EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


I bot avent pump... Hopefully can put to full use... Lol

Somehow my girl seems to suckle pretty well my only concern is i dun seem to hv alot of milk... Mil gg to cook some papaya soup today... Praying hard :)


Keatbear:692177 said:
Hi mummies, any of your gynae ask you to fix a date to induce. My edd is on 15th and so far my princess seems very comfy in me...
my edd on 21st, last check up on tuesday, then next appointment will be straight away induce on due date if baby didnt come out before that


I'll get my nipple cream done then.. Will probably buy the lasinoh one, cos i've read more reviews on that...

Felicity - Awww, I know while its easier said than done, but I'm sure it will get better... Just thank your lucky stars that you have your mum to do everything for you now, and you have a nice mil too, so when you go back home after confinement she will do the cooking and everything. I'm so nervous myself too, don't know if I will be able to manage, though I'm really hoping I can. I wish I could go live with my mum for atleast the first two months after the baby is born, cos I know I can really rely on her to help me with everything. How do you manage giving your Skyler a bath? Do you put her in the tub and hold her and how do you do it alone?? Also, from when do you start giving your baby a massage??

I have soo many questions already :( and when baby arrives there's gonna be soo many more doubts in my mind... Which i'll probably keep bugging all of you new mommies / been there done that mommies for help.


Yeoymp, the gynae insist? Or becoz afraid baby too big can't push out? I'm abit reluctant to set a date for induce, want it as natural as possible though....

As for mummies struggling with more bm, you may consider massaging your breast with warm towel early in the morning, my massage lady says it worked for all her other mummies who were facing this issue. The best time to get most milk is when after you rest well in the night... Mayb u can try....


Will try...

My girl seems to b ok with abt 15mins on each side... Lactation counsellor now is more of letting her learn... Hopefully milk.will start flowing in soon... :-O

Am gg home today!
camcam: did the cervical check hurt because you have yeast infection? I am having a recurring yeast infection for months.. comes and goes.. it's now back with a vengeance. I really hope it will go away as I am due so soon: I can't imagine the pain for a baby going through my vagina while I have an yeast infection!!! I can't even have penetrative sex without crying thanks to the yeast. grar!!!

I got a feeling that i might have yeast infection too.. my v area now very swollen (i dunno if it's a normal thing or a sympthoms of yeast infection or not), and i have lots more than usual of those yellowish discharge. it doesnt itch or anything, smell slightly stronger than normal but i suspect because the amount also a bit more than normal..

i'm havent done the swab test yet, will be doing it tml during my check. but i dont think my gynae will check for yeast infection together with the swab test. i think the swab test that she will do is purely for strep b virus, because her staffs mentioned that i will only be given antibiotics during labour if i'm infected. as for yeast infection, all i know is that we need to take antibiotics orally for like a week to treat the infection.

yeast infection can get pretty nasty because if u deliver naturally, your baby might get it or sort of 'eat' it while going thru the birth canal. same case for strep b virus.


Kary2500:692180 said:
Lingz - Has your doctor told you anything about being extra careful or any special care to be taken because of the epidural? Your baby will grow big fasst so don't worry about baby being tiny... I am so not telling any of my relatives my baby's weight, cos I know they'll make me feel all bad, that I didn't take proper care while being pregnant. But once baby is grown up, no one bother's about birth weight. Gosh, weight is such a touchy topic right from birth.
Hi Kary, nope, no special care instructions for epidural.. they treat it like any normal injection.. :)
Ohh.. and for nipple cream, i got the pigeon one. but i'm thinking to get the lansinoh one coz seems like got more reviews. currently any of u feel that the aerola area feels very very dry? mine is like so dry until can see the dead skin peels off. i applied the nipple cream around aerola every now and then at night to sort of treat it before the baby comes out.


Hi mummies who have delivered and breastfeeding now, wen do ur milk supply come in? After delivery, I only managed to successfully latch my girl this morning.. Tink it was more of comfort suckling cos she was crying before that.. 15min on one side only.. Wen I tried to transfer her to the other breast, she fell asleep (as always) and nothing I do can make her suckle.. I dun even have colostrum now.. Super panicky cos we are going home todae! Yet, I dun even have milk for my girl yet.. Sighz.. Guess I must let her take infant formula first till my milk comes in.. Any tips to quickly boost milk supply? If my girl keeps sleeping and dun suckle to help stimulate milk flow, should I use my pump first?

