some strenuous work out. Cant even lift my leg or turn while sleeping that it hurts. Is this all normal?

Also, has anyone's waterbag broken at any weird places?? I'm starting to get a little scared to go out alone too far from home, cos wondering what I will do if my water breaks in the mrt or cab :p I know I sound silly but just thinking ....


Hi everyone, im a sept mtb, this is my 1st post.. now currently into 36 weeks of pregnancy and edd 25 Sept.. Have been reading the post for quite some time and its getting more and more exciting with one by one getting delivered. Congrats to all that have been delivered :)
WOW WOW THIS FORUM IS GETTING SUPERRRR EXCITING! EVERYBODY'S POPPING ONE BY ONE! I can't wait for my turn too, just a little afraid of the labour part. Hurhurr.

I'm already approaching my 37th week yet my little girl seems to be getting more and more active. She kicks sooooo hard that my ribs feel like they're about to crack! And my breathlessness and heartburn is getting to me. :/ Any mummies having trouble sleeping at night? I can't seem to be able to sleep for more than 2-3hours at a time. Gosh. My gynae just laughed and said that baby is preparing me for night shift duty.

Ohhh and I'm planning to get this massage lady called Madam Ida who has been recommended to me by a few friends. She seems to be very experienced and she sounded friendly over the phone. She does package or per session massage too, but I've never tried it before so I'm planning to see how the first session goes. Haha!

can share your package price? i'm deligently sourcing for massage lady now.. i kinda think it's really too late to find now, i'm due in a month and most mummies already booked theirs like in the mid of their preg or even earlier.. sighz..
Have any of you mommies experienced / experiencing pain in your lower stomach?? I've been having this dull pain in my lower stomach since yesterday evening... I can actually feel the pressure there too, plus my groin muscles hurt like I have done some strenuous work out. Cant even lift my leg or turn while sleeping that it hurts. Is this all normal?

Also, has anyone's waterbag broken at any weird places?? I'm starting to get a little scared to go out alone too far from home, cos wondering what I will do if my water breaks in the mrt or cab :p I know I sound silly but just thinking ....

I worried the exact same thing!! hahhaa.. scared if my water bag burst like crazy, no cab will wanna fetch me.. and if in mrt, nobody will wanna be near me!! arghhh.. i imagine my water will burst in office, coz i will be working until like 5 days before my edd, so really high chance it might happen. i imagine it will be during those big general meeting and i will calmly raise my hands and say, "sorry i have to go, i think my water bag burst.. hee" and then see how my big boss's face will be when he heard that.. hahahahhahaa.. i'm crazy i know!

few nights ago i did feel pain on my pelvic area on my right side. which i found it weird because i have been sleeping on my left for so long alrd, dunno why the right one feeling the pain. i mean, there's no pressure or anything on the right side anyway. the pain like really sharp and painful until i woke up and screamed a lil bit, but yet hubby still managed to sleep thru all the ordeal.. but the pain lasted like less than a min.. not very long and after that i just sleep again. next day woke up as per normal alrd..
I think everyone differs, my sis water bag broke a lot... its like water gushing out... whole floor wet with pinkish water.. as for my #1 labour, coz its induced, i'm pretty clueless... dr broke the water bag then can feel e water gushing out... then will continue to flow for a while when i'm in the labour ward

Agreed.. my mum's water bag burst like fish tank she said.. for all her pregnancies are like that. my friend on the other hand, just burst lil by lil.. almost like menstruation, just that it's water now.. so everyone really not the same. i just hope it wont be like my mum, i dunno how i can manage if my water bag burst like waterfall like that while i'm not at home and hubby not around..

for my mum's case, after the water burst, she said she cant even walk anymore.. too painful. my dad had to carry her in n out of the car and into the hosp..


My breast milk comes 2 day after delivery... Nvm just try to let baby suckle or pump n massage also... Now I can pump around combined 90 ml per session. But left side always lesser then right side.. Later ask my massage lady if got blocked ducts.

