Edd dec 2012

Sze sze

Allele, i also feel the contractions like you... but I dont have bleeding...
Because I got low placenta, my gynae told me to watch out... if got bleeding must inform him immediately...

If the bleeding is come from the hemorrhoids, does it because you poo too hard due to constipation? I ever had it previously, also asked my gynae, he said if bleeding not from elsewhere (he worries bleeding from placenta, then must admitted to hospital emergency ) should be fine... Drink more water, eat more vege and fruit in order to poo smoothly without pushing too hard...
But if you worry, I think you should call your gynae, dont wait till your appt date, to ease your worries also...

Momopeachgirl, I will wait for the last min confirmation from my gynae, if my placenta is pushed up, I will choose to go natural delivery, otherwise got no choice but go for c-sec....
My gynae did not ask me to count, my girl friend got tell me that I need to count... But I dont know how... Haa... Shall ask my gynae this sat during check up...

Yes... I can feel rhythmic movement within a period of few minutes.... I still thought it was baby kicking... my stomach move like earthquake very obvious... Just like the heartbeat that you able to see on your stomach... When it move, i can feel my stomach (I think it is uterus) is tightening.... Sometime it is quite strong and I have that feeling going to pee or something coming out.... I had that feeling during mornin, afternoon in office and night on bed.... is that baby kicking that the doc ask you to count?
I have this feeling since few days ago...
i now at wk 35, reaching wk36 tml...
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Mreow Mreow

Happy 34 weeks!! :)

Ur baby and mine about same!
My gal is 2.2kg.

This time DOC didn't give me specific EDD but he said should be deliver from early-mid DEC! :D

He didn't give me count Chart.

He's quite relax with me leh.
Cuz I think it seems I dun have much problems and my next apptmt is 27nov!!
3weeks later.
I Tot it would be 2weeks later....

Urs should be 2weeks later ya? :)

Mreow Mreow


U should go get Preparation H cream from Watson/Guardian!

It's Gd & suitable for Preggies.

Try to cure before Natural Labour.
High chance that it will pop out during labor...

Mreow Mreow


I had 3dreams that all led me to believe that I'm carrying a boy.

My sixth sense an instinct is the very strong and accurate type.

Can't believe it Whn gynae told me it's a gal.

Shocked that my instinct failed me this tym!

Use oil for Umbilical Cord?
Wad kinda oil?
Hmm, I think dun use oil better...

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow: Happy 34 weeks!! hehehe =p.. oo urs is 3 weeks later. is ur gynae appointment go by package? anyways my next appointment is 17th nov lehs.. which is next week!! and yes.. 2 weeks interval. :) so have u gone thru the swab test or something? Something like pap smear test de. and ur signature so cute! xD

No dear, mine isnt package!!
Is yours?

Like I said, my gynae is realllly relax with me...
The next time he wants to see me is on the 27/11, and it i'll be on my 37week alreadyy!

To what I know, during our stage now,
they will want to see us once a fortnight then after that once a week ya...
So ur apptmt is right....

According to him, he said my water level is good, predict that Baby will be about 3kg when out and he doubts that I will give birth prematurely by End Nov...
Maybe thats why he so confidently arrange to meet me after 3weeks...
Think he classify me as low-risk..
But we'll never know what is gonna happen!! :p

momopeachgal, sry i forgot which Hospital u are delivering at...

The stockings i saw at KK pharmacy are less than $25 if I can remember correctly!! :D

Oh, and i didnt do the swab test or blood count thing!!

In early 2nd Trimester Gynae took my bloodtest and said that its very gd, above average for Normal females..
Have very good iron count & other sruff so maybe thats why he didnt take my blood count this time?

I reallly Dunno wads gg on man....

HAHA... :D

Mreow Mreow

Morning mummies! How's it going? :) I'm so happy tdy! Managed to express 100ml of bm at one go! Dats a first! Hee hee now dat princess milk intake had been increased to 15ml each feed hope dat my bm supply will increase too. Juz waiting for d day when she can learn to latch on.

Mreow Mreow: dat $170 is for juz d jamu or for one day of massage? If juz d jamu of coz it's too ex! D ML who I'm gonna engaged charges $77 per day n it's up to us to engage her for 5, 7 or 10 days. Dat amt includes everything like d massage, d jamu, d bengkung n also there's massage for baby too. :D so quite cheap considering all is included. Of coz non-Malays can eat jamu too. I think it's d same concept as d Chinese having all those herbs from d singseh. Hee hee Once I get confirmation from my gynae when I can start massage I will call her n make appointment already. Hehehe can't wait! My body really needs a gd massage before baby princess comes home. Once she's home she will also get a massage n then all attention will be on her solely.

