Edd dec 2012

Mreow Mreow

MamaDT & Ivyb,
Glad to hear that u both have good appetites.

Hmm, mine recently not very good since 3rd trimester.
Sometimes only eat 1 or 2 proper meals a day.
Hopefully my gal no longer fatty.

I think if my gal really fatty Thn my Doc might suggest to induce cuz if wait till 40weeks might be Difficult to Have Natural Labour.



Gd evening mummies!! :D

Now then I have time to come in here again n reply. Was washing baby's clothes n mittens n booties. Hee hee all so cute hanging to dry. Brought a pair of pink mittens n booties for princess to wear at hospital. Soooo cute! Hee hee

Juz an update on my princess. I talked to her doctor tdy n she had only gd news! My princess is doing well in terms of her sucking n swallowing reflex, her heart rate is gd n she's an active baby. Only dat she needs to gain weight n she will be given nutrients by drip to increase her calories intake other than from my bm. And hopefully I will be able to bf her sometime next week when her drip will be taken off n I will be able to hold her in my arms for d first time! Omg! I can't wait for dat moment!! Pray for us mummies! :) TIA!

momopeachgal: have u tried crocs? I was wearing crocs at work since I was 5 mths preggy when my feet and ankles started to get swollen. They are so comfy but I wear socks wif them as my feet tend to sweat. Now dat I've given birth i still wear them. :) oh yes! Dats BH u're experiencing mummy. D tightening only affects part of ur uterus. Unlike labor contractions which involves d whole uterus. Wow! I'm starting to miss all those n d kicks n d punches! Lolz

Mummies I pray dat all of u will have a smooth n safe delivery...may all ur babies will turn to d birthing position soon n stay dat way till its time for them to see d world...enjoy d last few weeks of pregnancy alrite...I wish I can enjoy it a bit more but now I'll enjoy my journey into motherhood more wif my lil princess! :D

Gd nite everyone! Rest well ya
Gd night lizasaifi! Rest well!

MamaDT, I'm Aimei Tan in dec mummies 2012. Can I add u too?

Haha I have that hump as well and I took pic too. I think that's not BH cos it's not very hard. I think it's baby shifting to one position. Now that it's heavier, I find that if I lie on my left, the hump will be in left and if i lie on my right, hump goes to the right. So cute! But I've not seen baby's knuckles or feet which some people said will protrude out. Any mummies seem already? I so hope to see it! :)

Mreow Mreow

Gd night lizasaifi! Rest well!

MamaDT, I'm Aimei Tan in dec mummies 2012. Can I add u too?

Haha I have that hump as well and I took pic too. I think that's not BH cos it's not very hard. I think it's baby shifting to one position. Now that it's heavier, I find that if I lie on my left, the hump will be in left and if i lie on my right, hump goes to the right. So cute! But I've not seen baby's knuckles or feet which some people said will protrude out. Any mummies seem already? I so hope to see it! :)

i have not seen baby's limbs pushing against tummy too! haha

lizasaifi, that is great news!
yep, the drip will help her to put on more weight...
im just happy to hear that she's doing so well on her own... :)

are your stitches healing well? :)
hope they dont cause too much discomfort...

when are u starting your postnatal massage?? :)

MamaDT, hope ur Nausea is gone too!!!!
Pray that your 1st trimester Horror dont come back...


Morning mummies! Juz finished expressing BM. Hehehe by d way I nvr see any limbs pushing against my tummy too when princess still in there. Only like a moving lump or sudden movements. Hee hee

Mreow Mreow: yeah she's doing great. From wat my hubby told me she is really awake at d times when I felt her move when she's still inside d womb. Hahaha amazing! Now she juz need to gain weight fast, learn how to latch on n bf. dat will take at least 2 weeks from wat d doc said. Well my stitches are healing. I nvr really felt any terrible pain so far. Juz a little stinging now n then but nothing unbearable. It's covered wif waterproof transparent plaster so I can still shower whenever I want. Also have to be careful when I sit down or get up. Otherwise it's not giving me any discomfort at all n I can walk normally although not dat fast. :)
as for postnatal massage I think mite have to wait since I went thru c-sect. My cousin gonna help me ask d massage lady when is a suitable time. Mite have to wait for a few more weeks. At d moment I only rub my body, arms n legs wif this cream which will make ur body feel warm. It's made from ginger n has like extract. Smells nice too n feels gd after using it. It helps to breakdown fats n avoid water retention. Hehehe my mom said dat if give birth naturally ur body will be weaker as u had used all ur energy to give birth n enduring all dat pain. For c-sect not so bad. Juz take care of d wound.


New Member
Hi mummies! Just went for my 33weeks c/up yesterday and my lil bub here is weighing at abt 1.9kg. Gynae says she is still in an average size. Im just hoping that she dont end up too big for me to push in 7weeks more.