Yest wen MIL came to visit, the nurse push bb to me for suckling.. But MIL insist on not wasting time suckling cos milk will come on its own after 1 week and insist I let the nurse push her back to nursery to feed infant formula cos based on her experience my girl is hungry.. And they must feed her every 3hrs.. I super fed up with her lor.. Hmmph! :(


The extra discharge is actually normal.. Ive been having a lot of white discharge and when I told my doctor this, he said it was normal because of the hormonal changes in the body.. But sometimes I used to think that it's my water bag leaking. He checked for the strep b and other infection and everything was negative.. This was done for me in the 34th week I think. Now on certain days even I have more of a yellowish discharge.. But I still think its normal.. Have to keep using pads to prevent my panties from staining.. This is all in preparation for birth.. My nipples are also quite dry but not done anything about it.
Hi mummies who have delivered and breastfeeding now, wen do ur milk supply come in? After delivery, I only managed to successfully latch my girl this morning.. Tink it was more of comfort suckling cos she was crying before that.. 15min on one side only.. Wen I tried to transfer her to the other breast, she fell asleep (as always) and nothing I do can make her suckle.. I dun even have colostrum now.. Super panicky cos we are going home todae! Yet, I dun even have milk for my girl yet.. Sighz.. Guess I must let her take infant formula first till my milk comes in.. Any tips to quickly boost milk supply? If my girl keeps sleeping and dun suckle to help stimulate milk flow, should I use my pump first?

Yest wen MIL came to visit, the nurse push bb to me for suckling.. But MIL insist on not wasting time suckling cos milk will come on its own after 1 week and insist I let the nurse push her back to nursery to feed infant formula cos based on her experience my girl is hungry.. And they must feed her every 3hrs.. I super fed up with her lor.. Hmmph! :(

Just ignore ur mil words. i'm also very worried about what other people say in regards of my milk supply, whether or not i can deliver normal due to my small size, if baby too small, they will say because my body also too small, how can the baby grow there. if baby too big, they will say i din take care well enough in the end must c sect.. haihhh... if i got no milk, they will comment, "omg how can no milk?! ur boobs so big like that in the end also no milk, so useless.." with some nasty face expression..

i've pictured all possible remarks that can make me bad mood or even get into depression, so if any of them say that to me which i feel offended with, i will tell my hubby to tell them off. if it's my own mom who makes the remarks or my own family, i will tell them off..

my colleague had history of post natal depression due to her mil and because of that she cannot bf her baby!! i will not risk my baby's milk for them..

as for milk supply, i guess it's different for everybody, but from another group that i follow up, most of them only kicks in after day 5. to boost milk supply can massage with warm towel before latching or pumping, drink hot water/milo/red dates tea, massage the breast before latching or pumping, drink fenugreek or those tea to boost milk supply one. even if u dont have anything, must keep latching on the baby and then continue pumping to stimulate the supply.

oh btw.. to supply with fm also nothing wrong with it. but still have to continue to latch ur baby. dont let ur mil stop u from latching because ur milk not in yet. if baby never latch, even higher chance milk wont come in..


I got a feeling that i might have yeast infection too.. my very area now very swollen (i dont know if it's a normal thing or a sympthoms of yeast infection or not), and i have lots more than usual of those yellowish discharge. it doesnt itch or anything, smell slightly stronger than normal but i suspect because the amount also a bit more than normal..

i'm havent done the swab test yet, will be doing it tml during my check. but i dont think my gynae will check for yeast infection together with the swab test. i think the swab test that she will do is purely for strep b virus, because her staffs mentioned that i will only be given antibiotics during labour if i'm infected. as for yeast infection, all i know is that we need to take antibiotics orally for like a week to treat the infection.

yeast infection can get pretty nasty because if you deliver naturally, your baby might get it or sort of 'eat' it while going thru the birth canal. same case for strep b virus.
there's discharge, and then there is discharge. it's normal to have more discharge now that we are all due very soon, but for yeast infection, it is quite distinct. it's opaque white, not clear, and it can causing intense itching, and sometimes cause a burning sensation, and DEFINITELY hurts during penetrative sex. that's why I'm not looking forward to my cervical check later today.. it would hurt :(

yes the swab test is for the bacteria test - I've done that, and it's pretty standard (not penetrative at all: the cotton bud is swabbed around the vagina and anus)

for yeast infection - I don't even bother getting it tested. I know when I have it, and my gynae will give me an insert cream. I just don't know if it's too late to do it now, now that I'm due so soon.

will get the lanolin cream then, thanks girls!

and those who haven't packed it in your hospital bag, bring it along!


Ohh.. and for nipple cream, i got the pigeon one. but i'm thinking to get the lansinoh one coz seems like got more reviews. currently any of u feel that the aerola area feels very very dry? mine is like so dry until can see the dead skin peels off. i applied the nipple cream around aerola every now and then at night to sort of treat it before the baby comes out.
clean it with cotton balls and warm water then apply cream.. will help u a lot by cleaning it now, it is the ducts opening not dry skin..

@Lingz it will come out 4th-5th day after delivery so latch or pump cos it is the colostrum, u can pump at least 10-20ml and it is normal..


Yeoymp, the gynae insist? Or becoz afraid baby too big can't push out? I'm abit reluctant to set a date for induce, want it as natural as possible though....

