EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


I really like carter's onesies. the long sleeve and pants (pjs) are great and I just used a short sleeve romper I bought months ago for my baby (she's grown!) and it's very nice cotton, not too thick, so very good for our weather. and design is very nice too!

yay! the moment we get US$75 of orders I'm closing this spree! cos I want the christmas outfits. so cute!


So envy u all whose babies can sleep more than 4hr. My gal can only sleep for 4hr or 4.5hr max during night. No matter how much milk I fed her, she will still wake up after 4hr for milk.. Zzz.. And during day, she only takes short nap.
Btw how do u entertain bb during day? My gal can only sit in bouncer for max 30min or slightly more if we chat with her. After that she will cry. Very tiring if she doesn't sleep at day.
My left wrist is very painful now, think it is injured for carrying her too much and also maybe due to touching cold tap water during confinement...
Hey lin1n84, my gal behaves like yours exactly! She's sleeping lesser in the day.. drinking amount and sleeping duration doesn't correspond! I tried entertaining my bb but end up i got no time to do my stuff in between.. feel abit bad that i'm always coaxing her to slp after a feed.. coz that leaves me v little time to do other stuff! i got bouncer too.. baby when awake an only entertain herself for 5-10mins.. sometimes she can slp on it.. but wakes up soon to cry... nowadays its also v tiring for me when she fuss alot in the day.. den she colic or fusses morein the night.. i running low on batt liao.. zzzz does this happen to most 5week+ old babies?


Rodorsany not bad la heehee, my bb doesn't even allow me to bottle feed her! Rejects all the time after week 5. As long as I'm around she only latches!!

Lingz yes!! Precious milk, who dare waste my bm will definitely get it from me!! U know, that time I came home n bb only took 20ml n wanna latch, I drank the rest of it,.. Added the 60ml into my hot tea :X

Now I hv 20+ bags of milk but bb exclusive bf unless I go out... Sigh I worry they turn bad :/
Hey felicity n rodorsany, my bb takes both bottle and latch quite well now.. maybe its due to us introducing her both from week 1.. due to her stay in NICU in week 1 and 2, different ppl has fed her bottle ebm.. i always get someone else to do it if there's chance.. coz i dun want her to associate me with it.. but i fed her afew times too.. she ended up wantig to latch after drinking..

Ya man i hate wastage of ebm! So i'm always trying to learn methods to make bb drink down her full feed! Tell my hubby cannot waste later bb wake up earlier to 'haunt' us coz she not full haha.. recently.. i went to google on the other uses of breastmilk.. actually can use for alot of stuff like acne, wound, rash, facial, etc.. i just used some expired milk (>2days) to wash face.. smell irks me.. just use la maybe will be fairer and smoother.. i hate the smell of it though haha to think its from me! gosh.. fyi i dun drink milk and dun like milk smell coz i'm lactose intolerant too..


Actually, the more I take care of my girl, the more I've phobia. She always take very long to fall asleep and she is always struggling to sleep in my arms, then, she will not allow us to put her down. She will wake up immediately and by the time successfully put her down, it'll be her next feeding time. Just like last few nights, both my hubby and I take turns to make her sleep and the challenge on putting her down on the bed. Usually takes more than 2 hours to do so. She also refused yao lan and bouncer. She will be entertained at most 10 mins before she start crying. Her drinking volume varies. Sometime, she can drink 70ml, sometime 90ml, sometime up to 110ml. Her interval can b 2 hours to 3 hours. Seldom stretch longer than that. She is now into week 5.

My girl don't like car ride. Will cry all the way from my hubby's house to my house, until no voice. So heart pain. Tot baby will fall asleep in car ride. Now have to consider the distance we travel coz if long distance, scare she will cry until no voice again.

hey erlina, you're not alone.. same scenario here... my bb 5weeks plus too.. jiayou jiayou!! my bb just went to pd appt today.. cried whole journey to & fro ! Going there , once i put her in car seat she poo-ed big time.. so bo bian let her sit on it and cry till reach liao den change.. come back i think she hungry.. cried till no voice till she slept! poor thing...

Oh ya i am still battling with reflux and colic! colic slightly better, but fussiness took over.. she just took her hep B jab today.. has been more fussy after that.. cannot even put down! after drinking she puked big time and i have been latching her since 7pm.. now 7.30 liao.. zz she suckle for comfort coz i just finished pumping and emptying my breasts...Btw, my PD is concerned about her reflux and ask me to measure her feed instead of latch coz he suspect baby overfeeds as i can pump out total 140-200ml .. he wants to let bb take 50ml (if 2hrly) or 80ml(if 3hrly).. smaller portion, more frequent feeds.. but i'm still having second thoughts abt pumping, storing and feeding bottle.. coz latching alot easier.. maybe i shld limit the latch time... As for colic.. just need o contine ridwind.. but i started gripe water... and cut back on garlic, choc, onions, pepper, etc!

