EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


HI mummies.. how do u know u hav had a "show"? Does the bloody discharge continue? cos i worry in a blurry state in the morning, might not notice the blood after peeing and cleaning up....... will it continue to stain the undies?
no it will be enough for you to notice :) and by the time your instinct will tell you "it is time" lol


Hello mummies thanks for the wishes!!!

To all mummies who have not delivered,just don't think too much and enjoy the last few days/weeks of your pregnancy.

Congrats lingz12 and rodorsany! Your babies are female or male? And rodorsany I'm gonna be discharge later on,which ward were you in? Heehee maybe our babies were in the same nursery!

Mummies I just wanna check when my baby suckle on one breast the other breast will leak is it normal? I have a lot of BM till nurses gave me an empty bottle to express pump,they ask me not to 'waste' it.


Ladies, how u all monitor e number of kicks during e last few weeks of 3 rd trimester ?? As long as it hit 10 or 20 kicks per day should b fine ?? I feel less kicks this 2 days n they seems to b less forceful too .. dunno is it bcos no space to grow or wat .. :eek:


I woke up around 5.50am to pee and until now cannot sleep.. sighz.. i think i'm quite stressed out now thinking about how my check up gonna be like later.. up til now i think more or less i will try for natural birth first. if ended up c sect i guess i just have to accept it by heart.. sighz..

Thanks for confirming that TMC can bring in camera, dunno why last time during my hosp tour they said no camera, or maybe i heard wrongly, no video cam instead?! anyway, good if can bring in camera, i thought of using iphone cam, but i scared the quality will be bad.. i've alrd packed like a dslr kind and another one compact cam just in case.. hahhahaa..

Btw, any of u bought fm just in case? i havent bought anything yet.. can share the brand? not sure whether tmc will provide now because from the last news, they even charging fm that they gonna feed the baby during stay..
Hi eeneyminey,

I din buy formula milk before i went TMC to deliver.. If u realli dun have milk during ur stay, u can request the nurse to supplement with glucose water or formula.. I tried glucose water first but my bb is too small (only 2.35kg).. I a bit heartpain her.. So i relented and asked the nurses to feed her formula.. The "I am on Total Breastfeeding" sticker was subsequently taken off her cot.. Sighz.. They will still bring ur bb to ur ward to let bb suckle on ur breast every few hours though.. Anyway, wen I asked for formula, they fed her Enfalac.. Charged $1 for one bottle i tink.. After discharge i still got no milk, so i went to the TMC pharmacy to buy the same Enfalac for bb.. She is still on formula now, at least until my milk supply comes in.. :)


Hello mummies thanks for the wishes!!!

To all mummies who have not delivered,just don't think too much and enjoy the last few days/weeks of your pregnancy.

Congrats lingz12 and rodorsany! Your babies are female or male? And rodorsany I'm gonna be discharge later on,which ward were you in? Heehee maybe our babies were in the same nursery!

Mummies I just wanna check when my baby suckle on one breast the other breast will leak is it normal? I have a lot of BM till nurses gave me an empty bottle to express pump,they ask me not to 'waste' it.
Hi MrsLiaw.. Mine's a girl! Urs? Im so envious! Why u got so much milk that the other side will leak? Sobz.. I wan a lot a lot of milk too..


Ladies, how u all monitor e number of kicks during e last few weeks of 3 rd trimester ?? As long as it hit 10 or 20 kicks per day should b fine ?? I feel less kicks this 2 days n they seems to b less forceful too .. dunno is it bcos no space to grow or wat .. :eek:
Hi purpur, as my bb wasnt growing much after 36 weeks, i was told to monitor her movements using this sheet of paper.. Everytime she squirms or turns inside is considered as one count.. Should have at least 10 counts per day.. Max one count per half hour.. I.e. if bb kick at 9.30am and kick another time at 9.40am, it is still considered one count.. If bb kick at 9.30am, kick another time at 10am, then it is considered 2 counts.. i asked gynae if it must be a v strong kick? she say no, just any form of movement from the bb will do.. and ya, towards the end, her movements are so small that i have to keep poking my tummy to irritate her enuff to move more.. :D


Active Member
Eeneyminey I didn't buy any formula b4 delivery also.. In TMC mine is fed w similac so now we hv one small tin of similac as my supply like getting low :( yup like Lingz says I think is $1 per bottle.. Is ready to feed formula mix...

Mrsliaw got a lot of milk is a good thing, so envious now!! There was a short while I had leaking too but these two days suddenly supply hit new low... I get v distressed because of this hv been crying since ytd... :( I know it's not good for milk supply.. But dunno why after latching day n night seems to be lesser n feel v sad abt it as I worry bb doesn't have enough.. Now trying to latch n pump the whole day hoping to increase the supply back..


Ladies, how u all monitor e number of kicks during e last few weeks of 3 rd trimester ?? As long as it hit 10 or 20 kicks per day should b fine ?? I feel less kicks this 2 days n they seems to b less forceful too .. dunno is it bcos no space to grow or wat .. :eek:
the day i felt less kick that night i had my mucus plug came out.. then i gave birth :D


Hi mummies

Can chk with u. Do u let ur baby slp in air con room or with fan on or totally nothing?

When baby was discharged I let him slp with no fan or air con but just recently with e fan on cos baby seems to b sweating.
However everytime I breastfeed him in my air con room he slps better n longer.. (also dunno if becos my king size bed more comfy??) Dunno whether I shld start letting him slp in air con room or not.. Some says no Gd. Some says ok cos hospital also air conditioned...

So confused.


Active Member
Mine without aircon, fan not directly at her (blow upwards to circulate air cos im not supposed to hv it blown at me also although when I'm not in my room I dun care) and she does sweat but I do swaddle her. She wear short sleeved top n diapers only... W swaddle when sleeping... Usually her arms not in swaddle as she doesn't like n struggle a lot.