My dear, the $170 is only for the Jamu!!
Im not sure how much Jamu that is worth though.. Maybe for a month?
The ML charges $60 for 1 session for 1 Hr.
have to Buy & pay a one-time payment of $25 for the Bengkung & she will teach someone in the family to wrap for me for 1month..
My flying colleague totally recommended her cuz she this ML has a really hot body after giving birth to 5kids..
Haha... Dunno if my colleague exaggerated cuz ive not seen the ML anyway... Haha

Babe, u have any idea if Jamu has any effect on Bfeeding?

Yesyes, im sure ur princess will enjoy the baby massage coupled with
Mummy+Daddy+Grandma's Love and Affection at home! :D

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow: oh urs is not package.. So its okie la.. since ur gynae is relax with you, means is good! u can save $ ^^ .. Mine is package. its a $1000 package so i don mind going frequently lol.. so i hope the timing my baby coming out is close to my EDD so that the package is spent worthwhile lolxx but on the other hand i hope to see my boyboy soon! haha dilema.. i am delivering at Mount Alvernia by the way hehe.. becos my gynae is there too =) icic thank u for the pricing of the stockings!!!oo.. i think my blood count is all e while not very high one.. as in my red blood cells. Maybe thats the reason how come doctor wants to take my bloood count again.. hope i m healthy..

1K package is for unlimited visits ah..
Inclusive of everything?

Waaa, if can i also wanna visit more often..
Cuz worried and wanna check if everything is ok ma... :D

Did u find ur Massage lady already?

And ur nipple thing is it still the same or better?

Mreow Mreow

Mreow Mreow: Actually only for those scheduled visits no need to pay $, if i wanted to go see gynae suddenly, then that consultation fee will have to be paid by me, the package inclusive of the ultrasounds everytime, the urine test and stuffs.. anything extra i have to pay..like the supplements etc.. all have to pay separately.. Actually i dono whether it is worth it for me or not.. cos if i don go by package, each gynae appt i have to pay about $180 like that.. ur gynae wans to save $ for u since u r a healthy mummy! ^^
I have found my massage lady already =p mine is 7 sessions for $500, inclusive rental of the binder which is $20, 1 free exfoliating tummy , 1 free baby massage =D~~

my nipple thing yaaaa! it is solved haha ur way works!! ^^ now its not cracked and not dry ler.. tat cracked part really will go off if i wash it with warm water =D Must thank u for that!!

btw, i read in a thread about a mummy who said that she is not able to do a direct latch for her baby cos her nipple is too big! i scared i will kena the same thin. *worried*

Mummies, do u all know where can I get Wall Decals for decorating baby's room? :)

No problem!
Glad that its bettetr now... :)

Wow, 180 is very ex!
Then lucky u have package..
Mine is about $90-$120 each time.

Who is your ML?

Haha, my baby's mouth seems quite big and her lips thick also, hopefully minimise pain for me while she suckle!!
Wahahaha :D


Hello Mummies!!

Momopeachgal: your EDD become same as mine! Hahaha I quite like package yah.... Coz mine is damn expensive... And they don't have package one hahaha I think I spent quite a lot already haha coz my trim one and trim two were filled with crazy symptoms..... Haha

Rhythmic just below chest don't have leh.... Hhehee hiccups plus bb turn or kicks/punch have haha

Difficulty breathing is normal symptom for some preggies yah so dun worry let ur gynae knows yah :)

Gynae didn't give me a list of counts... She only mentioned to me before that as long as there's one count a day is fine... Heehee
Anyway, I felt the tummy earthquake at least twice a day... And bb is getting more active all the time, I walk-he push, I sit down- earthquake, I eat-he kicks/punch hahaa

The California baby cream is to replace powder... Acts as a lotion to massage baby... We try not to rub ru Yi you on baby... Heehee

Your dream is funny one lor.... Not like mine, wake up panting... :p heehee scary... >.<

Mreow Mreow: i went for checkup today... Bb is 2.25kg and half his face covered by placenta haha the other half, his was opened, he yawned very widely and then he put his hand to his mouth haha then let go... Haha my gynae says he has a lot of actions. She also said he has hair yah... Heehee head down but not yet engaged. He's in a sitting position... head down, leg on my right upper tummy, spine on my left tummy hahaa can imagine? Lol
But still normal haha
She also said week 34 is safe period for delivery so she stopped one of my medicine so that I can feel any contractions or labour starting now..... Ah....
My next appt is 2 weeks from now :)

Sze Sze: hopes your placenta pushed up so u can go for natural :) jia you! Keep us updated on the news of your next appt with regards to whether ur placenta has been pushed up ok:)

IvyB: I am unsure whether I will b going down for the parenthood fair.... Coz I am lazy and I feel difficult waddling my way there haha
By the way, I talked to cord life consultant today but it's not so cheap leh :( it still adds up to $6k+++ by the time we finish paying by 21 years.... Hmmm