Felt relieved that ive ald settled the deposit for KKH ward yday. They even give me baby bonus form to fill in and return when giving birth time.

Lizasaifi: the cream is good. With my firstborn, i had csect too so cannot go massage straight away. N my MIL helps to apply the cream all over my body so that i feel warm. It helps to burn ur fats too. :)


Hi Mummies ,
I hav another 5-6 weeks before edd on early Dec. I've seen my baby extend one limb push my stomach till one bump come out. She's a feisty dragon girl. I think I'll let her learn martial arts next time since she is doing a taekwondo or karate session inside my tummy now.

Sometimes when I lie down straight. Baby seem to shift weight to the other side although generally the head is down or diagonally down. >.<


Hi momopeachgal!
Hehehe yeah d crocs I bought is one size bigger than my pre-preg shoe size. I bought it online by d way at their website. Kinda cheaper than when u buy at d shops. They deliver on time too! If u dun want to wear covered shoes get d sandals type from crocs. They have nice ones online. D ones I bought is covered ones as I also have to wear covered shoes at work for safety reason also. But at least it's more comfy than other covered shoes as d front is rounded. :)
yep seeing d baby clothes hanging to dry made me miss my lil princess. Yesterday a neighbour asked if I had given birth. I told her I had but baby not hm yet. She also excited cuz she saw all d baby clothes. Hahaha oh d cream name is in Malay 'Losyen Yusmira' or Yusmira Lotion. Can find it at those jamu shops at geylang or even if there's one ard ur neighbourhood. I noe there's a shop at parkway parade selling all kinds of jamu, near d escalator if I'm not wrong but forgot which floor. I juz put it on body wif my mom's help before I type this out n I'm feeling do shiok, warm n relaxed. Hehehe it's quite cheap too I think.

mizzyeika: yes it's very very good! :) enjoying d warm feeling n juz relaxing. Hehehe ok since u went thru c-sect before can share ur experience like how long it took for d wound to heal n also when will it be ok to start postnatal massage? I noe have to wait a few weeks but ard how many weeks then can massage? Thanks in advance! :D


New Member
Momopeachgal: hi dear! The cream you can buy at malay herbal/medical shop. The name is "krim mustajab". It has different type. It has the ginger type or lime type. For me, i used the lime cream during post natal. But beware! Just apply a small layer coz it's really hot n burning if u apply thick layers! :D

Around 31 weeks usually the receptionist will explain to u about the ward type. And from 31weeks onwards u can decide when to pay. Maybe u can try ask again the recep during the next visit?

Lizasaifi: hi dear. My recovery process was quite fast. Around 4mths, the wound outside kinda heal but u still have to be very careful not to carry heavy things. For me, im kinda kiasu. After 1week csect, i went for my post natal massage ald but the massuese didnt massage my tummy area to avoid the csect wound. So she apply the cream mustajab on my tummy and bind my tummy a lil bit tight (not too tight till it cause the wound to open up). Within 7days, my tummy went flat again but i still continue using the girdle till 40days to achieve my pre pregnancy tummy. Hehehe


Hi Mummies!

Cherry Blossom: sure can add me :) I felt baby movement then stationed at a weird position and one lump come up everyday hahhaa I think that's part of baby's body but don't know what... I will just tickle tickle / pat pat then after awhile it either goes upward stretching my tummy even more or subside or move slowly (in cm) before subside. Lol I tried to video but not obvious leh.. Maybe is the angle I am trying to shoot. Haha

Momopeachgal: just go ahead and invest crocs even if it's one size bigger... Haha I can wear it at home as if it's home slippers after birth ^^ heehee

Mreow Mreow: I am feeling better thanks :) hope our babies are just nice! Haa not too fat not too small... Lol ^^

Lizasaifi: so bb can latch on already? Isn't that good? Then u don't have to buy too many bottles :) did u ask nurse about the milk bags? :)

Mizzyeka: the girdle is the tummy binder? Care to share What brand is good? ^^ or hospital will give us free binder? Haha


Oh really ah.. Massage lady will provide haha ok ok then I don't need to go and get already just wait and see how ^^

I've started drinking one glass of coconut juice already! Dont dare to drink too much scared my petite body cannot take it hahah.. But it's Yummy!!! I've also started to wash 30% of the passed down baby clothes! ^^ love the smell of kodomo!
Hi mummies!

I'm taking half day leave so on my way home now! Clearing my last year leave. :D woo our thread is moving fast! Yah I can see the lump and weird shape too but dunno which part of baby is it. :)

Lizasaifi, I have confirmed your friend request. Thanks!! Can see your baby princess much clearer. She's looking good.. Eyes big big.. I'm sure will grow up to be a pretty girl. :)

Just wondering the cream you are using can use only if c-sect or normal delivery also can? if I really can normal delivery seems like good to use too. :)

Talking abouy binders, My friend told me that we can buy the binder in the hospital once we delivered. Cos buy too early also dunno the size. They say once delivered, can wear le, even c-sect. Is this true mummies?? Cos I thought if getting and even saw people selling online those they use before but my friend said they have sizes so better to buy new ones.


