EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Oh dear, meltie. I'm really sorry to hear. My baby was colicky one night (so far and I hope it stays just once!!) and it was so difficult already. Can't imagine what you are going through :(

Have you tried shush pat method?

That night, I tried everything and nothing worked for more than a few minutes. So I really feel for you :(
Hey reiann, i did try shush pat method. but doesn't work.. what i can do is to try to rock her and shush her tl sort of alleviate her pain abit.. till the pain goes away.. it vomes in cycles.. she'll be fine in awhile and scream in awhile... actually she now mixes this cry with fussiness , to cry for attention , she uses the straighten leg and scream method liao.. sighh.. she was like a plank.. did planking on my hubby's chest , cried till slp when the pain went away.. dunno if the colic has caused her to be more cranky as a baby... :/

Really hope she can get better..

Anyway, she fed at 9.25pm last night, cried till about 11plus, slept till 2am den wake up to feed.. seems like she shifted her long interval earlier..she fussed and puked alot, pooped in pants n leaked.. in the end she abit hungry hut we just shush her to slp.. i finally lay down to rest at 4.45am.. after that, she just woke up at 5.45am for feed.. tiring for me though.. i hope sge slps longer so that i can rest.. she changed so much clothes n soiled so many burp cloths, i just dunped everything into washing machine to start washing.. scrubbed her poopy pants and shirt too...seems like i'm really becoming a mother and housewife.. never used to be so disciplined and diligent!

Back to my beauty sleep!!


Meltie did ur doc giv u anything for the reflux?? I've got two drops one for vomitting n one for digestion... Maybe u can check with him if it works.. My baby has been extremely cranky for the past week, what she starts in de evenings sometimes late afternoons she just keeps crying.. And even though she doesn't sleep too much she still doesn't sleep early in the nights.. So envious of all mommies who's babies sleep for a long duration
hey kary, my doc did prescribe some medication.. zantac for reflux, motilium for gastric pain, ridwind drops for wind, biogaia for probiotics.. i used ridwind for a week and doesn't seem to work, so i bought gripe water frm guardian and replaced it.. seems to work better, though the volume of 5ml is hard to feed.. the taste is hated by my bb.. smells menthol/peppermint.. after drinking he seems to pass out alot of gas..

Wow ur bb so fast doing the other injections liao? today den she did the hep b injection which wa supposed to be done at 1 mth.. hmm monitoring for fever.. but the clinic staff say not to use panadol on her unless really neccessary coz liver not fully developed yet.. they say to sponge bb if hit 38deg, and take pamadol only when it crosses that.. keeping my fingers crossed that nothing develops for my bb! :p


Reiann, baby last feed was at 730pm and she slept till 130am, fed and slept till 5am, fed, slept with a bit of reflux n cry at 7am and now wake up for milk at 830am n she fell asleep now..


Meltie I've got the same drops except the rid wind, Cos she's not that colicky so far 'knock on wood'.. I guess with the panadol I just gave it cos it said for pain n fever and last night she got real cranky... But yday was one of de best days in the week cos she got cranky only towards the later part of the evening. The vaccine shot knocked her out the entire day after that, made us think there was some sleepin pill put into it lol...


Bb was super cranky the whole of yesterday.. Tried to be hard hearted and let her cry, hopefully she will get tired of crying.. But the crying just wun stop.. Tried putting her on bouncer, patting her, burping her, giving her tummy massage.. All no use.. Sighz.. So had to carry her and walk around the whole house while rocking her and singing.. Sometimes it's cos she's hungry (feeding at 1.5hr to 2hr interval.. gosh! It used to be 3hr), sometimes cos of wind in tummy and she wanna puke, sometimes it's cos she wanna poop but the poop wun come out and sometimes she's just plain cranky.. I was so tired from carrying her the whole day.. Wen hubby came back, I told him to take over the entertainer role while I rest.. And wen bb cried again, he carried her for a while and said bb dun like him to carry so he just put her in her cot to cry.. Argh! So pissed off and scolded him.. Why can't he try harder? So I went over to carry bb and went into the room to try and comfort her.. Asked bb why is she being difficult, why mus bully mummy, why cannot let daddy carry cos mummy's tired.. And cried.. Sighz.. Baby blues..