Oh ya I engaged a malay lady for post natal massage. Mdm Suria, intro by a friend. She's very good n after my first massage really loosen up the tight muscles n even soften my rock hard breasts. Wrapped my tummy but still loose loose flabby flabby... However one time only and I'm flabby in the first place haha... Later will have my second massage in the morning before gg to visit baby in Thomson Medical Center.

I didn't have dilation check before also.. My friend told me 37th week onwards will check but my gynae didn't even in my last visit on 38th week. Maybe cos that time from the scan is still "almost engaged" but not totally engaged yet... Though I delivered 2 days later. :)
Hi felicity, care to share your massage lady's contact, im looking for a back up in case my massage lady went mia suddenly..


I worried the exact same thing!! hahhaa.. scared if my water bag burst like crazy, no cab will wanna fetch me.. and if in mrt, nobody will wanna be near me!! arghhh.. i imagine my water will burst in office, coz i will be working until like 5 days before my edd, so really high chance it might happen. i imagine it will be during those big general meeting and i will calmly raise my hands and say, "sorry i have to go, i think my water bag burst.. hee" and then see how my big boss's face will be when he heard that.. hahahahhahaa.. i'm crazy i know!

few nights ago i did feel pain on my pelvic area on my right side. which i found it weird because i have been sleeping on my left for so long alrd, dont know why the right one feeling the pain. i mean, there's no pressure or anything on the right side anyway. the pain like really sharp and painful until i woke up and screamed a lil bit, but yet hubby still managed to sleep thru all the ordeal.. but the pain lasted like less than a min.. not very long and after that i just sleep again. next day woke up as per normal alrd..
I will try to minimise my outing... lol coz I'm starting to take leave from 6 Sep (though my edd is 24 Sep) clearing some annual leave then taking ML from 17 Sep.. so from home I think I'm safer... coz last delivery is induced this time round I dunno what to anticipate =P


I worried the exact same thing!! hahhaa.. scared if my water bag burst like crazy, no cab will wanna fetch me.. and if in mrt, nobody will wanna be near me!! arghhh.. i imagine my water will burst in office, coz i will be working until like 5 days before my edd, so really high chance it might happen. i imagine it will be during those big general meeting and i will calmly raise my hands and say, "sorry i have to go, i think my water bag burst.. hee" and then see how my big boss's face will be when he heard that.. hahahahhahaa.. i'm crazy i know!

few nights ago i did feel pain on my pelvic area on my right side. which i found it weird because i have been sleeping on my left for so long alrd, dont know why the right one feeling the pain. i mean, there's no pressure or anything on the right side anyway. the pain like really sharp and painful until i woke up and screamed a lil bit, but yet hubby still managed to sleep thru all the ordeal.. but the pain lasted like less than a min.. not very long and after that i just sleep again. next day woke up as per normal alrd..
hee, guess this is a common worry for those expecting soon.. imagining how things will be like for the actual day.. Think for now, we will just have to relax and let things fall in naturally..

me too, i have been feeling pain for quite some time around pelvic area. sometimes the pain is so sharp and unbearable however after some time it will be gone.. not sure why there the pain can be so strong at times.. wonder if its baby lie on the nerves around there.. looking forward to the day to be relieve..
Eeneyminey!! I could PM you her contact number if you want, so you could try asking her if she's still available? Because I know that Mdm Ida is madly popular and always fully booked too. So being the Kiasu Singaporean, I listened to my friends and made a booking about five months back already! Haha!

Anyway Mdm Ida does postnatal $60 per One hour session if you try the ala carte. But if you take the package then it is $400 for 7 sessions inclusive of A free Jamu wrap girdle and no hidden transportation costs.

But it'll be my first time too! So I'm planning to try a few sessions first before deciding on further packages. I'm more worried that I might not get used to being wrapped up or the smell of the oil. Hahaha! ;)
haha! my EDD is 28 Sept! :) urs is baby gal? where u gg to deliver?
OOOOOH. Mine's earlier than yours because my EDD is 22nd Sept! Baby girl on the way for me! :) and I'm delivering at Mount Alvernia. You?
Im at mt A too! :) my gynae is Dr Kang Wee... Did u attend all the prenatal classes?
Nope I didn't attend the prenatal classes.. My work schedule didn't allow me too. So I had to do as much reading as possible when I had the time. :)

Oh how's Dr Kang? I initially saw Dr Kang for my first two checkups but I switched to C H Koh because I found him friendlier. Haha!

