EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Prob is mil can finish in abt 20mins... I need dbl e time!!! Best achievement is 30mins... Bb bully me... Lol

Esp after i pump she will wanna latch.... Got smell lol

So far only went west coast plaza n illuma nursing room... All cmi! Jp i brought bb there a couple of times basically slept through


Rodorsany, my girl usually oso takes abt 15min to finish her bottle of 110ml.. Once in a blue moon, she can finish under 10min.. Sme other times she can take up to 30min cos she fell asleep! I will try to turn the bottle a bit if she still suckle weakly, I will just try burping her to wake her up then continue feeding her again.. It works most of the time.. U can try.. :)

And ya! The few times that I let hubby feed, he always can't finish and claim bb full oredi and wan to throw away my ebm! I say cannot be lor.. she onli drank like half her usual amt.. but is cos he feed no skill.. he keep pulling the bottle out to wipe bb mouth and chin wen he see milk dribbling out.. So end up feed v long and bb v sleepy le.. Frustrated lor.. So end up I took over and managed to let bb finish all though by then ebm not warm le.. Anybody who attempts to waste my ebm is gg to get it from me lor! They are not the ones producing, they dunno how precious every little drop is.. Jus cos they see got a few bottles in fridge they jiu tink got a lot can waste.. Hmmph!


Hi linln84, wen I went for first mth PD appt, PD did say from 1st mth onwards, bb will tend to sleep lesser during the day and seek more attention.. Mine dun really exhibit tat behaviour though.. She still nap after most feeds.. But I suppose every bb is diff.. My mum says my younger bro oso dun nap wen he's a bb.. He's oso all tall and healthy now.. Hee.. Maybe it's better for bb to nap less during the day and sleep better and longer at night?

As for burping, the first few times I tried the coke can method, it works.. After a while, it's like striking lottery.. Now I jus sit bb up straight facing me and pat her on her back quickly and lightly for 5min (my arms realli ache lor).. If she still dun burp, then I will change her position and sit her sideways on my lap, hold her chin and pat her on the back again.. Sometimes just changing position after a long burp attempt will get her to burp.. If still can't, then I will try the coke can method again.. Still can't? Then I jus give up.. Cos by then oredi try burping for 15min le.. Haha.. I will just carry her upright for at least 15min lor, hopefully can keep e milk down.. Bo bian.. I tink it's better tat bb burp after feed.. But if bb doesn't, there is nothing I can do.. Oh, sme ppl say burping over the shoulder helps though it doesn't work for me.. Hee..


Active Member
Rodorsany not bad la heehee, my bb doesn't even allow me to bottle feed her! Rejects all the time after week 5. As long as I'm around she only latches!!

Lingz yes!! Precious milk, who dare waste my bm will definitely get it from me!! U know, that time I came home n bb only took 20ml n wanna latch, I drank the rest of it,.. Added the 60ml into my hot tea :X

Now I hv 20+ bags of milk but bb exclusive bf unless I go out... Sigh I worry they turn bad :/


Felicity : how long does your bf baby sleep through night?

I find it wonderful that bm has components in it that helps a baby sleep through night longer. Apparently there are ssleep induction hormones or compounds in bm produced by mothers at night and babies naturally sleep slightly longer!

Roo: why is the nursing room at iluma no good?? It's now called bugis plus yes?


Active Member
reiann she usually sleeps around 9-10 n wakes up at 5-6 for her feed... Around 7-8 hrs. But last night a bit cranky, slept near midnight n woke up at 4+... Still not bad la consider it's over 4 hours n not like every 2-3 hrs...


Ya lizzy,not sure about food intake.. Guess gotta be more careful... Yesterday was the 1st I went out with baby alone.. Abit challenging but guess manageable...

So mummies who went out alone, I just wanna ask, you put baby in sling and carry baby bag too right? Did u also bring stroller out too? Is your baby bag heavy? Cz I so kiasu like pack a lot of things inside....


Reiann its new.. But very cramp if bring pram gotta leave it outside n stuffy.. So if nurse very long i think i will suffocate... -_-!!

