EDD August 2013


New Member
Hi mummies!

I'm in my 16th week! Can't feel my baby moving yet. Heard that ftm may not be as sensitive to baby's movements. Sis said she only felt it in week 18 for first child but can feel at week 10 for second child! By the way, anyone know their child's gender yet? Hopefully can tell in my next checkup 2 weeks later. Anybody started prenatal classes?
for my first preg, I did prenatal class at Mount Alvernia Parentcraft n its very helpful for hubby & I. We had fun during the lessons too. Now, I don't need any classes... Well trained by my number one. I looked after him full time. I'll be starting pre natal yoga. I also hope to know my baby's sex by next week's check up :)
Thanks for your recommendation! I'll check it out!


Hi Girls, I'm 3 months pregnant and my bladder hurts after I urine. It started just yesterday when I went to the toilet. After urination, I couldn't
stand up. I have to sit for about a min or 2 before the pain subside. This morning when i wake up and go to the toilet same thing happen. There's no pain
while urinating or whatsoever.

My gynae will be away from town till 7th march and will be seeing her on that day. Please advise!


Hi Girls, I'm 3 months pregnant and my bladder hurts after I urine. It started just yesterday when I went to the toilet. After urination, I couldn't
stand up. I have to sit for about a min or 2 before the pain subside. This morning when i wake up and go to the toilet same thing happen. There's no pain
while urinating or whatsoever.

My gynae will be away from town till 7th march and will be seeing her on that day. Please advise!
maybe just some muscle thingy cramp bah..it's like u hold ur urine for too long then once u urine out because the muscle relax from being too tight for a period of time... perhaps that's the cause. else, u call her clinic and check with her asst
Hi Girls, I'm 3 months pregnant and my bladder hurts after I urine. It started just yesterday when I went to the toilet. After urination, I couldn't
stand up. I have to sit for about a min or 2 before the pain subside. This morning when i wake up and go to the toilet same thing happen. There's no pain
while urinating or whatsoever.

My gynae will be away from town till 7th march and will be seeing her on that day. Please advise!
I suspect is UTI-its an infection. Please see a doc soon.


maybe just some muscle thingy cramp bah..it's like u hold ur urine for too long then once u urine out because the muscle relax from being too tight for a period of time... perhaps that's the cause. else, u call her clinic and check with her asst
It hurts like i'm having tummy ach and need to shit kind of pain. Yea, I will call her clinic later to ask better..


New Member
UTI will have some discharge and foul smell? Cus mine don't have.. Just having that stomach ach wanna shit badly.. Quite painful..
make sure you check your temp. You can also see a GP regarding UTI. Just inform you are pregnant so they give you the proper medication.


New Member
Halo all Mommies To Be !!

I m a newbie here..was surfing the net for some info and got redirected here! Can't believe I din come here earlier !! I m at 14weeks now.. EDD 25th Aug !! It's so exciting isn't it though I still feel that Aug is a long way to go. Guess I still can't really grasp the fact that I am pregnant because other than the non stop Morning Sickness or should I say All Day Sickness that's constantly reminding me of it (which I am glad to know from here that I am not alone ! =p ) I feel extremely normal. I haven had any cravings for any specific food or weight gain (but I now have the licence to eat all I want so it's reli jus a matter of time before I turn into a PIG) ..etc well I tink u get the idea. But there are so much things to be learnt and preparations to be done for the arrival of the little one so I am so glad that this forum exist !! Where MTBs , esp newbies like me can learn from the more experienced ones !! ^_^

I hope you all dont mind, here r some of the queries I have.

I have been seeing my gynae for awhile and have decided to change as I feel that there is no connection between us. It's not that he is not good just that we can't seem to click and he ia a man of very few words so I was wondering if anione of u could recommend ani other gynae?? Preferably a female one??

I read about having confinement lady somewhere that you have to "book" your CL way way in advance like during 3-4 months, is that true?? Have any of U secured any CL yet?? I hope I am not being too KS... Hahaz... =p

N lastly for now , I would like to sign up for prenatal yoga and prep classes , does anyone has any recommendations ??

Sorry to b such so long winded though... ^_*



Halo all Mommies To Be !!

I m a newbie here..was surfing the net for some info and got redirected here! Can't believe I did not come here earlier !! I m at 14weeks now.. EDD 25th Aug !! It's so exciting isn't it though I still feel that Aug is a long way to go. Guess I still can't really grasp the fact that I am pregnant because other than the non stop Morning Sickness or should I say All Day Sickness that's constantly reminding me of it (which I am glad to know from here that I am not alone ! =p ) I feel extremely normal. I have not had any cravings for any specific food or weight gain (but I now have the licence to eat all I want so it's reli just a matter of time before I turn into a PIG) ..etc well I tink you get the idea. But there are so much things to be learnt and preparations to be done for the arrival of the little one so I am so glad that this forum exist !! Where MTBs , esp newbies like me can learn from the more experienced ones !! ^_^

I hope you all dont mind, here r some of the queries I have.