Luckystar: I am glad ur hubby and u overcome the crazy experience last week... Gosh can feel that u must be damn sian and stress that time... Relax now yah :)

Lizasaifi: yeah!! Happy that ur loveable princess
Has gained weight further! She will b 2kg in no time! All the way gal! Hugs! ^^

Allele: try to get it treated yah... Ask your gynae how it can be treated :) hopefully everything will b fine by the time u go for delivery :)


Yesterday feel pain when I walk or turning to side while I slp. Cannot take the pain in end when to check with gyane . He mention I walk too much already. Give me 1 week mc to rests.
Though can see my girl on 12 dec but change date early 06 dec now..


Mreow Mreow,

Baby oil or sometimes those anti-wind Chinese oil brand with a baby face on it also can. I heard must keep the umbilical cord dry and oil helps to seal it so wind cannot get in else stomach get bloated?? <- this I heard from old ppl


Hi momopeachgirl.
Ask for a 4D scan will see baby with brown hue in it. I did that on my 6th or 7 th month to see the facial features. Gynae said "Wah baby nose is very big" also I took back the printout to be framed. Subsequent visits baby had a hand blocking forehead n see it move the fingers like saying hi to me. Other times I can see her moving jaws or mouth like want to mimic breathing.

Mreow Mreow

The price i mentioned includes everything...
It is ex? Or normal ah?

Actually i cant really see baby's limbs or yawning too..
Our is the normal 2D black & white scan..
Think mamadt one is 3D scan?
For me, i only know about her lips & mouth shape thru my Past 3D scan...

For the Signature,
U have to copy and paste the HTML that is shown on LilyPie into Mummysg's-->Settings--> Edit signature Box.
Then upload..

However, that didnt work for me cuz they mentioned that I had too many lines...

So I just right-click my mouse at the Ticker Picture, then save the Whole picture to my desktop.
Then at bottom of 'Edit Signature' page, i went to upload it direct from my Com instead...

How bout u try?? :)

MamaDT, i can imagine the Position!!
basically your baby is facing your right and in sitting position but Head Down right? :D
Oh ya, why u say cant use ru yi oil?
I read alot of mummies in this forum using it to relieve wind..
Ive not used it personally before so I also dunno its effects...

waa, ur baby superrrr active...
Not like mine..
I still dont have the earthquake and constant moving that u feel when u change positions!
And wow, ur baby is a wee bit heavier than mine now! :D
Actually that tym when Doc say im measuring 2weeks ahead, i actually watched my food intake!!
Cuz I didnt want baby to be too big for natural delivery before my due date and cause me to be induced earlier!!
Pain la, induce... :p
Seems like my change of diet works so im happy she's measuring To date now!! :D

Lovepixie, i dont think i will use oil on the stump..
Nv heard my elders telling me that yet..
But the stump is kind of like a wound right?
Like Csec wound...
Then put oil abit funny le...
Nvmind, if ur family & elders ask u to do so then u follow their advices ya... :)
They dont mean Harm & Im sure it will be ok.. :)

Ling.er, do take care..
saw ur post in another thread about your pain too...
glad that u have MC.. Tk a well-deserved rest!
U can stay home and Accompany your Number 1 too!! :D

Mreow Mreow

Where is the ParentFair and what will they have there ah?

*blur blur*

SzeSze, i also pray that your placenta goes up...

I had it during 1st trimester but it went to normal in 2nd trimester...

Dont do overly strenous activities and take care ya! :D


Hi mommies is week 36 day 5 too early to experience false contractions? Braxton-Hicks? Wah I want to wait for my EDD in 2nd Dec le. Baby don't so fast come out yet.

Anyway I dowan to go hospital until mucus plug fall out or water burst. Later the nurse laugh at me saying a little bit contraction run to hospital Liao. I scared some kaypoh nurse put hand to check dilation. Ah! *shrudders*

Anyone any idea how to check dilations?

Mreow Mreow

Love pixie,

I think we are all experiencing BH already...
Even my Doc confirmed that I had BH.
It happened during the ultrasound.

Yours is painless right?
If it hurts then ur time might be near!! :)

Ya, me too.
I dun wanna rush to hospital!!!


Hi mummies, I am back after a week , and what I week I had.
I had one drama filled week, with my maid acting up so much that I had to sack her and send her back to Indonesia!! Then I came down with cold and flu, so bad that I lost my voice , could hardly speak! I had to get on to antibiotics to get some relief. Then my washing machine conks off. So have to do all house work, crew for my little doggies , have cold and flu and washing machine spoilt. On top of that have to go out every day to find maid; transfer maids so difficult to get , Any new maid will take atleast 6 weeks to come ; by that time will already be time for my delivery !!! to top of yesterday my hubby forgot his handphone in a restaurant .

