EDD August 2013


New Member
The ratio is 1:300. Coz mine is 1:600, my Gynae advice that no further test needed coz my ratio is greater than the cut off, the chance of Down is low, that is my overall result. But my baby's neck thickness is bigger than the normal, doctor said it could be heart problem, will wait for 5th month detail scan to see whether it will back to normal. We got nothing to do now, just to pray hard for this.
With regards to the ratio, it all depends on the mother age to be determine the ratio. Different age have different ratio, if you ask in forum someone age 20 may tell u the ratio is 1:2000 but someone age early 30s is 1:300 so best to check with your gyane. Everyone age is different here.


Oh i see.. That's why I asked any safe range for that ratio is making me confuse.. Because my gynae never tell me anything about the accuracy of down syndrome test is 100% or not.. Girls, I asked doesn't mean i will throw my precious away because of down syndrome.. Don't get me wrong.
Oh i see.. That's why I asked any safe range for that ratio is making me confuse.. Because my gynae never tell me anything about the accuracy of down syndrome test is 100% or not.. Girls, I asked doesn't mean i will throw my precious away because of down syndrome.. Don't get me wrong.
You should check with your gyane on the range for your age, you should ask him. Alternatively, you should google and read more about this OSCAR online instead of forum as we are unable to answer your question as well. Safe Range doesnt mean no risk. Its just chance of getting down is lower.


Oh i see.. That's why I asked any safe range for that ratio is making me confuse.. Because my gynae never tell me anything about the accuracy of down syndrome test is 100% or not.. Girls, I asked doesn't mean i will throw my precious away because of down syndrome.. Don't get me wrong.
Dont worry, not misunderstanding you :)
I've been through the worrying phase n I think Oscar is really not much to worry abt. I know some ppl who just skip Oscar n went straight for amniocentesis coz of their age n bcoz they think might as well do amnio since Oscar can't tell much except approximate ratios. For me, I just wait for 5th month scan. Many frens did Oscar n worry but everything turns out fine.


New Member
Hi mummies!

I'm in my 16th week! Can't feel my baby moving yet. Heard that ftm may not be as sensitive to baby's movements. Sis said she only felt it in week 18 for first child but can feel at week 10 for second child! By the way, anyone know their child's gender yet? Hopefully can tell in my next checkup 2 weeks later. Anybody started prenatal classes?


Hi mummies!

I'm in my 16th week! Can't feel my baby moving yet. Heard that ftm may not be as sensitive to baby's movements. Sis said she only felt it in week 18 for first child but can feel at week 10 for second child! By the way, anyone know their child's gender yet? Hopefully can tell in my next checkup 2 weeks later. Anybody started prenatal classes?
for my first preg, I did prenatal class at Mount Alvernia Parentcraft n its very helpful for hubby & I. We had fun during the lessons too. Now, I don't need any classes... Well trained by my number one. I looked after him full time. I'll be starting pre natal yoga. I also hope to know my baby's sex by next week's check up :)


New Member
Hi all , I am now 13 weeks and this is my first pregnancy ... I am still having MS though the doc says that it should be over soon. I am feeling nausea the whole day and am still vomiting every now and then. Appetite is still quite bad. My hub and I just booked a long haul tour , leaving mid march and I am starting to get worried if I will be well enough to travel my mid march ... How long does your ms last ?


Hi all , I am now 13 weeks and this is my first pregnancy ... I am still having MS though the doc says that it should be over soon. I am feeling nausea the whole day and am still vomiting every now and then. Appetite is still quite bad. My hub and I just booked a long haul tour , leaving mid march and I am starting to get worried if I will be well enough to travel my mid march ... How long does your ms last ?
Hi Jude, my ms lasted all the way till i am around WK14. then it stop...so just cross your fingers....it will not stop completely but gradually...on and off sometimes when i brush my teeth, i will still feel like vomitting..or even when i take long bus trips..i might also want to puke...but it will be fine...
hi lovingbaby, you didn't take your gyne supplements? My supplements are all taken from my Gyne...so i do not need to worry much about what need to eat or not... :)
My gayne told me he doesn't believe in taking supplements. Most impt is to have a balance diet. He only gave me 5g of folic acid to be taken in the morning.

My gayne said' you look at last time, when women got pregnant, no such things as vitamins and supplements, they have been giving birth to a lot of healthy babies'


Hi mummies,
Anyone of you done comparison against Pru-First / AXA? I'm in a dilemma and searching for more info.

