Edd dec 2012


ivyb, I went JB only for Makan cuz I forgot to do up a shopping list..
Am sure to forget stuff if i went shopping w/o a list!! :p

okok.. will take note of the Nail clipper issue! :)
I didnt buy the Typical Wooden cot, we plan to buy Baby cradle..
Like those in Fairytale books.. hahaha
I Will see if the Bedding is sufficient!!

Baby Lotion and Shampoo can buy any brand ya? :)

Ivyb, after going to LiliyPie to create the baby Countdown Ticker at the bottom,
Where to attach it in our account?
*blur blur*
Mreow Mreow, for baby lotion & shampoo u can buy any brands of ur choice but if u r gg for better brands, my gf and sil actually intro me to baby california & mustela. I haven't decide which one to buy yet thou....

You should click on SETTINGS (TOP RIGHT CORNER), then on the left of the screen, go to EDIT SIGNATURE. then paste your signature on the space. :)


lizasaifi, that's really gd news for u & family that ur bb girl is progressing so well. She must have recognised both her mummy's & daddy's voices that she woke up to greet both of u. Sooo cute!! :D


Cool morning to all mummies!

Mreow Mreow : my nightmare is sometime there are people catching my family members and I am always the only one that's left to escape and trying to save and also trying to avoid those catchers... Aiyo.. Worse is sometime the catcher is not human and is the most evil type (luckily that one only twice).... Else it will really freak me out...

I didn't buy baby powder... I will be using baby cream to replace powder coz I scared too powdery for baby.. Heehee I've bought California baby at the fair and the smell is nice.. It's cheaper at the fair yah.. :)

IvyB: the alcohol swab/cotton for baby umbilical cord.. Heard hospital will provide a bottle of the cord spirit for cleaning the baby umbilical cord.. So u just need to buy cotton wool yah :)

Mreow Mreow

Cool morning to all mummies!

Mreow Mreow : my nightmare is sometime there are people catching my family members and I am always the only one that's left to escape and trying to save and also trying to avoid those catchers... Aiyo.. Worse is sometime the catcher is not human and is the most evil type (luckily that one only twice).... Else it will really freak me out...

I didn't buy baby powder... I will be using baby cream to replace powder coz I scared too powdery for baby.. Heehee I've bought California baby at the fair and the smell is nice.. It's cheaper at the fair yah.. :)

IvyB: the alcohol swab/cotton for baby umbilical cord.. Heard hospital will provide a bottle of the cord spirit for cleaning the baby umbilical cord.. So u just need to buy cotton wool yah :)

Ooh, the hospital will provide?
Really ah...
I didn't know that! :)

My antenatal class told us we can Juz use water to clean the umbilical stump..


Hello mummies! Gd afternoon! juz finished expressing bm. Now relaxing.

Mreow Mreow: Malay confinement usually last 40 days or 44 days. For dat period actually cannot leave d house. D same like d Chinese confinement rite? Then there's d postnatal massage together wif d binder 'bengkung' n also eating or drinking d jamu. We also must put on this kinda jamu on our forehead. Not sure of d benefit though. Have to be careful also of wat we eat. Cannot eat cooling food. Must keep myself warm always. Cannot walk under d rain. Also cannot trim fingernails n cut hair. But we can take warm shower since its for hygienic purposes. Gd also since nowadays always rain so a warm shower is soothing. Hehehe for me I have to go against d rule dat I cannot leave d house. No choice cuz have to visit princess in hospital. Juz have to be careful wif my wound n must walk slowly. Now almost 2 weeks I feel a lot better than d first week. :) dats wat I noe mostly. Not sure when I can start my postnatal massage. This Friday I have my postnatal check up. Gonna ask my gynae when I can start n also when I can start riding bike again wif my hubby. Hahaha miss riding bike wif him! As for princess yeah she's growing well n getting more fleshy. Hehehe
Oh yeah if u haven't get nappy rash cream get d Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream. It's very gd n really protect baby from nappy rashes. My SIL used it for my nephew n he didn't get any rashes at all. She bought me one already since she fully recommended it. Avent products are good too for baby skin care. :)

ivyb: yeah dats wat d nurse thought too. Hehehe she really woke up n opened her eyes big big n look at us. Too mesmerised looking at her until forgot to take pics. Hahaha


Cool morning to all mummies!

Mreow Mreow : my nightmare is sometime there are people catching my family members and I am always the only one that's left to escape and trying to save and also trying to avoid those catchers... Aiyo.. Worse is sometime the catcher is not human and is the most evil type (luckily that one only twice).... Else it will really freak me out...

