EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Q for mums who are breastfeeding: what nipple cream are you using?? do you wipe them off before breast feeding your baby?
Lolz.. i didnt mean to go into labour ward with make up n hairdo.. hahhaha i meant now that i still havent pop i try to wear make up again.. but i did pack some make up on my hosp bag.. hahahhahaha just a powder and eyebrow liner.. i got no eyebrow one and looks super duper horrible!!! When my hubby first saw me without make up early morning after sleeping, he also shocked and said with reflex "OMG.. what happened to your face????"

i can only =.="""""""""""""""""""""""
oh, and I have also read and heard about castor oil. but it sounds scary too, all that pain from diarrhea and vomitting. I have also read that it might cause distress to the baby, and the baby might poop, resulting in meconium in the sac or during delivery. I wouldn't want that. I have first hand account of meconium being inhaled by a baby before during delivery.. and it didn't make it. that in itself is enough for me not to use castor oil. if I have to be induced, I'd rather get it medically done.

sex and orgasms may help but I also researched it and seems that some mums tried it, but didn't ever work. so I guess when a baby is ready, it will start labor. if it's not, it just wouldn't happen (even with castor oil!)

so I shall just have to be patient.

for those who are bored waiting for their babies to arrive: maybe we can meet up for lunch next week, one of the weekdays, have some sort of taitai ish lunch? :D


but next week i'm still scheduled for working, only start ml on 24th sept.. sighz.. i crave for TWG!!!! yum yum macarons and nice nice hot teaa....


New Member
hi for those mummies had delivered..

When do you start your post natal massage?
I started mine on day 6...more like cos I wanted to settle down after discharge first...I heard from my massage auntie that some pple start right after discharge so I guess it's up to u :)


New Member
Q for mums who are breastfeeding: what nipple cream are you using?? do you wipe them off before breast feeding your baby?
im using the pigeon nipple cream...will
wipe off before latch or pump...although it says it's safe for bb but just wanted to be on the safe side :)
Eeneyminey - same I keep saying I have no clothes that fit me anymore.. But anyways few more weeks for us, and then I'm sure we should be able to fit into our old clothes sooni...

I'm planning on straightening my hair and putting on some light make up for when I go in for the delivery too... Lol.. Though I don't know for how long it will last, but may just keep touching up if I can.. Was thinking with all the screaming and pushing and sweating when the baby sees me for the first time she might get scared and go like OMG who are you, and might want to run back inside hahahaha... So might as well do it in style.. and I think you should also do that one special date night with your hubby it just helps to boost you up... I would have wanted mine to be more of a surprise, but I didn't see that coming so had to just tell him that we should do this and it was indeed lovely :)
Kary! Wow you seem to be one of those glam mummies. I doubt I'd take the effort to doll myself up before going into labour. Haha! I guess I'm gonna be fine with myself looking like a messy gorilla after all the pushing. :rolleyes:

I went to the gynae yesterday, and he did the vaginal check for me. At first he put some cream substance that I think should be lubricant, but it BURNT LIKE FIRE! And then he started swiping and feeling inside and it was really uncomfortable. But doctor informed me that although my EDD is about a week away, there is no signs of early dilation or whatsoever. He says baby is still too comfortable to come out. Sigh. :mad:

But the worst part is, I had to fall sick at this last crucial moment. And my heavy flu and fever isn't getting much better because doctor prescribed very mild medications. Because of the flu, I've lost quite a bit of weight in a matter of days and that is worrying me. :(

Another thing is, the extreme pain in my right rib that has been going on for a long time. It feels like something cutting into me. And there was one time when I felt a "piak!" after baby kicked. So doctor was telling me because of my extreme pain, he advises that I go for a simple X-ray scan after I give birth to check for any hairline fracture. @.@ I think I'm the only new mummy who has such weird complications?! :( :(

And all the birth stories are so exciting and inspiring, but scary at the same time! Haha! I want mine to be really really fast and I'm planning to wait till my contractions are about ten mins apart before going into labour ward? So afraid of the pain. :p

Maybe one day when our babies are a few months old, we can have a mummies meet up with a little picnic or something! It will be so fun! ;)


Kary! Wow you seem to be one of those glam mummies. I doubt I'd take the effort to doll myself up before going into labour. Haha! I guess I'm gonna be fine with myself looking like a messy gorilla after all the pushing. :rolleyes:

I went to the gynae yesterday, and he did the vaginal check for me. At first he put some cream substance that I think should be lubricant, but it BURNT LIKE FIRE! And then he started swiping and feeling inside and it was really uncomfortable. But doctor informed me that although my EDD is about a week away, there is no signs of early dilation or whatsoever. He says baby is still too comfortable to come out. Sigh. :mad:

But the worst part is, I had to fall sick at this last crucial moment. And my heavy flu and fever isn't getting much better because doctor prescribed very mild medications. Because of the flu, I've lost quite a bit of weight in a matter of days and that is worrying me. :(

Another thing is, the extreme pain in my right rib that has been going on for a long time. It feels like something cutting into me. And there was one time when I felt a "piak!" after baby kicked. So doctor was telling me because of my extreme pain, he advises that I go for a simple X-ray scan after I give birth to check for any hairline fracture. @.@ I think I'm the only new mummy who has such weird complications?! :( :(

And all the birth stories are so exciting and inspiring, but scary at the same time! Haha! I want mine to be really really fast and I'm planning to wait till my contractions are about ten mins apart before going into labour ward? So afraid of the pain. :p

Maybe one day when our babies are a few months old, we can have a mummies meet up with a little picnic or something! It will be so fun! ;)
camcam: did the cervical check hurt because you have yeast infection? I am having a recurring yeast infection for months.. comes and goes.. it's now back with a vengeance. I really hope it will go away as I am due so soon: I can't imagine the pain for a baby going through my vagina while I have an yeast infection!!! I can't even have penetrative sex without crying thanks to the yeast. grar!!!
Kary! Wow you seem to be one of those glam mummies. I doubt I'd take the effort to doll myself up before going into labour. Haha! I guess I'm gonna be fine with myself looking like a messy gorilla after all the pushing. :rolleyes:

I went to the gynae yesterday, and he did the vaginal check for me. At first he put some cream substance that I think should be lubricant, but it BURNT LIKE FIRE! And then he started swiping and feeling inside and it was really uncomfortable. But doctor informed me that although my EDD is about a week away, there is no signs of early dilation or whatsoever. He says baby is still too comfortable to come out. Sigh. :mad:

But the worst part is, I had to fall sick at this last crucial moment. And my heavy flu and fever isn't getting much better because doctor prescribed very mild medications. Because of the flu, I've lost quite a bit of weight in a matter of days and that is worrying me. :(

Another thing is, the extreme pain in my right rib that has been going on for a long time. It feels like something cutting into me. And there was one time when I felt a "piak!" after baby kicked. So doctor was telling me because of my extreme pain, he advises that I go for a simple X-ray scan after I give birth to check for any hairline fracture. @.@ I think I'm the only new mummy who has such weird complications?! :( :(

And all the birth stories are so exciting and inspiring, but scary at the same time! Haha! I want mine to be really really fast and I'm planning to wait till my contractions are about ten mins apart before going into labour ward? So afraid of the pain. :p

Maybe one day when our babies are a few months old, we can have a mummies meet up with a little picnic or something! It will be so fun! ;)
camcam: did the cervical check hurt because you have yeast infection? I am having a recurring yeast infection for months.. comes and goes.. it's now back with a vengeance. I really hope it will go away as I am due so soon: I can't imagine the pain for a baby going through my vagina while I have an yeast infection!!! I can't even have penetrative sex without crying thanks to the yeast. grar!!!
Oh my! That sounds terrible! Isn't there a way of making it go away permanently? Nope I did all my tests and I've got no infections. But the substance that my gynae applied and the way he was "digging" inside was uncomfortable to me. Hahaha! Can't imagine myself during labor. I'll probably wake the WHOLE HOSPITAL up with my screams. :/ gosh.


camcam: I also feel some pain in my ribs, most likely due to the kicking. However, I think mine is not as serious as yours.. Perhaps you want to check with your gynae what he applied when he did the check? My gynae used a colourless gel like substance.


Hi mummies, any of your gynae ask you to fix a date to induce. My edd is on 15th and so far my princess seems very comfy in me...


Yeah all pf us who are still waiting should go for a nice tea! I just met up someof my ex colleagues today for hi tea! Yums! Feel so tai tai.. tomorrow another tea session ! Oh i went for buffet yesterday liao.. pigged out! :p

I'm actually feeling some jitters everytime i feel pain and discomfort lol.. scared it's TIME.. hahaa any mummies feeling that too?