Oh ya, did not mention this.. my baby has 2 poop with streaks of blood.. and the recent one was mixed with greenish poop.. texture abit sticky.. still conclude is anal tissue tear.. but doc was abit concerned, so took a stool sample for lab test... pray nothing is wrong! :p

My bb full month is on this sunday! pray bb is well after vaccination! got panadol standby but pray i do not need to use it at all!!


Hey you all, anybody want to get stuff from carter online? US online shop and carter clothes for babies are sooooo mch cheaper than in sg! Wanna buy together and we split shipping costs? Then can meet up too when I get the package? I have vpost account. Anybody?
Hey reiann! i'm interested!! Hmm so far carter's clothes are cute! But den do u guys find the cutting abit too small? co i bought a pack of 5 rompers, supposedly 3-6mths one, coz i chose one with christmas design one.. but now i measure with my 0-3mths mothercare romper, its smaller! So today i took them out and let bb wear to PD visit.. maybe i shld take a pic of her in christmas suit lol... may i know where's the webby u looking at? :)


meltie: yay :)

just carters.com I think! that's the website. the US one.

I find carters sizes ranges. sometimes it seems larger and some smaller. I have several NB sizes, and my baby wore them from day 1 till now - and she's 5.25kg on tuesday's PD check up - and she's getting way too large for them. I tried the 3m ones, and some fit her exactly (! scary!) and some are too large on her still. so I think it depends. I think generally carter stuff runs larger than what it says on the sizing guide.

yes the christmas PJs are sooooo cute!! also halloween costumes on sale - dn't know whether to buy one for next year, ha!


meltie: yay :)

just carters.com I think! that's the website. the US one.

I find carters sizes ranges. sometimes it seems larger and some smaller. I have several NB sizes, and my baby wore them from day 1 till now - and she's 5.25kg on tuesday's PD check up - and she's getting way too large for them. I tried the 3m ones, and some fit her exactly (! scary!) and some are too large on her still. so I think it depends. I think generally carter stuff runs larger than what it says on the sizing guide.

yes the christmas PJs are sooooo cute!! also halloween costumes on sale - dn't know whether to buy one for next year, ha!
I see.. my bb is 4.18kg today.. hmm i not v sure qhat size to get liao haha christmas is at her 3 mths, i think i'll see more for 3-6mths n onwards.. hope the sizing is ok.. overall i thought they supposed to b angmoh size? lol..

Sigh.. after i unlatched aft bb confort suckle for 40mins on my empty breast.. she started squirming like a fish out of water.. legs tensed n straightened... she's crying inconsolably now.... :/ start of a colic night...... she already cried so much today... in car , injection and just now fussy crying.. now i hope she doesn't cry through the night... i'm super tired.. haven't rested or lie on my bed for even a short while today.. :( hope i can last the night....


Active Member
wow the carters rompers are nice but mostly long sleeved... understandable cos winter over in usa but my bb doesn't wear long sleeve or long pants... later i see see again the short sleeved ones. ^^

meltie i also intro bottle in week 1 and she's been taking v well but after week 5 she suddenly doesn't want bottle >< so now i fully latch, unless i need to go back to workplace then my mil bottle feed her my ebm... haha usually i'll just add my ebm into my milk tea or milo.. but i did read abt doing facial and some ppl use to soak feet. i saw in another thread someone mentioned abt using as milk bathe for bb but was horrified when bb starts drinking own bathe water lol...


Hmm i use bm to dap on bb's face when she got a little acne kind.. Its like she latch on right n left drips a little i do facial for bb... Lol so far looks good


Wa.. I din noe our bm got so much use.. Everytime milk dribble on bb chin, I always dab cotton ball in water and wipe away cos scared rash.. Next time I shall jus rub it and let bb skin absorb.. haha!

Meltie same! The milk comes from me but I kinda find it disgusting.. Maybe cos I dun take milk too (unless is those strawberry flavoured ones).. Haha..

Reiann, I will go check out Carter's webbie too and let u noe if I wanna tag along!


Lingz12, my confinement lady did teach me this coke can method, but I didn't know this was the name..haha. Like u, it was very effective initially but not anymore.