Think buy new binder is better coz u dunno how lasting is the elasticity of the preloved binder ;)

Momopeachgal: y not ask the massage lady how much they sell? If it is good and affordable price, u can use it straightaway for your massage session. Don't know the one they rent has been used before or brand new one.. Heehee ;)


Heehee I haven't do much homework on binders yet heehee...
Oh yah coconut bought from shop and save... Those hexagon shaped one but not yet opened... Then my papa helped me to chop opening at Hm ^^ feels so refreshing! Nice! Heehee


lizasaifi: Oo so u went to the crocs shop and choose a design then u go online and purchase it is it? yaa i dowan covered shoes. wanna get those sandals type! at least its better than the flip flops i m wearing now :) thank u dear for the information about the cream!!! i will go n buy it!! so many things we need to buy.,. for ourselves as well as our baby ^^ when r u going to visit ur girl again?

lovepixie: i saw 1 lump before too but not a specific kind of shape. usually is round.. i look forward in seeing his feet =D
momopeachgal: hehehe yep I went to d crocs shop first to see d models they have n also try for size...then I went online n checked out dat it's cheaper online than at d shops...u shld invest in one...it's worth d money hee hee yes a lot of things to buy for ourselves too. Juz realised after coming back from hospital. :D I will be visiting my princess again tmrw. Will probably spend morning to afternoon there n hubby will take over after i go. Sat maybe can spend d whole day there. But since under confinement I will see how d situation goes. :)


Momopeachgal: hi dear! The cream you can buy at malay herbal/medical shop. The name is "krim mustajab". It has different type. It has the ginger type or lime type. For me, i used the lime cream during post natal. But beware! Just apply a small layer coz it's really hot n burning if u apply thick layers! :D

Around 31 weeks usually the receptionist will explain to u about the ward type. And from 31weeks onwards u can decide when to pay. Maybe u can try ask again the recep during the next visit?

Lizasaifi: hi dear. My recovery process was quite fast. Around 4mths, the wound outside kinda heal but u still have to be very careful not to carry heavy things. For me, im kinda kiasu. After 1week csect, i went for my post natal massage ald but the massuese didnt massage my tummy area to avoid the csect wound. So she apply the cream mustajab on my tummy and bind my tummy a lil bit tight (not too tight till it cause the wound to open up). Within 7days, my tummy went flat again but i still continue using the girdle till 40days to achieve my pre pregnancy tummy. Hehehe
Oh u r using a different cream. Hee hee for me rite now I'm using an abdominal binder given by d hospital. Did u have to wear it after ur c-sect? It is to support ur abdomen since u went thru surgery on it. Ur c-sect cut is d classic cut or d bikini cut? Mine is bikini cut. D wound is not painful. Juz stinging sometimes n when I cough I can't cough properly cuz scared will affect it. :(


MamaDT: hahaha no baby haven't latch on yet n I haven't get to even carry her yet...still waiting for her to be off d drip then can carry her n try to get her to latch on...yeah I did ask d nurse abt milk storage bags...can use but must make sure it's those dat can use for freezing...wanted to go out tdy to kiddy palace but it rained heavily so cancelled :( maybe tonite if it doesn't rain i will go toa payoh kiddy palace wif hubby


lizasaifi: Oo so u went to the crocs shop and choose a design then u go online and purchase it is it? yaa i dowan covered shoes. wanna get those sandals type! at least its better than the flip flops i m wearing now :) thank u dear for the information about the cream!!! i will go n buy it!! so many things we need to buy.,. for ourselves as well as our baby ^^ when r u going to visit ur girl again?

lovepixie: i saw 1 lump before too but not a specific kind of shape. usually is round.. i look forward in seeing his feet =D
haha.. my baby is kicking and extending hands and feet.. usually will be one round.. my colleague told me can push back in wan.. i did.. its like playing tai chi with baby


Lizasaifi: why not get ur hubby to get the freezer kinda milk storage bag for u? :) agree with Momopeachgal that u shd lessen ur going out coz u r in confinement period... :) moreover, it's a rainy day today... If can, ask ur hubby to go and buy for u. If he doesn't know, ask him to ask kiddy palace's friendly staff ^^

Momopeachgal: oh... I see I see then good for u... U can still decide whether to buy after the massage period ^^ hee
Coconut juice only... We can't eat the meat yah... Heard it's heaty ^^

Mreow Mreow

Ur dad is so sweet to prepare the Coconut for u!! :)
I think he is eagerly anticipating the arrival of his grandchild ya... :D

Wow lovepixie, so u are really one of the rare mummies that can see Baby's limbs!! :)

Lizasaifi, somewhere in this forum mummies are selling new BreastMilk bags! :)
Seems cheaper than outside too...