EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Me oso another soft hearted mummy.. Wen she wails, I will pick her up.. Felicity, me too! I will always tell her "Mummy's here, mummy's here.. Mummy went to put XXX away ma.. Mummy carry u now ok? Sayang sayang".. I tried once not to give in to her cries.. Wen she cried, I jus sat beside her cot and gently pat her while telling her I'm just beside her.. But she just refused to be soothed and soon her cries escalated to super loud wails until her face turned dark red, veins popping and voice broke until she almost got no sound.. Bo bian, so quickly pick her up.. :(

Lizzy, how did u manage to get ur boy to break this habit of ppl carrying then?

Then nowadays after her feed at night she refuse to sleep.. So I had to sing and rock her as it gets her to sleep faster.. Now I'm kinda worried that she will get used to tat too.. :(


Active Member
Mine already every night I have to carry and pat/sing her to sleep... I just hoping she will eventually outgrow this stage and now enjoy the bonding while I can... She doesn't really cluster feed (or she's been cluster feeding the whole day long XD) but managed to slp through until 5+ near 6 most of the time without any training, so that I consider myself very lucky, other times I just try to give her my attention as much as I can...


Ahwang: hm I'm really not sure. Book did say to feed more in the day. If its growth spurt then no choice but at least try to space out the feeds at night. What abt napping - is he sleeping too much in day?


Meltie and Lingz i distract him with toys :D i already set up baby gym mat fot him.. After bathing/feeding bb sure sleep so when he wakes up i feed him, burp him, change nappy and put back to his bouncer if he cries definitely just for attention cos his already full etc.. Thats the time i put him in the mat.. At first only last him 5 mins so i gotta find another distraction like play squeeky toy for him.. but if you do it everyday bb will get used to it and think it's his everyday thingy.. Make sure his fed abd changed before leaving bb play alone and yea you have to have a tough heart cos bb will still make noise but it will stop once he gets used to the sounds and colorful lights the gym has plus know the bb diff cries like if he's hungry, irritated or just wants attention.. So my bb now morning after feed put him to bouncer he will sleep again wakes up to bathe him, drink milk and sleep, wakes up feed him and let him play till he cries cos for other distraction, play with him while he's on the bouncer and before you know it feeding time and sleeping time again., once i finish doing chores i carry him put him on my chest for tummy time :) and btw my bb (thank God) isnt colicky so idk if this helps...


thanks lizzy! hmm i haven't started the gym playmat yet haha not sure when to start.. btw have u removed the mittens for bb yet? so that bb can discover and grab stuff? Maybe i'll try the gym mat soon ! Hmm so far my bb not really into tummy time so i seldom try.. maybe also not much time to try coz after feed afraid she'll puke out the milk.. wait too long, she falls aslp..

Hmm my bb last night last fed at 2.30am(which fussed till 4.30am), slept through to 7.20am for her feed! Do i count it as something near sleeping through the night? But really must cut down on the fussiness! :/ just finishes the feed and she's still tired.. guess only wait till next feed then bathe her... :p


I havent remove mittens even tho i already cut his nails, it is his security thingy so wouldnt want to take it away unless i give blanky which bb too young yet. May another month then ill remove mittens :)


Reiann nope he didn't actually slps a lot in the day. Day time slp was abt 6hrs until 6pm. But I couldn't follow exactly the easy routine. For example easy say suppose to nap by 830am. But no matter how I coax him shh patt and carry he just doesn't wanna slp. And no clear sign of sleepiness as well so ended up his first morning got delay to 10am. Woke up at ard 1245pm feed. Slp at 1-4 and feed at 4. Sleep at 6. So from morning to 6pm only 6 hrs of slp with 2 naps of 3 hrs each. 6feed and slp after that. at 8pm cluster feed he still sleeping and 11al dream feed when he asleep. Actually I counted looking at this he had a long nap from 6pm to 2am . Is he starting his night at 6pm ? But easy started bedtime ard 730. I don't think that 1.5 Hr makes any difference or account to his hourly night feeding ? At most he wake up 1.5 Hr earlier in morning right? I also thought growth spurt at first. But he only abt 5wks . Thought growth spurt is ard 6wks ?


any of your babies tend to stay awake more now.. my girl is 6 weeks and it seems like she stays awake most afternoons... i would chat w her and play with her, sing to her.. and she remains awake till next feed. until maybe around 9plus, she will fuss for a short latching on and then to bed.. im worried that it could be my food intake as she is taking my EBM. any advise?


any of your babies tend to stay awake more now.. my girl is 6 weeks and it seems like she stays awake most afternoons... i would chat w her and play with her, sing to her.. and she remains awake till next feed. until maybe around 9plus, she will fuss for a short latching on and then to bed.. im worried that it could be my food intake as she is taking my EBM. any advise?
Do you drink coffee or any food that has caffeine? Maybe unconsciously u do.. Thats y bb awake? Or maybe bb pass the jaundice period thats y not so sleepy in day time anymore? My bb wakes up 10 am after 7pm feeding time.. Ill bathe him by 11 am and he will sleep again, wakes up at 2pm for milk and will sleep at 4pm or 5pm. But he's definitely not awake for more than 3 hours..