As for mummies struggling with more breast milk, you may consider massaging your breast with warm towel early in the morning, my massage lady says it worked for all her other mummies who were facing this issue. The best time to get most milk is when after you rest well in the night... Mayb you can try....
Hi Keatbear,

Ya, my gynae told me she is not going to schedule for check up for me anymore since my due date is next friday. Ask me go straight to delivery ward on that day to induce if still not deliver before that. My last check up on tuesday is my 38weeks4days bb weight at 2.9kg....think still ok la, won't go too big. I hope to be natural as well coz induce will be more painful........
there's discharge, and then there is discharge. it's normal to have more discharge now that we are all due very soon, but for yeast infection, it is quite distinct. it's opaque white, not clear, and it can causing intense itching, and sometimes cause a burning sensation, and DEFINITELY hurts during penetrative sex. that's why I'm not looking forward to my cervical check later today.. it would hurt :(

yes the swab test is for the bacteria test - I've done that, and it's pretty standard (not penetrative at all: the cotton bud is swabbed around the vagina and anus)

for yeast infection - I don't even bother getting it tested. I know when I have it, and my gynae will give me an insert cream. I just don't know if it's too late to do it now, now that I'm due so soon.

will get the lanolin cream then, thanks girls!

and those who haven't packed it in your hospital bag, bring it along!

hmm i didnt feel the itch and burning sensation. the discharge that i have is yellowish color, but i've been having this discharge even before i got preg. but the thing is, when i tried to have sex recently.. i did feel painful and in the end we stopped.. so when i heard you said it's painful, i was like so sure that i have it too..
clean it with cotton balls and warm water then apply cream.. will help u a lot by cleaning it now, it is the ducts opening not dry skin..

@Lingz it will come out 4th-5th day after delivery so latch or pump cos it is the colostrum, u can pump at least 10-20ml and it is normal..

thanks liz.. but it's not on my nipple, its on the aerola area, are there ducts there too?

wait, aerola here means that dark dark round area circling the nipple.. am i right?
Yeoymp, the gynae insist? Or becoz afraid baby too big can't push out? I'm abit reluctant to set a date for induce, want it as natural as possible though....

As for mummies struggling with more breast milk, you may consider massaging your breast with warm towel early in the morning, my massage lady says it worked for all her other mummies who were facing this issue. The best time to get most milk is when after you rest well in the night... Mayb you can try....
Hi Keatbear,

Ya, my gynae told me she is not going to schedule for check up for me anymore since my due date is next friday. Ask me go straight to delivery ward on that day to induce if still not deliver before that. My last check up on tuesday is my 38weeks4days bb weight at 2.9kg....think still ok la, won't go too big. I hope to be natural as well coz induce will be more painful........
Really?! I had my checkup on Tuesday at 38weeks4days too. And my EDD Is next Friday as well but my gynae still scheduled me in for another appointment next Thursday! He didn't mention anything about inducing at all. :eek: but he did say that my baby won't be a big one, although he didn't give me the exact weight. I think it was because I had lost a little more than 1kg thanks to my flu and I seemed quite distressed about it. Now I'm gonna spend the next one week eating as much as possible and cross my toes to hope that baby's weight goes up.


Active Member
Kary I bathed according to wat I learnt in prenatal class.. But my mum helped me fill the tub w water while I remove her clothes,wipe her bum, cleanse her face. And when I'm done she will hand me the towel to wrap her up.. So I think still need a helper for me.. Haha.. V difficult cos she always crying n struggling. Haven't really massaged her cos as usual.. She always crying n struggling...

V sad.. She only hv 3 modes: sleep, cry, latch... I'm so tired! When she's awake she must be latched if not will cry.. I dunno why.. She's such a difficult bb sigh..

Just now I gave her a bottle of ebm then she slept n I pumped.. Omg v little milk. Even my first pump also not so little.. And my nipples hurt for 1 hr until now still hurting! Feel so miserable n demoralized. Sigh..

I hv more discharge towards the end of my pregnancy also... Now v funny lochia like gg away n become lesser n dull.. Now suddenly got new flow of fresh red discharge.. Friend say could be menses omg not so soon right?! :/

Lingz ya ignore them.. Even if no milk also try to latch so the supply will come. Jiayou in ur bfeeding journey!!
Kary I bathed according to wat I learnt in prenatal class.. But my mum helped me fill the tub w water while I remove her clothes,wipe her bum, cleanse her face. And when I'm done she will hand me the towel to wrap her up.. So I think still need a helper for me.. Haha.. V difficult cos she always crying n struggling. Haven't really massaged her cos as usual.. She always crying n struggling...

V sad.. She only hv 3 modes: sleep, cry, latch... I'm so tired! When she's awake she must be latched if not will cry.. I dunno why.. She's such a difficult bb sigh..

Just now I gave her a bottle of ebm then she slept n I pumped.. Omg v little milk. Even my first pump also not so little.. And my nipples hurt for 1 hr until now still hurting! Feel so miserable n demoralized. Sigh..

I hv more discharge towards the end of my pregnancy also... Now v funny lochia like gg away n become lesser n dull.. Now suddenly got new flow of fresh red discharge.. Friend say could be menses omg not so soon right?! :/

Lingz ya ignore them.. Even if no milk also try to latch so the supply will come. Jiayou in ur bfeeding journey!!

felicity, how's the pacifier that ur hubby bought? not working?