EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


felicity:686381 said:
My bm comes 2 day after delivery... Nvm just try to let bb suckle or pump n massage also... Now I can pump around combined 90 ml per session. But left side always lesser then right side.. Later ask my massage lady if got blocked ducts.

Oh ya I engaged a malay lady for post natal massage. Mdm Suria, intro by a friend. She's v good n after my first massage really loosen up the tight muscles n even soften my rock hard breasts. Wrapped my tummy but still loose loose flabby flabby... However one time only la and I'm flabby in the first place haha... Later will hv my second massage in the morning b4 gg to visit bb in TMC.

I didn't hv dilation check b4 also.. My friend told me 37th week onwards will check but my gynae didn't even in my last visit on 38th week. Maybe cos that time from the scan is still "almost engaged" but not totally engaged yet... Though I delivered 2 days later. :)
Hi felicity, how much does the post natal massage cost??


Active Member
Lizzy.. Yes mine in Thomson. *hugs* go back rem to pump pump to keep supply. I have been diligently pumping, later gg to visit n bring my milk down also. My PD did call in the morning tell me bb jaundice lvl gg down well so tmr should be able to be discharged.

Sapphire mine is $50 per session for 7 sessions. Just had my 2nd massage session.
Lizzy.. Yes mine in Thomson. *hugs* go back rem to pump pump to keep supply. I have been diligently pumping, later gg to visit n bring my milk down also. My PD did call in the morning tell me bb jaundice lvl gg down well so tmr should be able to be discharged.

Sapphire mine is $50 per session for 7 sessions. Just had my 2nd massage session.

Glad to hear that baby is doing well..

btw, can share the bills for baby's hospitalization for the jaundice in TMC?

for the massage, the lady will massage ur tummy and breast too? will it be very oily after the massage? do you bathe afterwards?


Active Member
Lizzy.. I think for 2 days using photolight is $588 + $150/night + miscellaneous (diapers, formula, etc) + GST... Can go up to 1k :/ bb really sucking us dryyyyyyy...

Yea the lady massage breasts and tummy also.. Then she will wipe the breasts at the end for breastfeeding, the rest of the body she say let the body absorb. To bathe b4 massage, not after. She wants me to wear socks n long pants after massage until the oil on my feet n legs r absorbed... Tummy will be wrapped up for 12 hrs.

I haven't weigh myself yet after delivery! So dunno if weight got drop and by how much, but tummy is super fat, soft and flabby now...

Just came back from visiting bb... She's much better n sleeping soundly. Nurse told me she hv 95ml of milk per feed, omg!! No wonder not enough from suckling as I get max 90 ml each time I pump, sometimes only 70ml >< what a big eater!!


is your baby stay in thomson? mine need to stay in hospital cos of jaundice, im checking out tomorrow but baby needs to stay till sunday... :-(
Lizzy - Can you please share your hospital charges, doc charges and the charges that you incurred for the baby... If you dont mind..


Kary2500:686560 said:
is your baby stay in thomson? mine need to stay in hospital cos of jaundice, im checking out tomorrow but baby needs to stay till sunday... :-(
Lizzy - Can you please share your hospital charges, doc charges and the charges that you incurred for the baby... If you dont mind..
ok karry once my bill finalized, checking out tom :) ill update u asap
Lizzy.. I think for 2 days using photolight is $588 + $150/night + miscellaneous (diapers, formula, etc) + GST... Can go up to 1k :/ bb really sucking us dryyyyyyy...

Yea the lady massage breasts and tummy also.. Then she will wipe the breasts at the end for breastfeeding, the rest of the body she say let the body absorb. To bathe b4 massage, not after. She wants me to wear socks n long pants after massage until the oil on my feet n legs r absorbed... Tummy will be wrapped up for 12 hrs.

I haven't weigh myself yet after delivery! So dunno if weight got drop and by how much, but tummy is super fat, soft and flabby now...

Just came back from visiting bb... She's much better n sleeping soundly. Nurse told me she hv 95ml of milk per feed, omg!! No wonder not enough from suckling as I get max 90 ml each time I pump, sometimes only 70ml >< what a big eater!!
felicity, can share with me ur massage lady's contact? must pay for 7 session straight or can try out 1 session first? i'm not used to body massage, but my colleague recommended me to book, she said better to do it.


New Member
This forum is so active ! I envy you gals that has given birth. My edd is on 7th sept and i still do not have any signs of going to labour. Not even back ache, hicks or discharge.... I hope to see my little girl soon. I hope everyone will have a smooth delivery !
WOW WOW THIS FORUM IS GETTING SUPERRRR EXCITING! EVERYBODY'S POPPING ONE BY ONE! I can't wait for my turn too, just a little afraid of the labour part. Hurhurr.

I'm already approaching my 37th week yet my little girl seems to be getting more and more active. She kicks sooooo hard that my ribs feel like they're about to crack! And my breathlessness and heartburn is getting to me. :/ Any mummies having trouble sleeping at night? I can't seem to be able to sleep for more than 2-3hours at a time. Gosh. My gynae just laughed and said that baby is preparing me for night shift duty.

Ohhh and I'm planning to get this massage lady called Madam Ida who has been recommended to me by a few friends. She seems to be very experienced and she sounded friendly over the phone. She does package or per session massage too, but I've never tried it before so I'm planning to see how the first session goes. Haha!


camcamwhambam:686647 said:
haha! my EDD is 28 Sept! :) urs is baby gal? where u gg to deliver?
OOOOOH. Mine's earlier than yours because my EDD is 22nd Sept! Baby girl on the way for me! :) and I'm delivering at Mount Alvernia. You?
hey, my edd 1day before urs...and I'm delivering at kk. this is my 2nd pregnancy & expecting baby boy.

this is ur 1st baby?


WOW WOW THIS FORUM IS GETTING SUPERRRR EXCITING! EVERYBODY'S POPPING ONE BY ONE! I can't wait for my turn too, just a little afraid of the labour part. Hurhurr.

I'm already approaching my 37th week yet my little girl seems to be getting more and more active. She kicks sooooo hard that my ribs feel like they're about to crack! And my breathlessness and heartburn is getting to me. :/ Any mummies having trouble sleeping at night? I can't seem to be able to sleep for more than 2-3hours at a time. Gosh. My gynae just laughed and said that baby is preparing me for night shift duty.

Ohhh and I'm planning to get this massage lady called Madam Ida who has been recommended to me by a few friends. She seems to be very experienced and she sounded friendly over the phone. She does package or per session massage too, but I've never tried it before so I'm planning to see how the first session goes. Haha!
Me too only sleep a couple of hours at night! but if u can get some naps in the afternoon... this will help coz once bb is out u will be lack of sleep