Edd dec 2012


Hi mummies! Fairprice is having baby deals from 1-14 Nov. Check out more details at this link http://www.whatsupatfairprice.com.sg/pdf/ST-BabyFair-011112.pdf

have a nice weekend!


Hi Mummies,

Yingzy has helped to set up a FB group for us

Do join the link below heehee :)

hello ladies... you can send request to join the fb page ->



Mreow Mreow : how's the Checkup? Baby gal more chubby? Hohoho ^^

Allele/Lovepixie: I felt the baby moving inside, then suddenly some parts of my tummy where he moved popped... But it's always round round one... Don't know is it his butt, head, fist or feet... Lol how u identify?
With regards to coconut, mummies here say drink fresh Thai young coconut juice and don't eat the flesh as it is heaty. Lol I am unsure Abt cans... Coz there are also some advice that says don't drink the can ones heehee

Mreow Mreow

Hi Mummies!

Mreow Mreow: think coz u are tall, very actively doing household chores that's why ur tummy hasn't boom! Heehee my ex boss also didn't have a big tummy at 9th mth... Haha then still can climb ladder and all this... Scary siah.... Anyway as long as baby is growing can already ^^

Sze Sze: any mummies can also add me, Doris Tan. But try to join the Dec 2012 mummies fb that Yingzy has created then add.... It's easier to find... Sze Sze I can't find u~~~ lol

Ling.er: u still have few weeks to think of the name ^^ heehee

Mamadt, is it? Do household chores will not cause tummy to boom? Haha :)
omg, I also climb ladder! Haha...
just that I think my GF's theory is kinda true why I don't look THAt far along....
my tummy doesn't protrude out further than my boobs from side view.
Its ok baby growing inside me.... Haha
does urs protrude further than ur boobs? :)
Until now nobody offer seats to me in public transport! Haha....
Mamadt, u arent working already right?
what have u been up to recently? :)

Cherry blossom, my boobs not ultra big la. Juz normal... Haha
Did u all increase bust size? :)
I'm sure we all did...

SzeSze, yes u must call them up.
u can rescroll to the last few pages cuz I gave Cherry blossom a list of numbers to call depending on which hospital u are delivering at... :)
wow, u are at 35weeks alreadyy. Soo fast man.... Excited? Hehe :)

Anyway allele,
dont drink those can coconut juice!
They are high in artificial sugar and they have preservatives.
All can juices have preservatives so that they have a longer shelf life.
take those fresh coconut fruit.
I mean, u can drink the can ones for fun but don't use it as a substitute for fresh coconut la... :D
u are also in week 35 ya? That's good that ur baby is so active!
i wish I can identify my baby's limbs too! So cool.. Haha

And no, still no name yet for baby gal! Haha
my frens kp pestering me.. :p
sometimes when u first see ur baby, then u have the 'feel' like what name suits them... Haha
but I think my hubby gonna 'suan' the name with a numerologist who needs her birth date & timing and stuff...
he thinks that a name plays an impt role in baby's future...
So most prob will only get her name confirmed after birth...
hahaha :)

Lizasaifi, it's good that after the massage, u get droplets of colostrum..
im afraid that for me, even after massage cannot produce...
hope that doesn't happen!
I also dunno wanna succumb to giving FM when baby is crying...

Hmm, was it momopeachgal or cherry blossom that's was looking for compression stockings?
i saw it at KK's pharmacy!
they are thigh-highs and are good for pregnancy usage.. Hehe
i also saw abdominal binders(about$21-25) there!! :)

Mreow Mreow

My gynae check up went well!

Haha, apparently my gal is not chubby anymore.. She is measuring to date now, my 33th week! :)

She is apparently in a head-down position.
in fact, doc mention that she is in a Kneeling position...

So that's why I feel kicks below my right rib and above my left hip!
Above Right rib= feet
above Left Hip= arms

I finally manage to imagine the position she is in my tummy after doc say she is kneeling...

