Edd dec 2012


Any mummies have any idea if we can take yor xim (this is dialect but don't know what is the translation) n pao sheng with bird nest / black chicken soup? Also, when should we stop taking all the Chinese herbs including cordyceps, huai san etc..? Thanks Thanks

Mreow Mreow

Any mummies have any idea if we can take yor xim (this is dialect but dont't know what is the translation) n pao sheng with bird nest / black chicken soup? Also, when should we stop taking all the Chinese herbs including cordyceps, huai san etc..? Thanks Thanks

Hi mamadt!

Ive been eating birdnest, black chix soup and also the emperor chix soup (in Aluminium Foil)
since Preggy..
They are Yummy!

However, i dont eat any of the herbs that are in the soup..

Sorry, think i didnt answer your question also...


I heard birdnest is good... so can cont until u r giving birth.. as for those herbs... i guess if take moderately like once/twice a week until delivery is fine since they are the tonic for both mummies n babies :)


New Member
Have you start doing ur perineal massages? How did it feel? Did ur husband do it with you? Haha! I read about it, but am a little skeptical to try it myself.


Haha Mreow Mreow, ur answer very cute lah... Anyway I don't eat the herbs but the herbs are added in those soup.. So the soup will absorb those herbs' essence.. But I know at certain weeks onwards, we shd stop taking in cordyceps coz we shd slow down the heatiness of these herbs in our body but I dont know when.. what is the emperor chicken ingredients? Is it the "Yao cai ji"? =p

Anyway, just to share, i went for 3D scan on my baby! The scanned image is beautiful not like the black and white one which we usually scan... Hahah and the face features are more obvious! Lol so cute lah.. Must try ok! :)

Hi Yingzy, I clicked the link for fb but page could not be found leh... :)


Hi Karenoon,

I heard and read about the p massage too... But i didn't try and can't try hahah coz I have been advised not to go work and cant do exercise, so better avoid this massage.....

Mrs Wong in the TMC antenatal class did mention abit about this in the class and so I think it is good to do it for those mummies that are perfectly fine throughout their pregnancy. Maybe u can seek advice from ur gynae? :)

Mreow Mreow

Have you start doing ur perineal massages? How did it feel? Did ur husband do it with you? Haha! I read about it, but am a little skeptical to try it myself.

I have not tried it yet!
Will prob do it in Early or mid 3rd trimester.
Think we should start in 3rd trimester?

I just turned 27weeks today so 1 last week of 2nd tri to go!! Haha.
Any mummies here already 3rd tri? :)

Anyway Karenoon, I won't do the massage myself.
I don't like to put my Fingers into my 'u know u know'
Will def ask hubby to do it for me.

But it's lk quite suggestive right?
I mean...
Later lead to hot n steamy actionnnn!!
Wahahaha :D

Mreow Mreow

MamaDT, are u in 3rd Trimester alreadyy?
I'm going for the 3D scan too!
Where did u have yours done?
My doc advise me to go from 29-31weeks.
I'm only 27weeks now...
How far along were u when u did urs?

Yup yup, the soup already has the essence of the herbs.
Sometimes I also wonder if it's ok to drink the soup.
Ya, it's Yao cai Ji.

Soon we can all start taking young coconut flesh & the juice!
I can't wait.
Pray that baby comes out clean!! :D


went for my gynae check today and bb girl is developing well. The doctor said she's abt 860g and is of ideally perfect size, not too big or small. :) I told him that my bb seems to be ultra-active cos she keeps kicking and punching at anytime of the day or NIGHT. LOL!! But the doc thinks it's a gd sign, which shows baby is growing. :)

Today I have also signed up for the Childbirth Education Programme with the hospital. Classes will start beginning of Oct for 5 weeks. :) am quite looking forward cos not many chance that i'm able to attend lesson together with my hubby. :D

Has anyone attend the antenatal class already? How's the experience?

Mreow Mreow

went for my gynae check today and bb girl is developing well. The doctor said she's abt 860g and is of ideally perfect size, not too big or small. :) I told him that my bb seems to be ultra-active cos she keeps kicking and punching at anytime of the day or NIGHT. LOL!! But the doc thinks it's a gd sign, which shows baby is growing. :)

Today I have also signed up for the Childbirth Education Programme with the hospital. Classes will start beginning of Oct for 5 weeks. :) am quite looking forward cos not many chance that i'm able to attend lesson together with my hubby. :D

Has anyone attend the antenatal class already? How's the experience?

Hi ivyb!
U are 2 days away from 27 weeks now?
When I went to check on my 24 week, baby was 800g.
Wonder if her weight is around yours cuz I juz turned 27 weeks :)
Did ur Doc mention what position your Girl is in?

I signed up for Antenatal class with Thomson!
Juz went for the breastfeeding course today @ SCGS.

It's a gd sign that your baby is active!!
Me however, can only feel her being active at night when I'm lying down going to bed.
I Can hardly feel her moving in the day!!
Hmm... Wonder why.......


i think u hv a bigger bb than mine since urs is already 800g at 24 wks. :err:
My baby girl is facing upwards with her back laying on me. Even during the scan she was actively moving abt with her eyes closed.....lol!! think she's sleeping and dreaming. :p

wat is SCGS?

