EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Hello mummies just to share I've given birth on the 11/09/2012 @ 5.30am currently in mount alvernia.
Wishing every mummy a smooth delivery :Dancing_wub:
Just need to rant out..

I'm soooo dead tired today!! My eyes can hardly stay open and yet i still have to rush up my work!! Haihh.. regret never take ML earlier.. i'm soooo sick of working!!!


Really?! I had my checkup on Tuesday at 38weeks4days too. And my EDD Is next Friday as well but my gynae still scheduled me in for another appointment next Thursday! He didn't mention anything about inducing at all. :eek: but he did say that my baby won't be a big one, although he didn't give me the exact weight. I think it was because I had lost a little more than 1kg thanks to my flu and I seemed quite distressed about it. Now I'm gonna spend the next one week eating as much as possible and cross my toes to hope that baby's weight goes up.
Oh, we have same EDD..

Well, probably my gynae pretty sure i will deliver before due date....so never schedule any more check up? :)

And since is only 2.9kgs at 38weeks, i guess it wont grow that big in 1weeks time.....somemore this is my 2nd pregnancy, should be easier to push him out....hope so.


Lingz and eeneyminey - Even I am soo tensed about dealing with my mil after giving birth. Already my mil said that I am not eating properly and thats why the baby is so tiny. Everyday I keep thinking about how she's gonna be on my back when the baby is born, and say that i'm not doing things properly. Have already started preparing rebuttals if she irritates me too much, else if I cant tell her my hubby is gonna get all my anger and stress and he will have to tell his mother. Dealing with my own mum is sooo much more easier, even when she tells me things though its sometimes annoying, I find it more of her guiding me than ordering me to do things, and I can tell off my own mum..

Lizzy - Yea I think mine are the milk ducts then, cos its just on the nipple area not on the areola.. Today I just squeezed my nipple and there was like liquid not really white or yellow but more of water coming out of my nipples.

Felicity - Thanks for sharing.. I have not gone for any of those post natal classes, but Ive been watching you tube videos and yea for a new born baby its too difficult to do it alone, especially when the baby is crying and kicking so much. I was reading up on the kelly mom website about breastfeeding new borns everytime they cry, and in several places it says in the first month you just have to keep latching on everytime baby cries. Don't think of it that your spoiling the baby by carrying all the time, but it just has to be done. Later you can just leave the baby to cry for sometime and not pick her up. Also, do menses come back this fast? I read that if your bf it normally does not come so fast, but if it does come, then on the days of your menses your milk supply will be low, and will become normal once it stops.


My birth story seems quite easy and short as compared to other mummies.
Tuesday 3.30am woke up and went toilet to pee before that already felt that stomach was abit weird but no pain. After cleaning I saw blood and when I stand up the blood just dripped onto the floor (sorry abit gross though) immediately went to wake husband up and felt smth not right as I still haven't felt any contractions as well.

Reached mt alv around 4am,gynae checked and say that ctg shows baby heartbeat on the slow side as placenta might be shifting away from baby therefore recommend c sect. Went into OT around 4.45am and around 5.30am my baby girl has been safely delivered.

Husband and me quite upset thou as this is our 1st child and we even bought a camera to video the process of natural birth. Oh well,but what matters is she's safe and sound weighing at 2.9kg.


Hey felicity,

I think u over latch alrdy tats y ur nipples very sore. I think it's better u express e milk out mayb 3-4 times a day n latch 3-4 times too.. If u fun get enuff rest u will not hv enuff milk supply also. N by expressin u can see how much ur gal is drinking..

I m doing just that (althou nipples also darn sore n sensitive) but at least I know my son now needs ard 100ml to b full. N by expressin. I know how much each side of my breast is producing.. So I estimate e amt of milk my boy drinks base on e duration he latch on... Then once u see his contented look or rejects e nipple it means enuff n the cycle will repeat 3hrs later.