Reiann, I am interested in getting Carter's too. Will check it out and let u know if I want to get anything!


Meltie, have you tried offering your baby a pacifier? Especially a latex one? I find that after feeding when
My baby has reflux, her arching her back and crying and swallowing and gagging etc (even her eyes get red, the poor thing), offering her a pacifier helped a lot! She will spit it out at first but I persist and she will take it. Then for a few mins she sucks contentedly. Then she may fall asleep. But she may also spit out and cry again. Then I try again. Then she may fall asleep or the cycle continues. At most it only happens about 6 times and then she will fall asleep.

I read that sucking on paci helps cos creates saliva to soothe (instead of having more milk which may temp help but will create more reflux again!). I also find tht even a paci helps with gas problems.


Meltie, have you tried offering your baby a pacifier? Especially a latex one? I find that after feeding when
My baby has reflux, her arching her back and crying and swallowing and gagging etc (even her eyes get red, the poor thing), offering her a pacifier helped a lot! She will spit it out at first but I persist and she will take it. Then for a few mins she sucks contentedly. Then she may fall asleep. But she may also spit out and cry again. Then I try again. Then she may fall asleep or the cycle continues. At most it only happens about 6 times and then she will fall asleep.

I read that sucking on paci helps cos creates saliva to soothe (instead of having more milk which may temp help but will create more reflux again!). I also find tht even a paci helps with gas problems.

Hey reiann, i've bought the nuk latex pacifier and tried on bb, but she rejects it alot of times.. esp when crying, she'll abandon all and when i try to stuff it into her mouth, she gets angrier.. :/ she's now crying her world away.... colic ... when's is it gonna stop... :( nothing soothes her!!


Carter USA is indeed cheaper than SG, recently I ordered around 60usd worth of clothes till 12mth, hehe.. The size I find is Asian size. My gal which is 5wks old is wearing the 3mth cloth. The NB size is too tight for her.. For the long sleeve pijamas, certain model is quite thick so need to see properly..and for vpost, if u are new vpost member, u can get 20-30dol off depending on type of cc u used, so Reiann prob u can create new vpost acc using ur hubby name to entitle for discount..


Oh dear, meltie. I'm really sorry to hear. My baby was colicky one night (so far and I hope it stays just once!!) and it was so difficult already. Can't imagine what you are going through :(

Have you tried shush pat method?

That night, I tried everything and nothing worked for more than a few minutes. So I really feel for you :(


Reiann I wanna tag along too if I find something interesting... Will check it out tonight and let you kno.. Oh and with the sizes I noticed in one pack itself there are different sizes..

My baby had her vaccines today we did the six in one and the rotavirus.. When de pd poked her thigh she opened her mouth sooo wide like saying ahhhhh but dere was no sound for like ten seconds or more n den we heard de loudest cry.. Those few seconds were actually funny to watch her. I'm just hoping she doesn't get fever cos she's had enough of sickness already.. So now I was a little pro active n gave her de panadol drops already..

How much weight is a baby supposed to gain each week?? I feel my baby is not gaining enough she's six weeks old and is 4.66 kgs today..


Meltie did ur doc giv u anything for the reflux?? I've got two drops one for vomitting n one for digestion... Maybe u can check with him if it works.. My baby has been extremely cranky for the past week, what she starts in de evenings sometimes late afternoons she just keeps crying.. And even though she doesn't sleep too much she still doesn't sleep early in the nights.. So envious of all mommies who's babies sleep for a long duration


Btw anyone know how to dream feed? I tried to feed my gal w/o wake her up but her lips is tightly sealed, even I pushed the bottle inside her mouth, she will push it out.. In the End I gave up and now waiting for her to wake up..


Keatbear: ahahaha!! Your baby's reaction durin the vaccination shot is hilarious and same for my baby too. I watched in horror as the long needle pierced my baby's thigh and for a few seconds there was silence like as if she was in shock and prob is! Then that wail.. So pitiful but also hilarious!! Haha. Our poor babies.

I place the ebm in the small carrier that came with the medela pump with the ice pack in it to keep it cool. If I need to feed ill just ask for warm water at the restaurant and I'll wwarm it up. I usually don't end up using it.. Sometimes if I can't get hot water I'll just use mmy hands to bring I to room temp and feed it. There's no need to actually heat up milk.. Room temp or even slightly cold is fine as long as baby accepts it.

Lin: what time did your baby wake in the end? What time was last feed before dream feed? I find that if I space out her last feed about 3 plus hours after her last feed, she will take to feeding at that time quite well.