But my girl is like my #1. .will drink fast then half full will stop... Like got something in tummy will do.. Cant b drinking 40ml at wk7 mah... So amt is correct n its 4hrly... Sometimes she slept till its 5hr... Not that.she slept 5hrs.. Like she play 2~3hrs Then sleep


So envy u all whose babies can sleep more than 4hr. My gal can only sleep for 4hr or 4.5hr max during night. No matter how much milk I fed her, she will still wake up after 4hr for milk.. Zzz.. And during day, she only takes short nap.
Btw how do u entertain bb during day? My gal can only sit in bouncer for max 30min or slightly more if we chat with her. After that she will cry. Very tiring if she doesn't sleep at day.
My left wrist is very painful now, think it is injured for carrying her too much and also maybe due to touching cold tap water during confinement...


Actually, the more I take care of my girl, the more I've phobia. She always take very long to fall asleep and she is always struggling to sleep in my arms, then, she will not allow us to put her down. She will wake up immediately and by the time successfully put her down, it'll be her next feeding time. Just like last few nights, both my hubby and I take turns to make her sleep and the challenge on putting her down on the bed. Usually takes more than 2 hours to do so. She also refused yao lan and bouncer. She will be entertained at most 10 mins before she start crying. Her drinking volume varies. Sometime, she can drink 70ml, sometime 90ml, sometime up to 110ml. Her interval can b 2 hours to 3 hours. Seldom stretch longer than that. She is now into week 5.

My girl don't like car ride. Will cry all the way from my hubby's house to my house, until no voice. So heart pain. Tot baby will fall asleep in car ride. Now have to consider the distance we travel coz if long distance, scare she will cry until no voice again.


keatbear, my baby bag is v heavy too .. I pack diapers 6 pcs .. small hot water container , cold water , handkerchief, fm ( everytime 3 feeds as I use to bring extra ) pacifier, nappy cream , ruyi oil, wet tissue.. cloth napkin too .. I m another kaisu one .. haha


Good to know what to pack in the diaper bag, last time when I went to harbour front for her hair cut, I only brought: napkin, 2pcs diaper, 1pc cloth, wet tissue, pacifier and 1fm in the warmer.. The big is so empty, dunno what to put..
So far all my trip with bb is only for short while, maybe I should start to bring her out for longer time..


Madamdinosaur, maybe can try different teats? With my son previously, he rejected bottle too and I had to battle with him for two months befor he finally accepted. And he finally accepted after we switched from nuk to pigeon peristaltic teats.

lingz12, what is the coke can method of burping? For me, I find that instead of patting, rubbing the back with the palm of my hand works the best.. Especially if I place her against my shoulders.


Hi mummies! I'm currently still doing full latching on and want to start pumping to store in case I'm out. So I can only pump after feeding... Is 20-40ml of milk after feeding considered normal amount?
My boy is 5 weeks going to 6. He still wakes up every 2-3 hours at night for milk and his 'routine' thru the day is feeding every 2-3 hours, nap or play in between...


Yuen6, the coke can burp method was shared by meltie previously.. She said to sit bb on lap, one hand support bb chin with burp cloth, another hand support bb neck and back.. Then rotate bb body like a bu dao weng and pat bb back with cupped hands.. Repeat 3 to 4 times.. The first time I tried it is realli effective.. but the effectiveness drops e more times I use it..


Keatbear, I dont bring stroller out when I'm with baby alone. Just carrier. Weekends with husband - sometimes stroller sometimes not. But always the carrier. As for diaper bag I pack very lightly. I also bf exclusively so I don't need water or bottles. Sometimes I will bring along a bottle of ebm if out with husband


Hey you all, anybody want to get stuff from carter online? US online shop and carter clothes for babies are sooooo mch cheaper than in sg! Wanna buy together and we split shipping costs? Then can meet up too when I get the package? I have vpost account. Anybody?


Count me in reian, let me know when you gonna order. Are you gonna pay for it first or should transfer the payment to u?


yay! there's no real rush but I don't mind ordering now. some good discounts :) well if it's just the few of us, I don't mind paying for it first. then will email you all the total invoice and shipping invoice and then when we meet, just pay me back then. I want to get some christmas outfits (soooo cute!) but don't want to spend *that much. free shipping within US if more than $75 spent, so that will be good, then will only have to pay for shipping for vpost.

PM me, and I'll let you know my email address. then let me know what oyu want :)