EDD September 2013 Mummies


Dear all,

Suggested to drink Aloe Vera or Bee Honey than those sweet drinks. It's more suitable during pregnancy.
Bird Nest and Cordyceps is must during 2nd trimester.
It's good for Mummy and Baby.

A gentle remind by HOKKI


I'm drinking chicken essence and bird's best daily. The TCM says not to overdo the bird's nest though. So I'll probably drink it once a week.

My mom cooks black chicken and red dates double boiled soup weekly. Checked with TCM, he says as long as only black chicken and red dates, it's ok. Don't anyhow add dan gui or other herbs. Told him I still cannot take plain water and he suggests boiling red dates with longans and drink as water.


Sunbeams: my MIL nags too when she saw me drinking chrysanthemum tea taken from the fridge. But the reason she nags is not about the baby but says cold drinks will cause kidney malfunction as I grow older. But I just ignore her, it's not like I have been drinking cold drinks for the longest time. I only started drinking because of pregnancy, I don't like the fuss she give, so I just ignore.

raoow: not too much red dates with longans ya, heard can be quite heaty and too sweet for now. But this is the only drink we can have during confinement period. :)


New Member
Hi All Mummies to be....

I'm new and first time preggie.. So excited but at the same time nervous.. Been reading this forum "silently" to gain some knowledge...

Now in my week 17.. My last ultrascan 2 weeks ago.. I asked my gynae to let hubby and me know the gender so that hubby can go get bb stuff over in US.. When gynae scan, bb was in his side view.... i slightly tap my tummy slightly asking bb to turn ard and "open legs" so that Doc can see and daddy can buy your clothes... My bb very "guai" lor.. My bb really turn but end up butt face us... Hmph !! Doc gave up scanning after 10min.. No choice... My nottie bb... Must be my hubby's gene... Now gona wait till my detail scanning end of the month to determine the gender... :)

For the umbilical cord issue, i have an unfortunate story to share.. This happen to my bro and Sil. My sil was preggie at week 30. One evening, she just felt very little movement from bb, so the next morning, they went to the gynae immediately.. Gynae scanned and noted no heartbeat.. My niece was over active and got struggled by her own cord.. Doc mentioned if we spotted this earlier, we can induce and save the bb's life... And this was so far the 2nd case struggling that he have seen and this is usually very rare and our case is more severe as bb twist the cord round herself more than 20times... We were given a couple of days to get over this before we arrange an appt with doc to induce the baby out.. It was a terrible experience having to see my 7 mth fully developed niece corpse...

Well.. All mummies to be... Just a personal experience to share and please take note and rem to see doc immediately if u feel sumting is not right... do not wait.


Active Member
Hello all sept mummies!

My little prince will be born sometime between end sept and early oct.

And yes I do agree the edd seems to get pushed earlier and earlier! Supposedly early oct but now end sept but doc told me could still be oct. so I guess I'm in between a sept and oct mummy :)

If you all don't mind, could you share what vitamins did your gynae prescribe? Reason why I'm asking is because my first gynae gave me pre-natal vits, fish oil and calcium pills. When I saw my second gynae, he said no fish oil but DHA instead. And no calcium as too much calcium is harmful (apparently we consume enough calcium if we have milk, cheese and veggies regularly).

Thanks for helping ;)

I'm a first time mum too n EDD supposed to be 5th Sep.. Right now I hav nausea most parts of e day but havnt vommitted yet... I'm just concerned abt this cos it seems most of my frens do vomit at this pt of e pregnancy.. Jus so scared that e reason I dun is cos somethg is wrong...
Don't worry, you are good. Not everyone will experience vomiting. I didn't vomit or feeling nausea. This is the stage where by the body is preparing itself to nurture your baby. See this site 6 reasons for preconception health and preconception cleansing | ChildBirth Odyssey.
Hello all sept mummies!

My little prince will be born sometime between end sept and early oct.

And yes I do agree the edd seems to get pushed earlier and earlier! Supposedly early oct but now end sept but doc told me could still be oct. so I guess I'm in between a sept and oct mummy :)

If you all don't mind, could you share what vitamins did your gynae prescribe? Reason why I'm asking is because my first gynae gave me pre-natal vits, fish oil and calcium pills. When I saw my second gynae, he said no fish oil but DHA instead. And no calcium as too much calcium is harmful (apparently we consume enough calcium if we have milk, cheese and veggies regularly).

Thanks for helping ;)
Hi littlej, in terms of having vitamin and other supplement, you are better off consult a naturopathy than your ob since they have little training in this area. Are you consuming enough calcium with milk, cheese and veggies? Hmmm..guess what? study showed osteoporosis is associated with milk and milk products. I didn't drink milk as my main source of calcium for my 2nd, I drank carrot, apple mix with green vegetable juices and my son was 3.55 kg as compared to the first one 2.4kg drank lots of milk.

A mummy

For the umbilical cord issue, i have an unfortunate story to share.. This happen to my bro and Sil. My sil was preggie at week 30. One evening, she just felt very little movement from bb, so the next morning, they went to the gynae immediately.. Gynae scanned and noted no heartbeat.. My niece was over active and got struggled by her own cord.. Doc mentioned if we spotted this earlier, we can induce and save the bb's life... And this was so far the 2nd case struggling that he have seen and this is usually very rare and our case is more severe as bb twist the cord round herself more than 20times... We were given a couple of days to get over this before we arrange an appt with doc to induce the baby out.. It was a terrible experience having to see my 7 mth fully developed niece corpse...

