EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Congrats MrsLiaw.. Take care and rest well!!

Kary and Piglim, talking about mil, i can forsee the problems even before the child is out. Think is rather difficult to adjust to in law naturally. Was planning to have my confinement at my mum's place, already created a big chaos. In the end, try not to make things difficult for hubby, just continue to have it at in law place. Just pray hard that everything will be alright. And I don't think they are supportive in breastfeeding, keep telling me that her children in the past can sleep through the night. That was becoz they are not on breastfeeding, but formula milk.

Oh, I have decided to take early maternity leave, starting next week, though EDD is on 29th Sept. Think going to and fro from work is tiring, and will take this time to pack up the room and get as much rest as possible before she comes out.

I think is really normal for baby in first month to keep wanting to latch on as their stomach is really small and breastmilk is quite watery. It happens to quite a number of my friends who have just gave birth.

Waiting game....


To all of you who have not delivered yet: did you get your cervix checked? is your cervix dilated? effaced?
I just got back from my check up (39 weeks+) and ARGH my cervix is NOT at all dilated, not at all effaced, still very tubular. ARGHHH it means my EDD of 18 Sept will most likely come and go with no baby in sight!

plus my baby is growing so much.. possibly 3.3 or even 3.4kg, good grief!! seriously.. I want a smaller baby. very very selfish reason, but small babies = fit into the SUPER cute NB size rompers!! now all the NB outfits won't be able to fit my baby anymore :( It hink.. at this rate...

sigh. sigh. SIGH!!

@Felicity: I heard from Mrs Wong (during the breast feeding talk) that it's better to only breastfeed/latch every 3 hours. if you let the baby latch too often, it becomes a way to pacify her, not for her to suckle properly, and she then showed us a horrifying picture of a mother's nipples that became all sore and red cos she let her baby latch on everytime it cries.

so maybe you just have to deny her latching on, and only let her have milk every 3 hours or more. just have to get her to learn? eeps. I don't know.. just a suggestion.. otherwise, you're probably going to have very little patience, energy and tolerance left...

Kary: I don't know how you can deal with a mum in law... I can't even deal with my own mum. I don't want any confinement nanny, or any mothers, tell me what to do!! if I need advice, I will research and read up and ask around myself. hate being told what to do. really pei fu all of you who live with your mums or mum in law...


Yea when I did it the first time there was alot of the watery liquid and when I tried it again it was not yellow or white like an in between color... The nipple stimulation works to trigger labor only if you do it for about half an hour or so twice a day.. I have read that too lol. I think I'm just gonna tell my gynac to induce labor for me.. Next Wednesday morning is my next appointment, if the baby does not come by then, I'm gonna ask him if I can be induced on Thursday night or Friday so my baby can be born on Friday..
ehhhh why is it that nothing comes out of my nipple when I squeeze them?!? :( :(
To all of you who have not delivered yet: did you get your cervix checked? is your cervix dilated? effaced?
I just got back from my check up (39 weeks+) and ARGH my cervix is NOT at all dilated, not at all effaced, still very tubular. ARGHHH it means my EDD of 18 Sept will most likely come and go with no baby in sight!

plus my baby is growing so much.. possibly 3.3 or even 3.4kg, good grief!! seriously.. I want a smaller baby. very very selfish reason, but small babies = fit into the SUPER cute NB size rompers!! now all the NB outfits won't be able to fit my baby anymore :( It hink.. at this rate...

sigh. sigh. SIGH!!

@Felicity: I heard from Mrs Wong (during the breast feeding talk) that it's better to only breastfeed/latch every 3 hours. if you let the baby latch too often, it becomes a way to pacify her, not for her to suckle properly, and she then showed us a horrifying picture of a mother's nipples that became all sore and red cos she let her baby latch on everytime it cries.

so maybe you just have to deny her latching on, and only let her have milk every 3 hours or more. just have to get her to learn? eeps. I don't know.. just a suggestion.. otherwise, you're probably going to have very little patience, energy and tolerance left...