If I have more detailed or sign, I will update mummies who are in the later edd than me. Cos, I'm in my 16 weeks now. =)



My gayne told me he doesn't believe in taking supplements. Most impt is to have a balance diet. He only gave me 5g of folic acid to be taken in the morning.

My gayne said' you look at last time, when women got pregnant, no such things as vitamins and supplements, they have been giving birth to a lot of healthy babies'

Hmmm...then like that dont know what to say...nowadays kids needs more brain power? Maybe you can go GNC and see? They got some supplement for preggy women...


Hmmm...then like that dont know what to say...nowadays kids needs more brain power? Maybe you can go GNC and see? They got some supplement for preggy women...
HAHA who is ur gynae??? Then take fish oil lo. Good for baby's braind development
Hmmm...then like that dont know what to say...nowadays kids needs more brain power? Maybe you can go GNC and see? They got some supplement for preggy women...
honestly, think about what my gyane said is quite true...last time why don't need more brain power yet still able to have so many intelligent successful people in Singapore. U look at our current politicians, not many from wealthy families. Yet they are able to achieve scholarships.

I think parents are too kaisu, including myself;that's y I am looking for additional supplements. Hehe...


honestly, think about what my gyane said is quite true...last time why don't need more brain power yet still able to have so many intelligent successful people in Singapore. U look at our current politicians, not many from wealthy families. Yet they are able to achieve scholarships.

I think parents are too kaisu, including myself;that's y I am looking for additional supplements. Hehe...
True i guess...but not only that i think...supplements also make baby more stronger? because last time we dont have alot of weird diseases now got so many and weather so unpredicitable...i guess for parents we just want to do whatever we can for them now...next time we might not even able to help them liao...

hmm...lynn..i do take DHA..not sure what oil tho...but got 1 time it leak and it smells fishy ^.^
I just bought one 100% pure plant based DHA from guardian...its meant for pregnant women. 2 small capsule per day 100mg per intake.


I from AXA life insurance! Our maternity insurance got the best awards one :) If anyone interested I can get one of my agents to contact you.

I very ks..bought a lot of supplements then I can't take cos it make me puke. Haha!
I don't understand why is there a need to buy maternity insurance, from my understanding our existing private integrated shield plans already covered pregnancy complication. Mine is with NTUC income for my pte shield plan. Moreover shield plans is paid using CPF medisave, no cash is required.

NTUC Income | IncomeShield | Health and Medical Insurance | Health Insurance
Congenital abnormalities benefit (each policy year)
(with 24 months’ waiting period)
$10,000$7,500$5,000Not covered
Pregnancy complications benefit (each policy year)
(with 10 months’ waiting period)
$7,000$5,000$3,500Not covered

We limit benefits we will pay in relation to certain
specified medical conditions or in certain
circumstances (which we call special benefits). The
limits on special benefits are set out in the
schedule of benefits under the heading ‘Special
benefits’. These special benefits are shown below.
a Congenital abnormalities benefit
This benefit pays for inpatient hospital
treatment for birth defects including
hereditary conditions and congenital sickness
or abnormalities.
These birth defects must either:
• be first diagnosed by a registered medical
practitioner; or
• have symptoms which first appeared after
24 months from:
- 1 September 2008, which is the date
on which this congenital abnormalities
benefit first became effective;
- the start date; or
- the last reinstatement date (if any);
whichever is later.

b Pregnancy complications benefit
Pregnancy complications benefit pays for
inpatient hospital treatment for the following
complications in pregnancy.
• Ectopic pregnancy - the condition in which
a fertilised ovum implants outside the
womb. The ectopic pregnancy must have
been terminated by laparotomy or
laparoscopic surgery.
• Pre-eclampsia or eclampsia.
• Disseminated intravascular coagulation
• Miscarriage - when the foetus of the
insured dies as a result of a sudden
unexpected and involuntary event which
must not be due to a voluntary or
malicious act.
• Ending a pregnancy if an obstetrician
considers it necessary to save the life of
the insured.
Pregnancy complications must have been first
diagnosed by an obstetrician after 10 months
• 1 September 2008, which is the date on
which this pregnancy complications
benefit first became effective;
• the start date; or
• the last reinstatement date (if any);
whichever is later.
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