Thankfully my hubby is very supportive and helpful, we somehow managed ! And I think this exp brought us closer as a couple. We managed to finalize a transfer maid yesterday , and today we got hubby's phone back ... Hopefully the next few weeks will not be so eventful !!!

This thread has moved so fast since last week , I hope I can catch up soon. :)

Welcome back Luckystar!!
U have been missed!! :)

yeah man, u realllllly had an eventful week........
Glad to hear that everything has settled now thoug!! :)
Such a nice kind soul, they actually returned ur Hubby's phone!! :D

Anyway, hope your flu & cold have gone away?

*Big hug
Thanks Mreow Meeow!!
It is nice to get a positive reassuring message like yours .
Just getting used to a life without maid . I never realized I was so dependent on her. Well it is a good learning experience. :)
My cold is better now thanks to the antibiotics .


Where is the ParentFair and what will they have there ah?

*blur blur*

SzeSze, i also pray that your placenta goes up...

I had it during 1st trimester but it went to normal in 2nd trimester...

Dont do overly strenous activities and take care ya! :D
Mreow Mreow
The parenthood fair is in Expo this weekend.


Hello Mummies i am back!

I went to my gynae yesterday for vaginal swab test as well as take blood count.. Dono the results yet, maybe no results means good =D My baby is now 2.165kg! Should be considered as normal size =p

allele: u actually see ur girl's foot moving across ur tummy? how did u manage to see it ahz? Cos if covered with clothes like cant make out the shape when she moves =p Or u use feel? Can you share the site where u bought ur bindeR? thank u! and yeah, luckily we can still sleep in air con!! if not i tink i gonna cry lol =) I never experience any hemarrhoids.. issit that u r too heaty? but i heard someone in forum said before she oso got that (but not in this thread) in some other EDD threads, and she said the gynae said its normal. but its best to ask ur gynae when u see him later.. Don worry u will be fine yah! =D

Sze Sze: So u intend to go for C sect or natural delivery? btw for the Dec Mummies 2012, u can request to join group, the owner will accept your request de

Mreow Mreow: me has the same tinking as ur hubby. I will ask my hubby to go "suan" the chinese name for baby. I oso feel baby's name is very impt for his future.. ya its me who asked about compression stockings.. did u see how much is the stockings ahz? Thank u in advance!!! and girl, my gynae say my due date is 17/12 now!!! and i forgot to ask gynae abt my baby position :( but i m quite sure he is in head down position.. btw.. when i take public transport i always got seats maybe becos my tummy is very obvious now.. quite big already.. but today there is an uncle he saw i m preggy but he still snatched my reserved seat. But luckily i only take 1 stop so i din bother about it..l. did you buy thermometer? I bought it for baby in case =)

MamaDT: my relatives also commented that I don look preggy when look from behind. and my tummy is pointed too.. I m expecting a boy btw. =) I don have nightmares. but i dreamt of my son before in my dreams. but that was quite ridiculous. my son was actually "Edison Chen" lols! another time is in my dream i only saw my son when he is about 2 years old -.-.. and the dream u r toking abt my hubby have it. got once he was shouting while he is sleeping. got a scare and i woke him up , he told me the dream. he say someone is trying to catch him and me.. the someone looks very scary.. but is human haha btw.. the california baby cream is for what thing ah? thks hehe

lizasaifi: hey mummy!! i am so happy to read that ur princess is 1.5kg already! she will be 2kg very soon! ^^ and wow.. u r able to product so much milk!!! hope i can be like u too!

Luckystar: oh my, luckily ur issue is solved and u managed to find a transfer maid. things r getting better now yaa? how ur flu and cold? ahope u have fully recovered. Must take gd care of urself, drink more water, don tire urself too much and rest more okie?!

lovepixie: icicic!! haha so maybe becos baby is protected by our amniotic fluid that is y pressing hard doesnt hurt the baby, but i wont do that haha i scared :D

Questions of the day again. ..

1) Did u all de gynaes give u a list to count baby's kick count???my gynae gave me yesterday!

2) And do u all feel harder to breathe now? I felt so.. dono issit normal or not....

3) Rhythmic movements feeling like heartbeat at the tummy just below chest.. definitely not hiccup - Do u all experience this? whats that?
Hi Momopeachgal
What is vaginal swab ? Why do they do it? What do they test? I went to doctor this week, but they never did for me.


Hi mummies
May be tmi , but i need to ask , Do any of you get yeast infection at this stage of pregnancy. I've started seeing lots I'd white discharge like yeast infection, along with itchiness and the V lips swollen a bit. It is very inconvenient !!! I hope I don't have any infection .