EDD August 2013


I want a gal. Can wear same shoes n stuff. Pazzion got sell those bling bling flats, so cute!!!
Ya, I know which shoe you referring to. My colleague told me she bought that for her girl, is nice but it will cut her leg, cos the blink are too sharp and will rub on the other leg.
Ya, I know which shoe you referring to. My colleague told me she bought that for her girl, is nice but it will cut her leg, cos the blink are too sharp and will rub on the other leg.[/QUOTE]

Really ah? So sad, then cannot buy liao.... =(

Nileey Ko

New Member
I'm a mother to a beautiful 10 weeks old boy and I am enjoying every single day since I got pregnant (although had some evening sickness, high glucose etc). This great journey is also made possible by the strong support that I have from an online mothers' group. We share, chat, laugh, lament etc. I have benefitted much from the group and I'd like to pay it forward.

I'm creating groups for expecting mothers on Facebook. It will be private groups so feel free to share. PM me your fb email and EDD if you're keen to join.


New Member
Hi ladies. Just sharing cos I'm really satisfied with my post natal massage lady. I engaged Mdm Hanis (Hp No: 93882514) recommended by another user in another forum. It truly works and she is really good. I'm glad that she was punctual every session and I enjoyed every conversation with her. I tried 6 different massage ladies during my prenatal and I have to admit Mdm Hanis is the best and really professional. There is a difference between certified and not certified as she is WSQ trained in pre and post natal massage. I've gone back to my pre-pregnancy state after the my postnatal massage sessions with her and my tummy is really FLAT! Just trying to share since I am extremely happy with her service.


My tummy is still so small, 17 weeks this week but only looks like a little tummy.
Mine too as I am petite. My weight dropped very much during the first trimester and I'm only 40kg during the last check up! Very worried about it but gynae say it'll increase as I approach second half of pregnancy. I certainly hope so!