Did you go for the maternity tour at Mount A? Have you reserved your ward yet? ;)


Hihi gals, is the facebook group set up yet? so far no invite and no notifications leh...

By the way, i just went to see my gynae on tuesday! 36 weeks and baby is now 2.87kg! EDD still 24th Sept! 2 weeks ago was 2.32kg! Gosh she is growing so fast inside me no wonder i feel so heavy and stretched.. told my gynae abt the tummy itch, she prescribed antihistamine and a steriod cream.. use when necessary.. still itch.. she says its coz of the pregnancy hormones, thats why itch more at night... Also, did the swab test liao.. was rather uncomfy and abit painful.. haha but was fast.. baby head not engaged yet, next appt next tues.. so exciting! I'm still working till next week.. hoping to take hospitalization leave to rest at home from 10th sept...

Hy eeneyminey, i also experience that kind of pelvic /groin area pain..i read that its very common.. coz of the weight on the ligament, round ligament i think.. it causes pain upon movement.. so when we shift, our joints round the thighs and the muscles below the bump aches.. it will relieve after childbirth... meanwhile we gotta move slowly loh..

Anyone delivering at Gleneagles? Seems like most ppl are in Thomson or MtA or KK! :p I've done my pre-asmission at gleneagles already! Have yet to pack my bag!!


Nope I didn't attend the prenatal classes.. My work schedule didn't allow me too. So I had to do as much reading as possible when I had the time. :)

Oh how's Dr Kang? I initially saw Dr Kang for my first two checkups but I switched to C H Koh because I found him friendlier. Haha!

Did you go for the maternity tour at Mount A? Have you reserved your ward yet? ;)
Hihi.. my doc is Dr Koh too... we cld have brushed passed each other at the clinic unknowingly!! hehehe.... He's quite crappy... Anyways, did he mention anything about how to go about the payment for his delivery charges??? Also, did he do any dilation test? He mentioned the clinic will do all the reservation at the hospital and that we need only to walk in with our admission letter.....


Hihi gals, is the facebook group set up yet? so far no invite and no notifications leh...

By the way, i just went to see my gynae on tuesday! 36 weeks and baby is now 2.87kg! EDD still 24th Sept! 2 weeks ago was 2.32kg! Gosh she is growing so fast inside me no wonder i feel so heavy and stretched.. told my gynae abt the tummy itch, she prescribed antihistamine and a steriod cream.. use when necessary.. still itch.. she says its coz of the pregnancy hormones, thats why itch more at night... Also, did the swab test liao.. was rather uncomfy and abit painful.. haha but was fast.. baby head not engaged yet, next appt next tues.. so exciting! I'm still working till next week.. hoping to take hospitalization leave to rest at home from 10th sept...

Hy eeneyminey, i also experience that kind of pelvic /groin area pain..i read that its very common.. coz of the weight on the ligament, round ligament i think.. it causes pain upon movement.. so when we shift, our joints round the thighs and the muscles below the bump aches.. it will relieve after childbirth... meanwhile we gotta move slowly loh..

Anyone delivering at Gleneagles? Seems like most ppl are in Thomson or MtA or KK! :p I've done my pre-asmission at gleneagles already! Have yet to pack my bag!!
Finally! Somebody delivering at Gleneagles! I am :) im
still not packed. Only took out the luggage from the wardrobe.. Lol.

Good luck with the itching. Im
headinf to Glen E now for my 37th week check up. Hope all is well...


Hi ladies, I did ask my gynae abt e sharp pain down there cos I experienced that too but e pain only last for few seconds. Gynae says is bcos e baby is pressing on it .. so hav to walk slowly .. :)