I didn't buy baby powder... I will be using baby cream to replace powder coz I scared too powdery for baby.. Heehee I've bought California baby at the fair and the smell is nice.. It's cheaper at the fair yah.. :)

IvyB: the alcohol swab/cotton for baby umbilical cord.. Heard hospital will provide a bottle of the cord spirit for cleaning the baby umbilical cord.. So u just need to buy cotton wool yah :)
Hi MamaDT, actually the midwife from the childbirth class also discouraged parents to use powder on babies. Hence, I will also not buy any powder, think lotion is good enough. as for the alcohol swab i'm also not sure if the hospital will let us bring home any after we discharged. Think i'll try to check with the admin office on wednesday after my prenatal check. Btw, i intend to buy those sterillised cotton balls instead of the normal ones from the pharmacy.

Are you planning to go to the parenthood fair on Friday?


Hi lizasaifi, thanks for the recommendation on the nappy cream, I was still wondering which one to buy. :)

Since u juz had ur c-sect delivery recently, think better not to start the postnatal massage too soon cos it might affect the recovery progress. Or check with ur gynae or nurse to check when is the best time to start the massage ya?


New Member
Hi Mummy, i just bought a bidet and install at my toilet. I love this product that was recommended by my friend which will help me alot when i do poo poo during my 3rd trim. This is a free discount to share with you.

The origin price is $119, if you visit Qoo10 often, sometime they have special deal.

Anyway, i think all mummy should have this at home that no only for us but also for elder10.jpg

Mreow Mreow

Prenatal class discourage Powder usage!!

But I'm still gonna buy..
to use Sparinglyyyy on baby whenever it's too hot and at the upper thigh skin creases near pampers!! :)


Hi lizasaifi, thanks for the recommendation on the nappy cream, I was still wondering which one to buy. :)

Since u juz had ur c-sect delivery recently, think better not to start the postnatal massage too soon cos it might affect the recovery progress. Or check with ur gynae or nurse to check when is the best time to start the massage ya?
Yep! I'm gonna ask my gynae this Friday when I'm going for my postnatal check up. :) a friend told me have to wait after 6 weeks. My cousin said she asked her massage lady n she said whenever I'm ready shld be ok. Hahaha so gonna ask my gynae first this Friday n see wat he has to say. By d way this gynae, Dr Harvard is d one who had operated on me during my c-sect together wif my other gynae, Dr Kanika. Will update u mummies once I know d answer. ;)


Hi mummies, I am back after a week , and what I week I had.
I had one drama filled week, with my maid acting up so much that I had to sack her and send her back to Indonesia!! Then I came down with cold and flu, so bad that I lost my voice , could hardly speak! I had to get on to antibiotics to get some relief. Then my washing machine conks off. So have to do all house work, crew for my little doggies , have cold and flu and washing machine spoilt. On top of that have to go out every day to find maid; transfer maids so difficult to get , Any new maid will take atleast 6 weeks to come ; by that time will already be time for my delivery !!! to top of yesterday my hubby forgot his handphone in a restaurant .

Thankfully my hubby is very supportive and helpful, we somehow managed ! And I think this exp brought us closer as a couple. We managed to finalize a transfer maid yesterday , and today we got hubby's phone back ... Hopefully the next few weeks will not be so eventful !!!

This thread has moved so fast since last week , I hope I can catch up soon. :)

Mreow Mreow

Hi mummies, I am back after a week , and what I week I had.
I had one drama filled week, with my maid acting up so much that I had to sack her and send her back to Indonesia!! Then I came down with cold and flu, so bad that I lost my voice , could hardly speak! I had to get on to antibiotics to get some relief. Then my washing machine conks off. So have to do all house work, crew for my little doggies , have cold and flu and washing machine spoilt. On top of that have to go out every day to find maid; transfer maids so difficult to get , Any new maid will take atleast 6 weeks to come ; by that time will already be time for my delivery !!! to top of yesterday my hubby forgot his handphone in a restaurant .

Thankfully my hubby is very supportive and helpful, we somehow managed ! And I think this exp brought us closer as a couple. We managed to finalize a transfer maid yesterday , and today we got hubby's phone back ... Hopefully the next few weeks will not be so eventful !!!

This thread has moved so fast since last week , I hope I can catch up soon. :)

Welcome back Luckystar!!
U have been missed!! :)

yeah man, u realllllly had an eventful week........
Glad to hear that everything has settled now thoug!! :)
Such a nice kind soul, they actually returned ur Hubby's phone!! :D

Anyway, hope your flu & cold have gone away?

*Big hug

Mreow Mreow

Hello mummies! Gd afternoon! juz finished expressing bm. Now relaxing.