Now she is 2.2kg at 33wks..
Doc say good chance I'll deliver naturally and she'll be about 3kg at birth!! :D

Doc also predict that I should deliver by early or mid Dec.. :)

Saw the ward admissions price today..
most prob I will take the 1bedded Classic package at KKH. It's a 2night stay.
Deposit is hefty at $2501 though :(

Any other mummies got checkup updates? :D


Mreow Mreow: coz u "exercise"(mop floor is it?) so tummy won't show too big.... Lol
Yah I haven't been working for like 8mths hahha I am mostly at home, planning what / when to buy, how to decorate the room, doing some price research, talking & sing nursery rhymes to baby and resting... Once in awhile I will be working at home (only 1% of the whole time)... Haha need to relax my mind and body and learning to do things and talk slowly... Lol I think I can do things very slowly now that i feel the pressure and quite relax.. Lol

Ooh u r back to ur original EDD tentatively yah :) nice baby... Heehee 2.2kg now is good weight and also 3kg when delivered is just nice... So cute got kneeling position.. That means u shd be able to feel her kneecaps popping up right? ^^

My tummy protrudes super far out and it gets narrower as it protrudes out from side view.... That's why it's called "pointed" :) but u can't see from my back that I am preggy... Lol I am not sure how true but pple say that if it's boy, tummy is pointed, if it's gal, ur tummy is round shaped. Lol

Mummies, I have been having nightmares... One after another every night and each time I wake up then go back and sleep... Do u all have the nightmares/ dream too? :\


Hello mummies!!

It's a gd start to my Saturday. Hehehe princess's milk intake had been increased again to 9ml! Yaaay! N d nutrients drip she's getting is helping a lot n she has gained weight again. Now she's 1.458kg! Gaining slowly n steadily. Hehehe

Sze sze: I've added u in fb! :D thanks! Abt d milk storage my hubby bought d milk storage bag from kiddy palace. 25 pieces for $11.90. Not bad. And also d nurse at d nicu gave me a website to buy milk bags at a cheap price. The website is selling d Nanny brand milk storage bags at $8.50 for 25 pieces wif free normal mail delivery. They also have a Facebook Acc: food for totz. :) gonna buy from them.

Mreow Mreow: I dun have colostrum before giving birth. D day after then have. Hee hee dun worry. Once u give birth ur body will automatically produce hormones to start d milk production. And it will go on and on as long as u bf n express ur bm regularly. Now I can express abt 90ml of bm at one time from both sides. :D enuff milk to last my princess for almost 2 days. Hee hee juz dun give up! Dats wat is advised by my lactation consultant. I still contact her thru SMS if I had any qns. She's kind enuff to give me her contact no after I was discharged. Hehee feels so lucky to have her as my lactation consultant.

Mreow Mreow

How does it feel expressing breast milk using pump?
U are using Avent Single electric right?
Does it hurt or any funny feeling during pumping? Haha :)
Really wonder what it feels like...
Also, do u apply nipple cream all the time? :)

MamaDT, I get what u mean by your explanation of pointed tummy... Hehe
Narrower that's why from ur back can't tell urd preggy.. Icic
Haha, I dunno if it's her kneecap that I feel sometimes!
Actually kneeling position also quite kan ko right... haha
Hope she don't feel too uncomfortable inside... Hehe :p

I don't have nightmares. Juz dreams..
I enjoy having dreams! So fun.. Hehe :)
The funny part is, whatever I happen to think about alot in the day, my dream will evolve around that matter!
Very coincidental!! :)
What kinda nightmare u have?
Hope it isn't so scary!!


Mreow Mreow: hehehe nope I'm using Pigeon Manual pump. It was a last minute buy since I didn't noe will have to deliver so soon. Hahaha so discharged from hospital only went to ntuc n bought manual one since d breastfeeding room at nicu dun have electric socket. Use manual also gd enuff already.
Hmmm d feeling when i express milk is like I get this satisfaction dat I'm producing milk for my baby. As I pump more regularly d amt increases n when I see d milk coming out in gushes I'm like 'wow! I can produce this much milk?? So unbelievable!' Lolz dat was my first thought when I pumped my left breasts n d milk kept coming n coming for almost 10mins! Hahaha my left breasts always produce more milk than my right. Not sure why. N d left always will feel swollen n heavier first than d right. I usually take abt 15-20mins to pump both sides. Abt 10mins each side. Sometimes my nipples will feel sore after pumping. I'm using palmers cocoa butter nursing cream on my nipples. It helps to soothe d soreness. Cheaper to buy at Watsons. Only $12.50. At unity Amk hub it's selling at $13.90. Hehehe

MamaDT: I did get nightmares a few times when I was preggy. N normal dreams too which sometimes quite funny n weird. Lolz like Mreow Mreow I also sometimes dream of wat I was thinking a lot abt in d day. Hahaha so I guess it's quite common to be dreaming n also having nightmares during pregnancy. My nightmares were not scary ones though. :)
Hi mummies! today a lazy day for me.. whole day just watch videos and laze around at home.