As for makeup, my hubby discourage me.. but i feel i shld look abit more presentable as a new mummy in hosp! If not i will be like a panda in the sanctuary just like jiajia or kai kai! lol..


Eeneyminey - Yea I have heard of that too, like no coloring hair or rebonding and stuff cos of the chemicals when bf. Though I dont know if it is true or not. Everytime I eat all those extra chocolates and all the cheesy stuff I tell myself, its ok your last few days after the baby is born it will be more of dieting to lose all the weight i've gained. And all the more cos my baby is so tiny, I keep telling the baby I'm eating all this just for you, please keep absorbing everything.

Reiann - Yea I'm definitely not trying out castor oil because it sounds quite yuck.. And now after you saying this I will definitely not try it out, even if I'm really in a hurry. Ahhh I would love to meet up with you girls too, but my parents are getting here this weekend, and then wouldnt be able to leave them and come out :| but yea after all our babies are more than a month old and everyone's done with confinement we should do it again for sure. All of us with our babies in the strollers :)) for me its gonna be all new. Hoping I can be a good mom and take care of my baby by myself so I can still go out shopping alone.

Lingz - Has your doctor told you anything about being extra careful or any special care to be taken because of the epidural? Your baby will grow big fasst so don't worry about baby being tiny... I am so not telling any of my relatives my baby's weight, cos I know they'll make me feel all bad, that I didn't take proper care while being pregnant. But once baby is grown up, no one bother's about birth weight. Gosh, weight is such a touchy topic right from birth.

Camcamwhambam - I am soo bored waiting for this baby to come out of me, so all i've been doing is planning the birth and post birth.. Yea I keep rearranging the baby things like atleast 2 - 3 times in a day, and I've taken out and replaced what I'll be wearing when going to the hospital and when coming back home 3 times already. So yea its the waiting thats making me do all this. When I really go into labor I think i'm gonna be soo excited about meeting the baby I may just forget about hair and make up and everything else and will just run to the hospital. Sometimes I wonder if I will even wait for hubby to come home, if he's at work or I will just go by myself. Which week are you in now?

Its terrible that you had to fall sick just now :( you should probably just drink alot of water and rest as much as you can. Even if its not sleeping just lying down should be able to help a little. I have pain in my right rib too, but mine is more because of the baby's position. And sometimes I just cant walk when that happens, but its not permanent. I try moving about and shaking my stomach a little so the baby moves into some other position and then it gets better most of the time.


I had my 38th week check up today, and unlike all of your appointments my doctor just checked the water level and the baby's chest circumferance in the U/S. The baby still seems tiny, the chest circumference measured 35 weeks and 5 days, and today was 38 weeks and 4 days. But doctor still said its alright and normal, and that from now the measurements wont change much but the baby will keep adding fat. He did not mention anything about checking to see if I have started dialating. I think I should just stop waiting on the baby, and keep going out more often like earlier and then baby will show up.

Did all of you new mommies buy the nipple cream before you delivered or only after you'll started bf?


I also went for gynae's check up today. I m at 38W3D. Bb's weight at 3kgs. Bb still growing well weekly and fluid level still acceptable borderline. Gynae said can wait for sign and dont need to induce first . My EDD is 22nd Sep. Waiting game is very tiring though.....

On the nipple cream, I have bought mine - Lasinoh. Think we might need it after delivery during hospital stay.


what breast pump did you buy?

yup I heard from a friend that it's best to bring nipple cream along to the hospital. but I don't even have it!


I bought medela nipple cream. For breast pump I bought ameda lactline. Hope they're useful! But I didn't pack in my hospital bag though...


Active Member
Kary I also hope clueless me can cope w bb n bring her out shopping alone! Being first time mum is not easy at all, especially my bb been so difficult... Sigh >< if all she wants is to latch in all waking hours I'll probably be stuck in some mall's nursing room instead of shopping!! That is assuming I managed to sneak out w bb while she's asleep...

Camcam hope u feel better soon!!

Actually I bought the mustela nursing comfort balm b4 delivery because i tot my nipples were v dry back then n wanted to start taking care worrying they will crack n hurt.. Didn't use b4 delivery in the end.. Now seldom use also since bb full time latched to me... Causing my nipples to be sore. N bcoz seldom use I always forget to wipe b4 feeding bb cos once she cries and starts searching for my breast I just quickly latch her!