For those who just give birth, don't demoralize! Milk will come. It's just when. Just don't give up. I was also very upset when my milk din come during my stay n after my discharge... It only came in after e 5th day n e amount was pathetic. Just latch ur baby even though no milk but supplement with formula so that e baby won't go hungry..

As for e nipple cream. I used pigeon breast cream to massage my breast since my 30th week.. But now that I m breastfeeding baby I turned to medela lanolin. Only used twice. Once when my nipple started to clot blood (I was latching wrongly) n this cream works wonder. The next day it was back to normal!!! Then e second time was my nipples were sooo sore n sensitive I teared. It was so bad that even wearing my bra on hurts! But anw I stopped after tat cos althou it states safe for baby I don't feel at ease letting baby digest any of e cream (cos e cream is sticky n since my nipples r so sensitive I can't wipe it clean 100%)
So just "Ren" lor... For baby's sake.

Time flies.. This wkend my baby will b week 3 Le.. I don't want to go back to work!! (takin only 2mths ML) sigh... My baby's cheek n forehead got alot of pimple acne rash.. So upset. Must b e heaty food that i've been consuming...

As for e massage I started on e 6th day. I lost 5kg immediately after I delivered n still hv 5 more kilo to lose to b back to my original weight. Took e 7th day package. Tml will b e last day... Althou hubby says my tummy is smaller now I still feel sad cos I never had a bulging tummy before... Think all my clothes all can't wear Le....

Ok long post here cos I m so occupied with e baby!!!
Lingz and eeneyminey - Even I am soo tensed about dealing with my mil after giving birth. Already my mil said that I am not eating properly and thats why the baby is so tiny. Everyday I keep thinking about how she's gonna be on my back when the baby is born, and say that i'm not doing things properly. Have already started preparing rebuttals if she irritates me too much, else if I cant tell her my hubby is gonna get all my anger and stress and he will have to tell his mother. Dealing with my own mum is sooo much more easier, even when she tells me things though its sometimes annoying, I find it more of her guiding me than ordering me to do things, and I can tell off my own mum..

Lizzy - Yea I think mine are the milk ducts then, cos its just on the nipple area not on the areola.. Today I just squeezed my nipple and there was like liquid not really white or yellow but more of water coming out of my nipples.

Felicity - Thanks for sharing.. I have not gone for any of those post natal classes, but Ive been watching you tube videos and yea for a new born baby its too difficult to do it alone, especially when the baby is crying and kicking so much. I was reading up on the kelly mom website about breastfeeding new borns everytime they cry, and in several places it says in the first month you just have to keep latching on everytime baby cries. Don't think of it that your spoiling the baby by carrying all the time, but it just has to be done. Later you can just leave the baby to cry for sometime and not pick her up. Also, do menses come back this fast? I read that if your bf it normally does not come so fast, but if it does come, then on the days of your menses your milk supply will be low, and will become normal once it stops.

kary.. i have that watery liquid coming out of my nipples too!! since few weeks ago i think.. people said it's colostrum.. but i thought colostrum supposed to be yellowish?? anyway, first time it came out i did press it out to see more of it.. hahhaha.. but after that i dun dare anymore, scared it will trigger labour coz i was only 35 wks i think that time..


My birth story seems quite easy and short as compared to other mummies.
Tuesday 3.30am woke up and went toilet to pee before that already felt that stomach was abit weird but no pain. After cleaning I saw blood and when I stand up the blood just dripped onto the floor (sorry abit gross though) immediately went to wake husband up and felt smth not right as I still haven't felt any contractions as well.

Reached mt alv around 4am,gynae checked and say that ctg shows baby heartbeat on the slow side as placenta might be shifting away from baby therefore recommend c sect. Went into OT around 4.45am and around 5.30am my baby girl has been safely delivered.