Mreow Mreow, my baby boy also 2.2kg at 33 weeks last week. i hope he can be around 3 kg or slighly more than that when due. :) I also feel more kicking at my lower left hip and had been wondering is it hands cos its so low down and his head is down socannot possibly be legs. haha.... yah i did ask about compression stockings before... but wonder can get in watsons or other pharmacies? You all wearing already? I never really thought of this until it was mentioned here. Is it very good to wear?

For me i 80% will have seat cos i'm quite obvious pregnant... hee... now if people give me i will just happily sit cos if not stand from yishun to my workplace at Toa payoh quite tiring now... and about one more month no chance liao! even if ppl give me i also paiseh... hee...

mamaDT, i get all sorts of funny dreams every night... not really nightmares... twice i dreamt baby kick so hard that his limbs come out totally and i tried to push it back... lol... then my mum wanna bring me to hospital... lol... very weird dreams... :D


Hi lizasaifi, do take care of urself since u're u r still doing ur confinement and I pray that ur bb girl can go home with u very soon so that u can cuddle her warmly in ur arms. :)

I'm so proud of u my dear....for going thru so much and then now breastfeed ur princess successfully! :D


Hi Mreow Mreow,
we have signed up the maternity package in JB for RM3K which includes one album consists of indoor & outdoor maternity shoot plus some shots of our baby girl at studio when she turns full month. :)

You are not the only one who is slack....i also haven't start to wash the baby clothings and pack my hospital bag....some more there're still quite a handful of baby items to buy too. Most probably will get the shopping done during the parenthood fair next week....that will be the last fair for me before I pop. :p


New Member
Hey Parents!

Now that exams are over and your kids should be winding down and looking forward to lots of resting and playing during the holidays.

Like mine, your kids are probably gonna be spending a lot of time on iPads and toys. So why not let them play computer/iPad games that promote learning English, Mathematics, Languages and General Knowledge. Children answer as many questions as they can in fun 100-second games of speed and skill. And they can take part in a contest to win a holiday to Hong Kong Disneyland, and other great prizes.

Smartest Singapore 2012 is a fun event for Singapore primary children in P1 to P6 at both local and international schools in Singapore.

What is involved?
Children go online and play 100 second learning games. The games include questions in English, Mathematics, Languages (Chinese, Malay or Tamil) and General Knowledge. Students are able to play as many games as they like over the Preliminary Round period with their best 50 scores counting towards the Semi Finals.

How will children benefit by participating?
Smartest Singapore has been designed to be a wonderful learning experience for the children. Not only is it a fun and engaging environment, it also enables children to study and learn from their mistakes.

Who is Smartest Singapore for?
Smartest Singapore is a fun and worthwhile experience for all children. Every correct answer gains the children a ticket in the weekly draw for great special prizes.

What do parents receive?
Parents receive a detailed report outlining their child’s strengths and weaknesses as well as relative comparison to all other entrants.

What do schools benefit?
There is a registration fee of $24, of which $5 goes to a charity of the child's school's choice.

SPECIAL OFFER: For a limited time only, save $9 off the registration fee and pay only $15 when you register at http://bit.ly/SeXsIF with this Promo Code: smartest4832

Find out more about Smartest Singapore here: Smartest Singapore - Let the Fun Begin! The search is on for Singapore's smartest kids!

View the intro video here: Smartest Singapore 2012 - YouTube

Mreow Mreow

I will be doing the remainder shopping in JB! :)

Here's Wad I need to get..

I still needa buy
Cot, pampers, changing mat, detergent, Baby bath tub,
Baby shampoo, cotton balls, cotton bud, nail clipper, baby wipes,
Diaper rash cream, baby powder..