I have been seeing my gynae for awhile and have decided to change as I feel that there is no connection between us. It's not that he is not good just that we can't seem to click and he ia a man of very few words so I was wondering if anione of you could recommend ani other gynae?? Preferably a female one??

I read about having confinement lady somewhere that you have to "book" your CL way way in advance like during 3-4 months, is that true?? Have any of you secured any CL yet?? I hope I am not being too KS... Hahaz... =p

N lastly for now , I would like to sign up for prenatal yoga and prep classes , does anyone has any recommendations ??

Sorry to b such so long winded though... ^_*

Hi Joynjem! Welcome to motherhood :)
My gynae will explain to me if I have any questions, but he's not female gynae. Dr Ho Hon Kwok of mount Alvernia. You can google for his clinic details. Its inside mt A. Where will u be giving birth? Its important to find a good gynae whom u can relate to. He delivered my first child and we are happy with him. Actually my husband connects well with him. Even chatted in the delivery room about amateur photography after our baby is born.

I decided not to do confinement. I never hired CL. The first time was done by my mil. She was good but I didn't like the confinement rules. This time my mom will stay with me for a few months to help care for baby and I will hire part time cleaner to help with housework. While parents in law will help to handle my active older child whom I will try to register in CC this year. During the first time I did confinement, I still take care of my baby boy, change diapers, breastfeed, sleep with him, take care of him at night, coz I just can't rest. First time mummy so very kan jiong hehe.

If u intent to breastfeed, its important to go for breastfeeding classes and equip urself with breastfeeding knowledge. I studied the breastfeeding book by Sister Kang bought at Mt A. Really studied, highlight and make notes. LOL. Bcoz after bb is born, we will most likely receive negative remarks abt breastfeeding n about our breastmilk which will discourage us from continuing to breastfeed. You can also read Kelly Mom website.

As for yoga, I went for prenatal yoga at Como shamhala at Forum shopping mall. This time I tried to go too but the timing isn't suitable for me and there's no one who can look after my older child during their yoga timing... so will see how. The prenatal yoga teacher I had was gd and if your baby is in breach position before delivery, yoga can help to avoid C section by doing some positions that encourage baby to turn. It helps to train pelvic muscles, alleviates backpain and prepare myself for delivery.



make sure you check your temp. You can also see a GP regarding UTI. Just inform you are pregnant so they give you the proper medication.
Hi, thanks! The pain subside already. This morning don't feel the pain there anymore. I hope it's not UTI but i'm gonna check with the gynae!


New Member
Hi Aug Mummies to be...

I am bearing my first child... EDD on 23rd Aug...

Does anyone suffer from itchiness on the tummy... Any good creams to introduce... My gynae given me Atopiclair cream but it didn't seems to work and Mustela cream is making it worst... Help.....!!! I don't want it to develop into scratch marks...


New Member
My edd also 31July - Early Aug. Hopefully is 9 Aug~!

I'm a new member in mummy sg.com. I would like to seek some advise, where i can get reliable babysitter, as my husband and i are working.
Longing for a nice and relaxing holiday but concerned about the travel risks?

There will be a 2 day 1 night retreat for mummies at our center. We will have practicing nurse/midwife from the top hospital in Singapore to brief mummies on antenatal knowledge during this retreat. Mummies can come together for some sharing, relaxation and peer support. Meals will be specially prepared for all pregnant mummies and it will be a good time to come relax, rejuvenate and enjoy your 'me-time' before your little bundle of joy arrives. Feel free to contact me if you need more information! :biggrin:



Hi all, seems like the chat here is getting slow. Recently i have been more active in motherhood forum instead.
How are you guys feeling already? I think for most of us nauses should have already subsided right?


Hi all, seems like the chat here is getting slow. Recently i have been more active in motherhood forum instead.
How are you guys feeling already? I think for most of us nauses should have already subsided right?
Which motherhood forum? I'm busy looking after my elder one and making a scrapbook with memories of his developmental milestones from birth to one year old :)

Yup, the nausea has subsided but I still feel tired especially in the evening.
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- a gift worth giving to yourself and the precious life growing inside you...

Pregnancy is an amazing and miraculous journey! Our bodies dedicate themselves to this amazing task whilst the person we were before conception slowly starts to step aside to make way for what is about to happen...

Sometimes we don’t have the energy to look after ourselves properly and our partners are already beginning to feel a tiny slip down the ladder of importance and may not offer as many tender loving care as we would like. We want to sleep, eat, sleep some more, be nurtured and adored with nothing expected in return.

That’s why we planned the "MummyBliss Retreat" - To create a dedicated space in time where any pregnant woman can truly be nourished and pampered. To be really able to connect to the growing baby inside and deeply relax. Essential for what lies ahead.

The retreat is perfect for any stage of pregnancy, each stage has its celebrations and challenges! You will be fed fabulously and generously, sit back and learn about antenatal knowledge that are essential, stretched gently in the Yoga classes (optional) and laid down to rest. There will be plenty of chances to talk about the journey, laugh about it and share any fears with fellow mummies and our experienced nannies. Our aim is to bring out the pregnant bloom in you, sending you off beautiful and ready for motherhood.
