EDD September 2013 Mummies


actually my dentist advised me not to use any mouthwash during preggy so he suggested me to use Saltwater to gargle to kill bacterias on gums
but who knows it actually help reduce my ulcers.
i also hate the feeling of ulcers inside my mouth... especially during pregnancy period.... ARGH
Err minimum weight to be able to deliver is 2.6kg in Singapore.So, thank god you didn't need a C section.
But I'm sure you were worried that your baby didnt make the average mark=(

Anyway mummies this is good for future, some mummies gave their real experiences:
Why would i need a c section without a medical condition? There is no minimum weight to deliver a baby. A baby's weight is consider normal range between 2.5-4kg. To answer your question, as long as you pump in nutrients, you eat well, you have already done your part to nurture your baby. Drink fruit and vegetable juice, they gives you the instant energy. Baby's growth slowed down from 36 weeks-40 weeks. You may expect a 3/4 - 1lb over these period. Not too worry about it. Get advise from the right source. Look for evidence based care. Many of the medical practices are non evidence based. Birth Revolution has already begun in the western world. Just enjoy your pregnancy A mummy.


New Member
Hi Mummies-to-be!

Are you looking to enroll for cordlife banking for your child? It is the best gift you can give yourself and your baby!

If you are interested please email me on sonal.agarwalin@gmail.com. I can refer you to them and you will receive vouchers of SGD 150. I would need the following details from you -

first name
contact number
estimated due date



Thanks littlej, faithmummy n skt!! :)

i enjoy milo packet drink!! Ha.. But nowadays found it quite sweet but still my comfort drink!
Am outgrowing my normal shorts that I wear at home .. Do u guys also face the same thing?
started wearing maternity yet?
Beautiful and relaxed environment, delicious and nutritious confinement meals, immaculate and professional care and guidance by our nannies = relaxed and happy mummies who are able to put their babies solely on 100% breast milk. We are delighted that all mummies staying with us now are successful in 100% breastfeeding! Well done, mummies!



Active Member
Thanks for the tips!

Yeah agree different gynae say different things. Like one gynae told me to take calcium; the other gynae told me I have sufficient calcium from milk and cheese and veggie. Any more in the form of tablets will be too much and too much calcium is no good!!


Do u mummies get leg cramps ESP in the night?? Mine is really bad.. Like almost every night n each leg take turns. Any remedy? :( so super painful


Active Member
Hi sunbeams. I heard the following may help - 1/ flex your toes towards you... 2/ exercise - pre natal yoga or Pilates or swimming or brisk walking... 3/ put your feet on a pillow or keep it slight elevated when sleeping...

A mummy

Thanks littlej, faithmummy n skt!! :)

i enjoy milo packet drink!! Ha.. But nowadays found it quite sweet but still my comfort drink!
Am outgrowing my normal shorts that I wear at home .. Do u guys also face the same thing?
started wearing maternity yet?
Yea already did. =( Just felt so bloated. My hips not too big yet but my thighs are. So, I've outgrowned my shorts.

one friend taught me to put a pillow in between my knees when i sleep.... because it helps her .... i have not tried actually because i always forget .... will try tonight, maybe you can try it too...


My friend's gynae told her to take Nutrisoy Soyamilk if she doesn't want to take calcium pills.... because the soya milk of this brand has high calcium for preggy mummies.
Think you can get it from NTUC


Active Member
Mummies - I found a way to "recycle" your pre-preggers shorts / pants. Ok caveat is your pre-preggers shorts / pants aren't the super tight, super short type. And well, both are temporary solutions if you don't want to get maternity shorts / pants yet...

Idea #1 : If your shorts come with a hook + button (y'know how some shorts have the button first then hook after) - You can attach the hook to the button hole.

Idea #2 : OR you can use a hair rubber band (those thicker band sort) and loop it through the button hole and then hook through the hook. You can also use the rubber band method for any other shorts / pants/ jeans with button and a button hole. So loop the rubber band through the button hole and then loop it around the button. So basically this rubber band becomes the 'expander'.
- I reckon hair rubber band is better than those red color rubber band (that you use for zero point) cuz the hair rubber band (the thicker band sort) is stronger and won't break so easily!

For both methods - you can't zip your shorts / pants all the way lah. So need to wear a longer tshirt to cover. Anyway I figured you also need longer tshirt to cover maternity shorts / pants right? Hahaha - You can raid your husband's wardrobe for longer tops :)

Hope this helps.
anyone going for any hospital tours?
i am going to book appt to go for the one at Mt A and GlenE

have you all also book parentcraft courses?
i intend to go for the one from Mt A....


Active Member
What's parent craft?

My gynae only delivers at glenE. Faithmummy - think ours are due around the same time?!?


So smart littlej!! That time I left my jeans not button n when I took photo, it seemed like I like 6 months preggie when I was just 3!!
so upset n paisei. Will try this method! Yay.. So can still wear pre preggie jeans!


Hi all!
I just had my detailed scan at TMC with Dr TC Chang and he's very assuring. He's good. Everything is well, and we're having a princess! :)) (Time for shopping and dress up!)

My gynae cautioned me on my weight gain. I barely gain anything in the previous months and when I visited her on Thursday, I gained 3kg. Could be due to the tonics I took, gynae told me to watch my weight cos it's the first increment and she doesn't want me to gain so much so suddenly. So mummies, do watch your weight too!

Eat right and sleep well! :) Most of us are halfway there! Jiayou! :)