EDD Sept 2012 mummies!


Active Member
purpur ok!!

Meltie... I already can't tell bb growth spurt or not cos she latches every other hr all the time. However when I'm outside n mil bottle feed her, can stretch to 3 hrs... I'm really suspecting y supply is low... Just now tried to pump after latching one side, total 45ml only :( but I read that growth spurt could be feeding more frequently or sleeping more.. When she's 3 mths old she did sleep much more than usual in the day...

Now I'm gg out alone for a gathering but looking at the stormy weather I wish I'm in bed cuddling bb...


Hey vern.. my bb just cried n screamed for a 'drive-thru' to fill up her milk tank... the thunder woke her up.. :/ Cuddling her in my arms now.. probably she' loving the feeling of comfort.. my little cutie pie... as long as she don't continue screaming inconsolably.... i hope she slps more....


Ya, changing diaper at night can be a challenge. Don't feel comfortable leaving her with it for more than 6 hours, so, will change her during her so called 'last' feed at either 11:30pm or 12 plus, minimize all actions. Diaper open up first and get ready, didn't even put any powder or cream, just quickly open up her diaper and change it. Sometimes, she will stretch and I'll stop all actions and leave her with no diaper till she falls back into sleep, before continuing. My hubby thought it was very funny, then, I told him is not funny anymore if she wake up.. Her next change will be ard 6 plus, she might be awake. So, will change very fast and I'll not put back her pants, until she wake up in the morning.. I tried to use pamper brand, but, my girl will cry coz quite wet. So, use back huggies.

Really praying very hard she can maintain her sleep thru. These 2 days have been an angel to us, woke up at 6 plus for milk, and then continue her sleep till 9 plus or 10.. But, in the day, she will be quite awake and will have to entertain her..

Keep raining, can't bring her out..

To pump every 4 hours is really very tough also. 4 hours just pass so fast. Hubby getting tired of taking care of her while I pump, hinting that breastfeeding can b very troublesome. Told him that though my supply is low, will still try to give whatever I have to my girl, at least till I go back to work in end feb.


Wow, just half a day and the thread moved so fast! :D

Yeoymp, I hope u are feeling better now! It sounds painful, u poor thing.. It's ok not to join us this time, I'm sure we will have lots more in future! I noe how tough it is to manual express.. After I pump each time I will still manual express a few min cos still have milk coming out.. The few min leaves me exhausted oredi.. I can just imagine how tiring it is for u for an engorged breast.. Jia you!

Meltie and Kary, me using purple desitin too! Cos read reviews good but nobody told me it's so thick and hard to come off! I'm trying to finish the current tube so that I can try another.. Hee.. Felicity, I tot pureen from TMC stay was ok? U shld see how Desitin is lor, it's worse! Hahaha.. Where can we get the Avent nappy rash cream? Kiddy palace has? Thinking of trying this once I finish my current Desitin.. :)

Purpur, okok! We PM each other our contact no la to make plans for next Wed! :D


Erlina, yes! I dunno y our hubbies can't b more supportive of breastfeeding! Sometimes wen I'm pumping and my girl is fussy and my hubby couldnt handle her, he will go all impatient on me and ask me do I realli hav to pump that long? Can't I just stop and pump later or wait for the next session?

Then recently, I told him I dun even have a milk bank yet, I dun tink I can have enuff milk for bb after gg back to work.. Maybe I shld take unpaid leave for 2 more mths so tat I can bf for 6mths? And he just said feed fm lor.. I was so pissed with him! Before delivery I oredi told him I need a lot of support for breastfeeding and he was like okok.. Then now he say such things.. Angry!


Nessa, hope ur boy is ok..

Yeomp, sounds very painful.. Hospitalized for 5 days, must be very tough for u.. Take care and hope u recover well..

Lingz, why can't there be a machine to extract all the milk effectively out within 5 mins.. Haha.. Ya, hubby also mentioned something along that line that can just use fm.. Before and when she was born, hubby was still quite supportive. Ask me to persist on, even one feed also better than don't have as it contains all the antibodies and nutrients.. As months passed, the kind of time spend on pumping really make him think otherwise. Coz usually I'll pump for 15 mins, then use hand to manually expressed for another 10 mins to make up to a pathetic 100 - 120 ml, just nice for a feed only..


Nessa, hope ur boy is ok and u are both home oredi! Wat a lousy weather to be out so long..

Erlina, I worse, I pump for 30min and manually express for 5min to get abt 120ml (on lucky days more than tat), oso jus enuff for one feed onli.. Sighz.. And ya lor.. I wish there's a pump tat can pump in 5min.. Then I dun even mind pumping every 3hrs!


Nessa: hw is Ryan? Hope he is ok..

My hb even scolded me for freezing my milk, I tried so hard to take all sort of supplement just to get 100ml every 3hr pump of 20min.. Now he is asking me to give at least 1feed of fm. Well I think 1 feed is ok so that my gal system will get used to it.,

Btw I started to give frozen ebm last 2 day for 1 feed, my gal fused quite abit while taking it but she still took it.. Prob she knows the smell is diff. Perhaps I shd keep give her at least 1feed of frozen milk so tat she will get used to it when I go back to Ofc in early feb..


just had dinner n on the way bk now...was at kkh for 4hrs reach there at 2.20pm left at 6.20pm...ryan ent appt was ok..borderline pass for both ears since is boderline have to review in 2 mths time n booked for 14 feb only to realise is vday lol...if it pass nt borderline no need to go bk...but he got appt wif bb doc on 14 jan...and 24 april for his bird bird review


Hi nessa: u mentioned before that u will be working at baby fair at expo tml is it? Can pls update us whether it is worth going? I am looking for merries/huggies diaper n swaddle wrap.. If worth going, few of us may drop by around 1plus...wait for ur update ya :)


i am not working this wkend as i tender my resignation so i wont be down there.....sorry :)....i working for cordlife but coz i have resign i m don't need to go for events....


Linl1n84, why ur hubby scold u for freezing the milk? It's always good to provide as much BM to baby, compared to fm, at least less heaty and save money on fm. For me, my supply not so much and for a day of about 8 feeds, I can only provide 6 feeds and 2 feeds of fm, sometime still have to top up. Seeing her finishing it just make me feel worth it to pump for her, just lack of understanding from hubby and families..ya, u should try give ur bb to try out frozen milk coz my bb refuse to drink the refrigerated BM, will keep crying non stop and push out the teat till we give her either fresh BM or fm..

Lingz, so, I'm not alone to have pathetic supply and have to squeeze so hard to get that extra milk for her feed.. Feel more encouraged!! Let's continue to Jiayou!!


Lin1n84, u will be gg down to expo tml? I'm also looking for huggies..

Can post on fb or here, then I see whether want to go down coz hubby and I gg for staycation this weekend..


Nessa: it's ok..
Erlina: we will go to tampines babies warehouse sale first and decide from there.. If we go to expo, will update here :)


Yeo hopes u get well soon!!!

I think my girl on.growth spurt too... She can go wo milk for 12hrs.... Been 3days le.. Slept thru e night no fuss But still very active n drinks as per norm in e day. I hv no issue changing diapers in e middle of e night. But now i rarely does it.

Me too facing supply issue... Can only pump ard 500ml a day... I pump 4hrly.. Coz very tiribg to pump 3hrly... My girl now.drinks 180ml per 4.5~5hrs.. Im dragging to 5 hrs la... I will supplement with 1~2 feed of fm.


rodorsany, Hw u increase bb intake to 180 ml ?? is like when u gif 150 ml she seems not enough u top up more ?? ur 180 ml is Fm or bm ??