Husband and me quite upset thou as this is our 1st child and we even bought a camera to video the process of natural birth. Oh well,but what matters is she's safe and sound weighing at 2.9kg.
Wow that was quick... And good that you went down to the hospital immediately without waiting to feel contractions. Happy that your baby is healthy :) You rest as much as you can... Baby will have tons of pictures post this too.
My birth story seems quite easy and short as compared to other mummies.
Tuesday 3.30am woke up and went toilet to pee before that already felt that stomach was abit weird but no pain. After cleaning I saw blood and when I stand up the blood just dripped onto the floor (sorry abit gross though) immediately went to wake husband up and felt smth not right as I still haven't felt any contractions as well.

Reached mt alv around 4am,gynae checked and say that ctg shows baby heartbeat on the slow side as placenta might be shifting away from baby therefore recommend c sect. Went into OT around 4.45am and around 5.30am my baby girl has been safely delivered.

Husband and me quite upset thou as this is our 1st child and we even bought a camera to video the process of natural birth. Oh well,but what matters is she's safe and sound weighing at 2.9kg.

Thanks for sharing.. Lucky u go to hospital fast, otherwise maybe ur baby will be in danger (choy choy choy). But glad that you and baby is okay, that's the most important thing..

Btw, mt A allows u to bring video cam to the labour ward? I think tmc cannot.. darnn.. huhuhu

Anyway congrats again!!



I think I'll hv e same prob as u.. Probably next time this forum will b a mil rant posting.. Hehehe

Next week mil will officially move in to take care of my son Le... No more freedom n privacy... Sian but no choice otherwise nobody look after my son when hubby n i go to work.


Wow that was quick... And good that you went down to the hospital immediately without waiting to feel contractions. Happy that your baby is healthy :) You rest as much as you can... Baby will have tons of pictures post this too.
Yupp on the brighter note I didn't have to go through labour and contractions pain. Therefore from the start of pregnancy until now I have no idea how contractions feels like. Will post once I'm home :)!


kary.. i have that watery liquid coming out of my nipples too!! since few weeks ago i think.. people said it's colostrum.. but i thought colostrum supposed to be yellowish?? anyway, first time it came out i did press it out to see more of it.. hahhaha.. but after that i dun dare anymore, scared it will trigger labour coz i was only 35 wks i think that time..
Yea when I did it the first time there was alot of the watery liquid and when I tried it again it was not yellow or white like an in between color... The nipple stimulation works to trigger labor only if you do it for about half an hour or so twice a day.. I have read that too lol. I think I'm just gonna tell my gynac to induce labor for me.. Next Wednesday morning is my next appointment, if the baby does not come by then, I'm gonna ask him if I can be induced on Thursday night or Friday so my baby can be born on Friday..


Thanks for sharing.. Lucky u go to hospital fast, otherwise maybe ur baby will be in danger (choy choy choy). But glad that you and baby is okay, that's the most important thing..

Btw, mt A allows u to bring video cam to the labour ward? I think tmc cannot.. darnn.. huhuhu

Anyway congrats again!!
Thank you eeneyminey! Yupp most hospital should allow I think? Only for natural birth though. When's your EDD?



I think I'll hv e same prob as u.. Probably next time this forum will b a mil rant posting.. Hehehe

Next week mil will officially move in to take care of my son Le... No more freedom n privacy... Sian but no choice otherwise nobody look after my son when hubby n i go to work.
Correct! For me my mil does not live with me thankfully.. When she comes for those two - three weeks itself I get very irritated, and everytime she leaves hubby says our honeymoon has started again ;) But yea with someone taking care of your baby, even I feel its better you have someone you know rather than an unknown person.

Yupp on the brighter note I didn't have to go through labour and contractions pain. Therefore from the start of pregnancy until now I have no idea how contractions feels like. Will post once I'm home :)!
So thats a good thing, since you had a painless delivery.. There's always something good out of everything. Just rest alot now, so that you heal fast.. And yea c section or normal, the first one - two weeks are critical with resting and letting your wound heal.
Thank you eeneyminey! Yupp most hospital should allow I think? Only for natural birth though. When's your EDD?

TMc staffs alrd warned me no camera allowed during labour, even for natural birth.. sighz..

edd is 29 sept.. but i think anytime soon now.. hahahha..