EDD Oct 2013


Active Member
can try sour plum. it works for a while for me... thanks Huiqin, i actually got it but my is bright red... my 1st preg also MS throughout...


OMG seems like im the only one with nothing now, now im worried, but I do not have much of MS, only slight nausea, sore boobs and fatigue
Now having headache, constipation and insomnia......... Now really praying my scan next week will turn out well
take care ladies... stay hydrated and if MS gets too severe do consult the doctor ya. now's the time to grow and baby needs nutrients so its tough if can only eat crackers and sembuay everyday.
i'm thankful i dont puke anymore but i do have persistent giddiness and always parched, especially in this weather. plus with the growing belly, uncomfy but bearable :/
oh and i'm neither glowing nor pimple free... 2nd trimester overrated.lol!

16 weeks already and had a scan today, baby refused to open legs again! happily waving and scratching his face only. haha another few weeks of suspense for me !

have a good week!


My friend told me...the day before scan to see gender, talk to your baby and coax him to open his legs big big so that u can see if boy or girl....my friend said she did that and her colleagues did that and the day of the scan, the baby's legs really open very big!!


TVH, hahaa thanks for the tips ! shall do that for my next scan, dr say may be able to tell. I heard some experience dr can tell by just looking at the bone structure. But my dr already told me he wont tell me unless he pretty sure.

Have u heard of myth tt round tummy are likely to be girl and pointy tummy are likely to be boy?


I have heard of that myth but apparently not really true...my friend's tummy is very round but she is having a boy..


Meowmummy:778872 said:
wa so good! im in my week15 and my MS haven is still going on, in fact getting stronger. Puke almost everyday =(
i even wear the sea sick band but sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesnt.

I also wana go for short trip sob sob... but hard to go anywhere with MS

huh, your week 15 and got worst?! i thought u shd feel better, I this week 13 only, i scare scare....still got some ms going on and feeling very tired. good news is my gynae just call me, my Oscar results is good! phew!
Congrats to meowmummy. I did my oscar test last Thurs but my gynae have yet to call me re my result. I'm still waiting n waiting...hoping for the best.
My friend told me...the day before scan to see gender, talk to your baby and coax him to open his legs big big so that u can see if boy or girl....my friend said she did that and her colleagues did that and the day of the scan, the baby's legs really open very big!!
TVH, i did the same thing today too... and indeed !!! he open his legs big big for me to see his gender :)


haha faithmummy...so coaxing the baby really works!!

I shall try it the next gynae visit...gynae said should be able to see gender the next round if he/she is cooperative...


@Xtinee, I don't have MS since day 1 too!! And I can really eat well..thought I was abnormal till doc said every woman is different.

@june83, what was your ratio that doc said it's high risk? anyway don't need to worry much, my neighbour was very high risk during Oscar, baby turned out well.

I'm changing the trip to taiwan instead in May, perhaps can buy some baby stuff back.


thank you Weeeeii.

I have friends in Taiwan, do let me know if you need any advice for places to buy maternity or baby stuff back its cheap there, but i heard them saying Korea is cheaper.


Active Member
heard if have pimples means having a boy, look more beautiful means having a gal. my 1st and now is having pimple... maybe really is what i see, ball ball.
my 1st tummy is pointy too maybe bcuz i never put on much weight, all on baby.
alamak wasted. never coax baby enough. haha. yes some docs can tell from the bones/skull but need the visual to confirm otherwise they also cannot commit.

Yes i heard about the pimples thing before.. lets see if it's true! and i dunno how to tell pointy from round.. coz i am round everywhere..hahaha.. anyway i tink these myths are 50/50. but it's fun to guess it right!


mums the word, you can ask ur hubby or through mirror, look at ur backview. Pointy one cant see ur protruding tummy from back. hence, cant tell u r preggie cos U look normal till u turn ard =)
and ya, i oso agree those myths are 50/50, but is fun to anticipate and keep guessing till dr confirm the gender! cant wait for my next sat appt !


heard if have pimples means having a boy, look more beautiful means having a gal. my 1st and now is having pimple... maybe really is what i see, ball ball.
my 1st tummy is pointy too maybe bcuz i never put on much weight, all on baby.
I thought it is the other way round, got pimples means a girl, cos they share the same dna XX with us, got boy no pimple cos their dna different from us XY?


Ya I read that if u have pimples, it is likely to be a girl because too much girl hormones in your body. If u become pretty, it is likely to be a boy. I guess this is not v accurate also
I thought it is the other way round, got pimples means a girl, cos they share the same dna XX with us, got boy no pimple cos their dna different from us XY?
HAHA this is getting too complicated for my pregnancy brain.

I found this article : Baby's sex: Old wives' tales say the shape of the bump is the key, but the scientific truth is even more surprising | Mail Online
So my hubby has no brothers (more likely girl) and my boobs didnt grow much (most likely boy).. so still 50/50!

whatever it is i'm going to eat more chocolates =)


Haa seems like at this stage everyone is keen to know the gender. I have 1-2 pimples around the chin but I have a strong feeling that mine is a girl, well shall Wait till doc confirm.

I heard another old wives tale from a friend that hook your wedding band to a necklace and put in front of your tummy (with all windows closed), if the ring swings front and backwards means is a boy, circular means girl. Hmmm, I guess this is the most not logical that over heard so far. Haa


@Xtinee, I don't have MS since day 1 too!! And I can really eat well..thought I was abnormal till doc said every woman is different.

@june83, what was your ratio that doc said it's high risk? anyway don't need to worry much, my neighbour was very high risk during Oscar, baby turned out well.

I'm changing the trip to taiwan instead in May, perhaps can buy some baby stuff back.
Hi weeeii, Mine is 1:210. I did not go for Oscar, just triple test. Anyway doc told me, for my age and no history of DS is still consider safe. So hubby reject the idea of amnio. Haha! So nice go taiwan, some more on May, should be spring/summer by that time so can shop alot! Thanks weeeii for ur consolation. :)