Hmm, any other small thing u all think I miss out?
Somehow feel that I missed out something.


Hi mummies! today a lazy day for me.. whole day just watch videos and laze around at home.

Mreow Mreow, my baby boy also 2.2kg at 33 weeks last week. i hope he can be around 3 kg or slighly more than that when due. :) I also feel more kicking at my lower left hip and had been wondering is it hands cos its so low down and his head is down socannot possibly be legs. haha.... yah i did ask about compression stockings before... but wonder can get in watsons or other pharmacies? You all wearing already? I never really thought of this until it was mentioned here. Is it very good to wear?

For me i 80% will have seat cos i'm quite obvious pregnant... hee... now if people give me i will just happily sit cos if not stand from yishun to my workplace at Toa payoh quite tiring now... and about one more month no chance liao! even if ppl give me i also paiseh... hee...

mamaDT, i get all sorts of funny dreams every night... not really nightmares... twice i dreamt baby kick so hard that his limbs come out totally and i tried to push it back... lol... then my mum wanna bring me to hospital... lol... very weird dreams... :D
Hi Cherry blossom, it has been a pretty relaxing day for me these two days too....raining the whole day.

I hope that my baby girl will be at least 2kg by now (like urs & Mreow Mreow's). I have tried to eat some durians, hopefully it really helps my baby to gain more weight...hahaaa

The compression stockings u mentioned isit to wear during pregnancy or for confinement?? I've never seen it before thou...

And I feel 'proud' when ppl gv up seat for me on the train at least to show that they still have some 'liang xing' for preggies. :)


Hey Mreow Mreow, you didn't go jb this week?

hv u bought digital thermometer for baby use? how abt baby lotion, bath towels, face cloth (for bathing), baby's wrap, baby's bibs / hanky, bedding set for baby's cot? My sil was telling me that I need to buy alcohol pad from pharmacies to clean baby's cord during the first week.

Also, i learnt from the prenatal class that newborn's nails are still quite soft and 'fragile', so u may wana use scissors instead of nail clipper on ur baby during the first month. :)


Hi lizasaifi, do take care of urself since u're u r still doing ur confinement and I pray that ur bb girl can go home with u very soon so that u can cuddle her warmly in ur arms. :)

I'm so proud of u my dear....for going thru so much and then now breastfeed ur princess successfully! :D
Awwww thank u so much ivyb mummy...so sweet of u hee hee

baby princess is gaining weight steadily...she's now 1.501kg...another 500g to go! She's getting a lil chubbier now :D spent some time wif her juz now together wif her daddy...it's like she knew her mummy n daddy came...she woke up from sleep when we reached hee hee nurse told us she's feeding n growing well...perhaps she'll be able to be home in another week or two...praying hard she will be...


Oh yeah! Juz now on d mrt someone offered me a seat! Lolz funny! When I was still preggy no one had offered me a seat n now not preggy already someone did. Hahaha I didn't take d seat cuz only one station from bishan to amk. But dat guy was at least gracious enuff to offer me d seat. Maybe I was looking preggy wif this abdominal binder I'm wearing under my long dress. Hehehe

Mreow Mreow

ivyb, I went JB only for Makan cuz I forgot to do up a shopping list..
Am sure to forget stuff if i went shopping w/o a list!! :p

okok.. will take note of the Nail clipper issue! :)
I didnt buy the Typical Wooden cot, we plan to buy Baby cradle..
Like those in Fairytale books.. hahaha
I Will see if the Bedding is sufficient!!

Baby Lotion and Shampoo can buy any brand ya? :)

Ivyb, after going to LiliyPie to create the baby Countdown Ticker at the bottom,
Where to attach it in our account?
*blur blur*

Mreow Mreow

Awwww thank u so much ivyb mummy...so sweet of u hee hee

baby princess is gaining weight steadily...she's now 1.501kg...another 500g to go! She's getting a lil chubbier now :D spent some time wif her juz now together wif her daddy...it's like she knew her mummy n daddy came...she woke up from sleep when we reached hee hee nurse told us she's feeding n growing well...perhaps she'll be able to be home in another week or two...praying hard she will be...

That is awesome news Lizasaifi!!! :)
I hope she can come home as soon as possible too!!

How is Malay Confinement Liza?