Well.. All mummies to be... Just a personal experience to share and please take note and rem to see doc immediately if u feel sumting is not right... do not wait.
That's pitiful.Sorry to hear.

A mummy

Hello all sept mummies!

My little prince will be born sometime between end sept and early oct.

And yes I do agree the edd seems to get pushed earlier and earlier! Supposedly early oct but now end sept but doc told me could still be oct. so I guess I'm in between a sept and oct mummy :)

If you all don't mind, could you share what vitamins did your gynae prescribe? Reason why I'm asking is because my first gynae gave me pre-natal vits, fish oil and calcium pills. When I saw my second gynae, he said no fish oil but DHA instead. And no calcium as too much calcium is harmful (apparently we consume enough calcium if we have milk, cheese and veggies regularly).

Thanks for helping ;)
Prenatal vitamins, Folic and DHA. DHA comes from Fish Oil. But this DHA prescribed to me is for pregnant woman. Taste like fish.So, I don't see the difference between then BUT just make sure the fish oil is ok for pregnant woman.

A mummy

Hi littlej, in terms of having vitamin and other supplement, you are better off consult a naturopathy than your ob since they have little training in this area. Are you consuming enough calcium with milk, cheese and veggies? Hmmm..guess what? study showed osteoporosis is associated with milk and milk products. I didn't drink milk as my main source of calcium for my 2nd, I drank carrot, apple mix with green vegetable juices and my son was 3.55 kg as compared to the first one 2.4kg drank lots of milk.
Err minimum weight to be able to deliver is 2.6kg in Singapore.So, thank god you didn't need a C section.
But I'm sure you were worried that your baby didnt make the average mark=(

Anyway mummies this is good for future, some mummies gave their real experiences:
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I am currently in my 15th week ++ and somehow don't feel as hungry as I do in the first trimester. I thought second tri supposed to be when your appetite comes back? Hmm...


View attachment 102712


Package 1: 10% discount of regular price!
- Either size or combined size: bi-weekly delivery from 4th month until 7th month pregnancy. Total: 8 bowls

* Small size(1 serving): Discounted at SGD 27.00/bowl (incl. delivery) 5-6 g bird nest in 150 ml Ginseng soup.

* Big Size (2 serving): SGD 52.20/bowl (incl. delivery), 10-12 g bird nest in 250 ml Ginseng soup.

Package 2: 12% discount of regular price!
- Either size or combined size: weekly delivery from 4th month until 7th month pregnancy. Total: 16 bowls

* Small size(1 serving): Discounted at SGD 26.40/bowl (incl. delivery) 5-6 g bird nest in 150 ml Ginseng soup.

* Big Size (2 serving): SGD 51.00/bowl (incl. delivery), 10-12 g bird nest in 250 ml Ginseng soup.

Order Method:
* PM Facebook
* Call/SMS 82684004
* Email: hokki.birdnest@gmail.com


babywipes: me too. I can only eat 3 meals (sometimes 1 meal is just a small meal) a day. Many times I don't know if I am hungry or full. My stomach feels tight and bloated all day, so difficult to judge. :embarrassed:

By the way, is bonjela application on my tongue allowed during pregnancy? I did a google, some said no, some said yes. But my tongue ulcer is affecting my appetite.


Skt: try putting salt on your ulcer or gurgle with saltwater at night and in the morning to get rid of ulcers. sorry dunno if bonjela allowed - maybe you can call your gynea clinic to ask :)


I also have ulcer :( behind my lips on my gums.. Not sure what to apply too.

Hmm my appetite has improved since first tri was like more nauseous n vomiting.
But I m scared of being too hungry so I try to eat more often.. If not I will feel sick :(

also, has ur gyne started u guys on fish oil? My friends who were preggie previously ate
but my gyne says she won't start me till later. Anyone also like that? :)


Active Member
Hello sunbeams. One gynae told me take DHA not fish oil as fish oil is supposedly no good but
DHA ok. Another gynae gave me fish oil since my first trimester!

I am confused!
Sunbeam , littlej

I bought efamol fish oil for pregnancy one.My gynae ask me to go ahead and take. I started this week at week 16.

i think different gynae has different practice ... DHA is also to develop the brain and heart, maybe you just listen to the gynae who recommended you DHA.Maybe he felt that you no need EPA, as fish oil contains EPA too. During pregnancy, i read that the ratio of DHA versus EPA cannot exceed 20%. Too much of EPA will cause bleeding. So it must be EPA low, DHA high, so when you buy fish oil, must take note of this. Fish oil contains both.
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babywipes, Sunbeams, faithmummy: Putting salt directly is soooo painful! I ever tried, the ulcer turned bigger and more painful, dare nto try again. But I agree with gargle salt water especially during brushing, painless. Just that at my MIL's place, there's no salt in the house. :err:

I guess I shall go back and take some from my mum's place. The tongue ulcer is pretty painful unless I don't twist my tongue when eating which I have no idea how to.

Oh yes, during the start of my 2nd trimester, gynae did suggest to me fish oil tablets, but as I already sick of taking folio acid and calcium tablets, and hate drinking plain water, I rejected. She said it's okay if I don't feel comfortable with more tablets, but reminded me to eat more fish instead.