Mreow Mreow: Malay confinement usually last 40 days or 44 days. For dat period actually cannot leave d house. D same like d Chinese confinement rite? Then there's d postnatal massage together wif d binder 'bengkung' n also eating or drinking d jamu. We also must put on this kinda jamu on our forehead. Not sure of d benefit though. Have to be careful also of wat we eat. Cannot eat cooling food. Must keep myself warm always. Cannot walk under d rain. Also cannot trim fingernails n cut hair. But we can take warm shower since its for hygienic purposes. Gd also since nowadays always rain so a warm shower is soothing. Hehehe for me I have to go against d rule dat I cannot leave d house. No choice cuz have to visit princess in hospital. Juz have to be careful wif my wound n must walk slowly. Now almost 2 weeks I feel a lot better than d first week. :) dats wat I noe mostly. Not sure when I can start my postnatal massage. This Friday I have my postnatal check up. Gonna ask my gynae when I can start n also when I can start riding bike again wif my hubby. Hahaha miss riding bike wif him! As for princess yeah she's growing well n getting more fleshy. Hehehe
Oh yeah if u haven't get nappy rash cream get d Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream. It's very gd n really protect baby from nappy rashes. My SIL used it for my nephew n he didn't get any rashes at all. She bought me one already since she fully recommended it. Avent products are good too for baby skin care. :)

ivyb: yeah dats wat d nurse thought too. Hehehe she really woke up n opened her eyes big big n look at us. Too mesmerised looking at her until forgot to take pics. Hahaha

Lizasaifi, looks like Malay confinement is quite Tedioussss too ya!! :)

Yesyes, certain things have to close 1 eye.. U have to see your princess so no choice but to leave home & deliver your precious milk!! :)

Thanks for the nappy rash cream recommendation! My GF swears by 1 of the cream carried by Mothercare & she already bought for me too! haha

Regarding the Jamu, No-Malays can eat as well right?
The ML that im thinking of Engaging Makes her own Jamu.. Comes in Pill form too...
Is it ok & advisable to eat Home-made Jamu? Hers doesnt come cheap man.. $170.. So ex!!


Hi momopeachgirl

Actually during checkup the nurses press even harder to show me which one is d head n which one is the butt. My husband was horrified but said nothing till we're alone


Hi Mreow Mreow,
I tot can use oil for umbilical stud?

Hi MamaDT
Ask nurses to show u where is the head n butt n u can identify which lump is head , hand, knees or knuckles

Btw I dreamt that I had a boy until the scan proved otherwise and I have strong (apparently wrong instinct) that I bought wrong colour of baby clothes. I wasn't disappointed but feel funny my baby didn't let me know that she is a girl in my dream. Well now I buy the right pink colour but there is one set of blue coloured clothes in her closet. Hmmm.


Morning mummies! How's it going? :) I'm so happy tdy! Managed to express 100ml of bm at one go! Dats a first! Hee hee now dat princess milk intake had been increased to 15ml each feed hope dat my bm supply will increase too. Juz waiting for d day when she can learn to latch on.

Mreow Mreow: dat $170 is for juz d jamu or for one day of massage? If juz d jamu of coz it's too ex! D ML who I'm gonna engaged charges $77 per day n it's up to us to engage her for 5, 7 or 10 days. Dat amt includes everything like d massage, d jamu, d bengkung n also there's massage for baby too. :D so quite cheap considering all is included. Of coz non-Malays can eat jamu too. I think it's d same concept as d Chinese having all those herbs from d singseh. Hee hee Once I get confirmation from my gynae when I can start massage I will call her n make appointment already. Hehehe can't wait! My body really needs a gd massage before baby princess comes home. Once she's home she will also get a massage n then all attention will be on her solely.


Hi Liza,
May I ask what is tanggas, tungku and pilis? I tried to engage a Malay Masseuse. I think tungku is the heated pack. Pilis is the put forehead one but I'm not clear what purpose?


Hi mummies!
Lately i can feel some contractions right at the very low part of my abdomen. It's like a sudden intense and i need to stop moving for a few seconds and it gets back to normal again. Whoa luckily it's not happening in a regular intervals, otherwise i guess it might be the first sign of labour! Ahhh!! Im currently in week 36 now.. Hope can tahan for another 2 weeks or so. :p

Anyway, i got a quite embarassing question to ask. Any of u experiencing hemarrhoids? It's like having lumps popping out from the anus and also with bleeding? I experienced that since last week and quite serious coz i cant even sit properly as it's so painful and it bleeds everyday. And i dare not to go to GP to check coz i feel embarassing and dont feel secured. Anyway later i'll be going for my week36 check up and will ask for advise from my gynae. :(