But the good thing from the whole crankiness is she din sleep much during the day cos she spent the time crying.. And after her 8pm feed, she played a while till 9pm and finally dozed off.. Was expecting her to wake up at 10plus for her last feed of the day but she din.. In the end, she woke up at 5am! 8hrs of sleep! As much as I would like this long uninterrupted sleep at night to continue, the crankiness during the day really puts me off.. Dunno wat I prefer, day-time crankiness and long uninterrupted sleep at night? Or easy day-time and waking up twice in the night to feed? I wish an easy day-time and long uninterrupted sleep at night!


Hahaha ling!! That's hilarious but totally understand what you mean. My baby did the same that one time she cried non stop. At night, she slept through! But argh no way would I face that crankiness in the morning again.. All the best to you. Hope she is an easy baby in morning and sleeps at night! We will get there!


Ling and reiann my boy too... Whole day wont slp. At most slp for 15-45min cat nap. And when put him down he woke up... But when comes to night time he still wakes up on time for milk and cry so I'm much worse. Day time night time all no rest ! Didn't over stimulate him also don't know y won't slp. Minute he started yawning I shh patt him to slp, still won't slp n keep crying !


Ling and reiann my boy too... Whole day wont slp. At most slp for 15-45min cat nap. And when put him down he woke up... But when comes to night time he still wakes up on time for milk and cry so I'm much worse. Day time night time all no rest ! Didn't over stimulate him also don't know y won't slp. Minute he started yawning I shh patt him to slp, still won't slp n keep crying !
Same here!!! Its been like that this week.. perhaps its a stage ard week 5 & 6? sigh i'm super tired managing bb alone at home.. she fussed whole day since morn.. v hard to put to slp.. when she's not slping, she's either feeding, stoning awhile , changing diaper or most of all, crying!! She bullying mummy.. today feeding every 2 hrly or less!! Fuss until i give in to feed her.. sigh maybe its coz of the jab yesterday? i haven been able to do my stuff at home! just slipped out to cook rice after she dozed off in her cot.. when i came back she was fussing to be carried liao!! Sigh .. any of ur bbs fuss right after a feed? mine has been doing that and i don't wanna overfeed...

What a day.. my bb pooped in her pants and leaked 3 times! alot of poop leaked frm back and first time from aide.. must be her kicking n leg straightening that shifted the diaper! Maybe i need to change out from NB huggies liao.. gonna try Fitti S.. what are u mummies using? sigh i haven got time to go scrub those poop soiled clothes! she's stirring again! wonder what time can i get my dinner done..... :/


Colic attack! Sigh! gonna cry liao .. bb crying non stop since 7pm.. cry till no voice, hysterical.. tried all methods! Back is breaking liao.. already whole day of fussing , now is the wotrse.. she's like in a trance.. eyes blank just crying at top of her voice... i'm super tired alone trying to soothe her... dunno hiw long i can last!! Anyone got remedy ? sighh i need a break!


Active Member
*hugs meltie* oh dear really hope she'll calm down soon n let mummy rest...

my bb has been cranky in late afternoon... just keep carrying her also as also home alone... been cuddling her but she just can't fall into deep slp so cannot put her down... now still in my arm...

ooo my friend just arrived w my dinner!! ok let me try cuddling bb while eating horfun lol


So sorry, Meltie... :( I don't know how else to help. Just feeling really bad for you :( can't you get help? Your mmum or mmum in law, a sister, a good friend? Even just to take over for a few hours and you get some alone time? Poor baby too. I really hope things will look up soon.


So sorry, Meltie... :( I don't know how else to help. Just feeling really bad for you :( can't you get help? Your mmum or mmum in law, a sister, a good friend? Even just to take over for a few hours and you get some alone time? Poor baby too. I really hope things will look up soon.
Thanks mummies for the consolation.. my baby is still crying now.. :( she already lost alot of strength and basically sound lile asthma crying( got a return noise when she wanna scream or cry)..just now i just put her in bouncer let her cry n cry till her hearts content.. she tired den slept.. den awhile later woke up crying again.. rock her only helped abit... sigh to see her so traumatic, dunno will affect her mental well being.. just now she cried and drank through a feed via bottle.. and did not rest.. spent the rest of time crying non stop... till now i bo bian, pumped out both breasts and latch her... she biting like mad.. :(

I really hope her fussiness and colic will stop soon.. super tiring for her n me.. somemore tomorrow is her baby shower in the evening.. hope she will not cry like mad, i won't know how to soothe her in front of the guests and friends... or i'll be hiding somewhere alone w her feeding away and soothing her cries.... really buay tahan.. why my bb has to go through so much since birth.. an eventful 6 weeks.... :/


*hugs meltie* oh dear really hope she'll calm down soon n let mummy rest...

my bb has been cranky in late afternoon... just keep carrying her also as also home alone... been cuddling her but she just can't fall into deep slp so cannot put her down... now still in my arm...

ooo my friend just arrived w my dinner!! ok let me try cuddling bb while eating horfun lol
Hey felicity.. i boiled rice since 5 plus... now den got chance to eat my dinner.. and i'm carrying n latching her... :/

Seeing her doze off n slp.. she dream of crying n she cried.. den wake herself up.. den she paiseh... so funny..