I think our edd are quite close since u juz turned 27 weeks. Maybe ur baby girl is the more quiet type that's y not so active...hehe.... or maybe she will gets more active during later part of ur pregnancy. To me so long as bb moves at least 10 times a day should be consider ok. :)
Hi mummies!

Just to share that I'm also taking cordyceps with black chicken / lean meat but I intend to stop during third trimester cos i heard its too heaty by third trimester. Still can take two more more times do think I will finish it. As for yor sim, my antenatal trainer lilian said ginseng is not gd cos can lead to excessive bleeding during birth, but pao sim is ok. So think better check whether the ginseng u are taking is it ok or not.

I'm in my 27 weeks too! My baby weighed 800g when I was 25 weeks.. Gynae said ok.. Think there's a range bah. :)

My boy also not very active de.. There are times he kick towards bladder and throughout the whole day maybe only certsin timing and his kicks are very hard and painful. I wonder which is better cos strong we will sense better but maybe he's a more gentle boy don't want me in pain. Haha.. :) so looking to my next appointment which have to wait until next fri!


Hi Mummies!!!

I am now at 27 weeks.. if i am not wrong, my EDD is 2 days before Cherry Blossom!! :)
I did my 3D Scan at 25th Week :) Face features are already obvious haha
I can't wait for third trim leh.. can't wait to stop the chinese herbs and switch to coconut drinks and flesh! wahhahaha but I am also very scared the contractions and stuff at the same time.. haha so contradicting.. :p

I went SCGS last night too for the breastfeeding course! Now then I realised that wash bottles are also very ma fan.. hahaha really alot to learn siah..

I went for the childbirth class with TMC and has started few lessons already. It's enriching and in a way good to know and learn as you will be surprised that there are many things which we thought is simple but turn out to be quite ma fan.. hahah just like washing bottles also got techniques one... lol :)

My baby is very active in there... hands and legs keep moving non stop, body turn and turn in my womb until sometimes i scared myself and screamed "ah!" lol he's active at all times even in the middle of the night when i am trying hard to sleep... lol.. sing lullaby to him and he can still turn around in my womb.. lol

My gynae says my baby is ok but is a small baby about 691g at week 25.. and so should be about 2.8kg when full term. I very kan cheong leh really very kan cheong can't wait to see him in Dec!!! lol :p

I was there at scgs yesterday too! Haha .. Which day of the Tmc class u joined? Mine is the Friday class at AMK hub. ;)

Ya wash teats all these very ma fan hor. When I wash I always scare not clean enough de..

I also can't wait for third trimester and for dec to see my boy.. Been talking to him everyday and wonder what he's doing inside.. I think he's a more gentle boy.. :)

Oh I think coconut can only like 36 weeks onwards drink? So fast can drink Liao ma? I have not buy the essentials to prepare for his arrival yet.. Except some clothing and the stroller.. Think will start next month!

Mreow Mreow

Hello everyone,

Was reading some of your posts I realise I can learn so much here :)

I think this is my 2nd post. I am currently in my 27th weeks and my EDD is 18th Dec 2012. My baby boy weighs 1kg :)

I never attend any prenatal courses actually I am quite worried I will be lost after I give birth. Anyone do not intend to attend any prenatal courses?

To those who consumes Bird Nest. How often you all consume in a week? I have bought a few bottles but I have no idea the frequency I should consume it :)

Welcome momopeachgal! :)

Our edd Is the same! 18dec too!
MamaDT I think our EDD is 1 day apart ya? :)

Ivyb, SCGS is Singapore Chinese gals school.
We had a BreastFeeding course there yesterday...

Hmm, mummy momopeachgal, actually its ok if u don't have classes.
Many mummies did well without classes too!! U can borrow books from library to read...
Personally, the classes are like refresher for me.
Cuz i read alot & have read at least 8 preggy books & do lots of web surfing as well.
I got nothing better to d at home, that's why attend the course. Hehe :p

My hubby is 50-50 on it.
He feels that 'last time ppl no course & no $ to go yet they can have successful birth'

MamaDT & Cherry Blossom, actually the talk was like Abit vague like?
I mean like not detailed & somewhat general.
Guess it's due to class size. Difficult to be interactive.
Cuz somehow the things she mention I already know.
I have Afew qns, think I'll ask on my next few classes.

Mreow Mreow

MamaDT, ur baby is so happy on ur womb, being so active.

Guess that's why u can get good shots of the 3D scan.

Omg. Now I'm afraid to go cux afternoon time my baby girl seems to be always sleeping!
I can only feel her at night!!
Realllly doubt she'd be awake during the scan!! :(

Momopeachgal, I take birdnest once a week or once in 2weeks.
Not sure how the frequency should be.
Abit lazy to cook so actually I juz eat as and when I feel like it. Hehe.

Cherryblossom, our babies are gentle babies!!
Heh heh :)
Wonder if their amniotic life resembles their life after birth... :)