EDD September 2013 Mummies

COngrats Yiks for your princess !!!
i was still thinking if i am normal... because since my Oscar on wk 12, i only gain 0.4 kg on wk 16
i will take note of the weight gain... :)


Hi yiks! Congrats on the princess!! :) I m also afraid of putting on weight too much :( n too fast!!
Do u know if they count the pre preggie weight or the weight we started on coz of all the vomiting?
ha.. Trying to find ways to comfort myself on the weight gain.. Just want to do it gracefully..

A mummy

anyone going for any hospital tours?
i am going to book appt to go for the one at Mt A and GlenE

have you all also book parentcraft courses?
i intend to go for the one from Mt A....
We have to book for the tours or during detailed scan we can request?Not sure lei.But i'm delivering at GlenE as my gynae delivers there and from there too.
Parentcraft probably glen too. I'm not too sure.gosh!
A mummy

i heard that we have to book for the tours.... if your gynae only deliver at GlenE, then i think probably you only can choose GlenE... but i heard that GlenE very good !
my gyane give birth at both Mt A and GlenE.... so i will go for both tours..... heard that we need to book... and there will be some goodie bags too if i am not wrong


Faithmummy .... Ur gynae can do at mt a and glen e? Think mine too! Who's ur gynae? Mine is dr Ang from glen e. female gynae.
Aiya, I was at kiddy palace jus the other day :/ Didnt notice! If not, would have gotten. Anyone using nipple cream? Think I m breaking out in heat rash :(
super itchy n very bad with tiny dots all stomach. Might see GP tmr

my gynae is Dr Henry Cheng :)
when is your EDD?
maybe we can give birth at the same period and visit each other (if we choose the same hospital) :)


17/9... But my gynae says stick to this date although the scan sometimes shift the EDD.
i will most probably choose glen e :) Didnt really even bother to think about hospital tour. Heh
when is ur EDD?


Any mummies drinking milk? What kind of milk should we take? Formula kind like friso/similac or can we drink HL Milk? Any suggestions?

I am taking formula milk. But i have a friend who take HL milk too.
My friend gynae also advised her to buy nutrisoy milk to drink because it has plenty if calcium ...

U giving birth in glenE?
If i choose the same as u, we visit each other :)


anyone going for any hospital tours?
i am going to book appt to go for the one at Mt A and GlenE

have you all also book parentcraft courses?
i intend to go for the one from Mt A....
I have booked antenatal course at Parkway East, S200+ inclusive of GST, attendance with my spouse and googe bag. But I won't be going for their tour since I have already decided on delivery at Parkway East. :)
But if any mummy has more than one choices for delivery, it's good to join the tour and see if you are comfortable with the environment, do a little comparisions on your choices.

A mummy

A mummy

i heard that we have to book for the tours.... if your gynae only deliver at GlenE, then i think probably you only can choose GlenE... but i heard that GlenE very good !
my gyane give birth at both Mt A and GlenE.... so i will go for both tours..... heard that we need to book... and there will be some goodie bags too if i am not wrong
I see.But I still can tour around right even if i already decided to deliver there? I got to know the hospital amenities. Quite exciting. I wanna see their single or double bedded.

A mummy

I have booked antenatal course at Parkway East, S200+ inclusive of GST, attendance with my spouse and googe bag. But I won't be going for their tour since I have already decided on delivery at Parkway East. :)
But if any mummy has more than one choices for delivery, it's good to join the tour and see if you are comfortable with the environment, do a little comparisions on your choices.
So the prices inclusive for hubby too right?But glens very expensive. 280 for weekday evening.=( mount alvernia 218. But Mount Alvernia has a very good programme.

A mummy

Faithmummy .... Ur gynae can do at mt a and glen e? Think mine too! Who's ur gynae? Mine is dr Ang from glen e. female gynae.
Aiya, I was at kiddy palace jus the other day :/ Didnt notice! If not, would have gotten. Anyone using nipple cream? Think I m breaking out in heat rash :(
super itchy n very bad with tiny dots all stomach. Might see GP tmr
I have like red colour patch on my breast.quite itchy. I think i probably use the Drapolene. I have slight colostrum so I won't dare to use nipple cream.