Active Member
Hey felicity.. i boiled rice since 5 plus... now den got chance to eat my dinner.. and i'm carrying n latching her... :/

Seeing her doze off n slp.. she dream of crying n she cried.. den wake herself up.. den she paiseh... so funny..
*hugs meltie* but hope u eventually had a good dinner... u need lots of energy to take care of ur little darling n yourself. and hope ur bb will cooperate n be good tmr!!

but lol ur description sounds cute... she paiseh lol...

my bb slping n now i need to pump although v sleepy...


Meltie.. Hugz.. Hope things get better for u and ur baby. Know it must be super hard pain to let her cry till tired and have to endure the soreness of ur nipple. I just let my baby cry through the car journey, my heart almost drop.

My baby is also not easy, have been trying to get her to sleep since 4pm till only now, she just fell asleep. Hopefully, deep enough to last for a few hours. Told my mum wish there is someone that can help to solve the problem. My mum told me that some babies are generally more difficult and have to endure and go through the stage.

Let's Jiayou!!


Meltie hope baby Charlotte gets better soon and does not trouble you too... I know what it's like, it's sooper tiring! I had that last week my baby was sick and every day from afternoon till late in the night she would keep crying sooo much, it's so heartbreaking to see her cry like that and soo exhausting for us, but have to keep carrying her to make her stop and everytime we used to change the position we were carrying her she will cry again..

I gave my baby the pacifier for the first time today cos she was just being fussy in the evening, and she took it with no trouble.. Se went chomp chomp chomp and then fell asleep, my hubby told her mommy is cheating you she's giving you duplicate stuff... Lol. In the night when she was being cranky again I wanted t give it to her but then thought I may make it a habit so did nt..


Active Member
erlina my mum also says... 100 babies will hv 100 characteristics and 100 different difficulty lvl... all different.. some easy some difficult... so just gotta cope with it... yup let's jiayou!!

kary awww at least she fell asleep... :) since confinement till now everytime i tried to give my bb pacifier she wailed more fiercely... the more i hold it at her mouth hoping that she'll accept it, the harder and harder she wail shaking her head left and right and until face all red and tears rolling like mad... tried a few times still not successful... guess i gotta accept that all the pacifiers we bought and tried will end up being wasted investments...


Felicity I think with my baby she can just put anything into her mouth already... When I carry her she bites my tshirt by my boobs, if I carry her up I get her saliva all over my arm.. My baby had been drooling quite a lot over the past couple of days, wondering if dis is a stage..


Went out for whole day today and bb was also out for half day too. I am dead tired. Lucky husband got help to take care of bb for 2hr while I was taking nap..
Missed my pumping hour, now my breast very painful, first of me feeling engorgement. My supply was only around 60-80ml total each 3hr pump. Feel like giving up breast feeding.. :(
Btw my bb full moon party will be on her 6th week which is next sat, pray hard she will be guai guai otherwise I won't know how to coax her.. But at least my party is at home..


Meltie *hugs* My bb just cranky for one day and I'm all ready to surrender.. I can onli imagine wat u went through.. Jia you! Hope bb feel better soon so that mummy and baby can have a good rest!

And ya.. Me too! Recently, bb poo kept leaking out of her diapers from the back (esp if it's a particularly big poop)! Sometimes I will be feeding her and I felt her passing gas together with poop and she will be all stiff.. Then I told her nvrm, continue pooing, u'VE got diapers on.. And suddenly I felt something warm on my hand (supporting her back and buttock while feeding).. To my horror, her poo started leaking out from the back even though she is in upright position! I oso dunno issit cos diapers too small (she still using NB but NB is up till 5kg ma and she's 4+kg) or issit bcos I pull on the diaper too tight so the poop got nowhere to go except up? I'm oso getting tired from scrubbing all her poop stained clothes.. :(