Kary: I don't know how you can deal with a mum in law... I can't even deal with my own mum. I don't want any confinement nanny, or any mothers, tell me what to do!! if I need advice, I will research and read up and ask around myself. hate being told what to do. really pei fu all of you who live with your mums or mum in law...

i'm having my check up tml and gynae will check my cervix. i'm so worried that i cannot dilate too.. hoping to at least 1cm dilate.. sighz.. dunno how, i heard it's painful too..

btw what's effaced n tubular??


well it was over very quickly. it was definitely uncomfortable, only slightly painful, but I was expecting a stinging pain cos of my yeast infection, but nothing. maybe my gynae is good - I've always thought she's very good.

effaced - I think it means softening.

tubular - meaning the cervix is still NORMAL, not dilating (opening), i.e. ready for labour. adlfkjal;sdkfjao;sieu
well it was over very quickly. it was definitely uncomfortable, only slightly painful, but I was expecting a stinging pain cos of my yeast infection, but nothing. maybe my gynae is good - I've always thought she's very good.

effaced - I think it means softening.

tubular - meaning the cervix is still NORMAL, not dilating (opening), i.e. ready for labour. adlfkjal;sdkfjao;sieu

ic ic.. I'm trying to have like a routine walking time after office hour in hope that it can help me to dilate faster.. really quite nervous if cannot dilate, ended up emergency c sect even worse.. sighz..

If tml checked not dilating at all i think next time i will just give in to taking cab home.. lolz..


Mrsliaw congrats! I just discharge fm Mt A.... Our kids shared same bdae!

Mummies dun b dishearted.... My bm also haven really come in. I fed once fm. Just now bb sleeping refused to suck... So i pump to stimulate.. Realised got colostrum.. So after stimulating.. I quickly feed bb coz too little to store but when i squeese n bb managed to suckle for 10mins b4 dozing...

I fed her fm coz i had some food which i cant latch on immediately... Luckily mil still quick encouraging correcting my posture when i latch bb.. Will try to latch on after 3 hours...

Jiayoy lets hope our bm starts flowing in soon.....
Camcam... U not alone!! Im also down with flu n cough... Due in 2 wks!! Was wondering, if bb comes now, how am i gg to push with the stuffed nose n cough!


New Member
Congrats Mrs Liaw on your bundle of joy!!rest well and Enjoy motherhood!
Erlina and eeniminey! We share the same EDD.. Which hospital will you ladies be in..?
I've been having diarrhea since yesterday..read that it might be the first few signs of labour or baby making it's way down and hence pressing on the intestine.. I'm not sure..will see how it goes...Leg cramps are in season suddenly during sleep..Frankly, I've come to a point where I just want him out.. Haiz.. Reading posts of all moms who had delivered, you all seemed to be going through another phase of agony ;-) I've had friends
Who whined about breastfeeding during the first month but right now, they seemed
To be enjoying it and are happy that they endured the initial part...jia you to all the wonderful mommies who are currently struggling to b/f!!!!


Hi Irah, I'll be gg to Thomson medical.. How about u?

My menstrual cramp and diarrhoea feeling have disappeared. A bit sad, not sure whether baby decides to stay longer inside..

Anyway, gg for checkup tml and will see how.. =)


New Member
I'll be at raffles..My next check up will be this coming Monday.. Let us pray that all will
Be smooth sailing in our last lap...Jia you all!


Active Member
Wow... This must be the most active thread here now!! Haha..

Mrsliaw congrats!! What matter most is ur bb is safe n sound in ur arms :)

Kary I was reading kellymom website also.. So trying to latch since not recommended to let bb cry over it. I hope not menses n now I dun think so cos no cramps (usually hv cramps n my cramps is only slightly less pain than contractions at its worst) n seems to be clearing..

Piglim yup now I guess I'll be expressing too.. Thanks! My bb is 3 weeks old today.. Has a bit of acne on her face too. Unfortunately she doesn't just latch every 3 hrs.. When she awake can latch all the time.. When she slp can be few mins to 5 hrs! I always pray she slp longer at night so I get to rest too... Everytime I latch her I use my free hand to surf and read n reply here... Now I'm actually pumping while typing this :p

Eeneyminey.. TMC can bring camera, cannot take video if I'm not wrong. After deliver they prompted my hubby can take pic of bb le ^^ also hv pics of my super shag messy-hair-ghost-like face w bb on me...


Congrats mrsliaw! Now we have 3 bbs sharing the same bdae! Urs, rodorsany and mine! And mine is "youngest" - latest born that day.. hee..

