EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Congrats nlipeng!!!!! :)))) haha looks like all sept mummies all becos August mummies... N we r pretty active ah? Deliver alrdy still continue posting in e hospital... *chuckle* keep it going ya...

Haiz... 4th day for me alrdy n I still no milk.. Struggling with e breastfeeding. Booked an appointment with Parentcraft this fri so they can guide me... Btw those who have delivered or r experienced, can I know how long does e colostrum last? I can still squeeze out colostrum even though I hv been doing direct latching for as often as I can.. Don't even know if my baby got suck out e colostrum or not.... N should I pump still I m still at e colostrum stage? Will it b wasted cos it's sticky n stick to e bottle?
hey, my edd 1day before urs...and I'm delivering at kk. this is my 2nd pregnancy & expecting baby boy.

this is ur 1st baby?
Yes my first one! Can't wait to see my little princess. :) I heard that the nurses at KK are very fierce and rude and that their charges are not cheaper compared to private hospitals?

Who knows, we might end up going into labour on the same day! Haha!


Active Member
Congrats nlipeng!! Wow good weight~ looking forward to ur birth story!! :D

Piglim haha ya we r all active after delivery!! This thread is just so full of excitement! :D dun stress ok, continue to let bb suckle.. Maybe bb got suckled the colostrum already? When still in tmc after delivery, my gynae suggested fenugreek b4 my supply kicks in n my hubby straight away went down pharmacy to buy... So I'm still taking. The bottle says take one a day or directed by health professional.. My gynae says take 2, 3 times a day!! Maybe it helped for me?


OOOOOH. Mine's earlier than yours because my EDD is 22nd Sept! Baby girl on the way for me! :) and I'm delivering at Mount Alvernia. You?
Hihi.. mine is 26th Sept... I am also delivering in Mt. A... very excited.. yet not sure how it will be like in Mt. A, since most of our mummies here are delivering in TMC instead..............
OOOOOH. Mine's earlier than yours because my EDD is 22nd Sept! Baby girl on the way for me! :) and I'm delivering at Mount Alvernia. You?
Hihi.. mine is 26th Sept... I am also delivering in Mt. A... very excited.. yet not sure how it will be like in Mt. A, since most of our mummies here are delivering in TMC instead..............
Ooh, urs is 2 days before mine! Hmmm, i've stayed at Mt A delivery suite for 1 day and normal ward for 2 days recently for observation... The nurses there are really good n helpful!! No complaints abt their service... The delivery rm is quite big and comfy, with a nice armchair for hubby and a big tv screen... But of coz, when it's our turn for labour, dun think we care much abt all these alr... :)


Congrats nlipeng! Take care and rest well. :)

My due date is 22nd Sept. I am waiting for my turn. :)

Any mummies delivery about the same date at TMC?
Congrats to all mummies who have given birth! There is 1 delivery almost everyday! And so far all no epi... So amazing! :)

Can i ask, how u all differentiate between leaking liquor (from water bag) and discharge?


Alpha Male
Congrats to all mummies who have given birth! There is 1 delivery almost everyday! And so far all no epi... So amazing! :)

Can i ask, how u all differentiate between leaking liquor (from water bag) and discharge?
Heard that water from water bag has a very pungent smell.....


Active Member
My usual discharge is more mucous like but the leaking from water bag is less mucous n more watery?

Actually I was quite clueless... My colleague told me hers gush out like when flushing toilet... But for me, I rem was i keep gg toilet each time there's contraction when I was still at home... When it get more frequent, I wipe w toilet paper will see pink... I think is the show? Or the starting if the show coming out... Then my final time go toilet b4 leaving for TMC, there's watery discharge on my panytliner with some bloodiness... Think that's probably the discharge of the show n water bag broke... When I reached hospital no sign of water flowing out though, so the midwives attending to me to check my dilations were trying to feel for the waterbag... Then deduced should be broken cos couldnt feel it... And by then I was in too much pain to respond to them :p