Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies!!

Anybody's belly button has popped out?
Mine hasn't yet and I'm wondering when they usually pop...
I hope mine doesn't though. Haha.

MamaDt, I do feel the tightness, especially after a big meal.
But I guess yours Is different....
Hmm, Don't worry about the pain.
I read that our muscles are stretching.
Try to do some preggy-friendly Abdominal exercises so that the muscles at our tummy stretch out evenly... :)


Hi Mreow Mreow, mine has not popped too and i was told that those who are expecting a boy will hv a popped out belly button and a flat or inverted one for expecting a girl. Not sure if this is a coincidence but i'm really carrying a bb girl. :D

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mreow Mreow, mine has not popped too and i was told that those who are expecting a boy will hv a popped out belly button and a flat or inverted one for expecting a girl. Not sure if this is a coincidence but i'm really carrying a bb girl. :D

I've not heard that myth!! :)

But yeah, just like u,
I'm carrying a Mini-Me too.

Have u bought strollers yet? :D


My cousin-in-law will be passing us their bb's stroller. We are lucky to have friends and family passing us some of the bb items so no need to buy. :) However, i still see quite a handful of things that need to buy....like wipes, bb body wash/shampoo, bb bedsheets, blankets, cloth diapers, hanky...........aiyo so many things! lol!!! :D

Have u started ur shopping spree yet?


Hi Mreow Mreow, mine has not popped too and i was told that those who are expecting a boy will hv a popped out belly button and a flat or inverted one for expecting a girl. Not sure if this is a coincidence but i'm really carrying a bb girl. :D
Hi ivyb!
Is dat true? I'm carrying a princess too n my belly button is still d same inverted one. Juz dat it looks a little smaller now n tighter. :D


hahaa....interesting isn't it?? :D I'm not 100% sure if this is true but so far it seems that this myth seems to be quite accurate. :)

Is there any other mummies out there having a popped belly button and expecting a bb girl?? :D


Hi Mreow Mreow

Thanks for your advise! I have seen my gynae yesterday and she also said same thing as you! But hope the pain doesn't last me till delivery which she said some mummies do feel it! I am advised not to do antenatal exercise coz i bled a week ago after a lesson..

My belly button has popped at the top slowly.. and is still pushing outwards each week..inverted at the bottom half of the belly button. When facing the mirror, it looks as if it's smiling at me each time. haha :001_302:
My tummy is sharp one - expecting a baby boy on EDD 17/12.


New Member
I wish I got the time to go for yoga. Always wanted to try out prenatal yoga but never made the time for it. My backache and other parts of my body really ache. I guess from working and looking after my two kids. Just did prenatal massage and my body feels much better now. If I keep having aches I guess I have to go for prenatal massage every week until my edd 29 December. Haiz.. thought after pregnancy spend $, during pregnancy also spend $...


New Member
Hi meow1607. Can try enquire with my post natal massage lady if you want. She did both my post natal massage forms previous two pregnancy. I got back my shape. I took more session with the second one cos I put on more weight and it does help. My colleagues say I dont look like I've just given birth when I come back to work from my maternity leave. Don't be worried. It is possible to lose the extra weight after you've give birth. Make sure you're discipline in your diet and post natal massage. I was so worried like you when I was pregnant with my first.


New Member
Hi anuarsri... Thanks for your encouragement... Oh, that's great... Would you mind letting know the contact of your post natal massage lady? :) how many weeks are you? I'm giving birth at Kkh... Still pondering to go for 1bedded or 4 bedded package...


New Member
Hi anuarsri... Thanks for your encouragement... Oh, that's great... Would you mind letting know the contact of your post natal massage lady? :) how many weeks are you? I'm giving birth at Kkh... Still pondering to go for 1bedded or 4 bedded package...
Hi meow1607.. I'm 24 weeks pregnant now. Due on 29 Dec this year. I'll be giving birth in sgh cos I'm working there. So will be using my benefits there. Hehe.. can save $. If you can afford why not go for the single bedded? So comfortable and hubby can sleep overnight with you and help you out after delivery? My post natal massage lady is Hanis 93882514. She's well-versed in English and has certificate in quite a no of massages. But she specialises in pre and post natal massages. Maybe you can try call her to enquire more.

Mreow Mreow

Hi Meow1607!

I will be delivering in KK too!! =)

my EDD is 18Dec..

I will def go for the 1 Bedded.
Though Im not Super well-off but Since its my first, wanna have more privacy... Hehe :D

I havent sourced for a Massage Lady as well...
Alot of promoting gg on in all the forums, dunno if they are reliable or not.... :(

Mreow Mreow

IvyB Mama!

Ive not done my shopping yet!! haha...

Only bought Big items; Breast Pump, Warmer, Steriliser and Stroller!!
And have 6pc of Baby clothes...
Thats all!!

I dunno when to start buying...

U are right, alot of small things to buy,
all those that U mentioned, i dont even have!!
Wahahahah :D

Think i will wait till 3rd Tri..
Still have 3months+ till birth..

How about u? :)

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mreow Mreow

Thanks for your advise! I have seen my gynae yesterday and she also said same thing as you! But hope the pain doesn't last me till delivery which she said some mummies do feel it! I am advised not to do antenatal exercise coz i bled a week ago after a lesson..

My belly button has popped at the top slowly.. and is still pushing outwards each week..inverted at the bottom half of the belly button. When facing the mirror, it looks as if it's smiling at me each time. haha :001_302:
My tummy is sharp one - expecting a baby boy on EDD 17/12.

Im glad to hear that your Gynae said all is well... :)

hmm, how about you do some light ab exercises on your bed?
Like breathing exercises that involve pulling ur Belly button towards your spine?
Might help... :)

Yep Yep, better stop those antenatal exercises..
Were they too intense for you?
ACtually Sometimes Sex can cause bleeding too!:Dancing_wub:


New Member
Hi meow1607.. I'm 24 weeks pregnant now. Due on 29 Dec this year. I'll be giving birth in sgh cos I'm working there. So will be using my benefits there. Hehe.. can save $. If you can afford why not go for the single bedded? So comfortable and hubby can sleep overnight with you and help you out after delivery? My post natal massage lady is Hanis 93882514. She's well-versed in English and has certificate in quite a no of massages. But she specialises in pre and post natal massages. Maybe you can try call her to enquire more.

Woo.. Thats good.. Can use your benefits... Hehe...
Ya true... Thinking hubby can stay over and acc me... Hehe...
Thank you for the contact... ;)


New Member
Hi Meow1607!

I will be delivering in KK too!! =)

my EDD is 18Dec..

I will def go for the 1 Bedded.
Though Im not Super well-off but Since its my first, wanna have more privacy... Hehe :D

I havent sourced for a Massage Lady as well...
Alot of promoting gg on in all the forums, dunno if they are reliable or not.... :(
Hey mreow mreow! That's nice... Delivery at same hospital...
So who is your gynae? Mine is Dr John Tee.... So u going normal delivery?
Ya, alot of forum recommend the massage lady.. Got madam Maria and h

Mreow Mreow

Hey mreow mreow! That's nice... Delivery at same hospital...
So who is your gynae? Mine is Dr John Tee.... So u going normal delivery?
Ya, alot of forum recommend the massage lady.. Got madam Maria and h

My Doc is Dr TC Tan :)

Yep, will definitely have a go at Natural before anything else!! :D
Do you know your Baby's weight?

Are u keen to go for 3D/4D scan? :)