Eeneyminey.. yeah.. TMC can take photo la.. My gynae still told us to prepare camera and be ready to take pic of the digital clock once bb is born.. And I specifically told hubby to ask the nurse to help him take a pic of him cutting e umbilical cord (poorly taken though cos not QC-ed but I suppose such moments can't have second shots) and also pic of bb on the weighing scale.. Din noe whether video cam allowed.. But our camera got the video function and hubby took a few short videos of bb crying wen they clean her up.. Wasn't stopped by the nurses (maybe they tot he taking pic onli?) :p


Rodorsany:692570 said:
Mummies dun b dishearted.... My bm also haven really come in. I fed once fm. Just now bb sleeping refused to suck... So i pump to stimulate.. Realised got colostrum.. So after stimulating.. I quickly feed bb coz too little to store but when i squeese n bb managed to suckle for 10mins b4 dozing...

I fed her fm coz i had some food which i cant latch on immediately... Luckily mil still quick encouraging correcting my posture when i latch bb.. Will try to latch on after 3 hours...

Jiayoy lets hope our bm starts flowing in soon.....
So envious! I dun even have colostrum.. my girl oso refused to latch cos she kept snoozing.. and after fm feed she refused to suckle.. if I time it before fm feed she oso refused to suckle until she is realli hungry and will suckle a few times, realise no milk and start to wail her head off.. super duper stressed out.. tink I will get my pump out to stimulate then.. hopefully milk will come in soon! :D


HI mummies.. how do u know u hav had a "show"? Does the bloody discharge continue? cos i worry in a blurry state in the morning, might not notice the blood after peeing and cleaning up....... will it continue to stain the undies?
I woke up around 5.50am to pee and until now cannot sleep.. sighz.. i think i'm quite stressed out now thinking about how my check up gonna be like later.. up til now i think more or less i will try for natural birth first. if ended up c sect i guess i just have to accept it by heart.. sighz..

Thanks for confirming that TMC can bring in camera, dunno why last time during my hosp tour they said no camera, or maybe i heard wrongly, no video cam instead?! anyway, good if can bring in camera, i thought of using iphone cam, but i scared the quality will be bad.. i've alrd packed like a dslr kind and another one compact cam just in case.. hahhahaa..

Btw, any of u bought fm just in case? i havent bought anything yet.. can share the brand? not sure whether tmc will provide now because from the last news, they even charging fm that they gonna feed the baby during stay..


To all of you who have not delivered yet: did you get your cervix checked? is your cervix dilated? effaced?
I just got back from my check up (39 weeks+) and ARGH my cervix is NOT at all dilated, not at all effaced, still very tubular. ARGHHH it means my EDD of 18 Sept will most likely come and go with no baby in sight!

plus my baby is growing so much.. possibly 3.3 or even 3.4kg, good grief!! seriously.. I want a smaller baby. very very selfish reason, but small babies = fit into the SUPER cute NB size rompers!! now all the NB outfits won't be able to fit my baby anymore :( It hink.. at this rate...

sigh. sigh. SIGH!!

@Felicity: I heard from Mrs Wong (during the breast feeding talk) that it's better to only breastfeed/latch every 3 hours. if you let the baby latch too often, it becomes a way to pacify her, not for her to suckle properly, and she then showed us a horrifying picture of a mother's nipples that became all sore and red cos she let her baby latch on everytime it cries.

so maybe you just have to deny her latching on, and only let her have milk every 3 hours or more. just have to get her to learn? eeps. I don't know.. just a suggestion.. otherwise, you're probably going to have very little patience, energy and tolerance left...

Kary: I don't know how you can deal with a mum in law... I can't even deal with my own mum. I don't want any confinement nanny, or any mothers, tell me what to do!! if I need advice, I will research and read up and ask around myself. hate being told what to do. really pei fu all of you who live with your mums or mum in law...

Don't worry too much, sometimes cervic dilation can happen suddenly and fast.........probably you got to walk more from now on.


Btw, any of u bought fm just in case? i havent bought anything yet.. can share the brand? not sure whether tmc will provide now because from the last news, they even charging fm that they gonna feed the baby during stay..
i advise not to bring so you wont have any option but to breastfeed, let the baby suckle 15 mins each breast if hungry the nurse will give formula to top up..unless you dont wanna breastfeed.. dont follow what i did, i rely on formula for few days till my breast engorged and felt so painful...