Sigh I just pumped... 30ml combined only!! Not even half of her one feed. I dunno wat happened, I used to hv 110ml :( feeling so miserable... Now die die hv to supplement w fm le...


Hi mummies

Can chk with u. Do u let ur baby slp in air con room or with fan on or totally nothing?

When baby was discharged I let him slp with no fan or air con but just recently with e fan on cos baby seems to b sweating.
However everytime I breastfeed him in my air con room he slps better n longer.. (also dunno if becos my king size bed more comfy??) Dunno whether I shld start letting him slp in air con room or not.. Some says no Gd. Some says ok cos hospital also air conditioned...

So confused.
we sleep with aircon and fan :D so hot nowadays.. cannot open window for natural air cos of haze..
Hi eeneyminey,

I din buy formula milk before i went TMC to deliver.. If u realli dun have milk during ur stay, u can request the nurse to supplement with glucose water or formula.. I tried glucose water first but my bb is too small (only 2.35kg).. I a bit heartpain her.. So i relented and asked the nurses to feed her formula.. The "I am on Total Breastfeeding" sticker was subsequently taken off her cot.. Sighz.. They will still bring ur bb to ur ward to let bb suckle on ur breast every few hours though.. Anyway, wen I asked for formula, they fed her Enfalac.. Charged $1 for one bottle i tink.. After discharge i still got no milk, so i went to the TMC pharmacy to buy the same Enfalac for bb.. She is still on formula now, at least until my milk supply comes in.. :)

Ya now tmc got new rules and will charge $1 for feeding fm to baby. I was thinking whether need to get fm or not just in case that i got no milk yet and bb got jaundice thus need to supplement with fm to make baby pee n poo more..

nearby my house got ntuc, but i heard that ntuc and most supermarket now dont really sell infant fm anymore because they sort of want to promote tbf to everyone..

maybe will get from tmc pharmacy like u if really needed..
Ladies, how u all monitor e number of kicks during e last few weeks of 3 rd trimester ?? As long as it hit 10 or 20 kicks per day should b fine ?? I feel less kicks this 2 days n they seems to b less forceful too .. dunno is it bcos no space to grow or wat .. :eek:

i never monitor.. lolz.. my bb keep moving and kicking about so so many during the day and night.. it's like countless alrd..


My girl is sucking very well... Milk flow starting slowly...

I started maasage anyone wrap?? I find so diff to latch on... Aiyo hw ah.. Any advice??? On 1 hand wanna masage to help in e flow... Now i feel i smell.diff wonder bb still wans me... So sads e lady says leave it till tmrw.. :mad:

On e other hand i wanna latch as much as possible but not enuff milk so topping with fm...
I just came back from check up.. cervix not dilated, baby also not engaged.. sighz..

She seems to be growing well though, gynae said normal size, but i still think it's on the small size.. measuring 2775gr on 37wk6d. but now, i dont really feel sad or anything even if she is small, healthy can alrd. and my gynae seems happy because the baby not so big, so got higher chance of me doing it naturally..

anyway, i'm more concern of my cervix now.. haihh.. gynae said can wait for the baby to be engaged and cervix to open up until edd, but if until edd still no sign, den can try to induce if i still insist want to try normal, or straight away c sect. but she mentioned induce will have higher risk to have emergency c sect coz she got limit. 12 hours of induce, if no progress den c sect alrd..

i'm thinking to go straight c sect if that's the case.. any opinion?


mrsliaw:692762 said:
Hello mummies thanks for the wishes!!!

To all mummies who have not delivered,just don't think too much and enjoy the last few days/weeks of your pregnancy.

Congrats lingz12 and rodorsany! Your babies are female or male? And rodorsany I'm gonna be discharge later on,which ward were you in? Heehee maybe our babies were in the same nursery!

Mummies I just wanna check when my baby suckle on one breast the other breast will leak is it normal? I have a lot of BM till nurses gave me an empty bottle to express pump,they ask me not to 'waste' it.
I stayed in st rapheal. Double ward. ;-)
So envy u got so much milk.


I just came back from check up.. cervix not dilated, baby also not engaged.. sighz..

She seems to be growing well though, gynae said normal size, but i still think it's on the small size.. measuring 2775gr on 37wk6d. but now, i dont really feel sad or anything even if she is small, healthy can alrd. and my gynae seems happy because the baby not so big, so got higher chance of me doing it naturally..

anyway, i'm more concern of my cervix now.. haihh.. gynae said can wait for the baby to be engaged and cervix to open up until edd, but if until edd still no sign, den can try to induce if i still insist want to try normal, or straight away c sect. but she mentioned induce will have higher risk to have emergency c sect coz she got limit. 12 hours of induce, if no progress den c sect alrd..

i'm thinking to go straight c sect if that's the case.. any opinion?
Why did your doctor say that after 12 hours of inducing you need to go for c section? So many women say they labor for 24 hours and 30 hours right? I wanna get induced next week, gonna speak to my doctor about it when I go for my next check.


Ladies, how you all monitor e number of kicks during e last few weeks of 3 rd trimester ?? As long as it hit 10 or 20 kicks per day should b fine ?? I feel less kicks this 2 days n they seems to b less forceful too .. dont know is it bcos no space to grow or what .. :eek:
hm, I don't know whether that's a good thing or bad. sometimes I wish my baby will kick slightly less.. and not so hard.. cos sometimes when she's on a roll she kicks my ribs and punches my bladder so much that I have to go to the bathroom in one hour, or I'll double up in pain. jeez.

maybe it's a sign you're in labor soon!!!!! SO envious.