Active Member
My bb can be awake for long... I'm always v clueless to wat's normal n wat's not so I wasn't bothered except that I didn't get to rest in the day... But these 3 days she become sleepier, still alert when awake though... Catching up on sleep perhaps?

Anyway she's ten weeks old today le! Omg how time flies!!!


Brought bb out with my mum to nearby compass point todae in her stroller! She was very well-behaved until feeding time.. Quickly pushed her to nursing room.. My first time in a nursing room! And bb likes e diaper changing station! She was smiling wen we put her on it.. There's no hot water dispenser though, luckily I brought my own to warm her EBM.. Now getting excited to bring her out shopping! Still nt confident gg alone now, maybe another month or so? :D


Yeah Felicity! Next time we can go together! Or maybe we will bump into each other in the nursing room sometime! *wink*


Today is end of my confinement, my gal finally turn one month. Very shack today, she only slept for 4hr naps from 11.30am to 14.30 and she was awake till now.. Tried to put her in the sarong, rock her, pat her also failed. I just fed her now and tried to burp her for 10min but she didn't burp, tried the coke turn also didnt work.. Sigh..
Is it normal for bb to be awake for such a long period? And is it ok for Bb not to burp?


Today is end of my confinement, my gal finally turn one month. Very shack today, she only slept for 4hr naps from 11.30am to 14.30 and she was awake till now.. Tried to put her in the sarong, rock her, pat her also failed. I just fed her now and tried to burp her for 10min but she didn't burp, tried the coke turn also didnt work.. Sigh..
Is it normal for bb to be awake for such a long period? And is it ok for Bb not to burp?
Hey lin|1n84, congrats on full mth!

i'm also very tired.. wondering why my little one is sp fussy n cranky.. she has been up whole day and nv slp much too... have been trying to put her down to slp, but all failed.. now hubby still rocking her in the living rm.. maybe its her colic acting up again.. I think the trend i'm seeing is that as bb gets older, she spends more time awake.. but mine seems to get over tired.. and cannot slp.. fuss and fuss.. gonna latch her nw...


Wanna ask any one of u took very long to feed from btl?? I btl feed most of the time...

My girl took very long to finish... Very pissed off.coz not good...

More frustrating thing is hb will pour away without trying further... Feel heartache leh esp when its bm!!!! Angry! !!


My gal took 100ml of ebm in less than 15min. Read from forum bottle feed baby shd take ard 15min, too long means it is too much for the bb, maybe can reduce few ml first.. Or maybe the teat is too small for bb?


my bb some days can slp up to 6 hrs during e day n sometimes oso refuse to slp no matter Hw u coax him .. especially he is so tired n he fussed a lot before bed time at night ..he is only 5 weeks old n I m still struggling to master his so called pattern .. realized he always startle by his own movements during slp no choice hav to swaddled him again n I knw he hate it .. cos during week 2 I already remove swaddled nw swaddled back again .. sighz !! sorry baby ..


Active Member
Mamadinosaur get someone else to feed her? That's what some of my friends had to do, bobian. I rem several years ago my friend exclusive bf till third month wanna intro bottle bb die also dun wan keep struggling n crying n she cry w bb v frustrated n worried cos bb starting infant care she worry bb dun wan bottle will starve but when I went bb takes bottle from me, n her mum n her mil... I guess bb just used to mummy must bf... Anyone else is bobian... But better mummy stay away.. My bb can take forever to finish bottle when I'm not home n mil helped me.. Mil says she bully her lol keep struggling but at least got drink.. Once I came home n she immediately stopped wanting the bottle after 20ml only n haven't taken milk for quite some time... Immediately cries n wants me to latch.. Once I latch she suckles hungrily...

Purpur *hugs* my bb 10 weeks also no pattern in the day.. Only permanent feature is she slps well at night most of the time. This time seems exception :/ but at least hubby not home to slp so no one to grumble at bb lol

Lingz yea!! I'm glad at least compass point nursing room is clean n comfy to use.. Although lack hot water dispenser etc.

Meltie *hugs* hope ur baby's fussiness won't stay for long.!